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Correction Notice

The correct email is Because of the mistaken email, there will be an extension on the deadline. Questions will be received until March 26 and answers will be provided on March 29. All other timeline items will remain the same.

Threat, Risk and Vulnerability Assessments for all District Facilities

Purpose for RFQ

  • Identify, assess and map threats, risks and security gaps at the Provo City School District campuses and offices.
  • Understand the organizational factors that could both constrain and enhance security efforts.
  • Assist the Provo City School District in implementing a security upgrade program by closing skill gaps, improving physical security and augmenting security and emergency procedures.


Provo City School District (“District”), located in Provo, Utah, operates 13 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, 2 comprehensive high schools, as well as one other special school. With more than 17,000 students, Provo is the 10th largest district in Utah.

Length of Contract

The Contract resulting from this RFQ will be for the period of up to one year. After one year the contract may be reviewed an extended to include training and/or consultation based on Quality of product and financial support.

The District reserves the right to review the contract on a regular basis regarding performance and cost analysis and may negotiate price and service elements during the term of contract.

Pricing Guarantee Period

All pricing must be guaranteed for the initial term of the contract. Provo City School District Will be given the immediate benefit of any decrease in the market, Or allowable discount including and you price reduction due to the State of Utah adopting the system. Renewal option pricing for future years will be predicted in the bid and be guaranteed up to 2 years out.

Scope of Work

  • The threat, risk and vulnerability assessment will include (TRVA):
  • Identifying internal and external potential threats, the capabilities of the adversary and their methods of operation (MO) – plenary, surveillance, and information gathering … execution.
  • Identify what the Staff perceives as threats.
  • Identify the school’s constraints and reservations about implementing certain threat mitigation and security solutions.
  • Identify tangible and intangible assets of the schools and their overall risk exposure.
  • Conduct a full risk assessment that includes a matrix of all threats (human, natural, technology etc.), plotting their likelihood against consequences of occurrence. This will guide school’s management as to how to prioritize dealing with various threats.
  • Conduct an inventory of online and social media exposure of schools, administration and students.
  •  The TRVA will identify all operational, procedural and systematic gaps that currently exist, from unlocked doors to deficient access control procedures, and more.
  • Evaluate processes for key distribution and management and/or other building access.
  • A Skill Gap Analysis of the current staff and management vis-à-vis their suspicion, assess threat, respond to a threat and deal with an emergency.
  • Identify gaps in emergency planning, command, control and communication capabilities.
  • Identify any potential risks regarding chemical storage in facilitates
  • Make recommendations for improvements based on the findings above.
  • Summarize findings and recommendations in a detailed report. This report will outline the process and timeline for implementing any recommendations and or trainings. The detailed final report must be presented in “draft” form.

Anticipate Solicitation Timeline

  • Released RFP March 15, 2019
  • Question Submission Deadline March 18, 2019
  • Answer Deadline March 22, 2019 d. Quotes Due April 15, 2019
  • Evaluation period begins April 15, 2019
  • Presentations (if needed) April 22, 2019
  • Award Contract April 26, 2019 h. Contract Finalized April 30, 2019 7.


All questions must be submitted to Charity Williams, Grant Manager. Answers will be given via email.

Quote Response Format

All quotes must include a Technical Quote and a cost quote. Formats for both documents follow:

  • Technical Quote Format (6) Hard copies to be tabbed by section.
    • Tab 1. Executive Summary. The one or two page executive summary is to briefly describe the offeror’s quote. This summary should highlight the major features of the quote. It must indicate any requirements that cannot be met by the offeror. The reader should be able to determine the essence of the quote by reading the executive summary. Protected information requests should be identified in this section.
    • Tab 2. Detailed Response. This section should constitute the major portion of the quote and must contain at least the following information:
      • A complete narrative of the offers assessment of the work to be performed, he offers ability and approach, and the resources necessary to fulfill the requirements. This should demonstrate the offers understanding of the desired overall performance expectations. Clearly indicate any options or alternatives proposed.
      • A specific point by point response, in the order listed, to each requirement in the RFP. This point by point response is to address each of the minimum mandatory requirements. Failure to address the minimum mandatory requirements may result in a quote being deemed non-responsive and removed from consideration.
      • Timeline for onset of project, building visits, information gathering (staff, parent, community interviews) and completion.
    • Tab 3. Protected Information. Please be advised that Utah law considers quote documents as public record subject to inspection under the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA), Utah Code Ann., 63G-2-101, et seq. The quote document of the successful and unsuccessful vendors shall be open to public inspection, except for portions that part to be non-disclosed as per Utah law. Accordingly, if a vendor desires to request that her record be protected, the vendor must: (a) submit a cover letter with the quote documents specifically identifying which provisions of the quote documents are claimed to be considered for business confidentiality or protected (including trade secrets or other reasons for non-disclosure under GRAMA); and (b) provide a concise statement supporting each claimed provision of business confidentially or protected.
  • Cost Quote Format The quote must be set forth in such a way that it will allow the merits of the quote to be evaluated in conjunction with applicable cost.

Download Full Provo City School District Request For Quotation (RFQ)


The job has been awarded to Guidepost Solutions LLC.

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger