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“Phase 2.5 is a better option for all students and teachers rather than going to phase 3 due to the reason that Covid-19 still isn’t contained to a safe degree. If the students and teachers were to proceed into phase 3, there would be much more time for the virus to spread through students and teachers. Then, once the school day has finished, the students would also infect their family members, which include parents, which will increasingly spread through their co-workers. Also, students are not vaccinated. When a student becomes infected by Covid-19, the virus may have a chance to severely infect the lungs, which can cause death. Sure, the chances of the students dying from the virus aren’t as high as the elderly, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t dying. Some students have other personal health problems, and some of them are struggling to control their health, but once that those students have been infected, the virus could take advantage of the other health conditions that the student has and may result in death.”

If we dont have to have masks then yes. If we do then… no. I HATE MASKS THEY SHALL ALL DIE! In this fire I made of course. I will allso except if you give me some $$$ You will give me $$$ eather way. Thanks 🙂

We shouldn’t go back to a full-time schedule yet. We should wait until vaccines are more readily available to everyone and most people have taken the vaccine. It shouldn’t take a whole lot longer, and being impatient can cost people their lives. Risking the lives of so many individuals isn’t worth one last term’s worth of grades. One of the reasons many students’ grades are worse this year is because we haven’t been taught how to manage time, and it’s caused us to form bad habits. It would be wise for the schools to start investing in teaching students good management skills next year so that when other major situations (like this global pandemic) occur, students will be better prepared to handle whatever we have to deal with. Time management is a very difficult thing to learn on your own for all ages. Many adults can’t do a good job of managing their time, heck not even their money. We can’t all be expected to have the ability to efficiently manage our time when we haven’t been taught how. I really do understand that many students’ grades are suffering this year, but as I said before, going back to a full-time schedule is not the proper solution; it puts too many lives at risk. The schools should wait to go back to full-time school and, starting next year, should invest in teaching students proper time management skills. I certainly hope that this actually gets read and isn’t just blown off simply because I’m a student and not an adult. In the case that you do read this and actually consider what I’ve said, I give you my sincere thanks – otherwise, you deserve none. –Cristian Rich Timpview High School Class of 2022″

We shouldn’t go back to a full-time schedule yet. We should wait until vaccines are more readily available to everyone and most people have taken the vaccine. It shouldn’t take a whole lot longer, and being impatient can cost people their lives. Risking the lives of so many individuals isn’t worth one last term’s worth of grades. One of the reasons many students’ grades are worse this year is because we haven’t been taught how to manage time, and it’s caused us to form bad habits. It would be wise for the schools to start investing in teaching students good management skills next year so that when other major situations (like this global pandemic) occur, students will be better prepared to handle whatever we have to deal with. Time management is a very difficult thing to learn on your own for all ages. Many adults can’t do a good job of managing their time, heck not even their money. We can’t all be expected to have the ability to efficiently manage our time when we haven’t been taught how. I really do understand that many students’ grades are suffering this year, but as I said before, going back to a full-time schedule is not the proper solution; it puts too many lives at risk. The schools should wait to go back to full-time school and, starting next year, should invest in teaching students proper time management skills. I certainly hope that this actually gets read and isn’t just blown off simply because I’m a student and not an adult. In the case that you do read this and actually consider what I’ve said, I give you my sincere thanks – otherwise, you deserve none. –Cristian Rich Timpview High School Class of 2022

As a student during the pandemic life has been hectic for me. The school schedule is constantly changing, and it makes it a lot harder to try and juggle my work schedule after school as well as being able to help care for and babysit my younger siblings. With the constant changing of the school schedule I have had to try and change my schedules so that I am able to get the hours I need at work and home.

If the school went to Phase 3, I would have drastically less time to work at my job after school. It could potentially lead to me losing the job if I am not able to work the necessary hours. The longer school day would prevent me from watching my younger siblings when they need it. With us being in Phase 2 1/2 I have had more time to finish class assignments, and I have been able to earn the money I need. Staying in the phase we are in now would be a great benefit to me and I would spend a lot less time trying to figure out how to juggle everything in my afterschool life.

We have changed phases more than 5 times this year, and we are exhausted. Every day, I come home from school more relieved than I was last year. I have more time to work on my mental health, complete assignments, and work on career skills for a better future. I am a teenager. These extra hours are one of the only things I have to help me nowadays. During this year, hours have been taken away and added to our lives. It brings stress. What do I need my schedule to look like? How are any of us able to feel a little more relaxed with an inconsistent schedule like this? These rapid changes are not only interrupting our schedules but our parent’s and teacher’s schedule as well. A school board’s job is to make sure we’re getting the proper education, but it’s not only that. They need to consider the well-being of the students, parents, and teachers. These back-and-forth decisions are separating the school board from its responsibilities. The bonds between you and us are breaking; we are all beginning to lose trust. Letting us know that we are going to be in stage 2.5 for the rest of the year was a great idea, mainly because it helped all of us plan for the future. Switching to phase 3 means you have lied. If you choose to stay in the current phase, then less worry will be upon the decisions of the school board. If you do choose to move forward with the next phase, then at least let everybody know 2-3 weeks prior so we’ll have time to prepare. Thank you for conducting the survey and allowing everybody to be heard.”

” I do not think we should go to school full time because most kids do not wear their masks all day and very few do. we are trying to be careful so more time would not be comfortable for me.

I know this is not what the survey is asking, but our family has a pretty full day, and if we went to school full time that would only give us about an hour at home.”

I don’t think that this would be a good idea because we have already had so much stress about moving phases and then just from Covid in general. Don’t forget that school is stressful by itself. I think that moving to phase 3 would affect us, students, in a very bad way.


“-As a whole, we are still at the height of the pandemic, and switching to full-time would almost definitely increase cases. -There would need to be lunch, which would add to exposure/spread, no matter how carefully food was prepared and distributed, since students would be in close contact and need to remove their masks to eat. -For me personally: I need to lie down after school; I can’t be upright for longer. The desks are terrible for my back and skeleton. As it is, I already get incapacitating soreness, nerve pain, and spasms, along with daily migraines. If school were to be longer, there would need to be breaks and places to lie down and/or better chairs and desks.”

“I don’t want it to go back to normal yet. I think I’ll have to do more math.” Fourth grader, age 10

“I don’t want to go back to the regular hours of school because don’t like to be in school that long.” ~Second grade student

“I like school and I want to go there more time.” First grader, age 7

“””Um… I want to stay at 1:45 to get out… i have other stuff planned with my family and sports after school and I dont want to miss out or have to change all my stuff. Please don’t change it back till next year! -Garrison

“”I like school out at 1:45, please!”” -Hudson”

“I like school how it is”

“(Elementary schools can probably go back as they are less likely to get/spread covid, and both need & want full time school, esp DLI kids, more that upper level schools) As for high school, not only are students struggling with mental health issues that longer school would only make worse (teachers are assigning heavier homework loads to make up for lost time in the beginning of the school year, students are drowning already & taking away extra after-school time will only make that worse), but as has been seen with the student sponsored MORP in SLC, a large portion of the timpview student body CANNOT BE TRUSTED to actually follow guidelines and keep themselves & others safe (and mask wearing + distancing at school is not nearly as good as it is made out to be). Going back to full time school & increasing time spent at school in class with other students hurts those that have at-risk family members and those already struggling financially where students have to be working after school to bring in crucial extra income. Please think of the students in need and the students who are struggling whose parents aren’t putting up a fight and threatening with lawyers. Please think of the students as a whole and keep us in Phase 2 (or whatever we’re currently in).”

(This is a student response – feel free to share this) I think that elementary schools should be allowed to move to phase three for a few reasons. Elementary Students have tons of material that the teachers need to cover, and they need the time to cover it all. They also have one main teacher, and so there will be a minimal amount of change switching to full time school. I have no siblings in middle school and so I have no experience with the situation in middle school. I think that High schools should stay in the current schedule (deemed phase 2.5) for a few reasons. Most upper classman (like me) hold high school jobs and/or internships. My internship and job schedule is reliant on the current school schedule with the release at 12:05, and I know that many of my friend’s schedules are reliant on that too. In addition, there will only be around 8 weeks of class left, and I do not think that the time left in school justifies the added stress and time to redo my entire school, work, and internship schedule. I am in favor in opening the schools back up from the restrictions on school dances and sporting events because the case numbers are dropping. However, I am not in support of changing the school schedule because of the added stress and disruption that students would experience from it.

“1. It doesn’t make sense to switch to full time with only 1 term left in the school year. 2. For someone like me, who chose the hybrid option, I only have 2 classes at school. However, with the full day school, it means that I will have to totally revamp my homeschool schedule because my classes will be at different time. *if we have to go to full day, can we at least have fridays off?”

“10 questions: 1) How are lunches going to be organized? What about Social distancing? Have 7 different lunch times? 2) Are you aware that people have their own schedules that fit the phase two schedule? 3) Have you asked any teachers their opinion? I don’t think you hear them, but I hear their opinions a lot at school. Not good ones. 4) Do you actually care about the “”health and safety”” of everyone? 5) Are you doing this survey to pretend that you’re listening to everyone’s opinions, like you should be doing? 6) These aren’t “”normal”” times. Why are you pushing to go back to the “”normal”” schedule? 7) Do you only listen to what you want to listen to? 8) There’s three months left in the school year. Why move to phase three? 9) What have you done in this school year to ensure the “”health and safety”” of everyone? 10) Are you aware that there is a <<>> going on? *gasp In conclusion, NO, I will not be supportive of “”transitioning all PCSD schools to full time school (Phase 3) around March 22″”. I sincerely hope that the district that doesn’t seem to care will improve somehow and make the right choice this time. I could have run the district better than the actual district did this year. I’m devastated that we have such incompetent leaders who make decisions that change our lives. Very disappointed in the district, have been disappointed to start with, and will continue to be disappointed in this stupid district that doesn’t care about anything. I hope whoever’s reading realizes this.”

1st graders at Lakeview should get less homework

“2020 shook up everything more than anyone could have expected. Because of that, the plans for school and the scheduling has been yanked around all over the place. What we need right now to finish off the school year strong is consistency. We’ve been in phase 2.5 for such a comfortable time now, that we are finally starting to get into a rhythm of sorts. To completely change direction all over again would be hard on students, but even harder on teachers. They have been working tirelessly to find a way to schedule time for their students. Now that they’ve finally found the best way to do that, it would be unfair to change things on them again and force them to reschedule all their work. I appreciate the image of having more time in school to do work, but that doesn’t change the fact that more sudden changes will lead to higher anxiety levels in faculty and students. there’s enough pressure put on students already, it would not be fair to them to increase that pressure. Creating more school hours for students will only lead to frustration and even more of a loss of motivation. With less time at school, we have had the opportunity to find more free time in our day. Taking that extra time away will only add to the frustration of the students. In conclusion, we as students simply need stability. I want to thank you for allowing me to express my opinion like this. I feel that I don’t often have the opportunity to speak my mind in these matters and I hope that you will think carefully about my points here. “

“4th grader-I don’t want to go to school longer because I already have a hard time breathing in my mask and I’m tired and I I don’t know if I can go for two more hours and still be happy at school. It’s really boring this year. all we do is wonders and into math and take tests.

6th grader-I don’t want to go to school until 3:20 because I already go til 2:00 to meet with Mrs. Staten. I work with her after school and so do some of my friends so I don’t have to get pulled out during my time with my teacher and then I don’t miss stuff in class. I don’t like missing stuff in class. I have orchestra two days a week after school and I like that I get to play the cello more then one time a week. I can get on zoom with Mr smith four times if I want to instead of only specialties once a week. I mostly get on two times though.”

7 extra minutes in each class won’t change students learning experience, getting covid due to super spreader lunch happening every day definitely will.

A lot of kids already don’t wear mask the right way. Longer day means more risk.

A lot of people do not wear masks properly and it will be harder for everybody to wear their masks through a whole day, I don’t think phase 3 should happen at this time.

A lot of seniors are already stressed about going back and forth with schedules, and end of term and graduation stresses everyone even more, I also know a lot of people including me personally have their work schedules surrounded by half days of school. It is already mentally exhausting having to figure out what phase we are in and if covid cases at school go up mostly after that party the school will have to shut down back and we will be even more exhausted. I personally dont think it is a smart idea for the last 2 months left.

A lot of students have really busy schedules and will have to move them around again if the schedules change. Also the shorter school days allow more time to accomplish the homework outside of school and still participate in sports and extracurricular activities. For me, as a student, I know that I don’t need to be in school 8 hours/day in order to be successful in my classes. I’m better off using the extra time outside of school productively.

“A partir de marzo 22 entraran 8 am a 3:20 pm? Será la hora regular? Desde ya muchas gracias,”

Absolutely not

absolutely not there has been too many changes and you guys have not been asking or even caring about the students opinions and what they want it is a complete joke that you are not even taking our opinion into consideration and just doing whatever you guys think is best. I would be very disappointed if you did not listen to the students. We have had too much change in schedule and we have finally gotten into a little bit of a groove During this phase and it has been effective but still safe. I do not support move into phase 3 and neither do my children who attend timpview

Absolutely not. Going to phase three will make my grades go down and hire both my social life and my mental stability.

Absolutely not. Going to phase three will make my grades go down.

Absolutely not. Going to phase three will make my grades go down.

After getting used to phase 2.5, I’m able to complete all of my work in school, and don’t need the extra 2 hours of school to do nothing in.

“After spring break maybe “

all though the teachers have been vaccinated, the students yet haven’t. Covid can still be transmitted from student to student even teacher to student. lets limit the student count and still mandate masks

Already feel way too busy with school and extra extracurricular activities. Right now I get home at about 6:30 pm but if you add a useless couple of hours of school I would be getting home at around 8 every night and that would be way too stressful and long of a day. I also don’t feel the need to go back to regular school, I feel way more productive this year than any other year because of the extra time I have for sports and homework. Thanks!

Already so busy with half day school, can’t handle full day school

although cases are decreasing, too many students at timpview are not wearing their masks properly and going to school already feels dangerous as it is. on another note, all of these changes are cashing so much mental and emotional strain and stress on all of the students. it’s so much to handle on top of covid and homework and our personal lives that staying in phase 2 would be so much better for us. most of us have schedules now that we stick to. changing things up all over again is not going to help, it’ll only cause more stress and going to school will feel more dangerous than it does now. please consider staying in phase 2, i’m begging you for the sake of our mental health and the physical health of us and our loved ones.

although cases are decreasing, too many students at timpview are not wearing their masks properly and going to school already feels dangerous as it is. on another note, all of these changes are cashing so much mental and emotional strain and stress on all of the students. it’s so much to handle on top of covid and homework and our personal lives that staying in phase 2 would be so much better for us. most of us have schedules now that we stick to. changing things up all over again is not going to help, it’ll only cause more stress and going to school will feel more dangerous than it does now. please consider staying in phase 2, i’m begging you for the sake of our mental health and the physical health of us and our loved ones.

Although COVID is getting better, we’re still not close to normalcy. Many scientists from specific fields are worried that if we start opening up and have less restrictions, a blow out will most likely occur, even if it seems like this is all getting better. Other states are already lifting mask mandates, and the whole country is just moving on too quickly. We still have to take things slow in order to fully be able to go back.

Although the school has very few cases, there are still a few cases in the school. 5 out of 3000 is still a high probability. It is not worth risking your health. I do not want my mom in China to worry. I am here, in a foreign country, crazy country. I am an only child. I do not know if many parents know what it feels like to be a mother of an only child. I just want to be safe. Not letting my mom worry is respect. It is one of the best values of this world. If we lose respect, we are not worth doing anything else. I don’t care about what things I miss if I do not attend school in person full-time. Those things are not as valuable as love, respect, and other virtuous values. I think the school district should respect human rights by not forcing us to go full-time face to face. If the school district does this, I may not be able to attend school and have to drop out. I am doing my senior and junior year together. I worked so hard. I do not want to waste all of that. The school should let students have a choice. It is a basic human right. This country is founded on freedom and liberty.

Although the vaccines are getting out to people I think that you should wait because not everyone has access to the vaccine yet. There could be a spike in the numbers and I really don’t think that you should risk it for going to school in person. There is still online school and maybe some people feel safer doing online than going back to in-person school.

An ideal situation would be to go back full day but have FRIDAY be a teacher work day so they can catch up with in person and online students and a catch up day for the students.

An ideal situation would be to go back full day but have FRIDAY be a teacher work day so they can catch up with in person and online students and a catch up day for the students.

An increase of school days would not only put added pressure, but also the health and safety concerns still haven’t gone away. I am a Highschooler, and a lot of other Highschoolers don’t even try to stay covid safe (wear a mask that covers mouth & nose, social distancing) and I don’t feel safe having a lunch period with those that could have covid. I would love to have full day school, but the added pressure, and the health and safety reasons make me feel that we shouldn’t move to phase 3. Thank you.

Antes pensaba que estaba bien empezar normalmente las clases horas normales pero al tener yo el virus me di cuenta que es un virus muy malo no quiero que mi hija o otros niños pasen por esos dolores.Si es posible mantener el distanciamiento social y el uso de máscaras sería lo ideal.

ARE THESE PEOPLE CRAZY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We shouldn’t be staying until 11:59 pm

as a chronically ill student at provo high school i am very against going into phase 3

As a high school student I’ve already have been stressed enough with transition to phase 2.5. It just messes with my schedule and I just can’t handle switching again as it makes it more difficult for me. I’m not just talking for my self, my sister has been in a bad mood since the school year started and she’s had a tough time dealing with this phase transitioning. I also wouldn’t like to transition to phase 3 because I still don’t feel safe even if there is a positive trend with a decrease in cases. I really would like to go back to school normally, but I just feel like its not time yet because things are still not normal yet. Every time we do a transition my grades go from mostly A’s with some B’s, to many B’s and C’s with only one or two A’s and it really effects the end result of my Grades for that term.

As a high school student it is extremely difficult to be switching my schedule around constantly. Whenever we try to change phases it seems like we have to go back then go up and it’s frustrating. It messes with my anxiety a lot and it’s honestly just hard having to constantly be dealing with schedule changes. I’ve really enjoyed this phase 2.5 and I think we should stay at this phase.

As a high school student it is extremely difficult to be switching my schedule around constantly. Whenever we try to change phases it seems like we have to go back then go up and it’s frustrating. It messes with my anxiety a lot and it’s honestly just hard having to constantly be dealing with schedule changes. I’ve really enjoyed this phase 2.5 and I think we should stay at this phase.

“As a high school student, I feel very strongly that we should not move to phase three at this time, if at all. I understand the feeling of administrators to get more in-person student-teacher time, however, I believe the negative impacts of phase 3 outweigh the benefits. I feel as though phase 2.5 allows me enough time with my teachers, and keeps me healthy, and gives me the flexibility to work in ways that help me learn best.

At this point, students have re-arranged their lives around the pandemic. We have homework, jobs, internships, practices, service, and other things scheduled already. Moving to a full day this year would be disastrous for most of the high schoolers I have talked to. Not only does it limit the time we have to work on homework, but it also limits our flexibility to plan our days in the most effective ways for our individual needs.

This year has been extremely turbulent and we are doing our best to adapt to whiplash changes as they come, but something as large as adding full school days to our schedules will be really hard to adjust to. Additionally, high school-age students have not been able to be vaccinated yet, and neither have most of our family members, increasing the time spent around each other and reducing cleaning time does not seem like a logical way to continue the decrease in cases.

So please, for our health, and honestly, student’s sanity, consider the real impacts that moving to phase 3 will have on students. “

“As a high school student, I feel very strongly that we should not move to phase three at this time, if at all. I understand the feeling of administrators to get more in-person student-teacher time, however, I believe the negative impacts of phase 3 outweigh the benefits. I feel as though phase 2.5 allows me enough time with my teachers, and keeps me healthy, and gives me the flexibility to work in ways that help me learn best.

At this point, students have re-arranged their lives around the pandemic. We have homework, jobs, internships, practices, service, and other things scheduled already. Moving to a full day this year would be disastrous for most of the high schoolers I have talked to. Not only does it limit the time we have to work on homework, but it also limits our flexibility to plan our days in the most effective ways for our individual needs.

This year has been extremely turbulent and we are doing our best to adapt to whiplash changes as they come, but something as large as adding full school days to our schedules will be really hard to adjust to. Additionally, high school-age students have not been able to be vaccinated yet, and neither have most of our family members, increasing the time spent around each other and reducing cleaning time does not seem like a logical way to continue the decrease in cases.

So please, for our health, and honestly, student’s sanity, consider the real impacts that moving to phase 3 will have on students. “

As a high schooler my time isn’t as flexible. People expect us to do too many things to make money and be on track to graduate. This takes up all my time even now. I don’t believe that angers parents want us to push ourselves harder and yet we still don’t have a say on anything. You guys are stealing our time putting us at risk and we don’t even have choice.

As a high schooler this schedule really helps me manage school, work, and the sport I play. I’m sure a lot of other students have activities to manage in and out of school and this schedule helps them too.

As a Junior in high school, this year has provided many obstacles and has been a source of stress and uncertainty. My schedule has been constantly adjusted to fit the needs of the district. However, moving to phase three would bring many obstacles of its own. All of the students I know including myself from freshman to senior grade, have expressed how busy their schedule has become with the immense amount of homework that is pushed on students on a daily basis as well as jobs that are needed, extra curricular activities such as sports, and time to mentally unwind and relax so that other more urgent issues such as depression and anxiety don’t arise. Moving to phase three would greatly limit the already limited time to do homework and the other activities listed. Students do not need more school hours. There is no making up the amount of time that has been lost. We have been accustomed to fewer hours at school and homework at home. With 4th term being hard enough as it is on students, please do not add the extra pressure of a drastic change in schedule and less time to deal with their situation. As students, we believe that our opinion is important because after all, we are the ones who’s education is being affected by this pandemic. We are not simply trying to limit our school time. Grades will not increase with phase three and I request that you consider this from a student’s perspective. – Kaitlyn Holman

As a senior, my whole work schedule is now based on phase II. Switching to phase III so late in the year and on short notice would be a mess for me and many that I know who have jobs and internships. That’s why I oppose it for High school but not other schools.

As a student and who has witnessed how this year has gone, I do not think going to Phase 3 is a good idea. It feels like we are on a rollercoaster. Going back and forth, from phase to phase is really draining on students and teachers. I think we need to stay where we are. When I say it is really draining for everyone, I’m not lying. I feel like everyone who isn’t involved only sees’s the “glorified” version of this crazy mess. My impression was that everyone was worried about students’ mental health or social life so that’s why we moved to the phase we’re in right now. But now I don’t know if that’s true. Moving back forth is a lot for students. Having our routines change from month to month isn’t helping with our mental health it’s just pleasing the community and parents. I don’t think adults know how everything going on in the world is ALSO affecting children and teenagers as well. In the past, our district hasn’t listened to anyone but the people who aren’t witnessing these things going on. That needs to change. Our student body is amazing here at Provo High. We want to have our voices heard. Instead of trying to do something for the district’s ego or be on a front-page news article, we need to do something that will actually help everyone in the district. We need to stay in phase 2.5 for the rest of the year! Student and teachers’ mental health matter. Stop only thinking about pleasing the outsiders. Start thinking about the people on the inside.

“As a student at Provo High School in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, I strongly disagree with moving forward with Phase 3. It is exhausting to change from phase to phase and not knowing what is needed to be done at home versus what is expected to be done in school. Teachers and students are expected to be able to completely reschedule their whole lives to change phases. Mental health is increasing and so are suicide rates. If nothing in our lives can be normal, and constant, let’s make school something we can keep the same all year.

Why do we feel the need to constantly change our new normal all the time? What is the point in making a new normal every other week? School should be a place where we can rely on specific schedules, assignments, and due dates. It feels like whiplash when are turning our heads to go to different Phases and being told what is right and what is wrong. We are all trying to figure this COVID thing out on our own; let’s come to an agreement on our education.”

As a student I’m most comfortable with the schedule we’re on while things are still crazy and uncertain.

As a student in High School I am overwhelmed by the idea of sitting by a possible super spreader of covid in a cafeteria of 1000 students. I have evolved past the need to be in school for 7 hours a day.

“As a student in Provo School District and Provo High School, I have multiple concerns about the proposed Phase 3 plan. With the addition of lunch to our daily school schedule, this idea raises a number of concerns among the students. There is no full-proof way to ensure that students will put their masks back on after their meals. During the Phase 2.5 lunch, many students don’t wear masks inside the school and continue to walk around the school without masks after eating. In the previous years, countless students would see lunch as an “”early out”” and skip their last period of the day. Also, many students would go to both first lunch and second lunch, missing a whopping 60 minutes of class time.

The jump to Phase 3 too soon would cause the numbers to sky-rocket, forcing us to return to Phase 2.5 once the COVID-19 stats increase, and potentially eliminating the chance of Phase 3 next fall. WIth students skipping classes, eating together in a contextually small room without masks, and students along with teachers being forced to return to even fewer days of school. The addition of lunch and Phase 3 could end up being an overall catastrophe. “

As a student who has struggled with adapting to each new schedule, I don’t think it is worth it to stress the kids out so much. I have also been having an extremely hard time focusing while wearing a mask and I don’t think that I can wear one any longer than the time at school already. in my opinion I think it would be smarter to just finish the year without any major changes.

As a student who is very active at Provo high, there is little room for change without negative outcomes. The virus has already put a massive amount of weight on my mental health and this phase 3 shift would tremendously affect me. All my peers are not in favor of this change and it’s unfair to do what the student body is highly against.

As a student with multiple extra-curricular teams, little siblings at home and a job, schedules are important and need to be set in stone if I want to balance everything. To say the least, I, and many students, need consistency. Every time we switch a phase students get super stressed, and quite hard to be around honestly. I know that your goal might be to have students in class more but I don’t think that we can handle that right now or that it would fix any problems. I, and many others, honestly believe that more students would give up, stop trying or have be much more stressed if we move to phase three. What we need most is to finish off the year in the phase we are currently in. As of right now, full time seems stressful, anxiety-inducing and honestly impractical with everything else going on. Though we can all agree Covid is not as severe as it was at the beginning of the year, especially with the new vaccines, I feel as though we should wait until a lot more students and teachers can get vaccinated before moving to phase three. As a person who has experienced loss due to Covid, it is not worth the risk, especially since there are a lot of students living with high risk persons.

As a student with special needs, it is too hard for me to wear a mask all day long. Shorter days are better. Let’s finish this year this way and we will see about next year.

“As a student-athlete at Provo High School all I want is to go back to normal, no masks, longer passing periods, no covid tests, and more. But it’s just not realistic. You say we can’t have dances and normal sports audiences, then why are we allowed to go back to full days of school. With full days the longer exposure to each other is gonna increase cases and exposures. Yet, you still say we can’t hang out with friends for 2 hours at a dance but we can go to school for almost 7 hours with more students than a dance would have, it’s just not logical.

As students, we can’t be vaccinated and we won’t be until this school year is well over. With us not being vaccinated, it’s even more dangerous to increase time at school because it only adds to the chances of getting sick or getting someone else sick. We all have the same goal of getting covid cases down, the vaccine will help when everyone gets it but until then we need to do everything else in our power to stay safe. The shorter days are helping students get the right amount of education safely but adding more hours will only hurt students and teachers.

As a student, I think phase 2.5 is amazing for me. I feel like I learn as much as I would in a normal class except with more homework but with the extra time, it’s ok. It works better for me for working a job and any after-school activities with friends. I love what we have now and I think most students agree that this is better then normal school, even with the restrictions.

As a student, I feel that I am more productive during the morning than in the afternoon. I feel that we are able to get enough things done in class as it is now and if you were to change the school day schedule it would make it a lot harder for some students to pay attention for that long of a class.

As a student, I know the real impact of this on me. Phase 2 and 2.5 have been the best option, and all students I talk to agree. More time in class is more exposure, and will not decrease the amount of online learning, based on how teachers are teaching and handing out assignments. Kids need those extra hours at home to complete the homework given. The early out also helps with afterschool activities to end before family dinner times.

As a student, I know the real impact of this on me. Phase 2 and 2.5 have been the best option, and all students I talk to agree. More time in class is more exposure, and will not decrease the amount of online learning, based on how teachers are teaching and handing out assignments. Kids need those extra hours at home to complete the homework given. The early out also helps with afterschool activities to end before family dinner times.

As a student, I know the real impact of this on me. Phase 2 and 2.5 have been the best option, and all students I talk to agree. More time in class is more exposure, and will not decrease the amount of online learning, based on how teachers are teaching and handing out assignments. Kids need those extra hours at home to complete the homework given. The early out also helps with afterschool activities to end before family dinner times.

As hard as it is for all students to learn at home, this pandemic needs to end and it won’t if we’re making huge gatherings with stupid pathetic cloth masks thinking that that will save us

As hard as it is for all students to learn at home, this pandemic needs to end and it won’t if we’re making huge gatherings with stupid pathetic cloth masks thinking that that will save us

As long as it’s safe, and it won’t increase I support it

“As someone who pays close attention to the stupid things that kids do, I can verify that students take social distancing and masks as a joke. It’s a rarity to see someone taking masks seriously in the hallways and social distancing isn’t even possible in a school setting. If we move to phase 3, we’ll be back to phase 1 in a week and a half tops. “

As someone whose whole family likely got Covid from me and my sister going to school this past month, I’m not supportive of this possible decision.

“As students in High School during a world-wide pandemic, we don’t want to go to Phase 3. This year has been torture on our mental states. We have been going through multiple changes in our schedules and doing that, messing up our mental clocks, and our sleep schedules. You tell us that you want us to get at least 8 hours of sleep, but, we can’t do that if we can’t get a set school time and day.

If we go to Phase 3, we would have to get used to yet another phase and schedule, we can’t get our homework and studies done, because we have our social lives, we are not dedicated to doing work every single minute of every single day. If we stay in Phase 2.5, I feel like we would be able to work better, and faster than if we were going to try to adjust to Phase 3.

It makes it hard for us to get used to a new phase when it continually changes what phase we are in. And we are only 2 months from being out of school, so why should we change it again? I hope you keep these things in mind as you make your decision.”

As students we are always told to have stability and with school changing schedules all the time we don’t have time to get used to anything and make a routine/schedule. we have 3 months left of school let us stay in phase “2.5”. it feels like school can’t make up their minds and it’s hard being a student always wondering what school is gonna be like in a few weeks. I say we suck it up in phase “2.5” for the rest of the school year and we can switch back in august to phase 3

As students we have been trying to transition and get used to every change, which has been a struggle since changes keep happening. We have finally gotten used to our schedule and have finally gotten back to a some what normal life. So by suddenly deciding to go to phase 3 when there are only a few months of school left is wrong and unfair. Lots of students have jobs or other things that would get messed up if we switched to phase 3. I believe we should stay where we are at and change back to the normal schedule next school year. We don’t want to have to go through another tough transition when we have finally found some sense of normalcy and routine schedule.

“As students, trying to balance their personal life and school life, the decision of whether to go to phase 3 or stay in phase 2.5 is major. I believe that staying in phase 2.5 has the most benefits and the least consequences. For me personally, staying in phase 2 will allow me to continue to go to work. When covid hit my mom had to change her job and work from home. Since then there’s been a financial struggle at home. My older brothers and I often help out with groceries, bills, and problems that come up. I just turned sixteen and quit the job I’ve had for almost a year to go to a better-paying job. The only problem is they want me to work certain hours, starting soon after we get out of school (12:30). If we went to phase 3 I wouldn’t have the time to work and study every day. I know many students who are currently working right after school. In the past year, the school schedule has already gone through many alterations. Changing to phase 3 would change current schedules yet again, limit income, and be difficult for students to work while still getting in study time every day. “

Assuming that class time is still utilized effectively, and teachers don’t start overwhelming students with work outside of class, I think that moving to phase three will help students feel that normalcy is returning and will help make sure that all the required content is covered in each class, and it will be beneficial to the students

At first, I was all for going to phase III, but then as I’ve spoken to people and realized the logistics and amount of work and time to change everything, I’ve come to believe it’s bot worth it considering how close we are to the end of the year. There’s RISE testing, Spring Break, End of Year activities. I just don’t think it’s going to accomplish much but stress and frustration. A better option might be opening up after school where teachers can have small groups or help 1 on 1 with students struggling.

At school we are only doing online work and it would not be worth staying in school longer for work that could easily do at home.

Ayudará más en su progreso académico

Bad idea

Based off of research done by the CDC and other research institutions, I think that to open the schools would be unwise, especially when it comes to older students. With the concern of new strains, and the fact that close to no teenagers have been given the vaccine, even though they are part of the most contagious age group. I think we should wait until next year, when people can have the opportunity to get the vaccine over the summer. I think we are to excited to go back to normal, even if its not completely safe. we need to be safe then sorry

be cause my moms work

Because I am in middle school and next year I go to high school and I don’t want to stay school a lot because I hard that the school starts at 7:30 it ends at 4:00 if they do phase 3 so I don’t want to do that because I also heard they’re much homework and how should I do? but this is the thing I think it will be a good idea to do this way. I think it’s better to do it after lunch it’s a zoom setting because if they do then you don’t have to spend the time going home, father done with zoom meeting you can just do homework so I think this is better.

Because I don’t feel safe. There isn’t a vaccine for us. We are at a major risk to get the covid-19.

Because I don’t want to have to wear a mask for 7 hours a day, and come home with about the same amount of homework.

Because I like going to school!

Because I like going to school!

Because I like going to school!

Because i like the Monday to Thuresday and i like at 1:20 because it really normal and cool

because I’m not sure I’m going back to normal

Because I’m scared that I could catch covid being at school longer and I like that class is not soo long I learn and don’t get tired and pay more attention now that class isn’t so long

Because in phase 2 he has more time to do homework.

Because it doesn’t make sense! If we are still being careful with covid-19 and we are still wearing masks, why do you want to prolong classes and increase the risks? Everyone is tired of wearing masks and making classes longer, it just makes it more tedious and depressing. You should listen to students, teachers and their parents before thinking about doing something like that! You do not know who is really preventing the virus or not!

Because it doesn’t make sense! If we are under threat with covid-19 and we are still wearing masks, why do you want to prolong classes and increase risks? We are tired of wearing masks and making classes longer, it just makes everything more tedious and depressing. Listen to students, teachers and their parents before thinking about doing something like this! You do not know who is really preventing the virus or not!

Because it doesn’t make sense! If we are under threat with covid-19 and we are still wearing masks, why do you want to prolong classes and increase risks? We are tired of wearing masks and making classes longer, it just makes everything more tedious and depressing. Listen to students, teachers and their parents before thinking about doing something like this! You do not know who is really preventing the virus or not!

Because it doesn’t make sense! If we are under threat with covid-19 and we are still wearing masks, why do you want to prolong classes and increase risks? We are tired of wearing masks and making classes longer, it just makes everything more tedious and depressing. Listen to students, teachers and their parents before thinking about doing something like this! You do not know who is really preventing the virus or not!

Because it doesn’t make sense! If we are under threat with covid-19 and we are still wearing masks, why do you want to prolong classes and increase risks? We are tired of wearing masks and making classes longer, it just makes everything more tedious and depressing. Listen to students, teachers and their parents before thinking about doing something like this! You do not know who is really preventing the virus or not!

Because it doesn’t make sense! If we are under threat with covid-19 and we are still wearing masks, why do you want to prolong classes and increase risks? We are tired of wearing masks and making classes longer, it just makes everything more tedious and depressing. Listen to students, teachers and their parents before thinking about doing something like this! You do not know who is really preventing the virus or not!

Because it doesn’t make sense! If we are under threat with covid-19 and we are still wearing masks, why do you want to prolong classes and increase risks? We are tired of wearing masks and making classes longer, it just makes it more tedious and depressing. Listen to students, teachers and their parents before thinking about doing something like this! You do not know who is really preventing the virus or not!

Because it is not worth going to school with full days with a mask

Because it’s nice to have half days

Because kids have more time left and school is short

Because kids have more time left and school is short

Because of Covid I don’t think it’s safe yet.

Because of my family.

Because the governor wants 100000 people vaccinated before we can go to normal life.

Because we are still not protected from the coronavirus.

Because wearing masks that long would be hard. I already struggle

Because wearing masks that long would be hard. I already struggle

Because wearing masks that long would be hard. I already struggle

becus shcool is boeng

Behind every mask their is a college graduate let’s not have this pandemic stop their education

Behind every mask their is a college graduate let’s not have this pandemic stop their education

Behind every mask their is a college graduate let’s not have this pandemic stop their education

Bring back our education you took away.

Bring back school and stop being dumb.

bruh i don’t want covid nor do i want more school

bruh i don’t want covid nor do i want more school


But I have to be checked out early three days a week for therapy.

“Can i eat longer???

(from a 1st grader)”

Can we please make masks optional. They’re the worst. I don’t care if anyone wants to wear them just stop forcing me.

Can you please leave it. I like it how it is.

Can’t afford a babysitter make school normal again.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Cases are still rising, I have a job, and it’s a waste of time if we are learning the same thing in a shorter amount of time.

Changing all schools back on a regular schedule will get the students back in line like it was before the pandemic and will help students and teachers back on track to homework and projects.

Changing schedules will only make all the covid stuff more complicated. If we go back to phase 3, there will be more time for the virus to spread and people don’t social distance very much.

Changing schools to a full time schedule would disrupt schedules that have already been made around our current schedule. Personally, as a 12th grader, I would have to change my internship schedule, my work schedule, and I would have even less time to do my homework and be involved in school activities. I am already having a really hard time keeping my grades up for my full class schedule, so another schedule change would make the school year even more stressful than it already has been and burn me and other students out more than it already has. Please consider the students opinions in this decision, we are the ones who will have to make the most sacrifices here.

Changing the high schools to Phase 3 will make more problems than we currently have. Elementary schools will be fine but please don’t change the high schools.

Changing to phase three at this time would be extremely damaging to the students and would hurt more than help.

Changing to phase three for high schools would district so much including jobs that students have and sports schedules.

Changing to phase three for high schools would district so much including jobs that students have and sports schedules.

Changing to phase three for high schools would district so much including jobs that students have and sports schedules.

Children from low-income families who face hunger, possible abuse, mental health difficulties, and other issues have been hit the hardest during this pandemic. Local communities including religious organizations, social workers, and mental health specialists, along with educators and school officials, are needed to continue to help those struggling. I think our schools need to help too. Limiting the amount of time we are at school will decrease Covid cases and make the virus die faster. I think things are working very well right now with the schedule we are living. No need to change what is working just so Covid cases will go up:)

Close to 40% of the student body at my school either does not a mask or wears it incorrectly. The administration and staff have stopped enforcing mask wearing all together, which makes students believe they can get away with it. Coming to school the way we are now is already a risk with how many people disregard the guidelines, and going back full time is only going to make it worse. I am pleading you to keep it the way it is. I have an immunocompromised family member at home, and a very pregnant family member who it would be very bad if she got COVID.

Considering that no one is taking precautions and most students aren’t vaccinated yet, I don’t think this is the best route. Also, students who preform well in other countries go to school on this same schedule. This is the best way to keep it. It’s also incredibly difficult for students to keep regularity when they are constantly changing back and for the schedules. Keep this current phase 2.5 through the end of the year and go back to norma next year.

“Coronavirus has struck the world with 115 million cases and 2.5 million deaths. Now you want to have us move to Phase 3, where we will become more susceptible to this deadly virus. Students have been getting told all year, be careful, wash your hands, social distance. Now you’re asking us to do the opposite of that? Switching to Phase 3 entails the following: increasing class time from 60 to 90 minutes, increasing passing periods from 5 to 10 minutes, and putting 1,000 students together in the form of lunchtime. All these things combined are the perfect equation for less social distancing and more time for getting the virus. By increasing the class time available and the passing periods, students have more time to interact with each other. Under normal circumstances, this would be a good thing to socialize. These aren’t normal circumstances. More socializing leads to more time that we as students can get the virus or spread the virus. One of the ways to prevent getting the virus is spreading apart. When most people socialize, they huddle up closer together and might even take off their masks.

When moving to Phase 3, lunch will also be added to the student’s itinerary. 1,000 people eating lunch together is another recipe for disaster. With so many people eating and taking off masks, COVID-19 will run rampant. With so many people looking for spots to eat and taking off masks, it will be nearly impossible for tables and chairs to be sanitized.”

Could we clear the shields around the desks in elementary schools?


COVID 19 is still out and about. We should not be opening up because we are so close to being safe. If we were to open back up all the way, we would be exposing ourselves too early and kids don’t have the option to be vaccinated again. The most likely scenario is that we have to shut completely down again and that would be catastrophic for kid’s learning. During COVID, studies have shown that students grades have dropped enormously when we were so closed off. We are learning the way we are right now and shouldn’t compromise that for anything until we know the risk is lowered. We have adjusted to this lifestyle and let’s finish off the year strong with strong learning and optimistic, but safe, outlooks.

Covid cases are still growing, though the vaccine is out it is not available to the full public until after school is in session. It would be incredibly uncaring to push phase 3 at this time. It puts too many families at risk without any promise of help. School is important but right now we need to focus on the health and livelihood of the community.

covid cases are too high

covid cases are too high

covid cases are too high

covid cases are too high

Covid cases in Provo schools have been low during phase 2 and now that district employees and teachers have had access to vaccinations, I think it’s reasonable to start the transition back to full-time school schedules.

Covid has not been eradicated yet. It’s not safe.

Covid has not deescalated where this is an option

COVID is at an all time high and if we really want it to start dying down we need to limit the amount of time spent outside our homes I don’t even think doing five days a week was a good idea. So we really shouldn’t go into regular school hours as much as I want too!

Covid is not being taken seriously enough. Requiring masks in not enough. Most people, including teachers, don’t even wear the mask properly or at all.

covid is still going around and being spread and it does happen at school too. there are so many people at my school that refuse to wear their masks and going to school full time will not help with that. also a lot of people’s mental health has been very bad because of covid and going to more school will not help with that. i feel that i am still learning a lot in phase 2 and that phase 3 would not make a difference in that, it would make more people get overwhelmed and not want to do any school work

Covid is still going on! This will only make cases go up

Covid is still there, and if we go back to 2:15 we will have to have lunch, and all of these people, at the same time, without masks, eating is a great way to quickly spread the virus.

covid is worse now than it was last march. we were sent home when it wasn’t very necessary & now that it’s more dangerous, why send us back full time ? i learn better in school but full time can be dangerous.

covid is worse now than it was last march. we were sent home when it wasn’t very necessary & now that it’s more dangerous, why send us back full time ? i learn better in school but full time can be dangerous.

COVID isn’t under control yet

Covid not only makes schools an usage place to be, it also makes schoolwork difficult to attend. Provo school district does not enforce their mask or social distancing policies well at all in school, making it uncomfortable for students to attend who wear their masks properly. Covid has been difficult for everyone and going back to school full time will only make that worse. What we are doing now works, teachers are making it work and cutting out busy work and other unnecessary assignments. Adding to students plates will only have a negative impact on students.

Covid positive trend has gone down but that doesn’t mean no one will get sick anymore

“Covid seems to have been ignored in recent months but it is, in fact, still around. Personally in my high school we have been jumping forward way to soon on multiple occasions for seemingly no reason and have had to backtrack quite a lot, harming people in the process. Secondly, and likely more importantly, education will not be improved with the additional time given to the teachers, at least in the high schools. Those who do not participate in class will be even less likely to with an additional 20 minutes of just busywork that it will be filled with. Phase 3 is a bad idea for the current situation and the outlook on the next several months. I know several people who have gotten it and, while most of them weren’t harmed, they spread it to those who could be.”

“Covid seems to have been ignored in recent months but it is, in fact, still around. Personally in my high school we have been jumping forward way to soon on multiple occasions for seemingly no reason and have had to backtrack quite a lot, harming people in the process. Secondly, and likely more importantly, education will not be improved with the additional time given to the teachers, at least in the high schools. Those who do not participate in class will be even less likely to with an additional 20 minutes of just busywork that it will be filled with. Phase 3 is a bad idea for the current situation and the outlook on the next several months. I know several people who have gotten it and, while most of them weren’t harmed, they spread it to those who could be.”

“Covid seems to have been ignored in recent months but it is, in fact, still around. Personally in my high school we have been jumping forward way to soon on multiple occasions for seemingly no reason and have had to backtrack quite a lot, harming people in the process. Secondly, and likely more importantly, education will not be improved with the additional time given to the teachers, at least in the high schools. Those who do not participate in class will be even less likely to with an additional 20 minutes of just busywork that it will be filled with. Phase 3 is a bad idea for the current situation and the outlook on the next several months. I know several people who have gotten it and, while most of them weren’t harmed, they spread it to those who could be.”

“COVID trends may be taking a downward turn right now, but opening up fully before it is time will definitely reverse that. All adults who want it can have the vaccine by May, it should not be hard to hold out only two more months before beginning a *safe* return to normal. There are new variants, new strains of the coronavirus already in circulation, if states and schools continue to open too early, unsafely, and ineffectively, then we could undo all the progress we have made with vaccines and other COVID precautions and needlessly lose even more lives.

I have siblings whose immune systems are compromised so I have been extremely careful. I only attend two classes in person, I haven’t been inside all but two of my friends’ houses–once each for no more than an hour or two–for more than a year, and I’ve barely seen anybody all winter because it’s too cold to do things outside. And if we move to the next phase I might not even be able to do this much. Many high school students (mainly those on the upper echelons of the social ladder) have already shown that they can’t be responsible about COVID if left to their own devices–as evidenced by events like the gigantic, completely maskless, multi-school district morp hosted by Timpview students in Salt Lake City. Opening up during lunch, with everyone sitting around eating–inside with no masks on–when so many popular and social students are already this careless with their health and–more importantly–the health of others, is a serious mistake.

We need to think more about the thousands of students in our district who can’t afford to ignore COVID, the *majority* of kids whose voices aren’t heard because they and their parents don’t have the time or don’t know how to lodge complaint after complaint with the district. We have hundreds of minority or lower SES kids in Provo whose parents, and maybe even them, have to hold down several jobs to make ends meet. They can’t afford to “”work from home”” or “”take time off.”” They are getting sick and losing family members. This is serious. For thousands of students and millions of Americans, COVID is *literally* a matter of life and death.

Of course, education is extremely important. I’ll be the first to tell anyone so. However, opening up does not at all ensure a better quality of education under current circumstances. In fact, I’ve heard many of my peers say that the more we have opened up the harder their workloads have become as they continue getting the same amount of homework but suddenly have less free time to complete it. And for me, it has taken a toll on my mental health as so many of my peers have returned to more and more school without me. And if we really move to this new phase I might not be able to go at all! It might be too dangerous for my siblings for me to be at school if lunch and more time at school raise infection rates–because it undoubtedly would.

We have *proved* that earlier phases have been ideal for the majority of teachers and students, while we have *no* evidence backing up the idea that we should open up school even more right now. If you want to truly serve the purpose of schools in Provo city then you will listen to the students. Not the small amount of well-off parents who have nothing to lose if we return to school full time, not the teachers who think that vaccines and COVID are useless or a hoax. Listen to us students who are the ones having to deal with huge workloads; who might be navigating a first or final year of high school rife with masks; who are mourning dances, social lives, financial security, or even lost loved ones; us students who desperately hang on to hope that those in positions of power will act responsibly because we understand that opening up too soon and too much means more time spent in the midst of a deadly pandemic, and more lives lost.

There is no reason to lose anyone else. What’s more important? A handful of students potentially raising their grade point average and getting out of their parents’ hair. Or holding out a few more months, saving the lives of grandmothers, mothers, grandfathers, fathers, friends, teachers, cousins, aunts, uncles, siblings, and children. “

“Covid-19 has changed my life significantly. If we decide to go to phase 3, Provo High students (along with teachers) would have to adapt to a new schedule. Change is not always natural, and as a student of Provo High, things have been difficult. We have switched from phases 6 different times. Every of which, my schedule has changed. There is no need to adjust to a schedule again. It only complicates things for the students and the teachers.

The transition to phase 3 would decrease the time students have for extracurriculars, jobs, homework/studying, after-school tutoring, and personal time. Each person does different things at different times, some of which occur right after school. If we go back to a typical school, we would have to completely cut out any idea of doing any of those things and instead stay at the school and our classes. I understand that we must go back to normal at some point. With all the change that has been through right now, it’s not the best time to do that. “

Covid-19 still exists

Cuando estén vacunando a la población en general entonces si hasta el domingo que haya clases, Mientras no !!!! Como ustedes los maestros ya están vacunados , ya quieren hacer como que las cosas están normal.

Currently it is in the best interest to have consistency for the students and teachers. There is one term left and this will only achieve another disruption in consistency for the kids and scheduling. If we were half way through the year and this was a feasible option maybe it would be different, but this is for one term. Also, I think that is a long day in masks for the younger kids, and the older kids just take theirs off anyways. Just because they CAN do it does NOT mean they SHOULD. Our district seems to keep pulling the rug out from under us, just when we are used to things, without much justification for value added.

“Dear members of the Provo School District, thank you for taking the time to hear how we students feel about phase 3. I am a full-time student at Provo High School, trying to learn in a worldwide pandemic. Throughout this school year, we students have been whipped around by the changing time schedules and phases. We need consistency. My life has been less than consistent this year. With another school change, students’ lives are getting flipped upside down. We only have 2 weeks left in term 3 and 10 weeks in term 4. I am learning just fine in phase 2.5. and I already have free time at the end of classes to work. Think of what we will do with another 30 minutes? It will take the students and teachers of Provo High a huge portion of term four to get used to phase 3. We need to find a way to get everyone to their scheduled lunches, making kids put their masks on for an extra 2 hours, and edited hallway times. Please listen to us students at Provo High and don’t go to phase 3.”

“Dear, Provo City School District Please! I’am begging you, please do not move us to faze 3 that is literally the worst thing you could possibly do, this school year/ year has sucked enough please don’t make it worse!

Sincerely, Natalia Puertas “

Definitely back to school all the way and no masks at all!!!!!!!!!

Do 4 days a week full time so teachers still have time to prepare. 5 days full time is too much time in masks for us

Do not want to go back full time

do you not have any concern for the safety of the general public???

do you not have any concern for the safety of the general public???

does it look like we still aren’t in a pandemic 😃

Don’t change schedule again. I like it better this way. No change please.

Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again! Don’t change the schedule again!

Don’t go back to phase three!!!

Don’t want to change. Things are better the way it is right now.

don’t do it please

don’t do it please

Don’t do this.

Don’t do this.


“During a time of confusion, Provo High has been adapting to every situation thrown at us. When cases go up we sacrificed and went to Phase 1; when we wanted to play sports we would come at 6 am to get tested so we could have to chance to play the sport we love. We wear masks, we distance ourselves from our friends, we fight to keep ourselves and our peers safe from this pandemic. Already we are seeing the effects of the pandemic for people mentally, emotionally, and physically. Suicide rates are increasing at a surprising rate. We must protect our generation so we can develop and bring us into a greater future. To keep our mental health stable, we must get our schedule stable. With the constant change in our schedule, students are enduring a constant mental whiplash.

As a species, humans have always been able to adapt, but have they ever been asked to adapt as much as we have? One month we switched schedules almost every week. Teachers constantly scrambling to try to fix their schedules to ensure the students get the chance to understand the curriculum. Students have been checking Canvas daily wondering if they have a new surprise assignment since the schedule got changed. We would check our emails every week to see if we got an email telling us our schedule was about to change. All of this stress is building up and we must lessen this burden of stress on our students by keeping our schedule. As a student, I hear every day in the hall kids asking what is our schedule next week? Hoping for news that things will be alright. In a time of chaos, we need some balance in our lives. “

During the beginning of the year when we were in phase 1 teachers were giving out a good amount of homework for you to do at home since you’re only in school 2 days a week and 1 day for each class. When we went into phase 2 things got slightly difficult since we were starting to go to school more often but we still had Fridays to catch up on online work. Now that we’re in phase 2.5 things are harder than they were back in semester 1. Since we go to school on Fridays we don’t really have any days to catch up on our canvas work. We do have a couple of hours to catch up since we leave early but not as much as we used to. If we go to phase 3 we’ll all be overwhelmed. Teachers are giving out the same amount of homework we used to have when we were in phase 1 and since we would be in school all day we wouldn’t have time to do it unless we tried to do it all during the weekend. I’m still overwhelmed in phase 2.5 and I think we should return to phase 2 to have a couple of hours to do our canvas work everyday after school plus an entire Friday to either finish the work we weren’t able to finish after school or catch up if we need to. Returning to phase 3 would just give us less time to do our canvas work. It’s almost as if school is getting in the way of school.

Eating lunch at school is not safe and should not be required. Also, with the way the year has gone, it would be better to finish out with half days because we have figured out how to successfully do school in the phase we are in.

“elamantry school “

Elementary schools are having valuable time taken from them while in a safe environment. Middle schoolers 30 min classes are a joke and make it so they can’t learn. But the highschool is much less safe and has already gone through so many changes. They still have hour long classes which is what they need and have the opportunity to stay after for help with a late bus. This is a great help for them so the benefits of staying in phase 2.5 greatly out way anything that could come from full time school this year. Next year I believe that everyone can go back full time but there is only 2.5 months left of school so switching seams pointless.

Elementary schools are the formative years of schooling that need the proper time to compete. That is why I said yes to elementary schools going full time. That’s all.

elementary students and middle schoolers will benefit from the extra class time, and it will be less risky to let them go to phase 3 as they do not go out as often as teenagers. moving high schools to phase three is a bad idea, especially considering that most high school students already do no follow any guidelines, mask mandates, etc.

Es mejor para el rendimiento de su aprendizaje, que estén en tiempo completo en su escuela.

Es mejor para el rendimiento de su aprendizaje, que estén en tiempo completo en su escuela.

Eso es genial ya todo volviendo a la normalidad gracias

especially for the high schools this is extremely frustrating. us kids haven’t felt normalcy since march of last year. between going back and forth from phases it has been hard on the older kids because we can’t create a solid schedule. this is extremely harmful on teenagers mental health. grades drop because there isn’t a schedule. we feel as if the district disregards everything we ask of them. moving to phase 3 affects the kids the most. teachers are here anyway. the kids really can’t handle it. please listen to us.

Esto de la pandemia a afectado a todo mundo pero si el estado está listo para renovar la face 3 ello lo van a acer dejando de cualquier comentario de padres y es mejor para los estudiantes porque en propia experiencia los estudiantes no acen lo que pudieran aséeme en un salón de clases gracias

Esto es genial que ya todo vuelva poco a poco a la normalidad gracias por mantenernos informado y hacer que todo este bien y cuidar de los niños gracias.

Esto es genial que ya todo vuelva poco a poco a la normalidad gracias por mantenernos informado y hacer que todo este bien y cuidar de los niños gracias.

“Estoy Lidta”

Estoy de acuerdo para el mejor estudio para los niños.

Estoy de acuerdo para el mejor estudio para los niños.

Even though data shows us that COVID-19 cases are decreasing, it might be better to stick with half-days for the rest of the year. Going full-time might be too soon for not only the students but the parents and possibly staff as well. Not only are people still getting sick, but the pandemic has taken a toll on mental health, and switching phases back and forth from phase 1 to 2 have already interfered with a lot this year. I can see why it might seem like a good time to move to phase 3 but it’s most likely better to wait until next year to go back to a normal schedule.

every time you guys switch phases my schedule and my groove. please just let me finish this term without having to change everything.

Everyone has already adapted to the 2.5 schedules, and we only have 2 months left of the school year so no point in changing it.

Everyone has made a schedule surrounding the new release, and changing is would just complicate things more.

Everyone is in a groove I think, and people have completely build their schedule around phase 2.5. Teachers also can’t prepare enough.

Everyone would be too close for lunch.

Everything’s going well now so I don’t think we should change anything. 12:10 dismissal proves we can get out of school 2 hours earlier.

Extending school hours may be viable in terms of COVID-19 spread according to current data, but the mental stresses, pressures, etc. resulting from COVID-19 and related issues will only be exacerbated by extending school hours (I can say this as a high school student whose mental health struggles have increased tenfold as a result of the pandemic, and all the other students I’ve spoken to agree). Many people are uncomfortable attending school with so many students in the building/classrooms already, increasing the time we spend in large groups will only increase discomfort and anxiety regarding COVID-19.

Feels better this way

Fellow students aren’t being able to learn enough with short days.

Fellow students aren’t being able to learn enough with short days.

Finish out the year as it is

Finish out with the normalcy we have established.

Finish out with the normalcy we have established.

Finish the year as is. We finally are in a schedule that works. There’s only a few months left. Why change again?!?

First of all school is really long already and second I feel like I have a higher chance of getting covid.

For sure want all the school and NO MORE MASKS!!!!!!!

“For the past year and a half, we have been shuffled from schedule to schedule, between work, school, and extracurricular activities we have had to learn to adapt every time something is changed. It has been exhausting. We’ve been in phase 2.5 for a while now and it has been nice. We don’t have to worry about what phase we’ll be in next week or how to schedule around our school work. With phase 2.5 we have come to school for a good amount of time, but we still have time to go and take care of our other priorities. Students have time to go home and take care of stuff before we come back for practice, go to our tutoring sessions or even work.

When covid struck America it put a lot of people out of jobs. I personally know a lot of families that were laid off due to the virus and they are now relying on their high schoolers to help pay for things around the house. Being in phase 2.5 allows those kids to have more time at work to support themselves and their families, but it also allows them to stay on top of their school work. Phase 2.5 has been excellent; it gives us more time to work, study, and spend on our extracurricular activities. I feel strongly that moving us back to full time would have a negative impact on the students and the community “

Friday’s should be off

From the numerous students and teachers I have talked to. They would rather stay on current schedule. Or do full days Mon-Th. and nothing friday. Adding 10+ hours of mask wearing is actually the #1 issue for My children.

Full day would be very much to long to wear a mask.

Full days are too long. I like half days. Getting out early gives me time to do homework and other activities.

Full school will be too much stress on m life right now and greatly increase my mental health issues

Full time is not fun

“Full time school is good People would enjoy breaks better We could get more work done in school Good with it if masks are still required”

“Full time school is good People would enjoy breaks better We could get more work done in school Good with it if masks are still required”

Get the kids back to school- please!!

Glad we still have to wear masks.

Go back to phase 1. !!!!!

Going back full time is a bad idea.

Going back to full time school will literally disrupt anyone’s semblance of a normal schedule that they’ve managed to find after switching back and forth between phase 1 and phase 2. I know a lot of students would have to change their work hours which isn’t easy sometimes, and having even less time to get things done will be somewhat detrimental to grades for some people. Not to mention the amount of students that don’t wear their masks correctly (if at all) in the halls, and in class. I’d rather not spend any more time in school around those people than I absolutely have to, I just don’t want to possibly get sick from their lack of care for the people around them 🙂

Going back to school has been great. Things are going good now in school and classes. We aren’t ready to go back full time. Everyone I know thinks it would be a bad idea to go back full time right now.

Going back to school has been great. Things are going good now in school and classes. We aren’t ready to go back full time. Everyone I know thinks it would be a bad idea to go back full time right now.

Going back to school has been great. Things are going good now in school and classes. We aren’t ready to go back full time. Everyone I know thinks it would be a bad idea to go back full time right now.

Going back to school would be VERY bad for all the students metal and physical health. Not to mention we are in a global pandemic.

Going back would mess up my UVU schedule and work schedule

Going back would mess up my UVU schedule and work schedule

Going full time is only going to put us at a higher risk, not only that I don’t think I (along with others) are ready to go for 6 hours, I have a job and extracurricular after school and can’t balance both if we go to 2:30.

Going to school 5 days a week is difficult to switch back to. I counted on that extra day of the week to complete any unfinished work and to relax from the stress of school. I would be able to switch to full days if we could switch to only four of them with a late start on Monday.

Going until 3 will only screw up work schedules and cause teachers to waste more time in class

good opportunity to restart all classes.

Good option, because there will be more time for recess, more of time for specialty’s, lunch and more time to do more subjects at class.

Gracias por la información y si nosotros nos dará mucho gusto que todos los estudiantes regresarán a las escuelas, ya que mi hijo es su primer año de high school y no fue a clases presenciales y si desearían que regrese a clases presenciales los días que faltan del siclo escolar pero con las reglas de higiene que se requiere estaremos pendientes el día exacto para el regreso a clases.

Granted we are missing some class time daily, I feel that we are able to settle on 20 credit hours a week (current schedule). The teachers and students have had to re adjust multiple times and I feel it is best to remain in our current “groove” and if there are plans to make changes… send out another survey and be as consistent as we can in the coming school year. The changes have been abrupt and jarring.

Have other activities that start after school that I couldn’t do if school went back to full time.

“Having 4 days of school and shorter times Helps teacher prepare more valuable lessons and helps kids with shorter attention spans learn more. And Friday is still considered a school day so they would have a day of there own time to do homework. “

“Having 4 days of school and shorter times Helps teacher prepare more valuable lessons and helps kids with shorter attention spans learn more. And Friday is still considered a school day so they would have a day of there own time to do homework. “

Having a shorter day has really helped me to be able to do my homework on time. Having this extra hour or two after school gets out gives me time to get that work done, which I would be so much less likely to do during full-day school. Shorter classes have been very helpful as well because a lot can happen in class, but it’s not to the point of becoming boring. It is the perfect amount of time to learn without getting distracted. In longer classes, I would get distracted and therefore not learn as well as I am right now. The reason we would move to phase three is to get better education, but I feel that it might do the opposite for me because I wouldn’t be able to focus.

Having a shorter day has really helped me to be able to do my homework on time. Having this extra hour or two after school gets out gives me time to get that work done, which I would be so much less likely to do during full-day school. Shorter classes have been very helpful as well because a lot can happen in class, but it’s not to the point of becoming boring. It is the perfect amount of time to learn without getting distracted. In longer classes, I would get distracted and therefore not learn as well as I am right now. The reason we would move to phase three is to get better education, but I feel that it might do the opposite for me because I wouldn’t be able to focus.

Having kids eat at school is a significant risk increase. Waiting 1 more month until we know more about the impact of the new variants and have many more parents vaccinated seems prudent.

Having lunch at the school is a sure fire way to spread covid.

Having only 1 hour periods has greatly improved my ability to focus and gain information. My attention span and the attention span of high schoolers, in general, is not enough to get through 90 minute periods. I have gotten more out of my classes this year with 60 minute periods than I have in the past with 90 minute periods, and I think this is a change that should be considered to be kept permanently.

Having the extra time after school for extra homework has been extremely beneficial for my grades. I also have a job after school so having the extra time has allowed me to work more and still have good grades. I love having the extra freedom with my schedule but still be successful.

Having to wear a mask for a longer time at school would be really hard.

Having us older kids going back to full-time would be very difficult as we have all learned how our time management would be with school and also with activities that we do outside of school. Kids are at a lower risk of having the virus or spreading/being affected by the virus. We teenagers haven’t gotten the vaccine yet and might not get it soon, or we won’t be as precautions with full school, putting us at higher risk of getting the virus that could really affect some of us. Personally, me and two of my siblings have medical conditions that would make covid hit really hard, and so do many other people. Please make the right choice and leave us in phase one. The elementary kids do need school as their brains are still in the process of developing and they desperately need the most help possible for growing as not only students but also as people.



“Hello Provo School District Board, I hope this letter finds you well. I understand that there is a decision to be made on whether or not we should change to Phase 3. Please don’t do this. As a student at Provo High, this pandemic has already taken a toll on my mental and social health. I have not contracted COVID-19 as of yet and I would like to keep it that way. Students cannot receive the vaccine and are at greater risk of contracting the virus. Staying at school longer will only increase the chances of getting it. As part of Phase 3, I understand that we will be having two lunches, with 1,000 students at each. This would be a catastrophe. 1,000 students all with their masks off eating and socializing together would greatly increase the COVID-19 rate. Not only would this get students sick, but also their family members. Some may have jobs that they must have to support themselves and their families. If they are in quarantine, that is two weeks without a paycheck and maybe even more. This is a huge risk and not a very smart one at that.

Changing the phase again this year would only derail the rhythm we students are in. We are used to Phase 2/2.5. Our lessons are the same as they would be in a normal year, but they are broken down more to a point. We don’t have any busy work in class, which as a student is really nice, but at home, we have more time to study and do homework. Also, changing phases messes up not only our schedules but the teachers’ schedules and lesson plans. Changing to Phase 3 will only have a down spiraling domino effect that will only lead us back to where we are now.

Thank you. “

“Hi, I am Joshua Jakeman, a member of the Provo High School Student Government. The mental health of students is waning. If you remember our student body president Alex Kohler, came and talked to you about assemblies earlier this year. She mentioned a survey they had the students take about mental health. There were many that were very upsetting. Our peers and friends have thought more and more about taking their own lives. With the change to phase 3.0, we the students will be even more exhausted than they are now. That thought will creep back into their mind more and more. While in phase 2.5, we are feeling overwhelmed. Adding 2 hours to our schedule will just add more stress and pressure. The pressure would come from all the online work that would follow the longer classes. Also, some of our peers have jobs and would have to change their schedules completely. I would like to quote Alex Kohler as she said, “It’s hard for us to see where you are coming from when you aren’t with us in class, walking the halls, and in the room with us.” We are there going to school learning as best we can. With all the added exhaustion we would be facing our academics will not get better but get worse.

Hi, my name is Sammy Ellis and I am in second grade. I think high school and middle school should do phase three because they need to learn more stuff than us. Plus kids need more playing and exercise. Thank you.

high and middle schools should because they learn the most complicated things and need more time to learn them.Elementary school should not cause they don’t learn as much complicated things.

High school already feels too long.

High school is getting by without going to phase three, I think it would be beneficial to stay in phase 2. This year has been much less stressful and I think if we went to phase 3 the level of stress would be too much, especially because we’ve gotten used to lower stress. Personally, if we went to phase three, I would do much worse in classes because I’m not used to the full workload, and it’s a lot to add on.

“High school students have adjusted and are fine with the schedule now

But if you do go full time then shouldn’t we be allowed to have dances? If you make us go full time then you should allow us to have those activities. “

High school students still need to learn to social distance, but elementary is doing fine.

High schoolers are extremely busy with so many things and have not seen a lack of learning due to the shortened schedule. The classes still have a lot of free time in the end and that would just be extended which leaves the students feeling like it is useless and pointless to go to class when we barely do anything in class. I think that elementary schools can benefit from all-day because their learning is more hands-on, but a full high school day would add SO MUCH MORE STRESS to students.

High schools have so many kids that it may be hard to keep COVID under control.

Highschoolers and teachers have had a really hard year, In my opinion and with all of the people I have talked too about this have said the same thing, we don’t want to move to phase three because of the fact if we have too many positive due to lunches we will have to move phases again. We have finally settled in with phase 2.5 and we are finally getting into the groove again. Changing phases will be another huge hill to go over and it’s a lot more work for teachers, they are already working tirelessly for us and I think moving phases will make it way harder for them and the students. I think that we just need to stick to phase 2.5 for the rest of the year.

how are you supposed to tell student they can go to full time school and spend 8 hours in a class with other students but they can’t have dances or anything like that?

How will you have lunch at the high school safely? This is way too soon.

I have had enough change for this school year. Let’s leave the schedule the same for a change

I already am struggling with school, and work. I have had so much stress this year and going back to full time will only increase the stress. I’m happy where I am right now, I’ve been doing my work and going to school, but if we went to full time I would not have any motivation to go. No Phase 3

i already am under a lot of pressure with a lot of homework in all my classes, and going longer would leave less time to complete that. i also have really bad anxiety about covid and i think that going to phase 3 would be really bad for my mental health, and my physical health. i have to wake up really early, and by the end of the day i am so exhausted that by the time i get home i can barely do anything, and at school that would be a big problem. i know this might not be the case for every student, but for me i know that going to phase 3 would not be good for me. i also think that we are getting plenty of work done in the hours we have now and i think that 2 more hours is unnecessary (and exhausting, i can only do so much school at a time)

i already am under a lot of pressure with a lot of homework in all my classes, and going longer would leave less time to complete that. i also have really bad anxiety about covid and i think that going to phase 3 would be really bad for my mental health, and my physical health. i have to wake up really early, and by the end of the day i am so exhausted that by the time i get home i can barely do anything, and at school that would be a big problem. i know this might not be the case for every student, but for me i know that going to phase 3 would not be good for me. i also think that we are getting plenty of work done in the hours we have now and i think that 2 more hours is unnecessary (and exhausting, i can only do so much school at a time)

I already have a commitment to work and team sports scheduled in the early afternoon.

I already have a commitment to work and team sports scheduled in the early afternoon.

I already have a commitment to work and team sports scheduled in the early afternoon.

I already have other things planned in my schedule and changing them now would be really hard. I have voice lessons and piano lessons that are scheduled right after school. Just leave it like it is since the year is almost done then just change it for next fall.

I am a freshman this year and I have loved having the extra time in the afternoon. The transition to high school is very stressful and I have been so thankful for the extra time to study and read. Because I have had an extra hour or two, I have also been able to develop other talents such as piano and reading in ways that I never have been able to before. By staying in phase two, students are able to spend all the time they need studying and getting help from teachers, but we also have the time to develop talents that are more difficult to when we are always in school. I also think that five days a week, with 65 minute classes has been plenty of class time.

I am a senior in high school, and although I can see why people are urgent for things to go back to normal, I have had enough change in one year and I do not want anymore. We have proven that it is possible for us to safely attend school in the phase we are in, and still receive an education equal to that of years past. I believe that it is entirely unnecessary for my high school to go back full time for our last term of school. If we do go to this new phase, many students and teachers will stop taking precautions seriously (even though a large percentage already don’t). Lunchtimes will be difficult to deal with and many students who I have spoken to will feel uncomfortable finding a way to eat safely amid the hundreds of teenagers. I have discussed this proposed change with a large number of my peers, and the resounding response is no. We do not want more time in school. We do not want our working schedules to be interrupted. We want things to go back to normal, just like everyone else, but we are willing to wait in order to keep our school safer, in order to keep those around us safer. Phase 3 would not be an improvement at this time. It would result in many frustrated students, parents, and teachers who are just getting the hang of the last schedule change. Please take the opinions of the concerned students in your school district seriously. I hope you will take my peers’ and my opinions into consideration. 🙂

I am a student at timpview and I think moving to phase 3 would be really hard for students. Between school, soccer, and my job, I am really busy and having an early out schedule really helps. I’d rather do a little extra homework later when I can find time than have to cancel and miss out on other opportunities. This phase has worked great for me, I have maintained all A’s throughout the year. I also think students have finally fallen into a good rhythm with phase 2.5 and We shouldn’t disrupt that. It would be better to start fresh back to normal when school starts again this fall. Thanks for hearing my feedback!

I am a student at Timpview High School, and as it is I am struggling to have enough time to do my homework and all the other extracurricular as it is. I am taking three AP courses and Medical Assisting, have two internships, am a member of HOSA, NHS, and I am playing lacrosse. Outside of school-related activities, I play guitar. I need to have fluidity with my schedule in order to get everything done that I need to, and going back to phase three would take away hours from me that I need to stay caught up in school. On the other hand, I have two little brothers, one in middle school and one in elementary school, and they spend a lot of their day at home doing nothing, and so I think for them returning to phase three is not a bad thing.

I am a student at Timpview High School. I believe that it would not be a good decision to send us to Phase 3. I have heard this from many students and teachers that we are overwhelmed even with the transition from Phase 2 to Phase 2.5. This school year has been very stressful and I am very grateful for all that you are doing but I strongly believe that going to Phase 3 would be a bad idea. Due to Covid this school year has been very stressful and hard for us all and I understand that you believe getting us back to full school as soon as possible would help with the rates of failing students but I do not believe that this is true. Every time you transition us from phase to phase you throw us off balance again and its making school harder for us. I have friends who haven’t failed classes before, failing classes now because they feel so overwhelmed with the amount of school we have. And I have heard from teachers that since the change from Phase 2 to Phase 2.5 that they have been so overwhelmed and are behind in some classes. I also am able to go to consultation after school and get help with classes since school gets out early. It gives me time to get one on one help that I can’t necessarily get in class and it still gives me most of the day to do other work. I have hear that parents want their students back in full school as soon as possible but they are not the ones in school experiencing all of these hardships. I don’t believe that the parents opinions should be weighed more heavily than the students and teachers who are actually in school. Our voices should be heard. You should send this email to all teachers and students to let their voices be heard.

“I am a student going to school during a worldwide pandemic. This past year has been challenging for everyone. This virus has changed our way of life and has forced us to adapt to these new challenges. I have seen how the changes have impacted people positively and negatively. I feel that this pandemic has affected students more than anyone else. My learning over the past year has come to a near stop. I have grown up learning in school and doing my work at school, and when I would get home I would do things that I love. Now I have to go to school just to be told what to do at home, then when I get home I have to work on a lot of homework from every class and get ready for work not long after getting home. I understand that this pandemic has also affected you. Your job is to make sure that students learn the best way possible, but the results of last semester show that most of the highschool students are failing more than 4 classes. Me and many other students are struggling to keep up with our grades with how many changes we have had to make. I had a 3.8 GPA last year, this year I have a 1.2 GPA because it is hard for me to learn at home and go to school just to be told to learn at home. I believe we need less online teaching and more in class teaching. I also believe that we should stay in phase 2.5 to give students more time to do things they love. That would give students better mental health if they had less homework, and more time to figure out what they want out of life. “

“I am a Timpview High student and I and some of my family are immunocompromised. I was previously fully online until the new semester in which home study has been removed. School had been increasingly difficult as the anxiety and stress from being in person have affected me. Safe social distancing has never been used, and kids will often take masks off in the hallways and in some classes.

The threats of new more dangerous/infectious mutations which might not be covered by vaccines are very concerning. I understand that many kids need to be in person but I don’t the risk of possible deaths is worth the risk.

It’s been incredibly frustrating as it seems many states have been unconcerned with the coronavirus and seem to be uncaring about the 100,000s that have died.

I am absolutely exhausted, I can not even begin to explain how bad school this year has affected my mental health. My anxiety has skyrocketed and all of this change has done no good. I am finally happy where we are at. Phase 2.5 has been good for all prove high students, phase 3 should not be an option. We only have 3 months left.

I am doing fine with the time we have right now. Going full time and having to wear my mask that much longer isn’t fair. We only have a few months don’t change to full time

I am doing fine with the time we have right now. Going full time and having to wear my mask that much longer isn’t fair. We only have a few months don’t change to full time

I am doing the same amount of homework that I did in phase one as I am in phase 2.5 (or arguably more), so I believe this shouldn’t be changed.

I am excited to get back to full time school. School has been super hard and difficult for me, and my grades have suffered big time. I NEED more 1 on 1 help from my teachers to be successful in school. Thank you yo all the teachers and school workers keeping us safe.

I am fine with it.

I am happy that we are getting back to normal and am grateful for the opportunity to be able to go to school. But, I am not in full support of going back to Phase 3 right now. I think elementary school would be able to make that transition easier but I feel it would be much harder for high school and even middle school. As a high school student, changing my schedule to suddenly fit full school days would be hard. A lot of students have jobs and extra curricular activities scheduled around half days. Students are facing massive amounts of burn out (I know I am). Doubling the hours spent in classes will only add to the stress we are already struggling so much with. We don’t need that now because we have stress about finals and AP tests. I personally have also grown attached to consultation time. It’s so nice being able to have more one-on-one time with my teachers. I have been able to work on and finish projects a lot faster. In short, moving to phase 3 will add way too much unneeded stress at this current time because we have grown accustomed to our current schedule. Uprooting that schedule while we’re stressing about finals and graduation etc. will not be a good move from a student’s perspective. Thank you!

I am in 6th grade. and like going to school and seeing my friends. My parents give more homework than my teachers

I am in high school and I cannot go to phase 3 because I am taking distance learning classed. I have changed my schedule around phase 2.5 so that I could attend UVU classes. But if we moved to phase 3 I could not go to my UVU classes. For example, I have a UVU class at 1 pm and because we end school at 12 pm I can go to it. but if we moved the school to 2:15 I could not be able to attend and participate in my class. And it is not like I can drop my class either.

I am in high school and I cannot go to phase 3 because I am taking distance learning classed. I have changed my schedule around phase 2.5 so that I could attend UVU classes. But if we moved to phase 3 I could not go to my UVU classes. For example, I have a UVU class at 1 pm and because we end school at 12 pm I can go to it. but if we moved the school to 2:15 I could not be able to attend and participate in my class. And it is not like I can drop my class either.

I am in high school and my work and sports schedules are based around how school is going right now so moving to phase 3 would mess everything up

“I am loving my extra time at home to catch up on homework and spend time with family. I am also still scared of covid and would like to wait until next year to go back to full time. Plus wearing a mask for more hours in the day is not okay.

Will you still have time to clean my school well, and do we still have to not sing in music? Not happy about that. “

“I am loving my extra time at home to catch up on homework and spend time with family. I am also still scared of covid and would like to wait until next year to go back to full time. Plus wearing a mask for more hours in the day is not okay.

Will you still have time to clean my school well, and do we still have to not sing in music? Not happy about that. “

“I am loving my extra time at home to catch up on homework and spend time with family. I am also still scared of covid and would like to wait until next year to go back to full time. Plus wearing a mask for more hours in the day is not okay.

Will you still have time to clean my school well, and do we still have to not sing in music? Not happy about that. “

I am not interested in doing another transition. Each transition has been super stressful for me and I have grown accustomed to how school is right now. Also I’m not sure how lunches are going to work. The school isn’t large enough to have students stay socially distanced and be safe eating without a mask. I know I would not feel safe at school if I had to eat lunch in a crowded lunch room with people without masks on while eating.

I am not interested in doing another transition. Each transition has been super stressful for me and I have grown accustomed to how school is right now. Also I’m not sure how lunches are going to work. The school isn’t large enough to have students stay socially distanced and be safe eating without a mask. I know I would not feel safe at school if I had to eat lunch in a crowded lunch room with people without masks on while eating.

I am not interested in doing another transition. Each transition has been super stressful for me and I have grown accustomed to how school is right now. Also I’m not sure how lunches are going to work. The school isn’t large enough to have students stay socially distanced and be safe eating without a mask. I know I would not feel safe at school if I had to eat lunch in a crowded lunch room with people without masks on while eating.

“I am ready for full time school!! “

“I am so ready

But please start a little later. 7:30 is too early. Please be mindful of this request. “

I am strongly against this act. We are barely able to keep up with covid as it is and I feel like it’s still not getting any better. Some students don’t wear their masks correctly and congregate in the halls. We are still putting lives in danger, People are still getting sick and dying. We are a factor in this problem so no, I don’t feel that we should not move on to phase 3 to further complicate the situation.

I am wanting to keep the school the same until next year

“I am worried about my health, so maybe no. Me too I am worried about my health. Miguel and Antonio Lopez “

I believe if we go on with this phase 3. It will take the energy out of your students. The way we have it now has made it so students have the opportunity to get more sleep. Their for doin this would be a horrible thing to do.

I believe if we go on with this phase 3. It will take the energy out of your students. The way we have it now has made it so students have the opportunity to get more sleep. Their for doin this would be a horrible thing to do.

I believe switching on us this last minute wouldn’t be beneficial. at the moment, there is time to do school, work, extracurricular, and online school. with the added hours of school, we won’t be able to do all those things. it’s already really tough trying to balance everything with having short days, but it will make it even harder when we have more school and less time to do homework and other important things. we plead to you to listen to the student body and understand our stance on this decision.

“I believe that a full school day is necessary for the elementary students (particularly those enrolled in immersion programs). I have noticed my son is falling behind in his Chinese studies, and I can only assume it is from a lack of class time. My high-school students, on the other hand, come home and tell me stories of poor social distancing, and events being held without masks, and that concerns me. As the parent of two special-needs children I am really worried for their safety. I believe that the secondary school students should remain in their current schedule to prevent the spread of the virus, because students have shown that they are not willing to respect rules regarding social distancing and masks.”

I believe that changing the schedule again so close to the end of the year will cause a lot of stress on parents, teachers, and students. Many students have daily schedule around the current schedule and changing things would make thing very complicated for a lot of people. I am against the switch right now, maybe next year would be a better option.

I believe that going to phase 3 would not be good for anyone, I believe this because I know firsthand that Covid is not a fun thing to experience. I already have lots of work and can’t afford to loss help of my teachers by me or my teachers getting it. I believe phase 3 would be bad for not just my physical health but also my mental, i don’t need to pile more stress onto my already stressful life, more school would be adding more risk for me and everyone and i believe it would be irresponsible to send us to more school when so many are catching Covid with just Phase 2 right now. If you care about the students health then you definitely won’t make us go to phase 3, more school = more stress.

I believe that going to phase three would be horrible. Being a student and having the work load that I have, going to full time would severely hurt me and my social life. I do homework all day when I make it home, and get maybe two hours to be with my family on the worst days. School gives me an severe unhealthy amount of stress every single day. Another reason I believe we should not go full time, is that it is another two hours a day I risk getting Covid-19. Centennial Middle School is a shoulder to shoulder experience getting through the halls, if have not been to a day of school without bumping into at least 20 people every passing period. Adding all the extra students would make it so much worse and for my family if we get Covid-19 it would be horrible because of the health conditions that our family has. I truly believe this would be the worse thing that could happen to me and the community right now.

I believe that going to phase three would be horrible. Being a student and having the work load that I have, going to full time would severely hurt me and my social life. I do homework all day when I make it home, and get maybe two hours to be with my family on the worst days. School gives me an severe unhealthy amount of stress every single day. Another reason I believe we should not go full time, is that it is another two hours a day I risk getting Covid-19. Centennial Middle School is a shoulder to shoulder experience getting through the halls, if have not been to a day of school without bumping into at least 20 people every passing period. Adding all the extra students would make it so much worse and for my family if we get Covid-19 it would be horrible because of the health conditions that our family has. I truly believe this would be the worse thing that could happen to me and the community right now.

I believe that many students have formed their schedule around half-day school and that going to full time in the 2020-2021 school year could be very disruptive for many student’s schedules. I also feel as though most students are doing well in their classes with the current schedule and that increased exposure without the vaccination of the student body is unnecessarily dangerous.

I believe that the elementary schools will not transmit covid but I think the middle schools and high schools will.

I believe that the schools are ready to loosen up; Covid cases have gone down significantly. I am not concerned about Covid and school. I am however concerned about going back to such long hours of school. As a student going to physical school during Phase 2, I feel that I am learning the same amount but more efficiently and faster. I believe cutting back class time has lessened busy work at school. While I am not a certain of these things (I have not had sufficient opportunity to compare normal school to shortened school), I believe that shortening school hours has been beneficial.

I believe that we should go to phase 3 next year due to students still not have yet been vaccinated for covid-19. Even though the cases of covid has gone down it does not mean we should go to phase 3. Even thought teachers and faculty have been vaccinated does not mean that students are safe from getting covid-19. This will also cause teachers to reschedule assignments and what we learn in class. This is honestly going to make things stressful for everyone. Please do not start phase 3 until next school year.

I believe that we should not go to phrase 3. Since first, it isn’t safe. Plus, we don’t know what is happening. Second, going to phrase 3 is basically saying that everything is back to normal, so that basically means no masks. Plus, you should worry about our health, not just our education. Plus, if we go to phrase 3, chances are that we will go into another quarantine.

I believe we should care for our youngest children and protect them from the harm this virus may cause them.

I believe we should stay in phase 2. Because it gives me more time to do homework and study while having time to do other things to do. While being in phase 3 there is little time in the day where I just do work and then sleep and I do nothing else. it was even better in the last phase we were in because we had Fridays off. Where students could have a day where they could catch up on homework and study more and teachers could have more time on planning for lessons and having more time to themselves, Also it was nice just to have a day off.

I belive that during covid we should stay on phase 2. It is more of a risk staying in a classroom with others.

I can only take so long wearing a mask in school. I don’t see a reason why we have to spend longer in school for the last couple of months. We’re getting our work done and learning what we’re supposed to. Once COVID is over, then it makes sense to go back to full-time school.

I can see that COVID- 19 has been slowing in its spread, and cases are about as many per day as they were in September. At the same time, we can’t try to fully open because of the fact that this action would cause another spike in COVID-19, making us have to go on even harder lockdown in the near future. If we keep trying to open before we’re ready, this cycle will continue repeating.

I can still finish all my work, and being productive on phase 2

I can’t believe the school is even considering this, it’s disrespectful to people who are at higher risk

I can’t have a mask on all day! It isn’t necessary to go to school all day. We do the same amount of instruction with a shorten day as we do in a regular class time. It is a waste of time to be there all day.

I do better in school when I have more time to not be so focused on school fit so many hours. I feel like I am doing better in school this year than last year. I don’t mind the masks.

I do better with the shorter school schedule.

I do like only 4 days a week of school but I do think that we should open the schools fully again.

I do like only 4 days a week of school but I do think that we should open the schools fully again.

I do like only 4 days a week of school but I do think that we should open the schools fully again.

I do not agree with attending a full-length school. I think that we started off the school year with minimal school, and gradually we have increased to be five half days a week. This is all that I feel comfortable with. Covid is still an issue, and with everybody slowly getting vaccinated, I am confident that next year we may be able to return to full-length school. However this year I strongly disagree with returning to phase 3.

I do not believe it is fair to put us back into full days without the positives of school. Right now there aren’t assembly’s or many students allowed in sports games not to mention there aren’t dances either. These things are the things that keep students going to all their classes, speaking from personal experience of me and my friends. Switching back to the full days with only two months left of school would make it really hard to want to go to school the whole time. I am also concerned with how lunch time will happen. I’m worried for the younger students that can’t leave the school and how it will remain covid safe with so many in the lunch room. There’s some students that aren’t very smart and cautious with covid, and some that have to be very careful because themselves or a family member are very high risk. Overall I don’t think it’s a good idea to go back to normal school this year. I believe we should go back after the summer, giving us a fresh start to go back to full days.

I do not feel comfortable coming back to school because I know not everyone keeps their mask on, I wouldn’t like it cause I wouldn’t feel safe eating around other kids to

I do not feel comfortable going to phase 3. It will not be as safe, and I have asthma and therefore am at higher risk for Coronavirus

I do not feel comfortable going to school all day, 5 days a week.

I do not feel comfortable to be in a mask at school all day long. We have had so many changes this year that it would be nice to keep things the same for the rest of the year.

“I do not feel like the added class time will increase learning, it will merely increase the amount of busy work given.

I do not feel safe COVID wise at Centennial Middle School because very few students wear their masks correctly for the whole school day. Many times I can feel them breathing on me and I don’t feel safe from the virus. For me phase 2 is the maximum limit that I will be able to go to school feeling semi-safe from the virus. I like being in person school but I won’t be able to go if it is full time.

I do not feel safe COVID wise at Centennial Middle School because very few students wear their masks correctly for the whole school day. Many times I can feel them breathing on me and I don’t feel safe from the virus. For me phase 2 is the maximum limit that I will be able to go to school feeling semi-safe from the virus. I like being in person school but I won’t be able to go if it is full time.

I do not like wearing masks let alone an hour more of masks. I also love how much more time i have for homework and extra curricular activities with school like how it is now.

i do not support going into phase 3 because it has taken a toll on my mental health being in school for so long. i also have other responsibilities like a job and outside of school activities that i need time for. i also don’t feel like parents should have as much of a say as students because they are not in school all the time. that would also leave me no time to do my homework that the teachers overload me with. i’ve talked to my friends about this and none of us want this. i feel like less people will go to school and people will be less motivated to do their school work. we already are going to school for enough hours i don’t think we need to add more, not this year at least.

“I do not support this idea and plan because I live by the Provo River Trail and my family doesn’t have a car to go to school, therefore I have to walk about three quarters of a mile to the 834 bus stop and take that bus to school, but it still takes me 10 minutes to get to school from that stop. overall in the morning, it will take me around 40 minutes to get to school. But after-school, it takes me around an hour to get home, leaving me less time to do homework and other matters. This makes me get more chances of missing homework from different classes and causes me a lot of stress everyday. -Zhihui Wang, 7th Grade, Centennial Middle School”

I do not think that another phase change right at the end of the school year would be helpful or necessary. The teachers I have talked to have already gotten used to teaching half-days and for me, having an extra hour and a half at the end of each day has allowed me to keep my grades up super well, as I can stay after for longer before I have family responsibilities. Thank you for reading this.

I do not think we should go to full-time school this year. Covid-19 cases are still high and I do not feel comfortable staying that long around people. Also, lunch time will be a problem with all the kids that will be in the cafeteria.

I do not think we should switch our high schools to phase three. Many students now are already more stressed than ever before. this year we have already changed schedules and phases so many times. I feel most teachers will not appreciate the change either. If we switched they would have to work harder, to stay later, do online and in person work, all for the same pay.

I do not want a much higher chance of getting COVID-19. It is already wack, and I don’t want any more chance. Plus, I have lots of after school activities, and they start right when school would normally get out, so i disagree.

I do not want to go back to full days. There are lots of reasons why. One reason is it would be really hard to adjust and the day would feel really long. Another reason is we wouldn’t have as much time to do after school activities and play with friends. The last reason is I have gotten used to having lunch early and I would be really hungry until lunch. These are some reasons why school should stay how it is now. 🙂

I do not want to go back to full days. There are lots of reasons why. One reason is it would be really hard to adjust and the day would feel really long. Another reason is we wouldn’t have as much time to do after school activities and play with friends. The last reason is I have gotten used to having lunch early and I would be really hungry until lunch. These are some reasons why school should stay how it is now. 🙂

I do not want to go back to phase 3, I like how school is right now

I do not want to go back to school full-time.

I do not want to go back to school full-time.

I do not want to wear a mask all day at school. It would be distracting and uncomfortable to wear all day.

I do not want to wear a mask all day at school. It would be distracting and uncomfortable to wear all day.

i don;t want to study more time because sometimes i’m tired to use mask and is really hard and i don’t want to stay more time maybe can be more dangerous

I don’t care. 🙂

I don’t feel comfortable eating lunch at school at this moment that’s why I said no to phase 3.

I don’t feel comfortable with going full time at all. It simply feels irresponsible, reckless, and pointless just to make kids go to school an extra hour a day.

I don’t feel like this is the best thing to do, especially because we still have pretty high numbers everyday. So we shouldn’t give students more risk.

I don’t feel safe going back to school full time yet. And I worry about my teachers getting sick.

I don’t feel safe going back to school full time yet. And I worry about my teachers getting sick.

I don’t feel safe going back to school full time yet. And I worry about my teachers getting sick.

I don’t feel safe going back to school full time yet. And I worry about my teachers getting sick.

I don’t feel safe going back to school full time yet. And I worry about my teachers getting sick.

I don’t feel safe in that full environment yet. As it is kids dont wear masks correctly, they refuse to wear maskes, and they absolutely do not social distance. Until the vaccine is fully available to everone, no more people are dying, and there is no threat, i don’t feel comfortable going to school full time

I don’t have a safety issue. There’s been too much change this year. None of the students can keep up with it. We’re too close to the end of the year to switch again. Just finish out the year how it is and then go back to full school next year.

I don’t like school it’s very boring just like being at home I just want to eat pizza every day happy face 🙁 I hate school I just want to eat pizza

I don’t like school it’s very boring just like being at home I just want to eat pizza every day happy face 🙁 I hate school I just want to eat pizza

I don’t like that we went to Friday a couple of weeks ago cause I had time to do sports training on Fridays. And we are not ready for phase 3.

I don’t like the idea of going back to full time school.

I don’t really know what the middle school and elementary situation is like, but I’m stressed enough with early-out school +Covid problems, and I really need all the time for homework.

I don’t really want to go full school because this year has been crazy about doing all of the homework on the internet, and now we have to go to full school. I don’t like that.

I don’t think I have the mental capacity to go as long as I do more time would literally kill me.

I don’t think it is a good idea to go to Phase 3 because I think that the Covid-19 has gone down now because of the usage of masks. But if we have lunch then all of the students will take off their masks to eat causing the risk of getting Covid-19 significantly higher. There is no way to make the students not socialize during lunch. We have gotten far in stopping the virus, but if we go to phase 3 there will be a big chance to have another big spike since the vaccine has not been distributed to everyone yet.

I don’t think it is the right time to go full-time. It could damage the steady recovery.

I don’t think that giving students more school will help them in any way

I don’t think that giving students more school will help them in any way

I don’t think that it is a wise decision to move to a higher phase right now. We would have to find a way to do lunch for all 2000 of us and still keep it safe. Also, the changes between phases has been mentally hard for a lot of us. Balancing work, school, and everything else that covid bring is a lot harder than the adults are giving us credit for. Not only would it change out time in school but would also change EVERYTHING else that we do outside of school, we would literally have to rearrange out entire lives outside of school. We just need to stick where we are and wait for the new school year to progress with the phases. These changes just have not been healthy for us.

I don’t think that it is a wise decision to move to a higher phase right now. We would have to find a way to do lunch for all 2000 of us and still keep it safe. Also, the changes between phases has been mentally hard for a lot of us. Balancing work, school, and everything else that covid bring is a lot harder than the adults are giving us credit for. Not only would it change out time in school but would also change EVERYTHING else that we do outside of school, we would literally have to rearrange out entire lives outside of school. We just need to stick where we are and wait for the new school year to progress with the phases. These changes just have not been healthy for us.

I don’t think that moving to full school would really help the education of the students. I have low grades, but that is not because of a small amount of school. It is because of my lack to challange myself to do my homework, and my depression adds a large amount of stress and unfocus to my life. I think that moving to full time school would give students less time for homework, but they would only have around 10 – 15 more minutes for each class period. That’s not really a worth it amount of time to add if you want the students to have enough time to complete homework. Staying at the time amount we are at now is the best option because it gives students a less likely chance of getting covid, it gives them more time to do their homework, and it helps with their mental health, depression, and anxiety.

I don’t think that we are ready to move to phase 3 and that we should stay where we are.

I don’t think that we should be moving to phase 3, it will only cause more socializing, and more covid will start spreading. There is only one term left, maybe by the next year of school, we will be back at normal, and will have normal school hours. I think that we should finish at the same time that we started since student’s schedules had to change,.

I don’t think that we should e’ve been changing the school schedule a lot recently, and each change takes a while to adjust to.

I don’t think that we should go back to full days. Kids are in class for so long during a normal day. Being a teenager stuck inside all day affects their mental health. When they are in class for extended periods of time, they stop paying attention because they are tired, bored, and have been sitting for so long that they don’t get the education that they need. Also, when they have school for 7-8 hours and then have 3-4 hours of homework outside of school, they don’t have any time to live or to have fun. They are too stressed. When they have that much work, they don’t do their best work because they just want to go and do something fun. They have also had too much change this year. It is starting to stress them out and affect them mentally.

I don’t think that we should move to phase 3 because I feel like the workload of teachers has been a lot more this year than in previous years and I think that moving to full school would have a negative impact on them.

I don’t think that we should move to phase 3 because I feel like the workload of teachers has been a lot more this year than in previous years and I think that moving to full school would have a negative impact on them.

I don’t think we should because first off we might as well finish the school year in the phase we are already in, second, we changed phases so many times and now it’s just in the way of our outside school lives. three, there’s going to be so many more COVID-19 cases and it puts so much more stress on all of us if we just make this sudden change so if we are going to go to phase three let’s just do it at the start of next school year.

“I don’t think we should go back full time because when we have lunch the virus could spread to everyone because we all have our masks off and are next to one another. “

I don’t think we should go full week of school because some kids might think that just because we’re back at school like normal again means that everything is back to how it was. I also don’t think so because now the janitors can’t clean very good, but when we went for 4 days a week they at least had a whole day to clean. Also going for a whole week and till normal time then that would mean even less time for the janitors to clean. I don’t think that u should send kids 5o school if the school isn’t clean. Also since the school has been cleaned daily and properly no one has really gotten sick,maybe a few there and then but not all the time!

I don’t think we should go to Phase 3 until the vaccination is given to kids and the virus is gone.

I don’t think we should move into phase 3 it is reckless and selfserving. The rest of the world are taking precautions to protect their students and their families against a world wide pandemic. But here you don’t care about our lives! You don’t care if we get sick or if our families die! All you care about are the numbers trying to be better than the world! But you can’t! You are selfish and don’t care about your students or your community or our facility! It is selfish and wrong! We should not even be in phase 2 right now! It is not fair to have in person school while the kids doing online school are left in the dust, even if you miss one day of school you are left to catch up! There is very little leniency to online school! Why are you making us stress about school so much that it’s hard to make time for everything else in life! These are hard times for everyone big or small! We are living through a deadly pandemic and I may not be at risk but I have loved ones who are! Don’t put your own selfish greed above lives!

I don’t think we should move to phase 3 I don’t think it’s safe

I don’t think we should move to phase 3 I don’t think it’s safe

I don’t think we’re ready to go back to full days, 5 days a week. The Coronavirus cases are slowly going down in Provo but it’s much better to be safe and wait until we’re definitely in the clear before we continue with normal school hours. If we were to move to phase 3 right now, it may cause a spike in cases or unforeseen negative consequences because we didn’t wait long enough before progressing to phase 3.

I don’t wanna go into phase 3 because I’ll possibly loose my job.

I don’t want a longer day

I don’t want a longer day

I don’t want a longer day

“I don’t want phase 3 because… 1. We already have figured out our routines and its hard having to keep changing it. 2. Teachers won’t stop giving us online work so we’ll just have more work. 3. Phase 3 is supposed to be back to normal but the only thing it would do is extend class time!”

I don’t want phase 3 to start because I don’t want to spend most of my time at a school.

I don’t want to be at school for that long. I don’t want to wear masks that long.

I don’t want to change my school schedule again this year. I like having time in the afternoon to be with my family and friends and to be outside.

I don’t want to do go to school and have longer classes besides like the time we get out.

I don’t want to go back to full day school. Half day school this year feels like a full day of school last year. I get very tired near the end of the day even though it is half day. Full day school would seem like it’s the entire day. Masks are uncomfortable so I don’t think I could stand wearing it for a full day. I’d really like stay at half day school.

I don’t want to go back to full day school. Half day school this year feels like a full day of school last year. I get very tired near the end of the day even though it is half day. Full day school would seem like it’s the entire day. Masks are uncomfortable so I don’t think I could stand wearing it for a full day. I’d really like stay at half day school.

I don’t want to go back to school full time because my teacher thinks we’re so far behind and I know she’ll make us work even harder. I hate not having enough recess right now and I’m worried we’ll still only have a few minutes of lunch recess during full time school. We never get to do anything fun at school because we’re behind and that makes school too hard. It’s nice to get home early and be able to relax.

I don’t want to go back to school full time because my teacher thinks we’re so far behind and I know she’ll make us work even harder. I hate not having enough recess right now and I’m worried we’ll still only have a few minutes of lunch recess during full time school. We never get to do anything fun at school because we’re behind and that makes school too hard. It’s nice to get home early and be able to relax.

I don’t want to go to full school because I feel like everyone has gotten so used to not having full school that they moved schedules around for earlier, because they know they get out of school earlier. So if we go back to full days then we’d have to make the change again and wouldn’t have as much time after the day to do other things that we need to. Plus, I feel like the teachers have been doing their job well in educating people and I don’t think that more school would be necessary for more education. Also, Covid hasn’t been getting any better so I don’t know why it would be necessary to bring school back to a full day. If you are really in favor of bringing more school back I say, maybe an hour at most back, but not the entire day.

I don’t want to go to full school because I feel like everyone has gotten so used to not having full school that they moved schedules around for earlier, because they know they get out of school earlier. So if we go back to full days then we’d have to make the change again and wouldn’t have as much time after the day to do other things that we need to. Plus, I feel like the teachers have been doing their job well in educating people and I don’t think that more school would be necessary for more education. Also, Covid hasn’t been getting any better so I don’t know why it would be necessary to bring school back to a full day. If you are really in favor of bringing more school back I say, maybe an hour at most back, but not the entire day.

I don’t want to go to phase 3 because there has already been so much change this year and we are only a couple of months from the end of the year, and I think that is would be a whole lot better if you implemented phase 3 at the beginning of next year instead of making us do the full time when we are almost done with this year.

I don’t want to have to change schedules again!

I don’t want to have to wear a mask that long.

I don’t want to move to phase 3 yet.

I don’t want to see another spike in covid and feel comfortable goi.g to school full time yet we need to wait it out a couple more months

I don’t want to stay in school that long with a mask and no friends.

I don’t want to wear a mask for 8 hours every day. I don’t want more work than I already have. I would love to have half days be a permanent thing.

I don’t believe that going back to school full time would be beneficial to a lot of high schoolers. It may be different for younger children but teenagers have had to shift their schedules around school so much over this past school year. With work and extracurriculars, it will cause some chaos for us to make a new schedule yet again. It is the last term of the year and I think we can end it and graduate without changing it up again. As a senior, I’d like to keep my schedule how it is. Thank you for taking our opinions into consideration.

I don’t believe that going back to school full time would be beneficial to a lot of high schoolers. It may be different for younger children but teenagers have had to shift their schedules around school so much over this past school year. With work and extracurriculars, it will cause some chaos for us to make a new schedule yet again. It is the last term of the year and I think we can end it and graduate without changing it up again. As a senior, I’d like to keep my schedule how it is. Thank you for taking our opinions into consideration.

I don’t believe we need to be transitioning anymore considering the virus is still spreading and many families are still very concerned about their health.

I don’t even think it was smart to go back on Friday’s. You should just wait until things are completely settled down or at least until the start of next year. So it happens all at once.

I don’t even think it was smart to go back on Friday’s. You should just wait until things are completely settled down or at least until the start of next year. So it happens all at once.

i don’t feel it is safe for my kids still

I don’t know. I really enjoy Phase 2.5 because I get a lot of time in the day to recoup emotionally and mentally. With the new Phase I fear that I might lose that time. I would like it if we went to full school but teachers helped us with current workload. I am scared that teachers might use moving to Phase 3 as an excuse to move more work on the students. I feel like we need more time in school but I believe that the extra time that we get should be used more productively to get the grades of the school up. I don’t believe that teachers should use this as an excuse to put more of a burden on us as students. I wish there was an easy answer to this question but at the moment it seems like putting us in Phase 3 would effect the grades but at the expense of the collective mental health of students. I would like it if we had full days 4 days a week. That would give us a day to cool off and get our homework done while still increasing the amount of time spent in class.

I don’t know. I really enjoy Phase 2.5 because I get a lot of time in the day to recoup emotionally and mentally. With the new Phase I fear that I might lose that time. I would like it if we went to full school but teachers helped us with current workload. I am scared that teachers might use moving to Phase 3 as an excuse to move more work on the students. I feel like we need more time in school but I believe that the extra time that we get should be used more productively to get the grades of the school up. I don’t believe that teachers should use this as an excuse to put more of a burden on us as students. I wish there was an easy answer to this question but at the moment it seems like putting us in Phase 3 would effect the grades but at the expense of the collective mental health of students. I would like it if we had full days 4 days a week. That would give us a day to cool off and get our homework done while still increasing the amount of time spent in class.

I don’t know. I really enjoy Phase 2.5 because I get a lot of time in the day to recoup emotionally and mentally. With the new Phase I fear that I might lose that time. I would like it if we went to full school but teachers helped us with current workload. I am scared that teachers might use moving to Phase 3 as an excuse to move more work on the students. I feel like we need more time in school but I believe that the extra time that we get should be used more productively to get the grades of the school up. I don’t believe that teachers should use this as an excuse to put more of a burden on us as students. I wish there was an easy answer to this question but at the moment it seems like putting us in Phase 3 would effect the grades but at the expense of the collective mental health of students. I would like it if we had full days 4 days a week. That would give us a day to cool off and get our homework done while still increasing the amount of time spent in class.

I don’t like doing extra work at home

I don’t think a full day at school is needed. These half days are working great.

I don’t think it would be a good idea because shorter hours are easier for parents and children. Kids need time to learn and some time to have fun in order to fully develop.

I don’t think it’s a good idea because I’m afraid of coronavirus and it would be too many hours to wear a mask and still feel healthy.

I don’t think people are being careful enough. I’m still worried about covid.

i don’t think that we should go to phase 3 because it will not be safe and if we can’t have dances and

i don’t think that we should go to phase 3 because it will not be safe and if we can’t have dances and

i don’t think that we should go to phase 3 because it will not be safe and if we can’t have dances and

I don’t think there would be a safe solution to lunch at the high schools.

I don’t think we are ready for phase 3.

I don’t think we should go to phase three for the several reasons. The numbers of covid are going down but if we were to go back they would probably rise again. Elementary schools are not as at risk because there are less attending the school. The end of year is approaching and it would not make sense to have us go back to “normal” for such short time. It is more convenient for some parents having shorter school because it fits their schedule, and if you change it back it may be harder.

I don’t think we should until the masks are lifted. My acne is through the roof and not easy to breathe out of them all day

I don’t to wear a mask the whole day.

i don’t wanna change school ahain

I don’t want 3 lunch schedules.

I don’t want 3 lunch schedules.

I don’t want another change this year.

I don’t want another change this year.

I don’t want to

I don’t want to change again. this year is almost over.

I don’t want to go back to phase 3 because I like having afternoons to do other activities

I don’t want to go to full schedule

I don’t want to go to full schedule

I don’t want to wear a mask all day long.

I don’t want to wear a mask that long during the day!

I dont feel like students will benefit from going the extra time and don’t think we should move forward until we have access to the vaccine.

I dont feel safe taking my mask off during lunch, Around my last period kids start wearing their masks poorly anyways so if we add more school people will not social distance or wear masks. I dont want to be exposed for that long every day.

I dont really think we should go to phace 3 beacuse school is kinda hard right now and if we go to phace 3 its giong to be even harder And still theres a pandemic People are still getting covid and if we come more time were problably more likely to get covid-19 Beacuse if somone comes to school with covid-19 were giong to spend more time if we move on to phase 3 and were more likely to get it.

I dont want to feel behind when I go to High school

I dont want to feel behind when I go to High school

I dont want to wear my mask all day

i dont wont long school

I enjoy modified schedule.

I et hmbrgr

I feel comfortable with what it is now and don’t want it to change.

I feel good about returning to a full schedule.

I feel I am learning very good right now

I feel I need that extra time to try and catch up for next year

I feel like a full schedule would be beneficial for the students and teacher but there are still those that either don’t feel safe or the half schedule works better for them. While I feel a full schedule would be nice I do see some potential problems associated with it. One of those being the over stretching of teachers. While teachers wouldn’t be forced to post stuff online some teachers don’t feel that that’s fair to the students who wouldn’t feel safe going to school. Honestly I think it’d be nice but it’s just something to consider.

I feel like as I’ve had more time after school I’ve been able to get my homework better and I’ve been able to master more skills. I’ve spent more time playing soccer and improving my music skills. I also feel like the current class time is perfect for the learning especially now that we have school on Fridays too.

I feel like elementary should be the only school to move onto phase 3, I feel like in middle school and high school there are more people going to the school, and so theres more people packed in together in one place. Elementary’s don’t have that many people in it, and so theres less chance of getting covid.

I feel like having it in phase 2 would be so much easier than phase three because then the day is still shortened and everyone can go home.

I feel like I’m learning well and can do my homework the way school is now. We can start back up to normal next Fall.

I feel like if we go back to full time half the student body won’t show up anyways. And we have already planned work schedules and internships around the current schedule and I know several students including myself who would have a really hard time trying to change that around

I feel like it is just hard with all the changes. It makes learning hard with all the changes. Right now it is difficult with the new schedule. If we went back to full time we would have to readjust again and it makes it so hard for me. Also, we can’t see our friends like we used to. I don’t have friends at lunch and so it isn’t fun. We would be going back to school full time but we don’t have the social interactions. It is just a lot more stress and now we would have this full time but not any of the fun things or benefits. I think it would take so long to get adjusted and I wouldn’t do as well.

I feel like it is not the time to leave the second phase because one, It isn’t safe. The covid numbers in total are higher than they were during the summer, and we were in lockdown then. Also, my teachers would have to re-schedule their entire teaching system. It is a better idea to go through phase 2.5 for the rest of the year and start fresh next year.

I feel like it will not be good for the mental health of most students. I have also overheard teacher complaints about how changing to phase 3 will completely ruin their curriculum plans. For me personally, I’ve been having a hard time keeping up with school, work, and home life even with only a half-day of school. Transitioning to full days will be very hard for me schoolwork-wise.

I feel like it would be bad for students and teachers mental health to go to phase 3 because we are so used to this schedule and I feel like it will ruin a lot of people and it will affect a lot of students and teachers.

I feel like most of the seniors that I talked to they are using the time they have after school to work and to be able to save money for college. Most of the people are really enjoying the schedule that we have right now, we are able to learn during class and go home and do our homework. We he move to phase 3 right now it would be stressful.

I feel like the 8:40-1:40 schedule is just right for my elementary school. We’re learning what we need to and it is the right amount of school. Thanks.

I feel like the day is too long, wearing masks for that time fame is too long.

i feel like the majority of students have just gotten used to this schedule. so let’s say we do go to phase 3 and then have to switch again again. plus kids don’t wear their masks for 4 hours, let alone 7

I feel like we are making better use of our time in class and the current class length is sufficient. Also, increasing the time we would be required to wear masks by two hours would not be healthy.

I feel like we as students have already gone through so much change and stress this year. The last thing that we need is two more hours of school. Also but adding those two hours of school we have lunch that becomes a factor. When students pull down their masks there is a higher chance that they’ll spread COVID. Over all yes I see the benefit of having more time in school but I say we finish out the year and keep our students mental health intact along with their physical health

I feel like we have a lot of homework already and I’m afraid it won’t lighten up when we go back to full time. Getting out early helps me to get all my homework done early.

I feel like we have had lots of changes this year and I don’t want another big change.

I feel like we listen to the squeaky wheel of schools needing to fulfill parental obligations but not the kids or parents that want a shorter school day and more family time. I understand the older grades needing more instruction time, but the little ones are getting too much of it and it’s effecting their hope/ mood.

I feel like we should switch to phase 3. So that we have more class time to get things done.

I feel like we should switch to phase 3. So that we have more class time to get things done.

I feel like we shouldn’t rush things and if we do this could result in down grade things, plus as school is now its already stressfull and going back to school full hours will be really hard and I don’t wanna risk getting covid-19. I think we should move to phase three next year

I feel like we’re changing too much we barley moved to phase 2.5 I think we should slow down . Students have been struggling going through changes including myself because I have to re organize my sports and when to do homework

I feel like we’re changing too much we barley moved to phase 2.5 I think we should slow down . Students have been struggling going through changes including myself because I have to re organize my sports and when to do homework

I feel like what we have now is working perfectly

I feel much safer in hour long classes right now

I feel that I am more productive having school just in the morning and have the afternoons to do my homework. The amount of time we spend in class right now is the perfect amount to get all we need done.

I feel that I have learned just as much in the shortened school as I did in the longer school. However having the extra time has allowed me to develop skills and talents that I would have otherwise not been able to improve. I think that the shortened school days have helped me progress not only in school and education but in many other important aspects of my life.

I feel that I have learned just as much in the shortened school as I did in the longer school. However having the extra time has allowed me to develop skills and talents that I would have otherwise not been able to improve. I think that the shortened school days have helped me progress not only in school and education but in many other important aspects of my life.

I feel that if we do go back to school we should at least have Fridays of because I feel that with a world-wide pandemic and having to wear masks all day that having Fridays of then we at least get a brake from the masks. I we can’t have Fridays of then I say we should just keep the short days.

I feel that kids are just getting in a routine and with the way our highschool has been switched around so much, I feel that the least we could do is get in a routine and keep it for awhile before switching everything up yet again.

I feel that students are learning everything just fine with the time we have each day and don’t need more time.

I feel that there is still enough risk, especially in middle and high schools, for it to be unsafe for us to go back to normal times/Phase 3. Problems with lunch would definitely arise, and students would get even more careless with how they wear their masks and maintain social distancing. Although it may seem tempting to want to go back full time, especially with the amount of vaccinations that have happened, I would prefer to stay at the schedule we currently have. We have proven that we can still learn the subject matter and succeed in classes with shorter class periods and minimum days. I feel that it is unnecessary for my high school to add more time to the schedule because it would make our school less safe/clean, and we’ve discovered that we have enough class time with the shorter periods we currently have.

I feel that we should have the vaccine / be MUCH more strict on the Mask Mandatory because of COVID-19 and how it hasn’t gotten any better in Utah and this will allow our school to stay safe instead of being a way for illness/death/etc. to happen.

I feel the lower you travel in ages, the less responsibility and notion for cleanliness you will find

I feel the school district is one contagious person away from an entire school (especially Timpanogos and centennial, I don’t have experience with the other schools) that has locations where many students pass by one another in very close proximity.

I feel uncomfortable and Unsecured.

I feel uncomfortable moving to phase 3 because I would have to eat lunch at school.

i feel unsafe having this much exposure at school. our numbers are barely getting better. the virus doesn’t just go away like that.

i feel unsafe having this much exposure at school. our numbers are barely getting better. the virus doesn’t just go away like that.

i feel unsafe moving to phase three schedules.

I feel we are able to complete the additional work online and that helps us to be in school less with less likely to get Covid.

I feel we should be opening up schools but not if things get crazy again.

I fill like that would be a good idea.

I find the schedule that we’re at now is very helpful in my life. With this schedule I am able to manage school work, sports, volleyball, some of my social life, and extracurricular activities. It gives me a lot of time I am able to use effectively to balance my schedule. I also get to sleep at a better time than if we were at a normal school schedule. With a full schedule of school I would not be able to do as much as I do now.

i get soooo much more schoolwork done at home than at school.

I go to Timpveiw and I’ve needed to be quarantined twice by students who I had to sit next to. No one wears their masks correctly and if we went to the regular schedule lunch would make it worse with students sitting close together or in groups with masks off while eating. I don’t think it’s a smart idea to go to phase 3 now or even for the rest of the year. We only have a quarter left why not just leave it.

I got Covid from my school, and I don’t want to get it again or my friends to. I hope we still wear masks.

I got covid it was not safe. Plus I have a dance class that starts earlier since school schedule changed.

i has no comments

I hate it >:(

I hate wearing a mask. They do nothing but make it so you can’t breath.

I hate wearing masks all day. Please don’t make us do that for two more hours.

I have a huge workload and It really helps to have the afternoon off.

“I have a job after school, and sports if we move to phase 3 now out of the blue i will have to quit my job, and my life will be back into chaos. switching in the middle of the year is a terrible idea. plus wearing these stupid masks all day, during school then at work, switch back to phase 3 either when we don’t have to wear masks or just next year when covid is gone.

switching back now is a terrible idea.”

I have a job I need to krep on schedule and things at home I need to get done. I get so much done in class already I really dont think I need extra time aka a longer day. The pandemic isnt over yet either and whether its a real threat or not all of us want our summer and covid to go away this will not help the case.

I have a lot of friends and family that have jobs that they would have to quit because they would have to change the schedule with the new phase. I also feel like we get things done better in class with this phase because we use the time better and I am able to focus and learn more. And cases are still higher than when we started school.

I have a sports season coming up and wouldn’t want to have any reason for it to be cancelled like last year.

I have actually been adjusting pretty well to the schedule of phase 2. It helps me catch up on sleep and when I do get lack sleep I am less likely to fall asleep in class. The shorter classes have actually helped me, it gives me a sense of urgency and I pay better attention in class. We have the time to do activities and take notes. It has also helped with my mental health, with more time to study and do homework, it has allowed me to spend more time with family, friends, and loved ones in general. I have become accustomed to this schedule and to change it yet again after all this time, would totally throw my schedule out of wack. Plus, isn’t it better to be safe than sorry?

I have already become accustomed to the schedule as it is now, reverting back so late in the school year with only a few months left will make the end of my senior year much more harder then it has to be.

I have already formatted my life to fit the current schedule that my school is doing, and it would be very hard to move commitments if school went back to full time. I also think that with what little time we have left in the school year that we should just stay in Phase three and re-evaluate next year. Thank you.

I have already formatted my life to fit the current schedule that my school is doing, and it would be very hard to move commitments if school went back to full time. I also think that with what little time we have left in the school year that we should just stay in Phase three and re-evaluate next year. Thank you.

I have an after school group with Mrs. Miner. If we go to full day, I won’t have that time with her.

I have been reading some articles and i think they should because most of the grades are going down and i think that if they had more time to focus they could do better

I have been reading some articles and i think they should because most of the grades are going down and i think that if they had more time to focus they could do better

“I have enjoyed having enough time to finish my school work during my classes and having the extra time to finish homework and get it done during the day after school. “

I have found a routine for my classes and think it will be difficult to make another change with 3 months left in the school year. It would be best to start the longer school day at the beginning of next school year. It would also impact my extracurricular activities that I have been doing for the entire school year if the school day is longer. I participate in a dance company and training. I live full time with my dad who has sole custody and changing the schedule at this point of the school year makes things challenging for him in changing our schedules again!

I have gotten used to this schedule, and it would be hard to switch now. I use the afternoons for homework time.

I have gotten used to this schedule, and it would be hard to switch now. I use the afternoons for homework time.

I have had COVID-19 Twice because of school I don’t want to have it again so I don’t think we should be moving in so quick

“I have just gotten used to this schedule and I have a routine. The hardest part of of last semester wasn’t that we didn’t get to go to school as much, it was that you kept switching our schedule and then we’d have to get used to a new thing. All these changes have not been helpful to me and they have not been helpful to my classmates in our learning. What we need is not more school it is more regularity. This is a hard time and having to change the way we do school every term isn’t helping. I feel, and I know many of my classmates agree, that our learning would be more effective if we could just stay in the same schedule. This is what we are used to, it is what we have figured out, and I feel it would be unwise to make us adjust to yet another routine this close to the end of the school year. Thank you for your consideration. Siena Rosborough “

“I have just gotten used to this schedule and I have a routine. The hardest part of of last semester wasn’t that we didn’t get to go to school as much, it was that you kept switching our schedule and then we’d have to get used to a new thing. All these changes have not been helpful to me and they have not been helpful to my classmates in our learning. What we need is not more school it is more regularity. This is a hard time and having to change the way we do school every term isn’t helping. I feel, and I know many of my classmates agree, that our learning would be more effective if we could just stay in the same schedule. This is what we are used to, it is what we have figured out, and I feel it would be unwise to make us adjust to yet another routine this close to the end of the school year. Thank you for your consideration. Siena Rosborough “

“I have just gotten used to this schedule and I have a routine. The hardest part of of last semester wasn’t that we didn’t get to go to school as much, it was that you kept switching our schedule and then we’d have to get used to a new thing. All these changes have not been helpful to me and they have not been helpful to my classmates in our learning. What we need is not more school it is more regularity. This is a hard time and having to change the way we do school every term isn’t helping. I feel, and I know many of my classmates agree, that our learning would be more effective if we could just stay in the same schedule. This is what we are used to, it is what we have figured out, and I feel it would be unwise to make us adjust to yet another routine this close to the end of the school year. Thank you for your consideration. Siena Rosborough “

I have loved the school schedule so much because we are learning all the material that we need, but are not wasting time in the classroom. By not going to full-time school, I have been able to do more extra-curricular activities. I am a lot more productive when I can do my work at my own pace at home instead of wasting time in the classroom. Please don’t move the schools to full-time.

I have made it through the hour and thirty minute classes before but I focus better for less time.

I have no idea how I endured full day school 5 days a week. I feel the essentials are being taught. I’m more focused with a shorter day at school and I have time for a good job that is helping me save for college. Keep shorter school days forever. The added hours were a waste of my time. What needs to be taught has been done in a shortened day. The extra I need is learned at home. I’m loving a shorter school day. Don’t change it!

I have seen lots of people without masks on at school and I have several classes with a lack of social distancing because there are too many people and not enough room. I think that going for longer would make exposure worse.

I have set up my schedule to accommodate the current way things are running. If we were to transition I would no longer be able to attend my provo high classes for the full period because they would conflict with my UVU classes. Also, it has been a stressful year of keeping up with changes. It would be a gift to many of the students at provo high if this one thing stayed constant for the remainder of the year.

I have several after school activities now including school tennis that would have to be moved, and then interfere with each other, making me have to choose only some of the things. Also, with all the after school things, lengthened school, and other homework, I will be stressed and have absolutely no free time. My elementary school sisters don’t have very much homework or after school activities though.

“I honestly believe there has been way to many quick changes to our schedules, for all students and teachers. Which has made this school a dreadful for everyone. As well as this has been extremely difficult for everyone. I strongly believe that it will be best if stick with the schedule we have. This will be beneficial for everyone throughout the rest of the school year. To know that we will finally have a set schedule. So we don’t have readjust every 5seconds just because of the unknown. Overall I believe without doubt, this will help relieve some stress, anxiety, and depression, for all students and teachers. “

I honestly think that we shouldn’t be in Phase 2 to begin with. Halls are VERY crowded, not everyone is wearing masks and/or social distancing. It’s too unsafe for students and teachers.

I just don’t think the high school is ready. Too many problems with lunch seating and contact tracing.

I just don’t think it’s the smartest idea. As a high schooler going from 2 days a 4 days to 5 days has a been a transition and it has constantly messed up my schedule with work, dance, and my internship. I am all over the place and just when I start getting used to the way school is going the district changes is and I have to start all over again. It’s getting hard transitioning all over the place. Other than that specific statement going back to full time would be normal and I could at least get the last term of my senior year as normal I’m not sure I want it though.

I just really want to go back to school and get tings back to normal as soon as it is possible and safe.

I just think that we already have gotten used to phase 2 and we are doing good so why mess that up. And my mental health would be very bad.

I just want to finish the year like we’ve been going

I just want to finish the year like we’ve been going

I just want to finish the year like we’ve been going

I know that the quick reduction of Covid-19 cases in Utah and across the United States has looked good, but I have a problem with transitioning to phase three. Even though our cases are getting better, they are still not good, and more time in school, (not to mention a full lunch period with little to no mask-wearing) would result in a severe uptick in cases. Please do not do this.

I know that, as a student who goes to school, many people don’t wear their masks properly or practice the correct social distance. Some cases appeared at my school and it’s probably because of the students not taking the correct care about it. Starting Phase 3 for me it will only get worse, cases might increase, and many people getting affected because of people who don’t have empathy or care about it that much. Staying in Phase 2 or 2.5 is the best option since cases were not that high and people are really comfortable with that and I can guarantee that it is the safest way for everyone. I would really like if you guys could consider this because it’s our safety that is being tested now.

I know too many stupid people personally and see far more in class. At least wait til after Easter so more high risk parents and siblings can be vaccinated so that students like me can worry less and actually focus on school. I have lost too many people to this pandemic I refuse too lose my parents to so if you move ahead I will not be able to come to school at all and will fail all my classes.

I know why the school board is panicking, kids grades are in the gutter. But the thing is, more hours probably won’t fix that. What’s causing the low grades used to be lack of classes, but now it’s more centered around stress. Stress from dealing with a pandemic, trying to keep in contact with friends, trying to keep up with homework, and most of all stress from the constant change. Teachers and students are adapting quickly to this new system, but if it changes again, there’s going to be another trough in grades, and in teacher performance. Now don’t get me wrong, I think going to the next phase is a good idea, but it should be done gradually, and the process should probably wait until at least 70% of the students have been vaccinated, not only for safety from the virus, but to leave teachers more time for the influx of online students.

I like being able to do some work from home and some work from school. I like the shorter days at school because I feel like it’s more productive. We can get just as much work done because we move at a faster pace and I like that

I like early out school.

I like getting out at 1:30 because I have more free time. (:

I like getting out at 1:30 because I have more free time. (:

I like getting out early

I like half day and I have been learning well and I think full day isn’t needed or effiecient because a lot of people are already doing really well with the schedule we have currently

I like having early out as it gives more time for extracurricular activities.

I like having half days

I like having the extra time after school to finish my homework. I also need the extra time to practice my songs for the musicals that I’m in. So basically I just l like to have the extra time to do the stuff I need to do after school that I would usually not have time to do after school.

I like how it is right now. Wait and start full time next year

I like how school is right now beccause then kids have time to do other things at home, when we got out of school at 3:00 we only had 2 hours to do the thing that kids need to do during the day as well like chores, homework etc.

i like how school is right now. we have enough time in class to get what we need to get done

I like it being early out because I actualy like going to school but since it’s early out I can do more stuff during the day as well .It also gives me time ( If I get any) to do homework or get caught up on school stuff.

I like my teacher and kids in school.

I like phase 2

I like phase 2 because I can keep my job. I don’t want to go for any longer. My body and brain wouldn’t be able to take it.

I like school

I like school but I like short school.

I like school like it is now for the rest of the year. Don’t change it to all day.

I like short days so I can have time to do extracurricular activities and still have time to be with my family.

I like shorter school days

I like the half days. It allows for more flexibility and activity. I am tired of changing things again and again.

i like the idea of elementary and middle schools go to full time because they are learning, now high school were having responsibilities so we can have the schedule that we are having.

I like the schedule how it is.

I like the short day so I can get homework done and still have time for family and friends and other activities .

I like the short day so I can get homework done and still have time for family and friends and other activities .

“I like the short days and masks masks make me feel gross

I want to stop wearing a mask”

I like the short days because I can spend more time with my family.

I like the short days.

I like the short school day.

“I like the shorter schedule

I don’t like wearing a mask if teachers are vaccinated why do I have to keep wearing one?

I am stressed about grades and more work”

“I like the shorter schedule

I don’t like wearing a mask if teachers are vaccinated why do I have to keep wearing one?

I am stressed about grades and more work”

I like the shorter schedule and online more.

I like the shorter school because I have more time to do other things than school. But it might also be nice to get back on the normal schedule.

I like the shorter school because I have more time to do other things than school. But it might also be nice to get back on the normal schedule.

I like the time we have to get homework done, I think that it will be good for elementary students to go all day but high school students need as much time as they can get to do homework.

“I like this idea “

I like to go to school and see my teacher and friends. I also learn better when I’m at school in person.

I like to study for whole day

“I live in a high risk family. If I got Covid and got someone in my house sick and they died I would have to live with that for the rest of my life and it would be devastating.”

I live with my grandma at home. I really do not want to risk it even more than I already am. I really don’t want my grandma to get sick let alone for my entire family. Right now, our phase 2.5 is difficult. I’m really struggling to keep up in my classes even though normal school days would be longer. Also, when we switched to phase 2 the first time, the cases started to spike, and then we had to suddenly switch back to phase 1. When that happened, I was struggling more than I should have. It was so difficult. If we were to go to phase 3 and then suddenly have to switch back to phase 2 or 2.5, that would be a big jump making every student struggle.

I live with my grandmother and she is 84. She is a high risk person with her age and health conditions. I don’t want to have the stress or the guilt if something were to happen because of me.

I love having school on all days and i think i will have more fun. However, my family has rules that apply to Chromebooks that get turned of at 4:00 so i will have to plan for that and get my homework done fast.

I love my school.

I love school, but I have a long commute and would like all the school I can get. I like how phase 2 2.0 is shorter days but I still feel like I am getting all of the school I need. I think that the elementary schools could handle it, but I am personally a little bit worried that if we were to transfer back to normal school right now we would have another Covid19 spike and that it would end poorly. I think that we should just stay how we are right now.

I love school, you get to learn, play, and have fun. I really want to have all schools in phase 3.

I love school!

I love The schedule as it is now. I like Having the option of in class and online study.

I miss school

I miss school full time. I want to get specialty again.

I need more in person instruction please move to phase 3.

I only agree with phase 3 if masks are no longer provided.

I personally felt that the best schedule was when we had school Mon-Thurs. I had time to process you know school, assignments, tests, etc. Now I feel like I’m drowning in school. More school doesn’t teach a student better education does. I’m not implying that there aren’t good teachers, Just I want the district to know more school doesn’t mean better.

I prefer not to eat lunch at school when masks have to be removed.

I prefer that high school stay the way it is.

I prefer the phase 2, it is easier for me to get school work done and be able to participate in extracurricular activities. Phase 3 would make my schedule more difficult and stressful seeing as I would be at school longer and have less time to be prepared for other aspects of my life.

I prefer the shorter school day

I really could not be able to do phase 3 because right now, I have a good job, especially for a high school student at BYU, and if we switch back, I wouldn’t be able to work and lose my job.

I really could not be able to do phase 3 because right now, I have a good job, especially for a high school student at BYU, and if we switch back, I wouldn’t be able to work and lose my job.

I really could not be able to do phase 3 because right now, I have a good job, especially for a high school student at BYU, and if we switch back, I wouldn’t be able to work and lose my job.

I really do not think this will help benefit the students.

I really do not want to go to phase 3. Currently, in phase 2, I am very stressed and I am having a hard time keeping up with all of my school work. If we go to Phase 3, I won’t have any of the time I usually have where I catch up on my homework.

I really don’t care what happens but I do like having more free time schools fun but I like half day better.

I really don’t feel safe if I have to be at school and be in a cafeteria with lots of other people that won’t be wearing masks l

I really don’t think it is a good idea to go to Phase 3.

I really don’t think it’s a good idea. My mental health is the worst it has ever. Ever been. I got diagnosed with crippling anxiety and chronic migraines because of COVID and school

“I really feel like we should not be moving to another phase. So many students, myself included, have been struggling to balance online school and in school work as well as work and extra curricular activities. It is hard to keep up with grades and work with so much going on. We are all struggling during this pandemic and making another change is stressful, hard and also annoying. We’ve finally reached a standing point and us students are finally able to have a chance to breathe but now that’s going to change. I don’t think it’s something we will be able to handle. I firmly believe that it is in your students’ best interests to stay in this phase for the rest of the year or until a better solution can be found. Thank you for all you at the district offices and at our schools who have put in so much time and effort to making this year better for each of us. Thank your for your help and for taking the time to hear our voices. “

I really know that it’s a difficult time but we need to recover our normal life. Thanks

I really like the early out and I really liked four days a week. If I have to go full days I wish it was only four days.

I really like the schedule the way it is now.

I really love our school!

I really want to go to school full time!

I say no because its a bigger risk but at the same time it would be good for helping us but we would have to wear mask all day. I say not for another month or so because if the virus goes down i would feel more happy knowing that theres not a virus going around and im still in school. It would make me be more cautious about the virus going around and im in school for full time but id rather do it next month

I say yes to moving elementary school kids to full time because they are 1. At less of a risk of the virus and 2. Having little kids at school is very beneficial for parents. I say keep middle school and high school students where they are because they are less of a time burden on parents and can take care of themselves better and are still at risk of the virus and have not been doing enough to show they can handle full time school in my opinion. (Little effort to keep covid guidelines)

I say yes, because by doing this, we can learn more.

I see around my school that people arent even wearing masks. It bugs and scares me. Knowing that people do not even care and take their masks off drives me insane. I hold my breath while I am in the halls and get away from people. I was forced to stop doing school from home. I am being forced to go everyday and potentially get COVID. People in my school went to a dance with no space, 700+ people and barely anyone wore masks. They are not being punished. But instead we have to be aroundt them and they could potentially have the virus. I urge you to please do not goto phase 3. I know schools around the country that are still online so why do we have to go full time. I do not want to be around these people.

I still see classmates have COVID and are not following guidelines. Kids go out do activities not from school that affect other students like myself. I got Covid-19 from students in school. The school can’t do anything about it because it’s not school activities. I have spread the virus to my family because of student careless actions.

I still see classmates have COVID and are not following guidelines. Kids go out do activities not from school that affect other students like myself. I got Covid-19 from students in school. The school can’t do anything about it because it’s not school activities. I have spread the virus to my family because of student careless actions.

I still think that covid is a really big thing still and we need to stay on either phase one or two until everyone is available to Covid vaccine

I support students going back full time

I support students going back full time

I support students going back full time

I support the transition to full time school but with a mask mandate

i thing we can go to school regelor becase we can learn more and play more

I think at we shuld all got to fas 3

I think Corona is bad. We shouldn’t go to school or we might get it.

I think covid has too many cases for schools to open entirely.

I think eating lunch at school would spread COVID extremely fast and Timpview would be forced to move back a phase and possibly shut down which is not worth it.

I think eating lunch at school would spread COVID extremely fast and Timpview would be forced to move back a phase and possibly shut down which is not worth it.

I think even the face 2 is better than the face 3 , is less stress and more easy for the students .

I think for schools such as Elementary Schools they could benefit from the social interactions that phase three would allow. And if an elementary student gets quarantined it doesn’t seem to effect them as much. However, high schoolers and high school teachers have adjusted for a partially online curriculum. This has allowed for students who can’t come to school to stay on top of school work. Currently I’m quarantined but haven’t felt quite so lonely or like I’m missing out on things because we aren’t in a full schedule right now. Students will still have to be quarantined in phase 3 but it will be so much harder, more lonely, and difficult to catch back up. I also know that high schoolers are sick of things changing. Leaving things as they are allows for a consistency that hasn’t been seen in over a year. Overwhelming, students everywhere would like to remain in some sort of phase 2 schedule.

I think full time school would just be too exausting for me, although i don’t think changing to full time school would make more people sick.

I think going further right now is not the best option for safety. One, if we open up to phase 3 we will have lunch at school, which would basically be a Covid-fest. People would not be wearing their masks while they eat, and I know firsthand that there is not enough room for people to have social distanced lunch. There is barely enough room for a non-social distanced lunch. Secondly, even if most kids are not harmed by the virus, they can still spread it to family members that could be fatally affected. Also, this past year has been crazy because of the Coronavirus, and we have already had a lot of changes in our lives. Change can be especially hard when there are a lot of them, and when they drastically affect people’s lives. So what I am trying to say is that change is really hard, especially right now, and it would be best if we could have a little stability. As a person who has been to a different elementary school for every year of elementary, I especially know how far a little stability can affect people. If we change now, it will completely ruin people’s schedules, routines, and stability. It will also be hard on the teachers. For teachers, they will have to adjust all their lesson plans, and it would completely throw them off. The teachers already have it hard trying to teach as it is, but this will just make it even harder. For these reasons, I encourage you to postpone going to phase 3 until the Covid-19 situation improves, and at a better time for students, parents, and teachers. Thank you.

I think going to school is safe and good

I think having more time at home gives a lot of people more time to catch up on schoolwork

I think I don’t have enough time to be able to learn the subjects.

I think I want all Elementary and Middle Schools to be in phase 3 because I’m fine with it and got used with it and if there is still Covid 19 I would put middle school in phase 3 too. And I don’t want all of the High Schools and all of the PCSD schools to do home school because I feel like High Schools and PCSD schools have lots of people and they mostly get covid and I don’t want more people to die so home school it is of High school and PCSD schools.

I think i want to go back to normal because i want to learn more subjects and hang out outside be with my friends and i clicked high school because i have family problems and that’s why i want to go back to normal

I think I’m ready to move on to phase 3.

I think I’ve been learning and progressing with the ability to let my brain rest and not spend all my time at school!

I think if all students and teachers should have the vaccine and go without masks or go maskless

i think if everything is going fine right now we should keep it how it is until itas all great ahd then when we dont have to where masks and stuff then well go back to phase 3 because i can barly handle wereing a mask in the time we already have to go to school so i think no we should not go back to phase three until we dont have to were masks

I think if kids were made to wear masks that long, more of them would wear it wrong, therefore making it easier to spread the virus (and the extended amount of exposure would make it worse).

I think if we go full time it would have to be without masks

I think it is too soon to be moving into phase 3. until everyone is vaccinated I think we should keep things how they are.

I think it might be good. I really just want plus time and lockers back. Plus is great because you can work on homework and not be as stressed. I wish we could you lockers because I bike to school and it really sucks carrying your coat all around the school. I’ve forgotten my coat at least 5 different times. I do think that it’s a good idea to bring back full-time school with plus because at home kids, especially middle schoolers, get really distracted. It’s also good because teachers will assign less homework, even they do we will be able to get it done during school and not have to procrastinate and stress at home. I think that we should bring back phase 2 along with plus time and lockers. It will help with student’s grades and so much more.

I think it will be best for students to have a regular pattern to follow instead of feeling lost with changes almost every week.

I think it would be beneficial for learning but not to the point where we should do it. I think that the cons are much, much more in number and in importance. Some of these cons are: wearing masks for longer will cause students to pull them down more often, lunch would create an environment where people feel no need to wear masks or social distance and where they would feel completely justified in talking as much as they want, which is the main cause of spread. These are just a couple of the cons and I think they heavily outweigh the pros, which are brief: we would get more time to learn in school. I don’t think this is necessary for the majority of the people that I know of. It would up our time in class but wouldn’t most likely actually increase the amount of learning we would do. The same amount of information would be going into (and out of) our heads. So I don’t think it would be good, at the very least not for high schoolers.

I think it would be better for high schoolers and middle schoolers to stay in phase 2 for now. They’re at higher risk then elementary school kids.

I think it would be better if we kept the schedule we have now and finish the year with it then go to Phase 3 starting next school year.

I think it would be better if we kept the schedule we have now and finish the year with it then go to Phase 3 starting next school year.

I think it would be better if we kept the schedule we have now and finish the year with it then go to Phase 3 starting next school year.

I think it would be better if we kept the schedule we have now and finish the year with it then go to Phase 3 starting next school year.

I think it would be good for people to get back into school and have more time in classes. This would make learning a lot better. It would also be really stressful. We would be getting more assignments and homework. We already struggle as it is trying to social distance and stay safe. Being at school longer could further spread the virus.

I think it would be good to open phase 3 on only high schools because I think that in high school the students are gonna more responsable with the situacion and the cases wont’t rise a lot.

I think it’s been really nice to have the time after school gets out to get help from teachers but still have time to work on homework in the afternoon because as a Junior, I need all that time to get my assignments done. I also don’t think it’s smart to have everyone taking their masks off to eat. It would definitely be problematic.

I think it’ll be great for students to have more learning tim

I think it’ll be great for students to have more learning tim

I think it’ll be great for students to have more learning tim

I think it’ll be great for students to have more learning tim

I think it’s better for our mental health.

I think it’s better to be safe than sorry and possibly plan to start school next year with all day.

i think it’s dumb lol

i think it’s dumb lol

i think it’s dumb to increase interactions while the cases just keep going up

i think it’s dumb to increase interactions while the cases just keep going up

I think leave good enough alone for this year! Since you forced students back and attendance to be counted my family has had covid twice in our home in the matter of 3 months!

I think now that the vaccine is out and people are getting it we are ready to go into phase three.

I think part time is really awesome for the kids and with the whole situation personally my grades have been much better and with shorter hours I can focus more

I think phase two works well because it seems more efficient. We can go home and take tests, etc… at home. Don’t want to wear masks all day.

I think school should just stay as it is.

I think school should stay the same at least until we don’t have to wear masks anymore.

I think schools should stay like this until the end of the year and be safer because I do this while people receive their second dose and people under 65 receiving their first vaccine I do not think it is a good idea to advance to phase 3 I think we should continue like this until the end of the school year and make sure that the pandemic is over and there is no risk.

“I think students work better with less time a school And it keep every one to get to the point so we don’t waist time I feel that if we go into phase 3 we will simply have more class work and less time to do home work and have just as much work if not more”

I think such a long time at school is a waste of time as we are able to get everything done now with the shortened class periods. I think the extra exposure will also increase risk of covid cases.

I think that COVID is still killing many elderly people that the reason it is getting better is because we are limiting contact. We should not go forward because more COVID cases will result in more deaths of elderly because schools will spread it more. Also all of this constant changing is taking a huge toll on students mental health and more changes will make it worse. We should be looking out in the interests for what is best for students and more school is not what’s best if phase 2 is what students like best that is what we should stay in or move backwards not forwards more school will kill people both students and elderly by bad mental health and spread of coronavirus.

I think that COVID is still killing many elderly people that the reason it is getting better is because we are limiting contact. We should not go forward because more COVID cases will result in more deaths of elderly because schools will spread it more. Also all of this constant changing is taking a huge toll on students mental health and more changes will make it worse. We should be looking out in the interests for what is best for students and more school is not what’s best if phase 2 is what students like best that is what we should stay in or move backwards not forwards more school will kill people both students and elderly by bad mental health and spread of coronavirus.

“I think that Elementary Schools and Middle schools should not go to full time again because they aren’t being very careful because a lot of people in my class take off their masks to talk and that defeats the purpose of masks. Also, my brother (he is in Centennial Middle school 8th grade.)and sister (she is in Rock Caynon 5th grade )say that their classes and schools take off their masks and sometimes don’t even bring masks! So that is why I don’t think we shouldn’t go back to school full time. “

I think that Elementary schools should go to school full time; because then you would get to see your friends more and you learn more for middle school same for Middle schools.

I think that elementary schools would be a good starting point

I think that elementary schools would be a good starting point

I think that going in to phase 3 is jumping the gun and I think we should wait for covid 19 is tone down much more

I think that half-time school is more effective in formatting classes to be interesting for High School Students. Increasing to full time would only make classes less efficient at keeping attention.

I think that having more time at school will enable us to learn more. Also, as a freshman, having full time will give me a better highschool experience

I think that if they are going to switch back to phase three, they shouldn’t have to make all students wear a mask for seven or more hours a day.

I think that if you want to go to phrase three you guys have to give us the Fridays back, because at the end you are going to be killing us. That’s some of the reasons that kids have anxiety and desperation because you are putting to much pressure into the kids. Not thinking of how they will end up feeling over whelmed and stress out even if we leave at 1. I can see everyone including the teachers so tired and stress out. Other people look so tired of school and don’t even want to come do you think that’s a good reputation for your guys schools I don’t think so.

I think that if you want to go to phrase three you guys have to give us the Fridays back, because at the end you are going to be killing us. That’s some of the reasons that kids have anxiety and desperation because you are putting to much pressure into the kids. Not thinking of how they will end up feeling over whelmed and stress out even if we leave at 1. I can see everyone including the teachers so tired and stress out. Other people look so tired of school and don’t even want to come do you think that’s a good reputation for your guys schools I don’t think so.- Allison. R.R

I think that it should be not full time, because from everything I’ve heard from my teachers, they’re just cutting the fat out of the curriculum and only doing the learning, and speeding it up with more time for homework and free time.

I think that it will just be harder going back to school longer and we would just have to wear mask longer and it is already hard enough just the time we are wearing them now.

I think that it would be better to stay in phase 2.5 because we’ve already had to change a lot this school year.

I think that it would be easier for everyone to have a little more time for school, because my older sister said that her classes in middle school are 15 minutes shorter than before covid, so it’s harder for her to learn everything. Plus it would be helpful for people to get used to normal school before next year when we might be back to normal school, possibly with no masks (which would be great)!

I think that it would be great if we go back to full schedule, but I don’t think that it would be great to then say that we still have to wear masks for seven hours. First of all this is damaging for the students, but think of the teachers and how they have to be talking and teaching up there while wearing a mask. And then some people have a hard time breathing in a mask, and so to put them in a mask for that long won’t help, it will do quite the opposite. And so I’m all for having things go back to normal, but if that normal is come to school for the full time with masks on, then I don’t want it.

I think that it would be harder for us to keep changing around our schedules and I think that we should just stick to one phase.

I think that it would be very nice to go on with phase 3 but many people are still getting quite sick and also many kids at school haven’t been doing the right thing by following the rules.

I think that middle school and Elementary school should go to phase 3 and then see what happens because if we do all the schools at the same time something bad might happen and the COVID numbers may go up fast but if we do only a couple at a time then there might less COVID going around at the same time.

I think that moving to phase 3 would not be as beneficial as it seems to be. I personally have found that, the extra time after school each day has really helped me work on other talents and skills that can only be worked on outside of school. For example, my time spent practicing music and sports has increased very much and I have improved greatly because of the extra time I’ve had away from school to work on those certain skill sets.

I think that my school is going great. If we change now, it will be a disaster. Plus we are almost done with the year, let’s just start over next year. I like the 5 days early out.

I think that phase 3 would work fine for the elementary schools but not for the high schools since a large amount of the students go out to eat for lunch which increases possible exposure to COVID. Students at timpview frequently don’t follow the mask guidelines as you can see during passing periods there are tons of students with masks down which will contribute to more spreading if we go to phase 3

I think that some of the kids in school will have a hard time breathing with the extra hour and forty minutes of school.

“I think that staying in phase 2 is a really good idea because we have more time to sleep, do homework and extra curricular activities. If we go to phase 3 it would be too much school. “

I think that students are not ready to readjust. Many people have lost the attention span to stay in class for a long time. However, I would be in support of going back to school full time at the start of the next school year. After the summer break, I think that students will be able to adapt to going back to school. I also think that next year it would be convenient for students to continue to use their own (loaned) Chromebook. Some people do not have computers at home and need a way to do their homework. I have also noticed that online work in class is much easier. Less of class time is spent lining up around the Chromebook cart and getting out or plugging in Chromebook in each class!

I think that switching to phase three at this point of the year will be really hard on students, high school seniors specifically. Fourth term is really stressful, and students have already spent the entire year working out their schedule based on being at school 1/2 of the day. Switching to five days already caused significant upheaval. Also if we go full time we will have a lunch break, and that will contribute to the spread because people have to take off their masks to eat. Not going full-time will also make it easier for teachers who have to prepare for their in-person students and those who are doing it only online. Elementry schools can go full time without adding additional stress to teachers and students.

I think that switching up schedules on students is really difficult for us and o would really like to be able to maintain a schedule to finish school.

I think that switching up schedules on students is really difficult for us and o would really like to be able to maintain a schedule to finish school.

I think that switching up schedules on students is really difficult for us and o would really like to be able to maintain a schedule to finish school.

I think that the amount of school that we have right now is perfect and everybody feels safe and not as stressed as they would during full-time school.

I think that the fact that some students are not engaged in class won’t change if they are in class longer. most of my teachers are already giving time to do homework and more time to either be on their phone or do homework won’t help, the kids aren’t going to change their mind and decide to do homework if they have more time and you can’t force them.

I think that the increase of homework and online work hasn’t been so good for students, and that it helps to be getting more things done and learning more in person.

I think that the middle or elementary and high school have to stay in phase 2 because almost all of us are now use to this schedule and we are in more danger if we have spend more time in the school.

I think that the Schedule we have now for school with short five days is fine and working quite well. I feel there is no need to change now since we’ve been doing it this way for the majority of 2020-2021. I like that I am home for lunch and can quickly and quietly complete my homework at home, and not be in the hum-drum of a classroom for an extended amount of time. Please consider not changing our current schedule. Thank you.

I think that the younger schools should go back to full time not not the older ones. Because they will go more places and get sick and bring it to school.

I think that this is a very very bad idea because Covid makes me very nervous and it would make me very uncomfortable to go full time. It will also be bad for my mental health because I get stressed very easily. I will probably go all online if we go to phase 3.

I think that this year was very weird and it would not be beneficial to change everything just for the last month of school, the students have to keep getting used to new changes and it would be hard to go from two days a week at the start of the year to full school right now. I think that everything should get a start over next year’s school year, at least for the high school and middle school students

I think that we have been moving our students around way too much we need to stay with one thing and stick with it I think that it is really hard on us as students to move around this much! I don’t understand why we could not have had the extra 2 hours, to begin with. It does not make sense

I think that we should be fine when we truly obey the guidelines and we get more time at school.

I think that we should either transition to 4 days a week, full days; or 5 days a week short days. I think that if we suddenly shift into full blown school many students, including me, would feel overwhelmed and stressed.

I think that we should finish out the school year how it is. I am tired of changing it every 2 weeks.

I think that we should finish out the year strong in phase 2 changing the phase now would be harmful and could push back progress. Students are doing well in this phase and switching it just when everyone’s gotten comfortable will be more damaging to their education and mental health then it would be helpful.

I think that we should just ride out the four-hour days for the rest of the year.

I think that we should move to phase three. This is because I feel that we are ready as the cases recently have been very low and stable. I think that we should have longer school days, and more time for in-class work. It will help the teachers to not feel as rushed, and the students to understand topics more thoroughly and clearly. It also feels like I, as a freshman, have not been able to fully experience high school because of COVID-19. I want to be involved in school activities, go full length, have lunch at school, and be more social.

I think that we should not because some of the people have other things to to like take care of there siblings like me when parents go to work.

I think that we should not go to phase 3 because, we have not gone to a full school day all year, and I think that switching to phase 3 will be very hard to do. Also, there is only three months left of school, so there is not much reason to go phase three.

I think that we should not go to phase 3 because, we have not gone to a full school day all year, and I think that switching to phase 3 will be very hard to do. Also, there is only three months left of school, so there is not much reason to go phase three.

I think that when we eat lunch in the middle of the day it will open the risk of Covid-19 in the high school where our masks are taken off. Less social distancing will be enforced.

I think that when we eat lunch in the middle of the day it will open the risk of Covid-19 in the high school where our masks are taken off. Less social distancing will be enforced.

“I think that you cannot claim that overall school, centered cases are declining even though you are not doing randomized test is not being applied. Schools need to do randomized testing, I also believe the Provo School District needs to rethink the whole lunch situation; the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has specific guidelines for schools reopening, in this section of a post from the CDC it states: “”Schools providing in-person instruction should prioritize two mitigation strategies: Universal and correct use of masks should be required, at all levels of community transmission. Require consistent and correct use of face masks, by all students, teachers, and staff to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission through respiratory droplets. Physical distancing (at least 6 feet) should be maximized to the greatest extent possible. To ensure physical distancing, schools should establish policies and implement structural interventions to promote physical distance of at least 6 feet between people. Cohorting or podding is recommended to minimize exposure across the school environment.”” In our schools there is practically no social distancing WHAT SO EVER. At lunchtime, the kids sit side by side masks off for 15 minutes, before going out to recess where even the adults take off their masks and do not social distance. Another reason why school should not reopen to phase 3 is online school, teachers have no time to do there online school; they used to do it all on friday but now fridays are schooldays. (unless in phase 3 there is no canvas)

thank you, please take this into consideration, and yes I am 12 years old “

i think the schedule rn is great

I think the survey should be school specific. I am not sure the numbers in high school! But elementary is low.

I think there is too much that is unknown. I think it would be safer to stay in the schedule we are in right now. If we did move to Phase 3, then why can’t we have school dances or have more people attend sporting events. With so much uncertainty I think it would be better to stay as we are right now.

I think they should start with high school first, and see how it goes. Then do middle schools, then do elementary schools.

I think things should be the same this year and then go to full time next year.

I think this would be better for middle school and high schools because we would have more time in our classes and i would catch up on a lot of missing work because we only have 35 minutes in every class and i personally don’t think that’s enough to get all my work done so i think that this would be better for all of middle and high schools.

I think we are fine just like we are now. I am learning just fine. I also rather get out at 1:00 because I have to pick my sister up from school and walk home.

I think we have already had enough change already. leave it at phase 2 for the rest of the year and head back to normal in the fall. we sacrificed so much to stay safe! why should we risk that now. it’s makes everything we gave up pointless. parents are just starting to have access to the covid vaccine. # its too soon

I think we need this instruction that we’ve lost so much of. Students are really lacking on what they are supposed to have learned. This is coming from a student myself. We need to go back to normal. Many kids just don’t want the extra work involved.

I think we should because then we will be able to see our freinds more at school each day and mabe even we will get to do more fun stuff at school.

“I think we should change because I like school longer and we get short days on Friday. .

I think we should continue the year as is and then go back full-time in the fall it’s too hard to transition back-and-forth all the time

“i think we should do it like nommel because we get more leaning time “

I think we should finish the school year as it is. With all the schedule changes it adds unnecessary stress to the students and teachers to figure everything out. If we are considering moving to more time in school I think we should be able to have more students go to games, assemblies, dances etc. with new strands of covid I think we should keep the same schedule to avoid moving even farther back on the phases.

I think we should finish the school year as it is. With all the schedule changes it adds unnecessary stress to the students and teachers to figure everything out. If we are considering moving to more time in school I think we should be able to have more students go to games, assemblies, dances etc. with new strands of covid I think we should keep the same schedule to avoid moving even farther back on the phases.

I think we should finish the year.

i think we should go back to spliting the school in half because i feel like it is too crowded and there is no social distancing. also the dividers put in some classrooms arent even dividing us, they’re too small.

I think we should go into phase 3 because classes are short and we are already at school so might as well make the classes longer. Even though a lot of students in my school aren’t responsible about wearing their masks, I think we should anyways. I also like that school will be starting later I think so that means that we get to have more sleep and more sleep is better so I can learn and concentrate more.

I think we should go into phase 3 because classes are short and we are already at school so might as well make the classes longer. Even though a lot of students in my school aren’t responsible about wearing their masks, I think we should anyways. I also like that school will be starting later I think so that means that we get to have more sleep and more sleep is better so I can learn and concentrate more.

I think we should just finish the year out like we are now. Going to full school would create lots of confusion.

I think we should just finish the year out like we are now. Going to full school would create lots of confusion.

I think we should just finish the year out like we are now. Going to full school would create lots of confusion.

I think we should just finish the year out like we are now. Going to full school would create lots of confusion.

I think we should just finish the year out like we are now. Going to full school would create lots of confusion.

I think we should just keep doing what we’re doing until the end of the school year. I already changed my schedule to fit this new way of school, and it would be a hassle trying to change it for only a few more months of school. 🙂

I think we should keep going with what we’re doing right now. Going all day and having the state lifting the mask mandate will keep cases going up. Even though we have verified vaccines now that doesn’t mean everyone is able to get them. We should stay safe until the summer.

I think we should keep it the way it is because school is not all that fun. Sorry.

I think we should move full time school because even though we’ve moved to phase two and get enough education, we go to schools so we can get a FULL education, and anything less is unfair to students. Our parents pay taxes for us to go to school FULL time, and the fact that they pay the still same amount to pay taxes only to go five hours is extremely unfair to them and us. If it matters that much to others, they have the option to stay home, but that’s their decision and shouldn’t affect the rest of us.

“i think we should not do it because i think we should do it later “

I think we should not go back all day because their is still covid and some people put their schedule for their kids to get out and thats gonna mess it all up. So they will have to do their schedule all over again and that might mess stuff up.

I think we should not go to phase three because it might spread more the virus so I think we should not go to phase three.

I think we should stay the same. We have had so much change this year. Let’s start back normal in the fall or change how we do school. A little at home has been nice

I think we should stay the way we are for the rest of the year. It has already been hard with all the phase switches. I also think it would be really hard for people who went to a new school (like 7th and 9th graders) because all they know is short days.

I think we should wait until next year to go full time.

I think we should wait until next year.

I think we shouldn’t go back to school because if we do more people will come there’s a better chance of getting Corona. Also if we don’t go back to school everyone will get vacated in the summertime.

I think we shouldn’t go back to school because if we do more people will come there’s a better chance of getting Corona. Also if we don’t go back to school everyone will get vacated in the summertime.

I think we’ve been doing the short days for enough time that the kids are used to it as their normal. I think making a change now, with so little school year days left, will cause stress and anger for the students,(and parents who have juggled life to fit the current schedule), making the extra daily hours pointless. Just plan to go back to normal schedule next year.

I think we’ve been doing the short days for enough time that the kids are used to it as their normal. I think making a change now, with so little school year days left, will cause stress and anger for the students,(and parents who have juggled life to fit the current schedule), making the extra daily hours pointless. Just plan to go back to normal schedule next year.

I think with this condensed schedule I have actually been more productive, because we don’t waste any time in class, and we still get all our work done. This schedule also gives me time to do extracurricular activities that I could not have otherwise participated in. I have also felt happier and more stress-free with this schedule.

I think yes because i want it to to go back to normal.

I think you should ask the teachers what they want. I have had 2 teachers tell my girls that they are very overwhelmed and don’t want to go back to full time

I understand how some may think that going to school full time may be beneficial- but it’s honestly a ridiculous claim. I can’t think of any way it could help, besides satisfying the voices of a small (but vocal) group of parents who live in your district. All we would be doing is adding two unnecessary hours to our schedule; closing the door for students with relatives and loved ones who are at risk for covid-19 in the process. Especially at this time, as the school year is close to finishing, and as Timpview will already be in a state of disarray with the student parking lot undergoing construction in April, adding two hours to the schedule would help nothing but to close off any type of online aid for your students.

I understand that you guys have parents on you necks about when their kids will be going back to school. I also understand that covid transmission at school is supposedly low. But there are still kids who don’t feel comfortable coming to school now, let alone when it’s fully back to normal. It’s both unfair to the students who are forced to try to learn from home without proper guidance from teachers and unfair to the few teachers who are trying their best to provide instruction for the kids who are learning remotely. To be honest, I’m saying no to High Schoolers and Middle schoolers simply because I’m worried it will push teachers over the edge. As it is, teachers in Utah don’t get paid enough, but when they’re forced to spend many hours outside of school teaching both kids inside and those attending remotely, it doesn’t make sense to make them do that without giving them some major compensations. If it was up to me, I’d tell you to ask the teachers. There will be kids who will show up or not show up no matter the ‘phase’ we’re in, but seeing as the teachers are the ones who will be providing the instruction, I think you should give them the choice and tell everybody who disagrees that that’s what the teachers want. If they still disagree you should tell them to try teaching for a change.

I understand that you guys have parents on you necks about when their kids will be going back to school. I also understand that covid transmission at school is supposedly low. But there are still kids who don’t feel comfortable coming to school now, let alone when it’s fully back to normal. It’s both unfair to the students who are forced to try to learn from home without proper guidance from teachers and unfair to the few teachers who are trying their best to provide instruction for the kids who are learning remotely. To be honest, I’m saying no to High Schoolers and Middle schoolers simply because I’m worried it will push teachers over the edge. As it is, teachers in Utah don’t get paid enough, but when they’re forced to spend many hours outside of school teaching both kids inside and those attending remotely, it doesn’t make sense to make them do that without giving them some major compensations. If it was up to me, I’d tell you to ask the teachers. There will be kids who will show up or not show up no matter the ‘phase’ we’re in, but seeing as the teachers are the ones who will be providing the instruction, I think you should give them the choice and tell everybody who disagrees that that’s what the teachers want. If they still disagree you should tell them to try teaching for a change.


I want all the school to be normal because I can have a bit long recess and long time of luanch.

I want it to go back to full time next year because I think it would be dumb to do it now with only a few months left.

I want it to go back to full time next year because I think it would be dumb to do it now with only a few months left.

I want it to stay a short day because I would be overwhelmed if we went back to full days.

I want my lunch period back and a longer jazz class

I want my lunch period back and a longer jazz class

I want the school days to be mon-Thursday, full days.

I want to be back in school full time. This has been a super stressful year and I just want it to be normal for some part of the year. Please let us go back to school full time.

I want to be with my friends all day

I want to catch up and be prepared for high school next year

I want to catch up and be prepared for high school next year

I want to catch up and be prepared for high school next year

I want to catch up and be prepared for high school next year

I want to get a good education, but I do not want to go back to 90 minute class periods. That’s too long. I hate it. All of the students I know feel the same way. I like having more time at home to work on my homework and other things.

I want to get back to regular school.

I want to get back to regular school.

I want to go back to full time to get the education I deserve

I want to go back to normal school again!!

I want to go back to school to get more stuff done at school. We have a ton of math homework. I want to do more fun stuff at school too. There is hardly any time for specialties.

I want to go full day because my teacher says we can learn more if we are there full day!

I want to go full day because my teacher says we can learn more if we are there full day!

I want to go to Phase 3

I want to go to school all day!!

I want to go to school all day!!

I want to go to school and have recess longer.

i want to go to school as much as i can. i miss seing my friends and it is really hard learning on my laptop part of the time. i cannot concentrate and learn all that i need to.

I want to go to school full day. I feel very safe.

“I want to have school go to full time so we can have the fun stuff back. Thank you. Bode cummings”

I want to keep going to school

I want to learn more subjects

“I want to move into phase 3 because I want to have a good education. Thank you for allowing me to give my opinion.”

i want to spend more time with my famly

I want to stay at school longer.

I want to stay at school longer.

i want to stay in phase 2 because it is hard to breath through my mask all day, it stresses me out when i have a hard time breathing . When i am stressed I have a hard time focusing on school so it makes it hard to learn.

I want to stay in phase 2 because my brothers and me like phase 2. We like to wear the masks to still keep everyone safe. It is better and we still get to do our homework.

I want to stay in phase 2.5. It is working well for my grades, learning, schedule and mental stability. I am willing to go to phase three, but it is not preferred. But i think it would be beneficial for elementary school to be full time so they can enjoy the fun parts again.

I was tempted to vote no just because I’m enjoying getting out at 12:00. But I’m gonna be honest. I want normal school and I’m not opposed

i went to go back to numu becusas we can lear mor

I will be vocally unsupportive until all implications and events such as lunch and extracurricular activities have been fully explained and planned out.

I will miss the free time I have after school to play with my friends.

I will miss the free time I have after school to play with my friends.

I will not go to school if we move to phase 3. My days are too busy for going full time. A lot of people will be more stressed and overwhelmed. I have sports starting at 1 till like 6. I have a job on the days I don’t have sports from 1-4. This will not be good for anyone if we move to phase 3!!

I will not go to school if we move to phase 3. My days are too busy for going full time. A lot of people will be more stressed and overwhelmed. I have sports starting at 1 till like 6. I have a job on the days I don’t have sports from 1-4. This will not be good for anyone if we move to phase 3!!

I will only be interested in going to full-time school again when we no longer have to wear masks. Things are good with how they are right now.

i work 2 jobs to provide for my family and my dad moved and i have to watch my niece . i dont have enough time to watch her , go to school full time and work 2 jobs

I work and my schedule would be hard to switch around now that I have been doing it all year

I worry a lot about the virus. We see on the news that it is still spreading and there are still increases in cases. I didn’t want to go back at all because my mom is high risk and I didnt want her or my sister to get sick. I still worry a lot about it and aren’t entirely comfortable.

I would agree next school year 21-22 for phase 3 but not this school year 20-21

I would agree next school year 21-22 for phase 3 but not this school year 20-21

I would be all for going to full time if students actually wore their masks correctly and didn’t throw parties where no one was following social distancing guidelines. Some students are being dumb about this and the students who are following the guidelines and wearing masks shouldn’t be forced to go to long school days with the kids who couldn’t care less about COVID.

I would be fine if you let us not wear masks in school. Other than that, it’s ok to go to phase 3

I would be fine with it but I don’t like the fact that a lot of high school students do not care about this whole thing. They will barely even wear a mask or sometimes don’t wear one and it is annoying to see. I just wish that everyone would be smart and wear their mask properly, even the teachers.

I would be in favor of moving to a full day schedule, but I think that we need much more enforcement of mask wearing in classes and the halls. In my experience at Centennial, I’ve seen many people packed on to one table at lunch without masks. I understand that its hard for the teachers to enforce everything, but sometimes they don’t do anything. I’ve seen similar things at lunch in class. I also would feel safer if when I exit the school if there weren’t forty people without masks on in close proximity to me. I also see many people wearing their masks improperly. I would just prefer that there was more enforcement.

I would be in favor of moving to a full day schedule, but I think that we need much more enforcement of mask wearing in classes and the halls. In my experience at Centennial, I’ve seen many people packed on to one table at lunch without masks. I understand that its hard for the teachers to enforce everything, but sometimes they don’t do anything. I’ve seen similar things at lunch in class. I also would feel safer if when I exit the school if there weren’t forty people without masks on in close proximity to me. I also see many people wearing their masks improperly. I would just prefer that there was more enforcement.

I would be okay returning if there weren’t any masks.

I would feel extremely unsafe and uncomfortable if we transitioned into phase 3. I have suffered from extreme anxiety and depression with the number of frequent changes in our school schedule. If phase 3 comes to fruition I could see myself potentially dropping out of school and taking extreme measures of hurting myself.

“I would like full days M-Th and F as a remote day. It will take some time for us students to adjust going back to full time.

Also flexibility needs to be offered until the end of the school year. “

I would like to go back to phase 1. No one is being very responsible at school, I see people that walk into the hall and pull their mask all the way down, or just take it off until they have to put it back on in class.

I would like to go to school for a little bit longer each day because it’s very good.

I would like to have a prom and activities and a consistent schedule. I think 2.5 keeps us safer and gives the beat chance for activities

I would like to have a prom and activities and a consistent schedule. I think 2.5 keeps us safer and gives the beat chance for activities

I would like to have more time in band but I really don’t want to spend more time each day in a mask when it already bothers my face

I would like to have school keep having early out because I feel it gives teachers and staff more chance to prepare lessons and other things and it also gives us students more time to do extra-curricular after school activities and more time to catch up on homework and take a break from school. Thank you! Please leave school early out!

I would like to just say that I think that it would be very beneficial to have students in high school grade levels not going to school 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. As a high school student myself, I can truly say that having Friday’s off for the past couple of months has really helped me in a mental and emotional standpoint. As the classes were shorter, I felt that I could actually focus the whole entire class period and I was not just being given busy work to make the time pass quicker. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I have realized how much easier it is to learn when you are teaching yourself I am not suggesting going to online school in any way, shape, or form. I am pointing out that I believe that I have learned so much more in the past year than I have learned in my past years going to high school. I have learned certain people and social skills as it has been necessary to reach out to other students in order to understand certain concepts. I have learned how to work in difficult circumstances when meeting in person was not an option. Meeting full time would be a drag on me as well as other students who have lives outside of high school which I can most definitely say is every single student. Being mentally healthy will help us all become better learner and I stand by that 100%.

I would like to just say that I think that it would be very beneficial to have students in high school grade levels not going to school 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. As a high school student myself, I can truly say that having Friday’s off for the past couple of months has really helped me in a mental and emotional standpoint. As the classes were shorter, I felt that I could actually focus the whole entire class period and I was not just being given busy work to make the time pass quicker. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I have realized how much easier it is to learn when you are teaching yourself I am not suggesting going to online school in any way, shape, or form. I am pointing out that I believe that I have learned so much more in the past year than I have learned in my past years going to high school. I have learned certain people and social skills as it has been necessary to reach out to other students in order to understand certain concepts. I have learned how to work in difficult circumstances when meeting in person was not an option. Meeting full time would be a drag on me as well as other students who have lives outside of high school which I can most definitely say is every single student. Being mentally healthy will help us all become better learner and I stand by that 100%.

I would love the change. Although the wearing masks still concerns me but overall i would love this

I would love to go back to school again for full days. I think that it will be really helpful to move back to full day school all the time. While your asking for opinions I would love to have school on Saturdays as well.

I would love to go back to school full time and am looking forward to it!

I would love to go full time school

I would love to return to school full time. I think it will help with my learning and understanding. Thank you!

I would not like to wear my mask for 7 hours, but I think we shud.

I would not support the change to Phase 3. COVID-19 is still very much here but I feel like as a district we have been sweeping it under the rug. To protect our students and staff we have been ordered to wear masks on for the school day. If people are struggling to keep them on now why would they keep them on for a longer school day? That is just one of many reasons we need to contemplate if Phase 3 is the right choice. We need to think about the students and teachers as neither have had an easy year and have been trying their best.

I would not want to return to full day school for many reasons. Returning to full day school would be almost 7 hours in a classroom. Although everyone is wearing masks, lots of people still take off their mask sometimes and most of the kids in my class are coming to school sick and coughing. The shorter you are in school, the less of a chance you are going to catch covid. Another reason I would not want to go back to full day school is because that is 7 hours of wearing a mask. Masks are uncomfortable and kids will take off their mask for a break now and then. Daylight savings is coming up and it will be very hard to wake up early and go to school for almost 7 hours and not get enough sleep. Last year before the pandemic, I noticed around 2:00 people would get tired and not pay as close attention so you don’t learn as much and you are not as productive. Shorter school would be better and kids would be happier.🐢

I would not want to return to full day school for many reasons. Returning to full day school would be almost 7 hours in a classroom. Although everyone is wearing masks, lots of people still take off their mask sometimes and most of the kids in my class are coming to school sick and coughing. The shorter you are in school, the less of a chance you are going to catch covid. Another reason I would not want to go back to full day school is because that is 7 hours of wearing a mask. Masks are uncomfortable and kids will take off their mask for a break now and then. Daylight savings is coming up and it will be very hard to wake up early and go to school for almost 7 hours and not get enough sleep. Last year before the pandemic, I noticed around 2:00 people would get tired and not pay as close attention so you don’t learn as much and you are not as productive. Shorter school would be better and kids would be happier.🐢

I would prefer to end this year with phase 2, just in case of any contagious. And next year I would like to start as normally as we were before the pandemic

I would prefer to go to Phase 3 at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. The transitioning at this time would be really difficult to manage.

I would prefer to stop mask wearing as well. I think it’s doing more harm on children than good!!

I would prefer to wait until I do t have to wear a mask. I find it hard to breathe. Thank you.

I would prefer we did not move to phase three because nobody is respecting rules right now. It seems that most students do not care about wearing masks, and social distancing is not happening at all. If we are going to school for longer, it is more likely we will be at risk because very few people are being careful.

I would rather keep the shorter days.

I would rather not be looking at a screen for two hours to do my homework at home. I would rather be at school, getting help from my teacher.

I would rather not be looking at a screen for two hours to do my homework at home. I would rather be at school, getting help from my teacher.

I would rather start the next school year on Phase 3 than have a harsh transition this year.

I would really like more time for homework and catching up in school. Then I can talk to my teachers right there.

I would say at the beginning of next year or the end of this one

I wouldn’t be able to graduate because I have a job that I would need to quote, which I can’t, and I have 2 pe packets that I an finishing. With the tone we add on to school, I will not be able to go get any more hours, let alone go to my last few classes. My work shift starts at 12:30 and ends at 7:30. From 7:30- 1:00, I do homework, make and eat dinner, then go to bed. It isn’t just me. There are so many seniors with the same situation. So no, I do not think switching to phrase 3 will be a good idea at all. Please listen to us students.

I wouldn’t mind going back full time but since this year we have been a schedule for my family, it would be hard to go back full. But I was thinking next year when we all have a fresh start

I wouldn’t like multiple lunches if we went to phase three, but more class time I wouldn’t mind.

I’d only be fine if we didn’t have to wear masks. I feel like people feel pretty stressed right now, so having shorter days makes people less stressed.

I’d only be fine if we didn’t have to wear masks. I feel like people feel pretty stressed right now, so having shorter days makes people less stressed.

I’m a freshman at Provo High School. In past months that phase 2 and phase 2.5 came into place, it’s a wonder no one has gotten sick! Every time I have to get to class, the halls are crowded with students. In the hallways, people are hugging, kissing (with masks off, of course!), holding hands, and just not wearing masks. There’s no one in the halls to monitor mask wearing. Social distancing? Out the window. No one cares about social distancing, especially teenagers. I’ve been hearing that people’s grades have plummeted since phase 2.5 started. The stress level has been getting unbearable, which might harm some of the other student’s mental health. It’s beginning to feel that instead of the school board caring for the safety of the students, faculty, and staff, they are more into getting their children out of the house so they don’t have to be responsible. And that’s not a cool thing to do, especially in a pandemic.

I’m a freshman at Provo High School. In past months that phase 2 and phase 2.5 came into place, it’s a wonder no one has gotten sick! Every time I have to get to class, the halls are crowded with students. In the hallways, people are hugging, kissing (with masks off, of course!), holding hands, and just not wearing masks. There’s no one in the halls to monitor mask wearing. Social distancing? Out the window. No one cares about social distancing, especially teenagers. I’ve been hearing that people’s grades have plummeted since phase 2.5 started. The stress level has been getting unbearable, which might harm some of the other student’s mental health. It’s beginning to feel that instead of the school board caring for the safety of the students, faculty, and staff, they are more into getting their children out of the house so they don’t have to be responsible. And that’s not a cool thing to do, especially in a pandemic.

I’m a junior at Timpview. I feel like we are so close to finishing and if we go back full time including lunch we are going to have a massive explosion of Covid cases. So many people come to school sick & don’t get tested. One of my friends came coughing for two days before he finally went & got tested & was positive. So many kids my age do that. I like going 5 days because we needed it but I don’t see the point of full time. It’s working great as it is & it’s safe & we get to go to school & do sports. We don’t want to ruin it when we don’t need lunch & 20 extra minutes.

I’m a student at Rock Canyon and I like the routine we have.

I’m an 8th grader at Centennial and I’m just now getting my schedule for the 5 days a week. I’m doing well and I have training sessions and extracurricular activities in my calendar. I am already stressed out thinking about going back to Phase 3 and starting a whole new schedule. Please just let us finish the year like we are doing now. I have anxiety and so does my cousin, and we are very stressed out that you are going to change things up on us AGAIN!!! LEAVE IT THE WAY IT IS NOW!

I’m an 8th grader at Centennial and I’m just now getting my schedule for the 5 days a week. I’m doing well and I have training sessions and extracurricular activities in my calendar. I am already stressed out thinking about going back to Phase 3 and starting a whole new schedule. Please just let us finish the year like we are doing now. I have anxiety and so does my cousin, and we are very stressed out that you are going to change things up on us AGAIN!!! LEAVE IT THE WAY IT IS NOW!

I’m concerned about exposure during lunches seeing as everyone will be changing lunches depending on the day and taking their masks off while eating.

I’m concerned about lunchtimes. There is no way that you could enforce social distancing, and no masks would be worn because people are eating

I’m getting the same amount of work done in less time. Why spend the extra hours at school, it’s not efficient.

I’m glad

I’m in kindergarten and I wont longer resses, and l want more time for spacelab. More lexa.

I’m just getting used to the schedule we have now. I don’t want to deal with another schedule. I’m doing fine with what we have now.

I’m just getting used to the schedule we have now. I don’t want to deal with another schedule. I’m doing fine with what we have now.

I’m not sure how safe Phase 3 or Phase 2.5 is. It seems a little rushed.

“I’m not sure that longer time in school with more exposure will help. I am glad the cases have gone down a lot, but if we go back to full time, will we keep the cases low or will they go really high again so we automatically have to switch back to phase 2? My worry is that if we switch, we won’t stay in that phase very long and everything will get messed up and confusing again as we are switching between phases and online stuff and everything else. I am also behind in my schoolwork and I don’t know how full time school will affect that. Right now, it feels like if we do full time, I will never catch up and have even less time to do schoolwork at home. If going to school full time means less homework, though, and more time in class to do our work, maybe it would be a good thing. I just don’t know yet, but I don’t feel ready.”

I’m ready to go back full-time without masks, please.

I’m really content with the way it is.

I’m sure you’ve already made a decision. Why waste time writing a stellar essay when it won’t even be read? When it won’t change anything? You’re all killing us, students and teachers alike. We’re so burned out. We’re so burned out.

I’ve already been pretty busy with homework which has been stressing me out, and if we had to go back to school for even more time I think it would just add onto my stress. I also don’t really understand why we would go back considering the number of cases we have at the school right now. I’m not sure how many we have by today, but I remember about 2 weeks ago we had about 75 or something- and I heard Provo High shut down the whole school after much less cases. It really doesn’t make much sense to me since I feel like things haven’t actually been getting any better.

I’ve made it this far through the pandemic without getting covid and I’d hate to get it now after all the sacrifices I’ve made over the past year. I’m still nervous seeing people get sick in my classes. Longer classes means more exposure time and less time for cleaning. Lunch time would be scary. Throw social distancing and all the hard work we’ve done the whole school year out the window. Please give the high schools more time in phase 2.

I’d just love to get back to school full time.

I’d just love to get back to school full time.

“I’d love to go to school 8 hours a day to learn more and see my friends, but I don’t want to wear a mask longer than we already do each day. “

I’d say no. I’m not in any way,shape, or form trying to be disrespectful. I understand that the district or board wants to have kids come back and have a somewhat a better learning experience. But to be completely honest it’s hard enough right now. Just these shortened hours are hard to go to school. We need time to develop and get through this unnatural school year. I’m a freshman and just barely getting my grades up. I would rather have a regular school year and be able to go full hours but at this point I can’t see myself going full time especially with masks. Not trying to sound lousy by the way also my little sister has had a hard time this year and it’s just hard on a lot of people and that would be kind of unfair to some. Thanks!

I’d say no. I’m not in any way,shape, or form trying to be disrespectful. I understand that the district or board wants to have kids come back and have a somewhat a better learning experience. But to be completely honest it’s hard enough right now. Just these shortened hours are hard to go to school. We need time to develop and get through this unnatural school year. I’m a freshman and just barely getting my grades up. I would rather have a regular school year and be able to go full hours but at this point I can’t see myself going full time especially with masks. Not trying to sound lousy by the way also my little sister has had a hard time this year and it’s just hard on a lot of people and that would be kind of unfair to some. Thanks!

I’m a senior and I have senioritis, so I’m going to say no to phase 3. This year was a pretty big bummer with all the cancelled dances/activities/gatherings. It sucked the fun out of our senior year. Let’s just call it a year and be done.

i’m a senior, you have done absolutely nothing to make us feel any kind of celebrated. this has been the worst year, no wonder you have students partying. going to phase three will just make it worse- mentally we cannot handle the constant changing of schedule. maybe listen to the actual students and teachers who are in school daily instead of the parents who pressure you.

I’m agree for return integral school

I’m agree for return integral school

I’m answering this for my Junior who, because of her disability, is unable to complete it herself. She desperately wants more time at school since that is the only activity she has right now and the only time she gets to have any social interactions with peers.

I’m Anxious about going back full time. I would like to wait until after spring break and after we see how elementary schools do going back full time. I know lots of my friends aren’t careful and there is peer pressure to blow covid off.

I’m Anxious about going back full time. I would like to wait until after spring break and after we see how elementary schools do going back full time. I know lots of my friends aren’t careful and there is peer pressure to blow covid off.

I’m doing better in school. I like not having to focus for as long and having more time after school. I’m not as worn out.

I’m doing better in school. I like not having to focus for as long and having more time after school. I’m not as worn out.

I’m getting plenty of school right now.

I’m getting plenty of school right now.

I’m in high school, so I don’t really care either way if the younger students go to phase 3.

I’m kind of sick of changing it over and over again… I have a job and it’s hard to keep on asking for shift changes. We are where we are and I think changing it on the students yet again wouldn’t have the best responses, grade wise and mentally. This has been draining enough we don’t need to keep on flip flopping the only stable thing in our lives.

“I’m not read to start back full days. The stress of school over the past year has been very stressful for me and my siblings an friends. Keep the schedule at phase 2 until august. “

i’m not sure of you will g read this but i think this is a horrible idea because it can get more kids sick if they haven’t gotten covid staying longer is more chance of getting it and also it’s a huge change most kids won’t feel comfortable with it.

I’m scared for the change of schedule, and worried about the pandemic

I’m scared of COVID

I’m scared of COVID

I’m too busy

“I’ve already submitted one of these, but I got this assignment, thought about it, and realized that I have more to say on the topic. Before I get into the argument itself, I want to express my extreme discontent towards the leadership in the school district. Blatantly disregarding both parent and student opinions is unacceptable for what should be a fair, honest authoritative figure. I know that you probably don’t want to be chastised by a student, but honestly, you need to hear this. I won’t be surprised if you don’t even read this, based on your track record this year. But if you do, please listen to a student’s perspective on the pandemic, and why we should not go to Phase 3. When I was first made aware of the possibility of Phase 3, I looked up the Covid statistics for both the United States and Utah and was shocked. Our cases currently have been in decline, but the picture is not what it seems to be at first glance. Nationally, Covid cases have stopped falling, a telltale sign of a fourth wave, something that could be absolutely devastating for our country. Remember early June and September? That’s when Covid cases were getting better, and we started to reopen at a rapid pace. That soon proved to be disastrous, as new infections rose rapidly, culminating in closure and the reinforcement of mandates across the nation and state. There is no reason to risk increasing the overall spread of the virus, especially so near the end of the school year when both student and teacher stress is already through the roof. Vaccines have been significantly helping the nationwide case count, as well as statewide. However, you have not considered the fact that no youth have been vaccinated. While adult’s risk is lowered by the vaccine, there is no consideration for the fact that students are bearing the same amount of risk as before. This risk would be compounded by the arrival of Phase 3, putting lots of students in unnecessary danger. Even though children have less Covid risk than adults, we are still humans who can get sick, have debilitating long-term health effects, and die, just like everyone else. I don’t know how lunch would be implemented, because it would turn into its own superspreader every day. I have been observing student’s behavior when they’re eating, and I’ve seen the lack of safety precautions taken. If we were to gather hundreds of students in the same room, maskless, it could be a disaster. Imagine what would happen if an infected student happened to lick their fingers? Lots of students could get infected by this one person, and may even shut down Phase 3 prematurely. No matter how much you try and convince people to be careful, there always will be students who decide not to follow the rules. “

I’ve been trying to get Covid for over a year now and if we go long enough to have lunch at school I might finally get Covid.

If classes are already 60 minutes, then adding a little more to each class shouldn’t pose any (or at the worst a little) additional risk to the point that is not being there earlier actually doesn’t make much sense to me.

“If high schools transition to Phase 3, students will spend more time around other people. In particular, we will have to eat lunch at school. This will require us to take off our masks, increasing the likelihood of transmitting the virus. I think that rather than changing to Phase 3 and risk having an outbreak later, we should stay in Phase 2.5. This way, extracurricular activities, such as drama, band, orchestra, choir, and sports, are less at risk of being cancelled. Additionally, graduation will be less at risk of cancellation. Thank you for your consideration.”

If I unknowingly get the virus and bring it home to my parents and one or both of them get badly sick and eventually die from complications due to covid, is the Provo Distric going to be responsible for such a careless decision? Is this a partisan decision? It seems to me that this is a selfish decision based off board members who have been manipulated by local maskless moms. Sad!

If it is decided that PCSD schools are transitioned to phase three, then I would at least request home study to continue to be an option, because some families have high risk in their household. And, while masks and sanitation seems to be working well, and the trend is going down, some are simply not comfortable with it and will be in a very difficult situation, because going to school will put them at risk, and deciding to end their attendance of school will have made three terms of work for nothing. However, there are also those who need kids to be in school full days so that teenagers and kids aren’t home alone for such a long period of time. In my opinion, it would be best to open the schools full time but have home study continue to be a permanent option.

if it is just elementary schools who need it change then we have got situated with all these changes constantly happening let’s us just finish this school year without added tiredness and stress to school

If students can’t attend sports events, dances, and other activities without wearing masks and social distancing, we are not ready for phase 3.

If they have a few more hours at school, I don’t think it’s risky right now.

If we are going back to phase 3 then everything should go back to normal. It’s not fair to have us go all day to school with masks and not be able to have school dances or assemblies.

If we are not allowed to have spectators at sporting events or participate in dances and other school extracurricular activities, why is it now “safe” to attend school full time, five days a week? After March 22, there are only 9 weeks (45 days) of this school year remaining. We have been through enough Phase changes this year. Let’s just stay as we are and begin fresh next fall.

If we can’t have more than 100 at a socially distanced game, why 2500 at school for 8 hours?!

If we did go back to phase 3 (which I hope we don’t) I would seriously like the library to be opened up. Ever since Covid-19 happened they closed the library’s for good. I thought that once the school year started things would go back to normal with the libraries open. The libraries remained closed however. This seriously changed my study habits and I have had a hard time keeping up with all my classes. You see before this I would go to the library everyday after school to study and do my homework. It was a place to escape when everywhere else was loud. The reopening of full time school would only get me even more behind in where I’m supposed to be. I hope you understand :). Britton Bowers

If we did go back to phase 3 (which I hope we don’t) I would seriously like the library to be opened up. Ever since Covid-19 happened they closed the library’s for good. I thought that once the school year started things would go back to normal with the libraries open. The libraries remained closed however. This seriously changed my study habits and I have had a hard time keeping up with all my classes. You see before this I would go to the library everyday after school to study and do my homework. It was a place to escape when everywhere else was loud. The reopening of full time school would only get me even more behind in where I’m supposed to be. I hope you understand :). Britton Bowers

If we do go back to school full time than I would rather have monday through thursday full time and then have fridays with no school.

If we don’t get serious, Corona virus will go on forever.

If we go back to phase 3 we may have less homework. That is a plus. But I have many out of school activities that may be conflicted by the new schedule. Lunch was super fun at school so I am looking forward to that! 🙂

If we go to Phase 3 I won’t go to school.

If we go to phase 3 we would probably go back to phase 2 or 2.5 and that is putting too much stress on the teachers and students going back and forth and teachers have been planning ahead and if we keep going back and forth that’ll affect the teachers plans.

if we move to phase 3 I’m not coming back

If we moved to phase 3 kids wouldn’t social distance during lunch time and we would be together longer. Some Students don’t wear there mask correctly so we are more at risk with them since will be with them longer. Also it’s been hard adjusting to all the changes in schedules.

If we still have to wear masks, if extracurricular activities cannot be held, if COVID testing still has to be done for athletes and if people still have to quarantine then we are not ready to go back full days.

If we’re required to wear masks, we shouldn’t have to social distance as well.

If y’all think I’m coming back to school full day y’all got it wrong that ain’t happening

“If you add lunch the cases will spike, unless it’s elementary because they are less likely to carry covid. But the district is pushing too much for full-time school. you guys need to take a step back and think things through, we need to be safe. While what we’re doing right now is pretty annoying, this is what I prefer, we need to find a balance between safety and education. Please consider my recommendation.


“If you do I’ll die. My life force is tied to the Phase 2 schedule. Horcrux-style.”

if you would take out the mask part i would be fine to go back. all the extra precautions drastically decrease the amount of time anyway.

if/when we go to phase 3 we need to be allowed dances and assemblies. we are allowed sporting events with students in attendance but i feel that my high school years are being wasted away as i am not in full time school and not allowed to have any school-sponsored dances. this is absolutely vital for students’ mental health

im too exasuted to go full rime 5 days a week, plus the whole covid thing isnt over yet which could lead to more chances of covid spreading because not every kid wears their mask during school.

in April instead because it’ll be much better than now and I’m not prepared so yeah 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

In Elementary schools there in one classroom the whole day so it’s more contained, in Middle school and high school they go to 4 different classes a day so they are less contained and on top of that the halls and stairs are so crowded that I get claustrophobic with my mask on too. I for one don’t want to wear a mask all day and some kids don’t even where a mask properly.

“In the hopes that this is being read, I have a few things to say:

Phase three is not safe. That’s the truth, right there, plain and simple. It is absolutely not safe. You want to bring back lunch; great idea! That’s a whole 30 minutes of thousands of students taking off their masks. Superspreading fun. Plus, with the extra five minutes that we get in passing period, people will be congregating more, crowding more, risking more. Bodies swarming the halls for double the amount of time. I’ve seen the risks. The minute some kids are out of the classroom their masks are off, their breath, their germs, swirling in the air, and now you think you should give them five extra minutes of it. Nice. Because all we want is to be stuck at home, violently coughing while we quickly get further and further and further behind. Great idea. Alpine tried this at the beginning of the year. Did it work? No. They ended up having to dial it back. Let’s stay here where it’s safe. Four people, four students. That is, last I heard, the number of students at Provo High that have lost parents to Corona Virus. At least four students that are without parents right now. Four students without the guiding love and support of a guardian to watch over them. Four students who no longer have a parent welcoming them home from school, sharing a smile, asking how their day went. Four students that now have to deal with that grief, that pain, and try to find a new normal. Four students whose lives will never be the same again. Do you really want to put us into phase three when four students could have been spared this undeniable heartache had they just been allowed to stay home? One is too many. We have four. How many more students have to lose loved ones before you’ll listen? It’s not safe for students to be fully exposed right now. They might have strong immune systems, but they live with those that don’t. Teenagers can’t get vaccinated just yet. Neither can most of their parents. I’m not saying this is your fault. All I’m saying is that you can help prevent further heartwrenching pain. Let’s wait out this storm. Otherwise, the lightning will strike, causing irreparable damage in its wake. Being a student during this rough storm is the thing that provides me with the most vital point of view needed. Some parents might be pushing for phase three, yet they don’t understand. They don’t know. I’m a student living this nightmare; I’m a student seeing this first hand. I go to school every day and witness the abominable safety hazards taking place. I have seen dozens of kids and teachers alike with their masks under their noses if it’s even on at all. I have heard the unanimous cry of no from the people when asked about phase three. I know because I see. Parents don’t. You don’t. How many times have been here, observing, seeing the unsafe environment? How often do you take a stroll to the school to see how your decisions are affecting us? Maybe you don’t have the time. Maybe you don’t understand. Well, I’m here every day. Please listen. We’ve spoken up. You may want to push normal but guess what? We are in the middle of a pandemic. Hundreds of people are dying each day that could have seen the bright sunshine of tomorrow had they not been exposed to a deadly disease. This isn’t normal. We’ve adapted to help keep us safe so let’s stay that way. You’re supposed to represent the people. The people have said no.”

“Internships already set up Jobs in progress Classes are going with momentum Had enough change this year. “

Is good for me full school

Is good shool

Is good shool

It doesn’t make sense to change the schedule again just for the last couple months of the school year. We are adjusted to the current schedule and it would interfere with the extracurriculars we have set up for the year.

It has already been a really rough school year without all the socials and gatherings. By returning to full school without returning the socials that had originally balanced the mental workload, it would be unfair and even unhealthy.

It has been really hard to stay on top of my classes this year. I think it would be helpful to be in class for more time so that I wasn’t having to teach myself things at home. Please let us go back to school for real.

It increases being exposed over been exposed and had to be gone for a while and missed some tests and got super behind I don’t want to increase the chances of that and my dad’s in the hospital cause of Covid-19 I don’t want to increase the chances for that for other people I don’t want to increase the chances of that pain and emotional distress

It increases being exposed over been exposed and had to be gone for a while and missed some tests and got super behind I don’t want to increase the chances of that and my dad’s in the hospital cause of Covid-19 I don’t want to increase the chances for that for other people I don’t want to increase the chances of that pain and emotional distress

It is a good opportunity for children come back learning more in their day a day.

It is a Terrible idea to change when we have already adapted to phase 2. Students can’t even get the vaccine yet you dum slut niggers. PS. Your cock suckers

It is a Terrible idea to change when we have already adapted to phase 2. Students can’t even get the vaccine yet you dum slut niggers. PS. Your cock suckers

It is completely and utterly reckless and excuse my language, useless to swap now. Already our schedules have been disrupted a thousand times because of all of the switching, why do it now with only 3 months left of school. You would have to give us lunch breaks which would heighten the spread of the Covid Virus. Go back to normal in the new year.

It is far too early to be considering this whatsoever and would be absolutely irresponsible to implement it.

It is hard for me to breath in a mask. Also, when I wear a mask, my the back of my ears really hurt at the end of the day.

It is hard for me to wear a mask. I feel I’ll most days from it. I’m afraid with the mask mandate still in place that an extended day will be difficult for me and other students.

“It is hard to be in a mask all day. Being in school longer will just make it harder.

I am already stressed about doing good in school. I feel that if we go longer I will just get more homework and have less time to do it.

I like the early out schedule. I hate wearing a mask. It really is distracting “

It is my belief that we as a district are unprepared for such a change and that the current situation of the world, namely the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, still poses too great of a threat to the wellbeing of our students and faculty. I also believe that the upheaval of the small shred of consistency we’ve managed to obtain over the past few months is simply unfair to the members of this district.

It is my last term as a senior at Timpview and I would like to be in class as much as possible. I have a hard time learning from my chromebook and would like to have more time with my teachers. I feel safe going especially now that the teachers have been able to get the vaccination.

It is my opinion we should not go to full time unless 50%+ of students have the vaccine.

It is not going to be any more effective to add the extra minutes in class. Most teachers now have accustomed their syllabus to the current schedule and if the schedule is changed again, the extra 30 minutes will be a waste of time. And in addition, scientifically, people’s attention span only lasts about 45-55 minutes, so if classes are extended, we won’t be learning any more than we were before.

It is putting too much stress on the students and teachers and if you guys want to go back to normal it is probably too late in the year since we have about 80 days left of school so why not just wait until next year and not wear masks.

It is so much for effective to have shorter days because there is no wasted time in class, more time for homework and extra activity’s, as well as having more time for family bonding.

It is so pointless to do early out every day

It is to long to wear a mask all day! How would lunch work out? Don’t want to have more chances to be quarentined!

It is to long to wear a mask all day! How would lunch work out? Don’t want to have more chances to be quarentined!

It is very taxing on students to constantly switch and build their schedules around a constantly changing school schedule.

It isn’t fair to go back to all day school if we can’t go to dances.

It isn’t fair to go back to all day school if we can’t go to dances.

“It isn’t fair to the students, parents, and teachers to tradition so close to the end of the school year. Students have extracurriculars, work, and sports scheduled, and now we’ll have to change all of that.

Also, I personally have medical issues that would make it unsafe for me to participate in full day school. “

“It isn’t fair to the students, parents, and teachers to tradition so close to the end of the school year. Students have extracurriculars, work, and sports scheduled, and now we’ll have to change all of that.

Also, I personally have medical issues that would make it unsafe for me to participate in full day school. “

“it puts too much stress on students. “

“it puts too much stress on students. “

“it puts too much stress on students. “

It seems to me that with the corresponding sanitary measures they could normally go to classes and of course with my doubts but it would be the best support 100% is proposed

it still does’nt feel safe when there is still cases and having high risked familly members.

It will help with kids struggling and getting to see my friends longer.

It will make teenagers overwhelmed and stressed.

It will make teenagers overwhelmed and stressed.

It would be awful

It would be awful

It would be beneficial for elementary schoolers to go to school full time, considering they’re very behind in lots of things! However I don’t feel a need for high schoolers to go to full time because it doesn’t make a difference at all.

It would be beneficial for elementary schoolers to go to school full time, considering they’re very behind in lots of things! However I don’t feel a need for high schoolers to go to full time because it doesn’t make a difference at all.

It would be best to keep it as is for the rest of the school year in order to not confuse/completely change schedules made this spring.

It would be foolish if we were to extend the amount of exposure. Also, I haven’t seen how the district has been “closely watching the impact of covid-19”.

“It would be good to figure out lunches so that not everyone takes their masks off. “

It would be good to keep the schedule as it is. All the changes have made it harder for us students. With only a few months left, just leave it the way it is.

It would be great to go back to school full time because i know a lot of peoples grades have dropped because we had online school. I also want to move to phase three or higher because I’m tired of wearing these masks 😑

It would be hard to wear a mask that long. I like the school day the way it is.

It would be nice to have more time in school

It would be really hard to keep our masks on for such a long time. Also lunch would be really hard to regulate as it’s often overcrowded and a lot of people would be eating in close proximity.

It would be so hard to be a freshman having less time to sleep and having less time to do homework after school if we go to full time school. I don’t want to be in a school with Covid more than I have to.

It would help my son more learning the language better

It would just be stupid if we went to phase three. It would increase exposer time not to mention that we already have a high number of cases. We wouldn’t benefit from moving ahead. It would just end up setting us back farther.

It would make covid cases go up if we went to Phase 3 because of more people not wearing masks in the cafeteria and all of the people who won’t want to wear a mask.

It would make it so people wouldn’t be used to it.

It would not be smart

It would not be smart

it would not be wise at this point. Just let them finish up school in phase 2.5.

It would place pressure on me, because even phase one put a lot of homework pressing on me. Phase three would cut out family time and push back after-school activities, such as private lessons, and community activities.

It wouldn’t be helpful to ANYONE. Students, Parents, or Teachers. Which is the whole point of this in the first place.

it wouldn’t help anyone but parents that really need their younger children to be in their elementary classes more. it’ll only benefit the younger children than the middle schoolers and high schoolers. Due, the high school students having to have a job sooner than later to help their family pay fees due covid-19. so, making them have to quit their jobs and risk twice as much to attend school with a longer schedule will only make them fall more behind on education then also make their whole family suffer from the schedule change. we may dropped in covid cases, but it doesn’t mean it’ll stop covid from spreading more with a new schedule that makes classes longer making it so we’ll be more close to students with a higher chance of getting covid and spreading it around the whole state. it will not help anyone if we change our schedule to something that’ll chose more harm than help. due to the extreme fact that most may not feel any symptoms whatsoever. making it three times as harder to make sure are actually making it harder to spread it. so, plus note that, it’s the students and the people health that matters most than anything. all students are constantly in survival mode to make sure they stay safe so their parents can work without knowing their going to maybe get covid easier to the dumb change in schedule

it wouldn’t help anyone but parents that really need their younger children to be in their elementary classes more. it’ll only benefit the younger children than the middle schoolers and high schoolers. Due, the high school students having to have a job sooner than later to help their family pay fees due covid-19. so, making them have to quit their jobs and risk twice as much to attend school with a longer schedule will only make them fall more behind on education then also make their whole family suffer from the schedule change. we may dropped in covid cases, but it doesn’t mean it’ll stop covid from spreading more with a new schedule that makes classes longer making it so we’ll be more close to students with a higher chance of getting covid and spreading it around the whole state. it will not help anyone if we change our schedule to something that’ll chose more harm than help. due to the extreme fact that most may not feel any symptoms whatsoever. making it three times as harder to make sure are actually making it harder to spread it. so, plus note that, it’s the students and the people health that matters most than anything. all students are constantly in survival mode to make sure they stay safe so their parents can work without knowing their going to maybe get covid easier to the dumb change in schedule

it wouldn’t help anyone but parents that really need their younger children to be in their elementary classes more. it’ll only benefit the younger children than the middle schoolers and high schoolers. Due, the high school students having to have a job sooner than later to help their family pay fees due covid-19. so, making them have to quit their jobs and risk twice as much to attend school with a longer schedule will only make them fall more behind on education then also make their whole family suffer from the schedule change. we may dropped in covid cases, but it doesn’t mean it’ll stop covid from spreading more with a new schedule that makes classes longer making it so we’ll be more close to students with a higher chance of getting covid and spreading it around the whole state. it will not help anyone if we change our schedule to something that’ll chose more harm than help. due to the extreme fact that most may not feel any symptoms whatsoever. making it three times as harder to make sure are actually making it harder to spread it. so, plus note that, it’s the students and the people health that matters most than anything. all students are constantly in survival mode to make sure they stay safe so their parents can work without knowing their going to maybe get covid easier to the dumb change in schedule

it wouldn’t help anyone but parents that really need their younger children to be in their elementary classes more. it’ll only benefit the younger children than the middle schoolers and high schoolers. Due, the high school students having to have a job sooner than later to help their family pay fees due covid-19. so, making them have to quit their jobs and risk twice as much to attend school with a longer schedule will only make them fall more behind on education then also make their whole family suffer from the schedule change. we may dropped in covid cases, but it doesn’t mean it’ll stop covid from spreading more with a new schedule that makes classes longer making it so we’ll be more close to students with a higher chance of getting covid and spreading it around the whole state. it will not help anyone if we change our schedule to something that’ll chose more harm than help. due to the extreme fact that most may not feel any symptoms whatsoever. making it three times as harder to make sure are actually making it harder to spread it. so, plus note that, it’s the students and the people health that matters most than anything. all students are constantly in survival mode to make sure they stay safe so their parents can work without knowing their going to maybe get covid easier to the dumb change in schedule

it wouldn’t help anyone but parents that really need their younger children to be in their elementary classes more. it’ll only benefit the younger children than the middle schoolers and high schoolers. Due, the high school students having to have a job sooner than later to help their family pay fees due covid-19. so, making them have to quit their jobs and risk twice as much to attend school with a longer schedule will only make them fall more behind on education then also make their whole family suffer from the schedule change. we may dropped in covid cases, but it doesn’t mean it’ll stop covid from spreading more with a new schedule that makes classes longer making it so we’ll be more close to students with a higher chance of getting covid and spreading it around the whole state. it will not help anyone if we change our schedule to something that’ll chose more harm than help. due to the extreme fact that most may not feel any symptoms whatsoever. making it three times as harder to make sure are actually making it harder to spread it. so, plus note that, it’s the students and the people health that matters most than anything. all students are constantly in survival mode to make sure they stay safe so their parents can work without knowing their going to maybe get covid easier to the dumb change in schedule

It’d probably cause many people to be stressed because of covid. Lots of people that I know have to worry about them/their family getting covid because they’ll have some trouble if they do and that causes a lot of stress.

It’s a bad idea for many reasons.

It’s about time to return to fulltime so students can a full education that they deserve.

It’s already hard enough to wear masks for half days, please don’t add more time.

It’s been really hard for students this year to deal with a schedule that is constantly changing. I really would like to just have the same schedule for the rest of the year because all the change has added a nice level of stress for everyone. The teachers also are expected to not post anything online for students who aren’t at school of we move to phase 3 which is unreasonable. Some students can’t come to school because of a very high-risk parent and they wouldn’t be able to do school for the rest of the year if we move to phase 3. One of the teachers at Timpview even told me that the teachers are all barely holding on as and if we move to phase 3 they won’t be able to handle it. In all, I feel that it is a bad idea for everyone involved to have to deal with another change that would cause so much stress.

It’s easier if all the schools start the same day, then we can pick up our younger siblings easier.

It’s frustrating to me and my family to have to worry about constantly changing our schedules in a time that is already so unpredictable and confusing. To add only an extra half hour to class seems like it is just isn’t worth it for the purposes of instruction to uproot our schedules and try get used to yet another thing that’s changing.

It’s gonna be a long day.

It’s inconvenient for everyone. It’s a terrible idea and will only put children more at risk.

It’s is not healthy to have limited oxygen and difficult breathing for 7 hours a day. I get headaches daily as it is, it will be a major negative impact to increase this time spent in a mask.

It’s not safe

It’s not safe

It’s not safe

It’s not safe

It’s not safe

It’s not safe

It’s not safe

It’s not safe

It’s not safe. Numbers are only going up. Sure, it may be hard to get through it, but we can’t put convenience over people’s lives.

It’s not time. We’re still in the middle of a world pandemic.

It’s really hard to wear a mask all day even now in high school and longer is just torture. It’s been a great opportunity to have an afternoon job and save for college. I have just hit my 4.0 stride this term and changing from 1 to 2 really messed me up and I got super behind so I think staying is a good idea at least for high school. Also, we have started getting super productive in class and losing that would be a real shame.

It’s too soon

It’s too soon to go to phase 3 in my opinion.

It’s unsafe there’s still so many risks

It’s unsafe there’s still so many risks

It’s a waist of time-

It’s a waist of time-

It’s a waist of time-

It’s always a stressful transition for not only myself but for students. Constantly switching schedules means less sleep and more homework, furthering the unhealthy habits myself and students face every day. Monday through Thursday works amazing for many students, although Monday through Friday is terribly tiring. This year has honestly felt just as enriching as the other years I’ve attended, in fact it feels like all of the busy work that I’m usually doing is now eliminated and I’m learning core standards rather than focusing on the unimportant.

It’s always a stressful transition for not only myself but for students. Constantly switching schedules means less sleep and more homework, furthering the unhealthy habits myself and students face every day. Monday through Thursday works amazing for many students, although Monday through Friday is terribly tiring. This year has honestly felt just as enriching as the other years I’ve attended, in fact it feels like all of the busy work that I’m usually doing is now eliminated and I’m learning core standards rather than focusing on the unimportant.

It’s going to be too stressful especially because there’s only 2 months left of school and I don’t think it’s going to be worth. It’s just better to leave it as it is in phase 2

It’s going to be too stressful especially because there’s only 2 months left of school and I don’t think it’s going to be worth. It’s just better to leave it as it is in phase 2

“It’s going to overwhelm and stress us all out and it doesn’t feel worth it or helpful to go back to full for 2 months It’s definitely going to be bad for the school because no one will be happy “

“It’s going to overwhelm and stress us all out and it doesn’t feel worth it or helpful to go back to full for 2 months It’s definitely going to be bad for the school because no one will be happy “

it’s honestly the worst idea ever.

It’s not a good decision now. We have Covid cases under control now and by adding lunch into the schedule the chance of getting sick at school will drastically increase. Also the toll on students mental health would be drastic and damaging

It’s not easy for high schoolers to move to full time the last quarter of the year. We are so stressed anyway and the change would cause chaos. Our teachers don’t deserve the change either. They are drowning in their work as it is. Leave things be for the rest of the school year.

It’s not safe yet

It’s really hard to keep having school change. Also my cousin can’t go to school and is doing online school because he has some health problems and if he gets covid it would be very dangerous. What about kids like that who are scared to go to school in person? I think we need to wait until next year to decide about full day for everyone

It’s safer to have less contact with other people until COVID is gone.

It’s safer to wait until next school year to start full time. I think everything is going good and smoothly the way it is right now.

It’s safer to wait until next school year to start full time. I think everything is going good and smoothly the way it is right now.

It’s safer to wait until next school year to start full time. I think everything is going good and smoothly the way it is right now.

It’s stressful enough for us to have to switch from phase 1 to phase 2 for what felt like every other week before Christmas break. Phase 2.5 is still hard with masks and online school. Going to Phase 3 would be too hard for the students and there’s no point in going a few extra hours.

It’s too much. We should keep the current schedule. It’s not safe yet and still so much unknown. We need to wait until next school year to go back to full time school. Lunchtime would be crazy and then we all go back to class and I think there is too much risk if we have lunch all together then go to class. I feel like adults are trying to push kids back too fast.

It’s too much. We should keep the current schedule. It’s not safe yet and still so much unknown. We need to wait until next school year to go back to full time school. Lunchtime would be crazy and then we all go back to class and I think there is too much risk if we have lunch all together then go to class. I feel like adults are trying to push kids back too fast.

It’s way to soon. Students these days are immature. They can’t keep their social distance nor keep their masks on. I don’t think it’s time to move to phase 3 just yet.

Its already working I don’t understand why we feel obligated to extend the hours. Making us wear a mask for that seems like a cult and more harming for us then it should be. I’m getting my work done without all these unnecessary assignments we usually have and I don’t see the need to change the hours.

its hard to ware masks all day long

Its too many changes this year, parents and students will be upset. Stay in phase 2.


“Juggling work, school and high school lacrosse is tough already. Adding more hours to school (and that I’m starting to notice teachers are having a fine time with fully completing a unit in 2 weeks) will only add to the stress we students already feel. I don’t know what a few hours will do for curriculum BUT I do know that our mental stability will decrease. I also think that if we add more hours we obviously will have to have lunch for the high schoolers which I’m not sure will work very well. Mainly with the number of positive cases in our school but also with students to comply if rules were set to only eat lunch in a certain class. To me, that sounds awful. Thank you for your work you’re putting into our district <3 “

Just finish this year like it has been and go back to full time next year!

“Just get the kids back to school. Their life’s are being highly effected for the worst with no school. “

Just keep it at phase 2 till the year ends for high school. There have been enough changes and phase 2 feels perfect.

Just keep it the same until the end of this school year. Too many changes it’s confusing, my grandma drops and picks us up from school. She’s used to this schedule. My little sister already struggles with the shortened hours, we can’t breathe in our masks. We need time to have fresh open air to breathe. There’s elementary kids that run out of the school at the end of each day screaming FREEDOM!

Just keep us in phase 2 till the end of this school year. Start fresh on the fall. If the students can’t go back with out mask they should no be going to phase 3.

Just keep us in phase 2 till the end of this school year. Start fresh on the fall. If the students can’t go back with out mask they should no be going to phase 3.

Just leave the schedule as is until we are back to normal, no COVID no masks

Just let us stay where we are, we are learning just as much and switching up everything would just fr*ck it up

Just the fact that you are debating to switch to phase 3 tells me that you dont care bout our safety

keep it at phase 2.

Keep it the way it is.

Keep things the same until the school year is over. Better yet, keep this schedule forever!

“Kids aren’t scheduled to get vaccines. Also it is not healthy to wear masks for an extended amount of time. In general kids have enjoyed being done earlier from school. This has allowed time to do other things – school days are too long. This past year – it has become apparent what is necessary and not necessary. Things that we thought were so important are NOT. Let’s stick with the essentials and keep the hours that we currently have. “

“Kids aren’t scheduled to get vaccines. Also it is not healthy to wear masks for an extended amount of time. In general kids have enjoyed being done earlier from school. This has allowed time to do other things – school days are too long. This past year – it has become apparent what is necessary and not necessary. Things that we thought were so important are NOT. Let’s stick with the essentials and keep the hours that we currently have. “

Kids don’t follow the rules well in elementary school. Short schedule feels safer.

Kids in Provo School district have been experiencing more changes of different phases than other neighborhood districts since the beginning of the school year. Board members, please be kind and thoughtful to each kid while making your final decisions. Kids need a stable schedule which insures their emotional and physical needs. Please listen to the opinions of the majority of people who are really involved. March 22 is a rush timing for parents, students, teachers and schools to prepare for the change. It is only two weeks before Spring break, and when kids, parents, and teachers might have adjusted themselves to the new schedule, it is Spring break, a whole week of break. Then, they will all have to restart once more to prepare themselves to adjust to the new schedule. Please be considerate about the timing and the purpose of the change.

Kids may have less chances of getting a bad case of Covid, but their parents and the adults with whom they live are not. No matter where, guidelines won’t be followed a 100% percent, and it could be risky now that the spread and cases have lowered drastically.

Kids need to be full time. Please.

Kids need to get back to normal.

Kids need to get back to normal.

“Kids need to learn and have fun .when you get older you need to know things.

Covid19 isin’t as bad as people think it is.”

Kindergartener: It is fun. I wouldn’t mind staying longer.


Leave it how it is. I don’t see the point when we only have 2 months in the school year!!

Leave it the same for now please. Not everyone has been allowed to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Maybe look into the fall and see how the numbers are then.

Leave it the same for now please. Not everyone has been allowed to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Maybe look into the fall and see how the numbers are then.

Leave it the way it is until next year

Less stress on students, better for educative purposes.

Let me go back. My education and mental health are being ruined because I can’t go back full time. I think we should not only have a set date for phase 3, but this district needs to grow up and give us a date on when they will stop enforcing these pathetic and useless rules. Rules like masks, forced covid testing, the removal of field trips, any change made from the beginning of lockdowns. If this district’s best interest is really the students, then you will let us choose how we live our school lives. This country is about freedom, and yet I’m having to fight to keep my education. I’m getting exhaustion due to the lack of oxygen from having to wear a mask all day, thus effecting my performance. But apparently it’s ok because it’s all in the name of the false compassion of this district. If you care about us, let us choose from now on.

Let’s get going, i’m running out of time in my senior year

“Life has already adjusted to the current school schedule. Parents and students have adjusted work schedules as well as other important activities. Changing the school schedule will cause these to change and businesses to adjust as well. Not only that, but more changes leave the students feeling ungrounded and insecure because they can’t depend on anything anymore. Teachers will have to prepare much more lesson material and the whole thing would be a mess. As a student, I believe it would be best to keep the schedule as it is so that I can keep going to work, my internship, and still have time to do the tons of homework I get every day. Moving to phase 3 would cause more harm than good, and a lot of us students think so. “

“Life has already adjusted to the current school schedule. Parents and students have adjusted work schedules as well as other important activities. Changing the school schedule will cause these to change and businesses to adjust as well. Not only that, but more changes leave the students feeling ungrounded and insecure because they can’t depend on anything anymore. Teachers will have to prepare much more lesson material and the whole thing would be a mess. As a student, I believe it would be best to keep the schedule as it is so that I can keep going to work, my internship, and still have time to do the tons of homework I get every day. Moving to phase 3 would cause more harm than good, and a lot of us students think so. “

Life’s already hard enough without more school to take up my destressing time.

Light the way it is now.

Light the way it is now.

Light the way it is now.

Like a majority of high school students, I have after school activities such as athletics, rehearsals, job, etc. so moving to phase 3 would push those activities back or having to cancel them. Staying in phase 2.5 with going 5 days a week half days helps with maximum class time with maximum outside school time for other student responsibilities.

“Like the shortened day schedule–leaves more time for work, homework, and after-school activity “

Livvy wilkinson

Livvy wilkinson

Livvy wilkinson

Livvy wilkinson

Longer school is a waste of time I am learning just as much with shortened classes do not to back to full time!!!!!

Longer school is a waste of time I am learning just as much with shortened classes do not to back to full time!!!!!

Longer school is a waste of time I am learning just as much with shortened classes do not to back to full time!!!!!

Longer school is a waste of time I am learning just as much with shortened classes do not to back to full time!!!!!

Los motivos son el cuidado de mis hijos en especial pero para todos los niños para que no se enfermen ojalá tomen en cuenta mi opinión. Gracias

Lunchtime sounds like a big hassle, and I want to know how that would work before any big decisions are made.

Lunchtime would be a mess cuz no one will wear masks. They already don’t wear them as soon as school ends and it will make it super uncomfortable for those of us who do wear them. Maybe just finish the year in phase two and start phase three when we don’t have to wear masks anymore

“M-Thur 8:40-1:30 Friday”

Making the kids transition to a new schedule is irresponsible. The students have already adjusted their schedules and gotten into the habit of a certain schedule. Transitioning close to the end of school would just make more change when the students have had enough change this year.

Many of my current classes already are unnecessary to be in person for, all the work is done online. The system that is in place currently is good for the purposes of learning

Many students have worked schedules around phase 2. Some students would have to quit their jobs. Another issue is lunch. How would that work with no social distancing? Provo High has already had 2 lunches in the past. The first lunch starting at 10:30, that is so early! If the argument is making more lunchtimes then lunch at 9 and 1:30 isn’t a great option. What is the benefit of doing it 3 months before the school year ends? Why not just go back to phase 3 next school year?

Many students including myself have work among other activities scheduled during when phase 3 would be, I, for example, have piano lessons at 1:30pm on Monday, Work on Tuesday-Fri usually starting at 1pm. I also feel like the homework/ at home course load wouldn’t be reduced enough for any of my classes to justify the increase of time spent in school. However, I believe that the elementary schools would benefit from full school days because to my understanding my 6th grade sister’s teachers don’t post any school online so they are missing out on subjects essential for secondary school. I’m indifferent to middle school.

Masks are too uncomfy to wear all day

Masks are too uncomfy to wear all day

Masks for a full day are too uncomfortable. We can’t breathe normally with a mask.

Maybe go to phase three next year, but not this year. It would be too hard to try to go back this year.

Maybe if masks are not required

“Middle and high school teachers and administration are not sufficiently enforcing mask and social distancing restrictions as it is. Extending the school day would allow more time for students wearing masks improperly to potentially spread the virus to other students.

At a middle or high school, extending the school day would mean having some sort of lunch period. This would either make the school schedule unnecessarily complicated to limit capacity in the cafeteria, or, more likely, restrictions would be ignored and kids would be forced to eat together without sufficient distance.

Older students’ schedules have been changed countless times already this year. For students with internships or jobs, this makes scheduling unnecessarily difficult and stressful. “

“Middle and high school teachers and administration are not sufficiently enforcing mask and social distancing restrictions as it is. Extending the school day would allow more time for students wearing masks improperly to potentially spread the virus to other students.

At a middle or high school, extending the school day would mean having some sort of lunch period. This would either make the school schedule unnecessarily complicated to limit capacity in the cafeteria, or, more likely, restrictions would be ignored and kids would be forced to eat together without sufficient distance.

Older students’ schedules have been changed countless times already this year. For students with internships or jobs, this makes scheduling unnecessarily difficult and stressful. “

Middle schools and elementary schools could benefit from the longer classes, but I believe that it is too unsafe to be taking off our masks for lunch.

Middle schools and elementary schools could benefit from the longer classes, but I believe that it is too unsafe to be taking off our masks for lunch.

More better for everyone

More better for everyone

More time for homework and stuff like that also I have pets (two birds) and I need a lot of time to bond and to love them. They are happier when i spend time with them and I really don’t want them to be depressed, birds can actually kill themselves if they get two depressed

More time to be in class to have teachers explain subject better.

Most high school students have jobs and I think that going back to the full schedule will hurt their job.

Most high schoolers have internships or jobs that they cannot move around and going to phase 3 would mess with peoples schedules. I personally have an internship at 1:00 that I have to be at on time and if we went to phase 3 it would mess up my whole schedule and internship and I wouldn’t have enough hours to get my MA certificate at the end of the year.

Most kids are getting their school work done good enough with half days, so going to full days wouldn’t be necessary. Also, I think it would be better to just stick it out the rest of the year like this and then maybe think about transitioning next year.

Most kids are getting their school work done good enough with half days, so going to full days wouldn’t be necessary. Also, I think it would be better to just stick it out the rest of the year like this and then maybe think about transitioning next year.

Most of the people at dixon don’t wear their mask correctly and don’t clean the desk like they use to in the beginning of school.

Most of us don’t want to change back to phase 3. Some of us have work after school and just because the district wants to be changing back and forth the phases we will be changing our schedule for that. Most likely if we move to phase 3 covid cases can go up and then they’re going to move us to phase 1 and mess our schedules all up.

“Moving back to a full schedule this far into the school year would be destructive. Students have grown accustomed to this style of learning and a change back to the full schedule should occur OVER THE SUMMER. All students, teachers, and staff that I have spoken with are strongly opposed to going back for several reasons.

Seniors at Timpview High School taking the Medical Assisting course have used their available time to work at internships, giving them hours counting toward their Medical Assisting Certification. Athletes in all schools are able to better balance their sports with their school work. Teachers are given more time to prepare for class and grade assignments.

A change back to a full schedule this late into the school year would place a sudden and unprecedented amount of stress on thousands of students and staff. Hundreds of schedules would need to be changed and nobody would be happy.

Not one person in the 50+ that I have spoken to is supportive of going back full time. Make the right choice and represent us. “

“Moving Provo schools to phase three would be detrimental. Firstly for safety. Right now, in phase 2.5, students are going home before eating lunch, and they don’t have to sit in a crowded room without masks for half an hour. In the schedule we currently have, students are content enough to follow safety precautions for as long as they are in class. If we add 2.5 hours to that, students will get impatient, bored, and tired of the precautions, leading to the rules and regulations being ignored more and more. This makes me anxious, as a lot of people who are at the school a lot are high risk or have family members who are high risk.

Secondly, it would be detrimental to the mental health of the students. As a student with multiple mental health issues, I know that changing the routine I have just become adjusted to would harm me more than help. I have adjusted to a routine as much as a mentally ill person can in the middle of a pandemic, and it’s still overwhelming for me. I spend more time in school trying to keep myself from having a full-on shutdown than I do pay attention to the lesson. Adding 2.5 hours on top of it would practically guarantee I shut down, meltdown, or have an anxiety attack almost every day, even if I used the tactics I have learned to keep that from happening. I’m sure many other students are going through similar things, and phase three would absolutely crush the mental health of them as well.”

“Moving to Phase 3 in the 2020 school year would be a poor decision considering how lunch would affect the safety of students and the fact that the year is almost done. During lunch, there will be no room for social distancing. This will cause more students to be exposed to the virus. Masks will also need to be removed in order to eat lunch. Students socialize and talk with each other quite often during lunch, and without masks, it would greatly compromise the safety of the students. Attendance will also be affected by the addition of lunches. Instead of staying for the last one or two classes, students will want to leave the school.

The 2020 school year is almost over. Changing the schedule again would affect the consistency that teachers and students need at this time. Consistency is a very important part of mental health for all individuals. The students and teachers have adjusted to the schedule that is currently being used, and changing it again would cause everyone to feel as though they need to adjust to the new schedule when they should be focused more on learning. Phase 3, for now, is not the best idea.”

Moving to Phase 3 is not a good idea because we are still in the early stages of the vaccine and not enough people have received it for us to be going all day 5 days a week

Moving to Phase 3 is not a good idea because we are still in the early stages of the vaccine and not enough people have received it for us to be going all day 5 days a week

“Moving to phase 3 is not a good idea considering the fact that coronavirus was in its worst state just a couple of months ago. I understand that the impact of covid is going down, but we are still averaging about 600 cases per week. Transitioning to a phase where we are going to school full time with that many cases seems like we are just ignoring the fact that there is still a highly infectious virus spreading throughout the world. Transitioning to phase 3 increases the passing period in between classes from 5 minutes to 10 minutes. The 10-minute passing time promotes gathering in the halls for students to talk and hang out, so if we are switching to phase 3 because the impact of covid is decreasing, it does not make sense to do so if students are going to be in close contact and actively spreading the virus.

The amount of work we do during phase 2.5 with in-person teaching and online work is the same if not more than the amount of work we did last year while going to school full time. Moving to phase 3 will most likely increase the number of covid cases, which will result in more students getting quarantined. In phase 2.5, if we get quarantined, we can still do online work from home to not fall behind, but in phase 3, there is no online work to fall back on. We should stay in this phase since there are only 12 weeks left of school and changing the schedule would mess up the student’s hard work in getting used to this new system. “

Moving to phase three will let more students be put at risk for covid, I have seen some students who don’t wear masks in school. I know this would be a bad idea very likely resulting in deaths and more long term consequences.

Moving to phase three would leave less time for extracurricular activitys after school. The way it is now is great!

My anxiety!!!

My brother and sister and I would like to have full time school, but only if we don’t have as much homework. Right now our teachers have us do lots of homework since we come home early and we would like it better to do that work at school since it’s better to have our French teachers there to help us. It’s hard to do French at home and we like it better to do French with our French teachers. Thank you

My brother jared johnston middle school is way too adicted to vidio games so he shuld get some extra time off of vidio games.

My children have always been average students, but ever since we’ve moved to mostly online classes, my children have been doing great with most of their classes being online. They have really surprised us when it comes to their grades going up. I’m so happy for them, but lately, they’ve been falling off, and I honestly think it’s due to the fact that they don’t have Fridays off anymore. The Mon-Thurs schedule was great because they had longer weekends to relax and plan. I believe, if we can’t go back to that schedule, this half-day schedule will be just fine.

My children have always been average students, but ever since we’ve moved to mostly online classes, my children have been doing great with most of their classes being online. They have really surprised us when it comes to their grades going up. I’m so happy for them, but lately, they’ve been falling off, and I honestly think it’s due to the fact that they don’t have Fridays off anymore. The Mon-Thurs schedule was great because they had longer weekends to relax and plan. I believe, if we can’t go back to that schedule, this half-day schedule will be just fine.

My classes are not all that productive anyways and it’s hard to make myself go to class as is but if I have to back full time I might drop out.

My cousins in Georgia go to each of their classes everyday. They do not have odd and even day schedules. This seems like a much better way to go to school. I really get stir crazy and I can’t pay attention after 45 min to an hour. I think a lot of kids cut classes because the thought of staying in one place for so long seems horrible. And since COVID changed things, it seems like 90 minute classes will feel like a huge waste of time.

My dad is at high risk and I feel it is safer to stay in phase two. I understand that phase 3 will still enforce mask wearing but I feel like it is much safer if we didn’t move up yet. Thank you for the survey.

My favorable response trusts that the data supports such a move. I trust the health experts and if they say it can be done safely, I will support it.

My grades have dropped with the change to phase 2.5. they’ve dropped because teachers are saying oh we are in school more let’s give them more work… i can’t do any more. already i pull 60-70 hour weeks before homework i CANNOT add more to my work load. PLEASE let us finish the school year like this

My high school students already feel like there are many students who don’t take the precautions (wearing masks, social distancing, etc.) seriously. The recent dance party in Salt Lake is evidence that there are a lot of high school students who don’t seem to care about putting other people at risk. By adding more hours in the day, we will have students at school eating lunches together. When you eat, you can’t wear your mask, so students who want to stay safe will have more difficulty doing so. High school students already feel a lot of peer pressure to do what their friends do. This will just make it more difficult for those who are trying to follow the guidelines.

My kindergarten class is too short. I don’t mind staying at phase 2 or moving to phase 3.

My mental health can’t do it anymore please don’t do it.

My mom submitted her survey and said yes too all then we actually talked about it and she changes her mind to No!!!! Kids shouldn’t be in school 6+ hrs a day. They shouldn’t spend the majority of their days away from their families. This is an opportunity for PSD to make some changes. Please consider leaving more time for family. Also no mask 😷 We need oxygen to our brains to think clearly.

My mom submitted her survey and said yes too all then we actually talked about it and she changes her mind to No!!!! Kids shouldn’t be in school 6+ hrs a day. They shouldn’t spend the majority of their days away from their families. This is an opportunity for PSD to make some changes. Please consider leaving more time for family. Also no mask 😷 We need oxygen to our brains to think clearly.

My mom submitted her survey and said yes too all then we actually talked about it and she changes her mind to No!!!! Kids shouldn’t be in school 6+ hrs a day. They shouldn’t spend the majority of their days away from their families. This is an opportunity for PSD to make some changes. Please consider leaving more time for family. Also no mask 😷 We need oxygen to our brains to think clearly.

“My name is Diego A. Jimenez (8th Grade), and I’m currently a student at Centennial Middle School. I’m writing this knowing it might not change much, but I still want to get my opinion out there as a student. I understand that Covid cases are going down and everything is starting to cool off, but going back into a normal schedule is very ignorant. I believe that we should wait until the school year is over, so whoever is reading this can decide with the other adults on what to do during these tough times. I understand that you might be thinking everything is going back to normal, but you should know that we are children so everything is unexpected. Giving us more time in school will only raise up the risk of Covid cases going up, so I personally believe that we should just keep on going with what has been going well for us as students and for the educators in this school. I believe that the educators in our school already have a tough time worrying about this virus and keeping up with the assignments of all the children here so adding more time might not be the way to go. I thank you for sticking around and reading all of this! Hope you have a great day!.”

My parents are hardly letting me go to school now, I am lucky for the chance to go in person. But I do feel some feelings of fear whenever I enter the building, some people I know are at high risk so I feel like I am putting them at risk by going to school. So I really don’t think that it would be wise to go to school full time. I like phase 2, it’s a lot better than phase one but I think that my anxiety would get really bad if we went full time. Thanks

My school is almost over. I like the shorter day and it’s getting warm to play after school

My sister and I want to return to full time school because we r getting really bored with half days and spending the rest of time at home

“My sister is in kindergarten and can’t type. She is already so tired when she gets home. She also cries because she is tired. Keep school at phase 2 please. “



next year when (hopefully) we aren’t in masks then I feel it would be okay to transition to phase three, for right now we should stay in phase two, because I don’t want to sit in a mask for any longer.

“Nineteen. It can be a big or small number, depending on the circumstances. 19. In this case, it’s a huge number, too large of a number. Nineteen faces, 19 lives, and at least nineteen people to mourn for one person. Let’s do some easy math, 19 multiplied by 19 equals 361. 361 lives affected; that’s the minimum. What am I talking about? I’m talking about the nineteen student suicides in Las Vegas county alone.

They are suffering. We may not be Las Vegas county but we are all suffering. I can’t say that I fully understand the pain they experienced or that I know why they did what they did. What I do know is that school is a factor. You never know when the last time you see your friends will be, or if you’ll have to switch back to online in a few days because of a spike in covid cases. School has become more draining and tiring than ever. Now that we’ve finally got into a solid routine I think it should stay that way. I fear a change like this is something that could affect more than we know. Even one is too much.


















No because I have tennis with the school at 1:30 and if we go phase three then they will move the time to later and I have soccer later in that day so it will be super hard to go to both. I also think that phase 2 is doing great.

no because i like it how it is right now because its much better how it is

No because I would get too stressed out and I wouldn’t be ready for that.

No because us kids are already under a lot of stress with school and everything and making it longer would just make things worse including test scores and kids attendance. I just think it’s a bad idea in general because you’d be putting more kids at risk and it’s not the corona has disappeared it’s still a real thing that people have to take seriously. Some kids still aren’t wearing their masks over their nose and some aren’t even wearing one and making school longer would again just be a completely bad idea. People can still die from the virus and it’s still a real thing. I honestly think we should just stay in phase 2 for the rest of the school year depending on how bad or good the virus gets.

No because us kids are already under a lot of stress with school and everything and making it longer would just make things worse including test scores and kids attendance. I just think it’s a bad idea in general because you’d be putting more kids at risk and it’s not the corona has disappeared it’s still a real thing that people have to take seriously. Some kids still aren’t wearing their masks over their nose and some aren’t even wearing one and making school longer would again just be a completely bad idea. People can still die from the virus and it’s still a real thing. I honestly think we should just stay in phase 2 for the rest of the school year depending on how bad or good the virus gets.

No because us kids are already under a lot of stress with school and everything and making it longer would just make things worse including test scores and kids attendance. I just think it’s a bad idea in general because you’d be putting more kids at risk and it’s not the corona has disappeared it’s still a real thing that people have to take seriously. Some kids still aren’t wearing their masks over their nose and some aren’t even wearing one and making school longer would again just be a completely bad idea. People can still die from the virus and it’s still a real thing. I honestly think we should just stay in phase 2 for the rest of the school year depending on how bad or good the virus gets.

no becos like going

“no becuase we will still be wearing masks but with more hours in school so no `”

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No full time school.

No full time school.

no i do not want to go to phase 3

no masks

No masks anymore and yes back to all school!!!

No masks please, it’s hard enough being let out of school at 12:10pm. Not sure if it’s healthy to do it til 2Pm.

No masks please, it’s hard enough being let out of school at 12:10pm. Not sure if it’s healthy to do it til 2Pm.

No masks too! Graduation should be a celebration! We’ve missed out on so much already this year.

No masks too! Graduation should be a celebration! We’ve missed out on so much already this year.

No masks!!

No Masks!!

No Masks!!

No me gustaría tiempo completo asta que todos los niños sean vacunados para regresar ala normalidad de tiempo conpleto

No more changes this year!

No more changes this year! Please!

No more changes this year! Please!

No more changes this year!!

No more changes! Its been a crazy already just leave it the same for the rest of the year!

No more changes!!


No more masks!!

No moving to phase 3 would be the worst decision you guys have ever made! (you’ve made a ton of bad decisions lately btw) I only have 1 set of grandparents left and i would rather not have them die and have it be my fault! and school is the main place where i would get it and it would be just a stupid idea! Also go back to phase 1 because it was the best, please and thank you on! Sincerely everyone who thinks the same thing!

no no more longer hours of wearing a mask

no not at this point….and not with masks

no not at this point….and not with masks

no not with 2 months left

no not with 2 months left

no not with 2 months left……pointless

No one has even been vaccinated yet, and all of the teachers have taken the stuff that isn’t important out of the curriculum and so what is the point of putting that back in? Also, what is the point of going to school for 6+ hours when you don’t even need it!

No one I know has been affected by covid except for being kinda sick for like a week. I realize that some people could spread covid to someone that is at risk, but people that are at high risk aren’t going to in person school. If we increase school time to how it was normally, it will make it much easier for students to learn because they will have more time in each class and more time to get their schoolwork done in school instead of at home.

No one is ever wearing masks at school.

No phase 3 until at least 75%+ of the student body has the vaccine

no phase three for hs

no phase three for hs

No please leave things the way they are. I’m already too stressed with school.

No please. I can’t breath with the masks all day.

no school on friday

No this is a dumb idea! Wait until next year!

No this is a dumb idea! Wait until next year!

No this is a dumb idea! Wait until next year!

No to all day school- it is a waste of timr

No to all day school- it is a waste of timr

No to all day school- it is a waste of timr

No way! I cant stand school as it is with all the changes and trying to catch up to get better grades, after having covid! It has been too hard for most of the students to keep changing our schedule!! DO NOT DO ANY MORE TIME SCHEDULE CHANGES!

No we should not move to phase 3 because there is going to be huge problems in the lunch room and it’s more time so more students are going to be more stressed out and right now this time is better than being in phase 3 so ya everybody still going to wear the mask for more hours no we’re good so no phase 3

No wearing the masks all day is harder.

No, because 5 hours of school this year is enough and people need time to do things they want besides school.

No, I don’t think kids should go to Phase 3 because lots of kids don’t keep their space. I want to go back to the old normal, but there is still a pandemic going on and a pandemic is not the old normal so, what’s the point in going to Phase 3? I also think it would be good to enforce the kids a bit more to remember to practice their spacing. So that me and other people as well we’ll feel more confident going to Phase 3.


No! This is total crap! Don’t change my schedule again!

No! It’s the end of the year! The kids have suffered enough. Wait until next year. Let’s just finish this year. We’ve survived this far.

No! It’s the end of the year! The kids have suffered enough. Wait until next year. Let’s just finish this year. We’ve survived this far.

NO! Most of my teachers are still doing a ton of stuff online and I’m not sure what they would do with more time. Make the teachers give us real work again, and make them teach us.

No! No! No! No! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! My stomach has been in knots all week. It is all my teachers talked about at school last week. Don’t do this to the teachers and students at the high school level–a change in schedule is more than I can take right now. I literally have had nightmares all weekend over this. NO to Phase 3!!!

NO! This would be a terrible idea. Wait until next year

NO! This would be a terrible idea. Wait until next year

No! We’re already having a problem with COVID, why say, ‘Oh look, less COVID numbers, let’s ignore the other 3 strains of COVID!11!!’



“No. I like the extra time we have. If there is full day, we barely have any time after school. It’s like right when we get home from school we have homework and then extra curricular activities and then dinner and then bed. There isn’t any time. “

“No. I like the extra time we have. If there is full day, we barely have any time after school. It’s like right when we get home from school we have homework and then extra curricular activities and then dinner and then bed. There isn’t any time. “

“No. I like the extra time we have. If there is full day, we barely have any time after school. It’s like right when we get home from school we have homework and then extra curricular activities and then dinner and then bed. There isn’t any time. “

No. Please no. This is so unsafe. You are putting the students and family members of theirs at risk. I have high risk family members. Please do not do this.

“No. There is absolutely no way. I WILL drop out if we go to phase three this year, and I’m an AP and Honors student. I have considered taking my own life multiple times this year, not only because of all of my lost opportunities but also because of the stress caused by transitioning through so many different phases. As a CTE student, it was terrible having 0nly an hour in class. Once I got set up for a project, it was time to clean up. Halfway through the school year, I quit my favorite CTE class because I was sick of not having enough time to get anything done. I started an apprenticeship instead, and I leave during school. This is how I plan to pay for college next year. I can’t afford to lose any hours let alone give up this job over adding a couple of hours back to our school day. Again, it was frustrating to lose class time. As a freshmen mentor, I’ve seen how the teachers only have enough time to get the lesson across, and students rarely have time to ask questions. This is partially why grades have dropped. You could argue that we have been given after-school time when teachers are “”available”” to help, but it is almost impossible to track them down. I can almost never find a teacher because they’re grabbing lunch or sitting in a classroom chatting with other teachers. Students can’t sit there waiting for them to come back, and tracking them down takes time. We have working parents and little siblings to pick up. I believe that it will be necessary to add those couple of hours back, we just need to wait until next year. As students, we cannot handle having to change our schedules again. When it affects the school day it affects our whole day. Our mental health has hit rock bottom. Don’t do this to us. We have seen that our voices are small. You don’t take our words into as much consideration as you do with the words of the adults, and that’s not fair. The STUDENTS are the future, and you’re ruining it. P.S. I better see a good graduation this year. Do it on the football field. It can happen. I cannot tell you how frustrating it has been to see that everyone talked about the class of 2020. Poor them, they lost two whole months. Guess what? I lost a whole year. Who’s talking about that? Nobody. Nobody except the seniors. At least not in front of us. Let us know that you at least care and feel sorry for us. We haven’t had a single assembly or school dance. I know that when I’m older those things will seem so insignificant, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have to enjoy life now. Because right now, without the activities, school feels like a prison. My father and I are both considered high-risk. We used to be scared of this virus, but now we’re scared that we are going to die unhappy, with a life that’s been unfulfilled. Oh well. Right now I can only hope that something will kill me. “

No. This would hurt many schedules. It is almost the end of the year. We have adapted to the half day schedule and it would not be good for our mental health to make this change. They should wait until next year.

No. This would hurt many schedules. It is almost the end of the year. We have adapted to the half day schedule and it would not be good for our mental health to make this change. They should wait until next year.

No. Too long in masks

No. Unless no masks




Noooo!! It’s not safe for return. At least wait until the majority of people have been immunized. Perhaps the start of the next school year will be a good time.




Nope. My friends and I all have jobs, and some of our parents lost jobs during the pandemic. My brother is 19 and should be in college, but he’s working full time to help put food on the table instead. I need my job to pay my school fees and hopefully pay for a mission and college. I have learned far more about finances; when to sell, buy, spend, etc., time management, and mental health during my time outside of school than I ever would have during school. I also discovered that I want to be a carpenter! I quit some CTE classes because I didn’t have enough time to complete projects, but I help out with carpentry for work and it’s amazing! I don’t think I ever would have realized my true passion if I was stuck in the classroom all day. There needs to be a balance in learning. Yes, CTE classes need more than an hour in the classroom, but I don’t think I can handle that job wise or mental health wise, and neither can my peers. However, next year I believe that in order to have the time needed in hands on classes, as well as balance, we should do four days a week until 2:15, and one day dedicated to outside of class learning. Special Ed kids should still have an option to go all week.

Not enough information

Not enough vaccines have been administered yet. I say we wait a bit.

Not fair for kids to wear masks for 7 hours a day.

Not fair for kids to wear masks for 7 hours a day.

Not helpful to any of the students to go back full time. We get our work done. Thats all that matters.

Not many people know how to wear a mask properly and the teachers usually don’t tell them to fix it, and it will be harder to wear it right for a whole day.

Not phase 3

“Not ready yet, too stressful “

Not safe yet.

Not this late in the school year! We have a great rhythm and it is working. No to full time school it would be a waste of time- we have worked to get everything we need done. It would be a total waste of time!!!!

Not until mask are removed so don’t have to wear them all day

Not until the masks are removed

Now is not the time to start relaxing






On saterdays we don’t go swim because it’s twoo crowd. we go aftr shcool i want to be freeeeee

“One of my daughters is concerned about Covid numbers going up again and we’ll have to quarantine.

Another daughter thinks she couldn’t make it another two hours because she’s starving by the end of school anyway.

My middle schooler thinks that’s bad for Covid, and that’s a lot of school. “

One of my HS students thinks that having a lunch period would be bad. Big groups of kids together without masks. Maybe keeping them in their classrooms(like at Dixon) for lunch would help with that. My Dixon student would love to go to Phase 3. I hope the teachers can handle it. I would do what is best for the teachers, bless their hearts.

Only about 2/3 of people wear their masks properly here at Timpview and I imagine Provo isn’t much better.

only elementary

Only if it goes back to 10 minutes between classes. If we stay at 5 minutes than I would rather stay in phase 2.5. The younger schools have the same amount of time between so I think it would be better if they just stayed where they are. But getting across the school is way too hard in 5 minutes!

Only if masks aren’t required

Only if masks aren’t required

Only if masks aren’t required

“Open schools fulltime. Follow the current science. “

“Open schools fulltime. Follow the current science. “

Other school districts have been full time all year. Why has Provo been so slow in returning to full schedule?

Other school districts have been full time all year. Why has Provo been so slow in returning to full schedule?

Our children need to return back to school for their Mental Health and there’s social health

Our covid cases are still very high, and moving forward will not help that.

Our high school student wants to go full time and our elementary student does not.

Our learning is suffering. Open the schools fulltime.

Our learning is suffering. Open the schools fulltime.

Our lives as teenagers are crazy. We’ve all worked out hardest to adjust to a new school situation, but it’s difficult when our schedule keeps changing. I, along with many of my fellow classmates, find it difficult to constantly switch up my routine. The way things are right now allow me to have a slight break in my day, as opposed to the hour or less I would have if school went back to a normal time. We all appreciate the efforts the school board makes for our health and education, but we would also appreciate our voices being heard. Thank you for your time.

Our schedule has been changed so many times this year. Just leave it alone for the last two months! We want to feel settled and in a routine that isn’t going to be changed again.

Our special needs children needs more time in school. So many children cannot handle doing work on the computer. Thank you

Our teachers have learned to adapt and be more concise in lessons, which doesn’t waste our time. We have more time to do homework, and if the schedule changes, our teachers will most likely not change the amount of online work even if we do go to phase 3, which would make things more difficult for us. We also won’t have to eat lunch at school, which is around 12 minutes of many students in the school without masks in one room. It would also make things very confusing to have so many different lunch periods, and it would be chaotic.

Para estudiar más bien

People are able to figure out a quite healthy work schedule with the current covid situation. Going to school for 2 extra hours each day isn’t going to increase our work output by much. All it’s going to do is increase the spread of covid to everyone. Please don’t do this to us.

“People are all ready starting to wear masks incorrectly more and more in class. I was recently exposed to someone with Covid at school but wasn’t alerted until a week after the incident. I have no idea when the contact happened, and hope that I don’t have it and haven’t exposed my family. I have been wearing a mask at school and at home since finding out I was exposed…

The over crowded halls at Dixon make me nervous every day, and it’s annoying because people don’t move out of the way, and we only have three minutes to get between classes. “

“People are all ready starting to wear masks incorrectly more and more in class. I was recently exposed to someone with Covid at school but wasn’t alerted until a week after the incident. I have no idea when the contact happened, and hope that I don’t have it and haven’t exposed my family. I have been wearing a mask at school and at home since finding out I was exposed…

The over crowded halls at Dixon make me nervous every day, and it’s annoying because people don’t move out of the way, and we only have three minutes to get between classes. “

Perfect thanks

Personally I still think we should social distance and keep doing phase 2, I understand that it is a lot less likely for kids to contract it at school when properly wearing masks but I feel like if we transition to phase 3 we will be mass spreading it to kids and people who are high risk.

Personally I still think we should social distance and keep doing phase 2, I understand that it is a lot less likely for kids to contract it at school when properly wearing masks but I feel like if we transition to phase 3 we will be mass spreading it to kids and people who are high risk.

Phase 2 has been working for me. Suddenly changing it will damage a lot more than it will create. I have been doing well and it allows for more time with homework.

Phase 2 is working fine for the high school.

Phase 2 is working great. Going to into a new phase will just add more stress onto students. Plus going into phase 3 will make covid transmission higher and we will have to switch phases a lot more often. Adding onto that it will make educators more overwhelmed by adding more work for them to do.

Phase 2.5 is good don’t mess up a good thing. This is less stressful for all involved.

Phase 2.5, the current schedule, works best for this year. I feel less anxious with this schedule. Please don’t change!

Phase 3 is bad idea because phase 3 like normal schedule. Students and teachers wear mask 6 hours but they don’t want wear mask in 8 hours because sometimes mask hurt nose, ears, months, cheeks, and sometime eyes of glasses with flossing in it of breathing in mask. We still in COVID-19 so don’t do phase 3 because what happen students or teachers and people spread virus or tests positive in tiles school and you don’t want school get locked down because of more cases in school. It better do phase 1 and phase 2. It better we do phase 3 when COVID-19 is over and quarantine be over too and we don’t how to wear mask anymore of normal schedule of school if COVID-19 or virus over.

Phase 3 is bad idea because phase 3 like normal schedule. Students and teachers wear mask 6 hours but they don’t want wear mask in 8 hours because sometimes mask hurt nose, ears, months, cheeks, and sometime eyes of glasses with flossing in it of breathing in mask. We still in COVID-19 so don’t do phase 3 because what happen students or teachers and people spread virus or tests positive in tiles school and you don’t want school get locked down because of more cases in school. It better do phase 1 and phase 2. It better we do phase 3 when COVID-19 is over and quarantine be over too and we don’t how to wear mask anymore of normal schedule of school if COVID-19 or virus over.

Phase 3 is bad idea because phase 3 like normal schedule. Students and teachers wear mask 6 hours but they don’t want wear mask in 8 hours because sometimes mask hurt nose, ears, months, cheeks, and sometime eyes of glasses with flossing in it of breathing in mask. We still in COVID-19 so don’t do phase 3 because what happen students or teachers and people spread virus or tests positive in tiles school and you don’t want school get locked down because of more cases in school. It better do phase 1 and phase 2. It better we do phase 3 when COVID-19 is over and quarantine be over too and we don’t how to wear mask anymore of normal schedule of school if COVID-19 or virus over.

Phase 3 is bad idea because we still in COVID-19 and some people, students, and teachers still in quarantine. You don’t want more students, teachers, and people test positive and virus on the body so you don’t want school get locked down of more cases in school. Phase 3 like normal schedule and it bad idea during COVID 19 but it better if we do phase 3 of COVID-19 and quarantine is over and we don’t wear mask anymore. It better we do phase 1 and 2 in COVID 19 or quarantine because it will not get lot test positive and not get lot cases but it only little students, teachers and people get test positive and virus of the body and it not huge student, teachers and people only little students, teachers and people get virus of test positive.

Phase 3 is bad idea because we still in COVID-19 and some people, students, and teachers still in quarantine. You don’t want more students, teachers, and people test positive and virus on the body so you don’t want school get locked down of more cases in school. Phase 3 like normal schedule and it bad idea during COVID 19 but it better if we do phase 3 of COVID-19 and quarantine is over and we don’t wear mask anymore. It better we do phase 1 and 2 in COVID 19 or quarantine because it will not get lot test positive and not get lot cases but it only little students, teachers and people get test positive and virus of the body and it not huge student, teachers and people only little students, teachers and people get virus of test positive.

Phase 3 is bad idea because what happen is students and employee get virus and test the positive make more cases in school! You don’t want school shut down and locked down of Covid 19 of more cases. I feel like i don’t want to do phase 3 because of i keep my classes a of good grades so i like phase 2.5 and 2 better and i don’t want go phase 3 of during COVID

Phase 3 is bad idea because what happen is students and employee get virus and test the positive make more cases in school! You don’t want school shut down and locked down of Covid 19 of more cases. I feel like i don’t want to do phase 3 because of i keep my classes a of good grades so i like phase 2.5 and 2 better and i don’t want go phase 3 of during COVID

Phase 3 is bad idea because what happen is students and employee get virus and test the positive make more cases in school! You don’t want school shut down and locked down of Covid 19 of more cases. I feel like i don’t want to do phase 3 because of i keep my classes a of good grades so i like phase 2.5 and 2 better and i don’t want go phase 3 of during COVID

“Phase 3 is incovenient to me and my job. I often have rehearsals and would come home very late. I would like to go back full time once more vaccines are distributed. “

Phase 3 is incovenient to me and ny job

Phase 3 is too hard on all us kids. We hate masks and it would be too hard to wear them so many hours. It’s better to go back to full time next year with no masks.

Phase 3 wouldn’t be helpful at this point. Its negative effects of disrupting current schedules wouldn’t be outweighed by any positive effects of more class time. I hope you realize that the majority of the student body currently feels a deep frustration with the school district administration’s lack of understanding and empathy of high school students. Maybe you think you’re doing all you can, but I can promise you you’re not.

Phase Three at this time serves no purpose. We are still adjusting to the last curveball that you threw our way. Please have some respect for our well being.

phase three is an abomination and i will not stand for it

Phase three would crush my already suffering soul

“PHS: There are a lot of people in college classes and with jobs, where moving school around again will cause a problem. And, if cases go back up, will we just switch back down? It’s too confusing to keep switching between phases. And why can football and ballroom team have practices and competitions and games but choir can’t perform? It’s inconsistent. And if teachers give just as much homework as in Phase 2 we will never have time for anything at home. Dixon: Phase 3 only if we don’t have to wear masks. Sunset View: I hate wearing masks and doing school on the computer. I want to be normal at PE and recess too. “

Please 🙏🏻 And let us have dances, and assemblies. It’s my senior year and it has been THE WORST.

Please 🙏🏻 And let us have dances, and assemblies. It’s my senior year and it has been THE WORST.

Please do not bring school to full length. Everyone hates it.

“Please do not move to phase 3 yet. Our family appreciate the kids getting home earlier in the day. I wish it was permanent. The only time we go out is during the day while crowds are low shortly after school gets out. It’s been our only sanity saver. Thank you.

p.s. I only have elementary grade kids but can’t leave the choices for the other grades blank. This is not a great survey for finding out the feelings of those in the particular school categories since I get to vote on their choices. . “

PLEASE do this soon, so I don’t fail!

Please don’t change the schedule yet again this year. It’s too much change

Please don’t change the schedule yet again this year. It’s too much change

Please don’t do it.

Please don’t make us change our schedule again. I like having more time at home and time to be a kid and play with friends.

Please don’t move us back. I’ve been struggling so much to keep up with all of the changes and almost got fired for missing shifts when we were moving back and forth. I’m taking almost all AP and CE classes, and though it has been hard to prepare and study for exams, moving us back to phase 3 won’t help. We get through pretty much all the information we need to in the time we have, and additional time will just be spent by doing things we should be doing at home. My father is struggling with cancer, and I feel like moving us back to phase three will signal to the world that this pandemis is over and all is well, when there are still high (though decreasing) numbers. Enough people aready don’t wear their masks in the school, or pull it down under their chins, and I feel like more and more people will begin doing that is the signal is sent that all is well. So for the reasons outlined above, and many others, me and my parents shout a resounding “NO” to the move to phase 3. If you wish you have my permission to share any of what I have written here and encourage the school board to consider what the vast majority of parents and students think, not the very loud minority who want their kids back full time.

Please don’t, just let us finish the school year like this for the rest of the year. There is no point in going back to phase three. You’ll just upset every highschooler there is.

Please don’t mess my schedule up again. Also my grades are straight As

Please don’t do this. Not only is it unsafe, it’s extremely stressful for both students and teachers to keep changing things. We need stability, another change is too much. Students are not being safe, they aren’t wearing masks correctly and policies aren’t being enforced. Continuing with a move to phase 3 would prove to thousands that the district cares more about school reputation than its students. We do not want the change.

Please don’t do this. Not only is it unsafe, it’s extremely stressful for both students and teachers to keep changing things. We need stability, another change is too much. Students are not being safe, they aren’t wearing masks correctly and policies aren’t being enforced. Continuing with a move to phase 3 would prove to thousands that the district cares more about school reputation than its students. We do not want the change.

Please don’t go to phase 3 for my mental health and sanity’s sake

Please don’t make us wear masks anymore it’s psychologically damaging us let us be normal

Please don’t move to phase three.

Please don’t move to phase three.

Please don’t move to phase three.

“Please don’t. Alpine school district has the right idea—they are still only going 4 days (early out!!!) AND they’ve already made it clear they will be doing that till the end of our school year. Let’s stay where we are at instead of changing everything—plus it’s almost storing break! And all these teachers have already re-invented themselves multiple times over—they absolutely do NOT need this now in the final stretch. Leave the schedule alone! Start fresh next Fall! Seriously….do what the teachers want, why ask the parents????”

Please don’t. I like to have time to do my homework. I already have enough things going on.

please dont

please dont

Please hear this plea and don’t add two unnecessary hours to the schedule.. what good could it possibly do but appease some small loud group of parents.

Please just go full time next fall. You have already messed with us enough this year!

Please just go full time next fall. You have already messed with us enough this year!

Please keep your students and staff’s safety in mind

Please leave the schedule as it is. Us students are already dealing with enough change, we shouldn’t have to change our schedule again.

Please let us go back to school full day and please bring our activities back. I feel like I haven’t even had a senior year because our district is so strict. I have friends and family in other school districts and they have been back all school year. I don’t know why we haven’t been. Please let us live up the last bit of our senior year that we have. Bring back dances and assemblies!

Please let us go to school full time I’m taking 4 AP classes and full time would help soooo much. I just don’t understand why there is such worry. Obviously those going to school feel it’s worth the risk. Those who don’t want to be around other kids all day have the online option. Please let us have full classes and school dances! This time in my life is so crucial.

PLEASE let us go to school full time!! I’m a high school student and I want to be learning more. I feel like I’ve been missing a lot of things this school year because we haven’t had the time to cover it. Please don’t let this whole year be a waste and let us get back to normal school before the end of the year.

Please listen to the students on this. We don’t want it. Please.

please no

Please no! Too overwhelming already

“Please no. No, thank you. Going back to school full time for a couple of months seems like a lot of energy. And then summer just means that the schedule will change again and get everything out of wack. Just leave everything at Phase 2 for now. It’s fine like this. We all like it like this. Don’t change to phase 3 please. “

“Please no. No, thank you. Going back to school full time for a couple of months seems like a lot of energy. And then summer just means that the schedule will change again and get everything out of wack. Just leave everything at Phase 2 for now. It’s fine like this. We all like it like this. Don’t change to phase 3 please. “

Please not yet and please do it in April 10

“PLEASE NOTICE: I think that until we all have vaccines and can guarantee that cases won’t rise again we can’t move to phase three. Especially since so many kids at timpview aren’t careful (having parties, hanging out) and don’t wear masks correctly or at all! I realize that many people will take this survey in favor of opening to phase three, but we have to realize that ITS BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY and we need to be responsible and respectful, and aware that so many people out there have died and are at risk. We just need to hang on for a little longer, and then once we know for certain, we can go back to normal. I have a parent who is at risk, and so many other people do too. Even if we don’t know people who are at risk, or don’t see people dying, it is happening. “

“PLEASE NOTICE: I think that until we all have vaccines and can guarantee that cases won’t rise again we can’t move to phase three. Especially since so many kids at timpview aren’t careful (having parties, hanging out) and don’t wear masks correctly or at all! I realize that many people will take this survey in favor of opening to phase three, but we have to realize that ITS BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY and we need to be responsible and respectful, and aware that so many people out there have died and are at risk. We just need to hang on for a little longer, and then once we know for certain, we can go back to normal. I have a parent who is at risk, and so many other people do too. Even if we don’t know people who are at risk, or don’t see people dying, it is happening. “

Please please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss all day school!!!! !!!!!!!

Please rather stay at phase 2. Do not want phase3

Please start all-day school.

Please stay as is, it would really mess up my high school children’s schedule!

Please stop changing things. The students are stressed, the teachers are stressed, we like phase 2, phase 2.5 is fine. Just leave it, it is so nice to not have to worry about lunches, to have time to do our barrels of homework and get help from teachers before extracurriculars. I would write this more formally, but I am so irritated. Just stop, not phase 3, leave it.

Please stop changing things. The students are stressed, the teachers are stressed, we like phase 2, phase 2.5 is fine. Just leave it, it is so nice to not have to worry about lunches, to have time to do our barrels of homework and get help from teachers before extracurriculars. I would write this more formally, but I am so irritated. Just stop, not phase 3, leave it.

Please stop changing things. The students are stressed, the teachers are stressed, we like phase 2, phase 2.5 is fine. Just leave it, it is so nice to not have to worry about lunches, to have time to do our barrels of homework and get help from teachers before extracurriculars. I would write this more formally, but I am so irritated. Just stop, not phase 3, leave it.

Please stop just let us finish you’re making me hate school

Please wait until the vaccine is available to the general public before setting us free. High schoolers are NOT responsible, I should know since I am one, and don’t wear masks correctly. If you let us move to phase 3 you are giving a death sentence to dozens of immunocompromised people, and we’ll be forced to go back to phase 1. Please make the right choice.

Please, I need school!

Plz don’t do this to our students

Porque tendría más tiempo para estudiar

Pretty happy with how this year has gone. Don’t think we should change now.

“Pros: more time for work, lunch-friends, Cons: more time, more anxiety, worse mental health? “

provides students with a lot more time to do homework, have jobs, and attend to other responsibilities that they have outside of school. I find it very beneficial to my mental health to have more time to do these things. It also allows teachers to have more time to grade things and prepare our lessons. Teachers having more time is extremely beneficial for students as well

Pues quiero asistir a la escuela de tiempo completo porque tendría más practica en diferentes materias rendiría mi rendimiento como estudiante y ne daría más tiempo para estar con mis amigos y compañeros de clase

Pushing students to go back into full-time, while everything is still crazy, is like giving a dog unlimited food always. They start to like it, but it just gets worse and worse. Students are already struggling, and pushing them again, changing schedules for the third/fourth time wouldn’t be effective.

Putting all the schools into phase 3 at least for the high schoolers will continue to put major stress on the students and the teachers and no one wants to go back and forth.

Rebuild Wasatch

Rebuild Wasatch!

“Recess is my favorite. And I want more recess. Thank you Gabe Cummings”

Regardless of what the results of this survey are you need to do what’s right for the kids, in my mind, the risk is much greater than the reward.

Returning to a full schedule and full school days would be most unwise, not to mention illogical and foolish. We, as student, have proved that we are able to accomplish the required amount of work in half the time. Returning to a full day of school would only bloat the day with tedious tasks of busy work. But beyond the academic logistics of the poor idea of switching to phase 3, there is the physical factor to consider. Should the board of governors decide to put phase 3 into action and circulation, masks should not be required. I am for protecting myself and my fellow students by wearing a mask and social distancing. However, on a seven hour schedule of five days a week, breathing in a mask would do more harm than good for any person. I speak not only for myself as a highschooler, but I would ask you take into account the first and second grade children. There is no way that breathing for seven hour in a claustrophobic mask would at all beneficial for their young and still developing minds and lungs. Teachers already suffer enough form wearing their masks and teaching. The school board also speaks of social distancing, yet I have not ever been put under those regulations. I have never been placed away six feet from the next individual. I have never been secually stationed so that I am safely distanced from another person. They speak of distance and space, but all I have known this entire year is crowded halls and saturated classrooms. Should the board choose to make this decision a reality, they are the most inconsiderate hypocritical people in their positions of power and governing. I would strongly advise that the school system in Provo remain in phase 2, or move to phase 3 without masks.

Returning to a full schedule and full school days would be most unwise, not to mention illogical and foolish. We, as student, have proved that we are able to appolished

Returning to a full schedule and full school days would be most unwise, not to mention illogical and foolish. We, as student, have proven that we are able to accomplish the same amount of work in half the time. So much time is wasted in a full day of school. It is bloated with busy work and assignments that are irrelevant and too time consuming. We have cut school assignments and learning down to the bear bones of what it needs to be. Secondly, should the board of governors decide to swtich study to phase 3,

Right now I have a lot more time after school to work, I feel like I’ve become a lot more productive and I’m still learning a lot right now!

Safety is more important than daycare. I understand that some families will have no parents at home in the middle of the week, but that does not mean all students need to attend school so that they can be watched. Students in High School are able to take care of themselves.

schedules are changing so much every term and it’s hard to get used to a new one and change up our extracurricular schedules after school and work schedules. our schedules right now let’s us have time to meet with teachers and have more one on one time with them and focus on our futures

School board do you want protect the kids and teachers and other employees don’t get virus of test positive that why you shouldn’t change phase 3 because in utah we have 90,268 cases. Some kids can’t go school because they in quarantine because they test positive.

School days are hard. We aren’t allowed to talk to friends in the halls or classes. Masks and social distancing are still in place. I love having afternoons off.

School days are hard. We aren’t allowed to talk to friends in the halls or classes. Masks and social distancing are still in place. I love having afternoons off.

School has been really hard this year and adding extra hours would not make it easier. In all of my classes we are caught up and don’t need the extra time and the end of the year is usually slower too so from the students point of view I do not think that it would be helpful.

School is almost over, why change now?

School is easier with half days.

School is easier with half days.

School is easier with only half days. There is more time to do homework and my grades have not been impacted at all.

School is fine how it

School is fine how it

School is stressful enough with the global pandemic, i don’t think adding this to the kids’ schedules will do any good

school is too long as it is. I need time to do my homework in a quiet place and then have a life

School is too short right now

School isn’t my favorite thing but we need more time at school.

School lunch is my biggest worry. Most kids won’t space out while eating.

School make long, children make sad. Stress! Mmm no gusta.

School make long, children make sad. Stress! Mmm no gusta.

School makes me depressed and suicidal

School should stay the same.

school sucks

School will be more quick so you can be home faster.

Schools and teachers provide sufficient instruction in the time they have provided now. With the changes that have come this school year, students have needed much more time at home to complete their work and maintain their lives in balance. The trade-off of less time for students at home in exchange for more in-person instruction time is not worth it, and will not lead to students getting better grades or turning in more assignments.

schools nicer shorter

Schools should not go back to phase 3 because I think that should be next year because if we do it right now it might be hard for some students for some people its harder to get there work done. Some people still are overcoming how hard it was going from online to school in person. Some kids might be going through something really hard like depression something at home someone that they lost. Maybe fase 2 is good enough for them and maybe that is helping there mental health.

Seeing student performance in phase 2 shows that we don’t need to go all day to school to get the same amount of work done.

Seria bueno,para que los niños vuelvan a su ritmo abitual .

Short school gives me time to do my activities and homework early and that gives me more time to sleep. And more time to play with my friend and I have time to play.

Si estoy de acuerdo mientras sigan. El uso de mascarillas

Si lo apollo porque no es mucha la diferencia solo serian 2 horas siempre y cuando todos se mantengan con su cubrebocas

SI seria muy positivo

Si. Estoy de acuerdo en que estudien en tiempo completo.

Si. Pero con control se la escuela.

Si. Pero con control se la escuela.

Since it’s the end of the year, I think schools should simply carry on as they have been for the last little while. Next year, I would like for things to have returned completely to normal, with the original schedules and everything. Learning in a classroom setting is the easiest and the best way to learn.

So as a student I feel like the half days are better for me. I feel like it gives me more time to work a job and still get the education I need. I feel that during these half days I’ve learned just as much as I would normally just with slightly more homework but with the extra time it works out. I say keep it as it is just with a few less restrictions like real lunch’s after school or ability to go to library before and after school. Thank you

So far so good. As long as the current social distancing and mask requirements stay in place. I am okay with it.

So many high schoolers have scheduled that would be totally disturbed by moving back to phase 3. I work a job between the end of school and my lacrosse practices. I also am trying to get internship hours so I can be MA certified and I really need that extra time. Moving to phase 3 would make that really tricky. Covid wise I can’t afford to get sick and if we’re back all day we have more exposure to classmates. I also would be lots more exposed at lunch because I couldn’t just go home after my last period. Please wait until next year to resume the normal schedule for high schoolers.

So many of us High Schoolers would have adjusted our work schedules, get different jobs due to the lack of hour flexibility. The school year is 3/4ths over. We should stay with the same schedule instead if having to readjust to an entirely new schedule. This schedule also gives the teachers less time to plan lessons, making them less effective.

So many of us wouldn’t be able to go to school and work. It just wouldn’t be a good idea to keep changing the schedule.

So people can have time to work on their homework.

“So we can learn math and science. “

sounds more fun

Start back in the fall. Covid is down in numbers, let’s keep it that way.

Start back in the fall. Covid is down in numbers, let’s keep it that way.

Start school back to full time in the fall. Not with only a few weeks until summer.

Starting after Spring Break is better

stay cas i like to lern and it is fun to do stuff :3

Stick with the current schedule until the summer.

Still too early, and will get out of control easily.


Stop rushing things

students absences will increase if you extend the school day and the pass rate of classes will go down

students absences will increase if you extend the school day and the pass rate of classes will go down

students already have things scheduled during the day. to switch to phase 3 this late in the school year would mess everything up in our lives. Also, I feel like I am learning just as much as I would be if we were in phase 3, but I am also getting better grades and understanding the concepts more.

Students and teachers alike need to learn how to wear a mask. I don’t go a day at school where I see someone with their mask down. It is not enforced enough and I only need to sanitize my desk for 3 out of 8 classes, this virus is not being taken seriously and we are clearly not ready for phase 3.

Students and teachers are exhausted and overwhelmed by the constant phase changes. To institute another would only add to the mental strain of COVID. Teachers would have to completely restructure lesson plans (again) students would have to reschedule obligations, change work schedules, and adjust to an decreased amount of work time, (again) and parents would have to deal with an entirely new set of schedules—for families with multiple kids, this presents an especially difficult challenge. As we are only two months away from the end of the school year, I feel that trying to suddenly completely change the flow and function of school again would be not only completely unnecessary but actually harmful to the student body, staff, and families of Provo City School District.

Students have already had a lot on their plate dealing with depressing moments during this past year. We should not stress going full time when the confusing time hasn’t been done and over with yet. We should give students this time out of school (still in phase 2.5) to work on Homework, to socialize, and to live life the best they can

Students have had to learn flexibility and like none other this year and when it comes to change, it’s no secret that this year has taken its toll on students. The constant back and forth between phases and activities schedules has been ruthless and already put students through so much. The social aspect of school has been completely changed this year and most activities have been taken away from us. It is now in the hands of students to be able to treat their social mental and emotional health on their own outside of school/school activities (unlike most years). If phase 3 goes into affect, this crucial recovery time to work on our other aspects of health will be gone. So unless the district plans on helping students thrive in all these other areas, we’ve struggled enough this year to have more taken away. The idea of adapting to another major change (after we’ve already gotten used to the scheduling and new way of learning) makes my heart sink, and my motivation disappear. We’ve spent months getting used to this new way of life and change is not easy nor simple so a major shift once again will only put us further behind for this last term. Let us finish this year out strong how you all encouraged us to do throughout semester 2- or let us have the normalcy of school activities such as assemblies, school dances, and senior activities. We’ve been through hell- please don’t take away the time we do have to make the best of our situation. I hope you will take into consideration in the voices of us students, and think about what we are losing before prioritizing the physical health (of adults, not kids and teenagers) over the mentor, social, and emotional health of us students. I know for a fact attendance rates will plummet as well as motivation, and overall moral. It’s not secret to anyone that walks our halls to feel what’s missing in our schools- the lively spirit, welcoming and uplifting activities, and close relationships. These are the things that help students reach their full potential and adding in longer school hours, will only dampen the spirits.

Students in high school already have so much work to do and going back to phase 3 would just make it harder because of the worry about social distancing and covid. I think that sending the middle schoolers and elementary schoolers back to school would improve their learning because they don’t have work to do at home and they don’t have anything to worry about after school is over.

Students mental health are getting worse over the stress of all the homework and trying to get good grades. Making school longer would just get worse.

students mental health is more important than school rn. we are in a pandemic and we are very depressed and anxious. sports and events have already figured out time schedules. the more we are at school the more we are spreading the virus

Students need stability. We have dealt with a year of instability due to the global pandemic. Phase 2.5 had been the most stable phase we have had, why would we change something that is going well? It has been better for teachers and students and changing it will throw everyone off.

Students this year have already struggled immensely due to things always changing, we are now just starting to get the hang of this and it’s so close to the end of the year it would be really hard and it would be better and we would have more time to change our entire shedules since they are based at school ending at 12.05 if we had the summer to prepare to go back full time.

Students, especially in High School, need stability. The school board has changed our schedules back and forth so much through out the year. I have been struggling with these changes and I know others who feel the same. I can’t have my schedule change this much especially with work. I’ve had to change my availability so much this year because school changed from literally week to week. Also I have a hard time paying attention in some classes for an hour let alone 1.5 hours. I get incredibly bored as it is and I don’t have any desire to sit through a class for 1.5 hours learning material that I could learn in 1/2 and hour. Please, I beg you not to make this year harder than it has already been on me.

Students, especially in High School, need stability. The school board has changed our schedules back and forth so much through out the year. I have been struggling with these changes and I know others who feel the same. I can’t have my schedule change this much especially with work. I’ve had to change my availability so much this year because school changed from literally week to week. Also I have a hard time paying attention in some classes for an hour let alone 1.5 hours. I get incredibly bored as it is and I don’t have any desire to sit through a class for 1.5 hours learning material that I could learn in 1/2 and hour. Please, I beg you not to make this year harder than it has already been on me.

Switching to Phase 3 would require rescheduling of many extracurricular activities that have reached it’s most critical time of year. Lunches would also difficult with cautionary measures for students to be able to distance properly. As for classes, more instruction time would be great, but the possibility of the amount of homework staying the same wouldn’t be.

“Take down the barriers

I’m in favor of no masks and no social distancing. I miss my friends!”

“Take down the barriers

I’m in favor of no masks and no social distancing. I miss my friends!”

“Teachers already have a tremendous work load. Between online and in school hours, many are being run ragged.

Also, as a result of merging from online my children and I feel like teachers are giving more homework than they traditionally have, especially on the high school level. More in school hours would add more stress to an already stressful year. As important as academic success is, I suppose I’m more concerned about the mental health of my students.”

Teachers and students will not be able to handle the change this quickly. The teachers will have to reformat lessons and teaching plans, again. The students will continue to burn out and teachers will as well, both together will also contribute to poor overall grades, low participation, and possibly higher dropout rates. Especially in high schools where the risk is believed to be higher, and the impact is shown to be higher. While many are in a hurry to get back to normal, there is such thing as moving too fast. I would like to have phase 3 at some point but not just yet.

Teachers are assigning the same amount of homework as before and we have less time to do it. They are not utilizing class time effectively, and changing to this schedule will not help student’s grades, but hurt them.

“Teachers would have to replan their schedules and material for the class. The change could hinder the learning progress because of the rescheduling. The end of the school year is nearing too, and the change would very hard to get used to because of how long students been in the current release time. It’d be best to start the next school year with the phase 3 time instead.”

terrible idea

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thanks for saying you dont care about our safety 🙂

Thanks you

Thanks you

That would make me along with my fellow dancers and actors be at the school about 10 or 11 hours every single day. Sometimes more. We don’t need more time at school, that wouldn’t be at all useful.

That would severely damage my mental health and I don’t think I could do it. I would probably just drop out at that point. If you want your students mentally healthy leave things as they are!!!

That’s what that lady put to wait until the beginning of next year to switch it back there’s only 8 weeks left of school the kids have had enough changes this school year

That’s the dumbest thing of all Time

The CCD is begging governments, school systems, people, churches, etc. to hold on for a couple more months to let this blow over some more. Our covid-19 test results are low right now because of the precautions so if we change them, we won’t continue to have low numbers and more people will be at risk. Also, there is no way to safely participate/have a lunch where the entire student body can properly social distance when they take their masks off, and we don’t have enough staff to enforce social distancing on the entire student body. One of the worst things about all the phases that have personally made my grades drop is the constant switching of phases. Once we get kind of used to one phase, you guys pull the rug out from under our feet and we have to readjust everything once again. So please, please, please let us stay in phase 2.

The constant change of going back and forth between phases is so beyond stressful and frustrating when school itself is stressful and frustrating. I say we stick with what we’re doing now. Cases are going down, students can finally get into a rhythm and not have to worry about it changing again and again and it’s over all just nice to have more time for afternoons to work on any online classes or assignments that need to be done. As a girl with anxiety and depression, consistency is the best option and I think everyone with their own problems would agree.

The Covid stats right now are similar to what they were in the summer, (Which was when Utah decided to close everything down) so because of that, there is still a high risk of covid and covid spreading. And the vaccine definitely does not guarantee safety from Corona. So I wouldn’t feel close to comfortable in heading back to school yet.

The death rates and exposure rates are still too high overall in Utah. Not to mention, full days in masks are just not plausible or healthy for developing children.

The elementary and middle school kids don’t have jobs. But the high school kids do and with the half day school they can work more hours.

The extra two hours of wearing a mask is too much for students.

The extra two hours of wearing a mask is too much for students.

The half day of school is better for my productivity and focus

The high school kids have had to deal with too many changes this year. Let us be. Our teachers are stressed and so are the students. The MAJOR topic of discussion all week in our classes this past week was the possibility of moving to Phase 3. My teachers are not happy and neither are the students. We took surveys all week and the results show that the majority of high school students at PHS DO NOT support Phase 3. PLEASE concentrate on bringing back some “normal” activities to us such as assemblies and Prom. Full day school would cause more stress than you realize.

The high school students are still incapable of following COVID-19 Guidelines set by the CDC. To move forward with this is to be blatantly ignorant of this and to promote the spread of the virus. It’s unsafe and beyond mindless to do so.

The highest priority during this time should be the safety of your students and staff, that is the responsibility of the school district. I understand your want to give more school time to improve academics, but homework amounts have not changed from the phase changes. Grades aren’t low because we’re not at school as much, it’s the stress and demotivation due to mental health issues and other problems because of the state of our world right now. With the shortened school days we have time to do homework, keep ourselves grounded and relaxed, and offer help for our mental health. It’s ridiculous to assume students have lower grades because they’re not in school for as long, that is not the issue. Teachers are able to not waste time this way, and we are still getting good and normal instruction.

“The idea that more time will equal more learning has some very flawed logic. By my last period of the day, im tired and it’s hard for me to engage. Adding an additional 2 hours to an already exhausting day will exponentially decrease engagement, and learning will go down with it.

The district is desperate to get back to normal– to a 5 day school week. But who is to say that our old normal was ever good in the first place? Now is our chance to make a new normal, a more effective normal. Please consider changing our normal, for the sake of our students, for the sake of our future, and for the sake of our mental health. It’s time for a change.”

The kids already are having a hard time adjusting to the “new” Friday schedule. Let’s stop messing with them please.

The kids have been through enough change. We are finally getting in a consistent rhythm and some sort of sense of familiarity and consistency. If you switch us to full time school then that would throw the students out of rhythm AGAIN. Students have rearranged work schedules, sports practices and their lives around the current plan. We have been getting along just fine with the amount of class time we’ve had. Also it is NOT a good plan for 1000+ students to all be eating together with their masks off and students would not be capable of distancing themselves. I strongly disagree with going to full time school but huge thank you to the district for all you guys do!

The kids have gone through SO MANY changes this past year. The current shortened schedule seems to be a good balance of classroom time and safety. Changing things yet again risks compromising physical and mental health

The kids needs brakes from their mask

The longer were in school the less time we have to do homework making more stressful for us to get homework done.

The lunches would just be crowded and if we went to 4 lunches I dont want to eat lunch that early.

The main problem that I see is that no one would be able to take it. We are already stressed to our limit and so requiring us to be in school full time would just not be possible for us. This is added on to the fact that I have both a job and I just would not be able to go to either my 7th or eighth period. I’m doing my best don’t make it any harder.

The major disruption that this would cause to my schedule with my extracurriculars, internship, and part time job would NOT be worth the few additional hours of instruction. It would be a major hassle, particularly since the last few transitions have not been particularly smooth or planned out and announced in advance. We are finally getting used to the current schedule, just wait until the next school year to go back to full time. If you are concerned about students not getting enough instruction, then add a few hours to the school day as Consultation periods! Students who need the additional instruction can receive it, while the students who do not can maintain their current schedule. Changing the schedule yet again will cause too much stress and anxiety in this year that has already contained so much uncertainty and change. Please let us have stability in just one area of our life.

The mental health of students is dropping exponentially with these constant changes that keep happening this past year. With school being cancelled last spring, then starting school in Phase 1, moving to Phase 2 for two days, then back to phase 1, and then moving back to Phase 2 and finally creating a whole new Phase, 2.5. These changes have been detrimental to the physical, mental, and emotional health of the students, no matter what grade they are in. We need to keep consistency through the end of the year. We should not be moving to phase 3 because of these constant changes. We should keep the students of these schools on a consistent schedule of going to school in Phase 2.5 until next school year.

The numbers are going down. This will make them go up!!! Therefore having it take a longer amount of time to go back to normal

The numbers are not low enough and people have already built their life’s around the schedule already set so we would have to quit our jobs and any other activities that school takes up the time for. We also do not need 1.5 hours for class and hour is plenty. I know teachers who even say that if we stay in phase two for the rest of the year and years to come they would be much happier then going full phase three

The only reason I see this is a problem is that it’s been super hard for us as students to have to keep switching our schedules. I don’t mean like a literal schedule because I have nothing going on, but it’s hard to adjust to different times and figuring out how to manage my day every time it changes.

The only reason I’m willing to go to school right now is that masks are enforced. If we go back to full time then during lunch no one would be enforced to wear masks and I don’t feel safe being around so many people without their masks.

The only reason we would want to go back to full time school is if it would give us more time to finish homework or learning during school, but as was shown by are shifts to phase 2.5 all our teachers have done is give us busy work to fill up the extra class time. Which if we don’t finish the busy work in class then we are forced to finish the busy work at home adding to our already hefty homework load and the stress that goes along with that. And we will have less time to finish all that work due to the extended school days.

The only reason we would want to go back to full time school is if it would give us more time to finish homework or learning during school, but as was shown by are shifts to phase 2.5 all our teachers have done is give us busy work to fill up the extra class time. Which if we don’t finish the busy work in class then we are forced to finish the busy work at home adding to our already hefty homework load and the stress that goes along with that. And we will have less time to finish all that work due to the extended school days.

The only way things are ever going to go back to normal is if we are patient. In order to avoid a possible surge in case numbers (which are more than numbers, they are human lives), we should wait until more vaccines are distributed to students. Utah is doing a great job distributing vaccines but we don’t quite have enough out yet for me or my loved ones to feel safe. I would prefer it if we finished out the year how we are so that we are more likely to be able to go back full time next year. Thank you for providing a way for students to be heard 🙂

The only way things are ever going to go back to normal is if we are patient. In order to avoid a possible surge in case numbers (which are more than numbers, they are human lives), we should wait until more vaccines are distributed to students. Utah is doing a great job distributing vaccines but we don’t quite have enough out yet for me or my loved ones to feel safe. I would prefer it if we finished out the year how we are so that we are more likely to be able to go back full time next year. Thank you for providing a way for students to be heard 🙂

the pandemic just keeps increasing. only having few hours is ok ,and taking more hours and chances to get covid.

The phase 2.5 schedule is much better than the regular school schedule.

“The plan to go to Phase 3 is simply unacceptable. If you really list out the reasons, the cons greatly outnumber the pros, especially when you consider the increase in the risk of catching Covid-19. With going to Phase 3 students will be required to go to normal lunch in school, in which no one will wear their mask.

Referring back to what I said earlier; if you really list out the real reasons it seems like a real illogical choice. Practically none of the students are vaccinated; we are not able to eat through our masks, so we have to take them off; it already isn’t possible to social distance due to the sheer amount of students in the school, and it just simply isn’t safe. All of these things will make our chances of getting Covid skyrocket. With Covid still being a relatively new disease, there are still many unknown long-term side effects, and I am not willing to be a guinea pig.”

The problem with trying to get back to “normal” is that “normal” was not beneficial

The rates arent down we can barely go to school as it is the only thing going back to full school would do is make it harder for us to stay safe also if you d9nt wanna go to school you shouldn’t be forced to

The reason I don’t want to is that math class will be longer

The reason numbers are decreasing is because we’re being safe and its only gonna jeopardize the decrease if we proceed to a less safe option for schooling. We want this whole ordeal to be over, not make it worse just because we want things to be normal again. Thats the whole reason it hasn’t disappeared yet.

The reason why I would decline it is because I think it would affect our schedule, and that we would have to go through a lot of trouble to adjust to the changes. So I think that it would be best if the changes is made next school year instead of 3rd and 4th term so that everyone has a fresh start to school, and would have time to adjust to everything.

The school causes to much stress, by over loading students with work that can hardly be accomplished within the time at home. Also for the given fact that school isn’t for smart people.

“The school year has been a difficult one and my children are finally in a comfortable place. Adding more school for the sake of additional instruction time seems to be more for appeasing the “administrators.”

Both teachers and students are comfortable with the current environment and should be given the opportunity to finish the school year this way. They don’t need additional stress added to their overflowing plates.

The smaller children are not getting covid anywhere but the middle schoolers and high schoolers would spread it because they get it from other places.

The students are not ready for full school. More work/class time could be overwhelming.

The students have had so much change this year. First it’s two days a week, then four, then two again, and now five. The students all feel that they’ve found a nice happy medium. The only thing going to phase 3 would do now is make students upset and go through more change in an already crazy year.

The students switch classes constantly when it comes to secondary schools. We have been told that the phase 2 works so we should keep it for the rest of the year. You have to think about people’s schedules and how this would work. Personally we should not move into phase 3.

The teachers are still giving too much work and I don’t want them to give even more since it is phase 3

The teachers are still giving too much work and I don’t want them to give even more since it is phase 3

The teachers are still giving too much work and I don’t want them to give even more since it is phase 3

The teachers are still giving too much work and I don’t want them to give even more since it is phase 3

The transition to middle school this year has been really difficult. I have felt lonely, disconnected, and physically uncomfortable because we all have to wear masks. I also get frustrated when we go to school and just work on our computers all day anyways. I’m strongly opposed to a full day return if it just means more time in a mask and more time in front of a computer screen. It would also be a huge hassle to change all of my extracurricular activities after school.

The uncertainty of switching pedagogy formats multiple times has made it difficult on students, teachers, and parents. As an educator and parent of four PCSD students, I think education will be most effective if we leave the format as is for the remainder of the school year.

“The various vacillated decisions by the School Board have inadvertently brought about an inconvenience; an inconsistency throughout the school year. As a student, I’ve unfortunately experienced the viral virus that caused these vagaries. During the first half of the year, schools were being tossed back and forth between Phases. Why not stay in the current Phase until the option to move onward is assured? With this in mind, Board Members should take into consideration if the transition will be permanent for the remaining few months.

These erratic modifications additionally affect the students and teachers. Students have no choice but to modify their schedules to carefully fit with school hours. Whatever their circumstances, one can’t maintain a set schedule with a wavering time frame. Moreover, teachers also experience this impact. A sudden switch left teachers drained of energy; they constantly adapted their lessons to the short-lived Phases. Ample time was not provided for students—nor teachers—to adequately prepare for the prompt Phase alterations.

The year is almost over let’s just not

The year is almost over let’s just not

The year is almost over these students have changed schedules so many times this year. Just finish the year out as it is!

The year is almost over these students have changed schedules so many times this year. Just finish the year out as it is!

“The year is almost over we’re already use to this schedule. It’s not right to keep going to my boss and having to change my work schedule and I already lost a job because of the school constantly changing. Just let us finish this year and go back to the normal ful schedule next year “

“The year is almost over we’re already use to this schedule. It’s not right to keep going to my boss and having to change my work schedule and I already lost a job because of the school constantly changing. Just let us finish this year and go back to the normal ful schedule next year “

Then I wouldn’t get to go to the skate park.

There are a couple things that would totally be ruined if we switched to full time school. One thing, is work. I have a sister, and if we went back to full time school, she would probably lose her job, because there isn’t enough time in the day to go to five hours of work, and seven hours of school, and balance school work, family, etc. Another thing, is the fact that I’ve been able to do so much more with the extra time, and if we went back to full day school, then I wouldn’t be able to do these things. I was able to sign up for tumbling again, and I’ve joined the cross country team. After school, I also do things like piano, flute, and painting. Full time school would ruin most of that.

There are only 3 more months of school and I don’t think it’s fair to make the kids wear a mask for that long.

There are only three months of school left and phase two is working without a lot of sicknesses. I don’t think we should get rid of something that is working. Thanks

There are only three months of school left and phase two is working without a lot of sicknesses. I don’t think we should get rid of something that is working. Thanks

“there are so many reasons not to. – lunch would cause new cases becuase there would be no way to social distance – students can learn just as much in the time we have now – teacher would start to add busy work on top and the homework that almost all students are struggling with – what would be the point to go to phase 3 when we only have 1 term left -many students have had to pick up jobs to help pay for things ( because many parents jobs were lost due to covid) they would not be able to work the same hours and help out their family’s – many students also have extra things after school. and switching to phase 3 would cause these extra activities to go later into the day and that would push them to do there homework later “

There are some classes where adding the extra time would be benificial, but I have other classes where an additional half an hour seems like wasted time. I also really like getting home earlier. I have more time to do my homework, and I go to bed earlier, giving me more sleep and making me happier. I also feel like the classes that I need help with my teachers are there after school, and if I need to spend additional time on a subject I can talk to them after school.

There are still too many covid cases, the less we go to school, the more possibility of having fewer covid cases.

There are too many complications that come with moving to phase 3. The main issue being lunch. I’ve heard talk of having four lunches, which causes many problems. First of all, it would make students have to eat lunch at really weird times, changing their eating habits which isn’t healthy for teens. Second, it would mess with teacher’s schedules as it would be very convoluted with all different students having different lunches and it may become difficult for students who have off-campus classes at MTECH or UVU or internships. Also, enforcement would be a major issue as well, as there are already students that walk around school with their masks down, even after being told over and over to put them back up. Having these lunches not only increases time that people are exposed to each other, but how realistic is the possibility of truly enforcing distancing and proper Covid protocol in a school of thousands? And back to the teaching schedules, I feel like it’d be very difficult to figure out a proper solution to having teachers’ and students’ schedules staying consistent and giving equal fairness and opportunity to each class if we have four separate lunches. What if a student is supposed to go to a class that has lunch, but they don’t have lunch for whatever reason? Or what if a student has to miss entire class periods just because of how their MTECH or UVU DL class schedule lines up with Provo’s schedule? Overall I personally feel that there would be too many cons that far outweigh the benefits from moving to phase 3, which is why I do not support the proposed change.

There are too many complications that come with moving to phase 3. The main issue being lunch. I’ve heard talk of having four lunches, which causes many problems. First of all, it would make students have to eat lunch at really weird times, changing their eating habits which isn’t healthy for teens. Second, it would mess with teacher’s schedules as it would be very convoluted with all different students having different lunches and it may become difficult for students who have off-campus classes at MTECH or UVU or internships. Also, enforcement would be a major issue as well, as there are already students that walk around school with their masks down, even after being told over and over to put them back up. Having these lunches not only increases time that people are exposed to each other, but how realistic is the possibility of truly enforcing distancing and proper Covid protocol in a school of thousands? And back to the teaching schedules, I feel like it’d be very difficult to figure out a proper solution to having teachers’ and students’ schedules staying consistent and giving equal fairness and opportunity to each class if we have four separate lunches. What if a student is supposed to go to a class that has lunch, but they don’t have lunch for whatever reason? Or what if a student has to miss entire class periods just because of how their MTECH or UVU DL class schedule lines up with Provo’s schedule? Overall I personally feel that there would be too many cons that far outweigh the benefits from moving to phase 3, which is why I do not support the proposed change.

There are too many people refusing to wear masks properly and the return to normalcy will only make more people think that if we are moving ahead the pandemic doesn’t matter anymore and then I won’t be able to come to school at all.

There are too many students in Junior High and High schools for those schools to go to phase 3.

There has already been so much transition and inconsistency this year. I know this has been difficult for me and other students. School is almost out, so I would prefer if we just stuck it out in the current situation a few more months and returned to school full time next year. There is no need to rattle everything up once again.

There has been so much change as difference since Covid has hit. Staying in phase 2 is one of the things that won’t hurt the students and will keep them happy. It is the one thing that can stay the same during this tough time for kids. so plz don’t change. it’s harder then you think on the students.

There have already been so many changes and I think it would be better if we just stuck with the one we have.

There have been many struggles just from moving to phase 2.5 and moving to another phase will just unbalance everything. Everyone will be affected from school staff to students. I agree that we could start preparing to move on, but not this year especially in the last term of school. I feel that it would overwhelm and burn off fellow students and perhaps staff as well. I think a more adequate manner would be to do it next year. Thanks for all the hard work!

There have been to many changes since March of last year. Please leave school how it is right now.

There is a lot of homework after school. So, the earlier I get off, the sooner I can finish homework.

There is already a lot of extra time in class when we are just sitting there, waiting for class to end because there isn’t anything else that we’re supposed to be doing. We also are taught basically the same amount as if we did have full days, so we might as well just keep it as it is, and not make things more stressful. Also, being is school for that long is strait up lame! just saying.

There is already a lot of extra time in class when we are just sitting there, waiting for class to end because there isn’t anything else that we’re supposed to be doing. We also are taught basically the same amount as if we did have full days, so we might as well just keep it as it is, and not make things more stressful. Also, being is school for that long is strait up lame! just saying.

There is less people getting sick with COVID

There is more to life than school, people have things to do other than school. They have jobs, taking care of sick family or friends. People also don’t wear masks and the teachers don’t do anything about it. I as well as other people do not feel safe going to phase 3. Mental health wise people are not ready for such a big change. We could wait till next year

There is no point in going an extra hour and a half for the last month and a half of school. What are we as students going to get out of it? Out with the fun part of school. And now in with the depression and decrease in desire to be at school and get good grades. Going to phase 3 is just going to add to that. Let us finish out this crappy year in peace and we’ll talk about full time school and our new “normal” next school year. No reason to make school rougher on us kids than it already is.

There is not purpose for older kids to go to phase 3, it will just make things worse.

There is not purpose for older kids to go to phase 3, it will just make things worse.

there is not that much cleaning anymore and people don’t where there mask correctly.

There is only a couple of months left in the school year so changing the schedule now makes very little sense. As a parent, I have already been jerked around with the changing schedules with short notices of the changes. Every time the student moves to the next phase, I have to make adjustments to my work schedule. I recommend the schedule stay the same and plan to go back to a “normal” school schedule next fall when most people will be vaccinated.

There is only a couple of months left in the school year so changing the schedule now makes very little sense. As a parent, I have already been jerked around with the changing schedules with short notices of the changes. Every time the student moves to the next phase, I have to make adjustments to my work schedule. I recommend the schedule stay the same and plan to go back to a “normal” school schedule next fall when most people will be vaccinated.

THERE IS STILL A PANDEMIC. Only the teachers and staff have gotten the vaccine. Us students don’t even get it till the summer. I am currently in quarantine because people don’t know how to wear masks AT SCHOOL. It is my senior year and I would love to go back to phase 3 but instead I’m in quarantine away from my family and friends. It’s not worth it.

there will only be a couple months of school left and i’m already used to the schedule I have. I’ll have to leave school early for my dance team if school changes now.

There’s 3 months left in the current school year before the end of the school year. It be best to keep the current schedule; and instead go into phase 3 the next school year.

There’s been too much change. I feel we’re in a good place right now.

There’s simply no good way to enforce mask wearing or social distancing during lunch periods, as students are very unlikely to eat six feet apart and many students go off campus for lunch.

There’s already so much extra time the teachers have in the classes I take. I feel like a full 90 minutes would be a lot of just sitting around doing work that i can fry done at home.

There’s already so much wasted time in class, what’re we going to do for 90 minutes?!

There’s been enough change this school year it would be nice to Atleast have one term or 2 where things stay the same honestly I think phase 2 is better for students mental health

there’s no good reason to move school to full time, we are doing good as-is

There’s no reason for us to move to phase 3, all it does is add stress on students and teachers. I found myself feeling much more overwhelmed with school when it was full time and I think for many that could introduce mental illnesses. The phase were currently in is perfect, just enough time in classes and enough time outside of school. Having those 2 more hours of school everyday would accomplish almost nothing and overwhelm our brains with too much information to withhold.

There’s no reason for us to move to phase 3, all it does is add stress on students and teachers. I found myself feeling much more overwhelmed with school when it was full time and I think for many that could introduce mental illnesses. The phase were currently in is perfect, just enough time in classes and enough time outside of school. Having those 2 more hours of school everyday would accomplish almost nothing and overwhelm our brains with too much information to withhold.

These timpview kids attend huge parties that have no COVID rules. Nobody wears their mask. I’ll be walking the halls and I never see anyone wearing their mask properly. Until these kids think about how they are affecting others, phrase 3 should not even be up for discussion.

They are already attending class for 5 days, until 1:20, I don’t think that / hours more is not going to make such difference

They should just keep it how it is until the end of the school year. Why rush? This phase we are on now is working great and we have all already established a routine. Plus how would the schools do lunch? I can’t see how it’s possible to do lunch in a safe way. We are still in the middle of a pandemic and if the cases are starting to trend down then why move away from something (phase 2.5) that is working? I don’t want to have to change phases again after we move to phase 3 because there is a spike in cases.

They should wait until next school year to begin phase 3. Students and teachers have got used to the phase in which we are in right now and changing it now would affect schedules greatly.

They won’t have time to clean the school once we go full time or the janitors would be working long hours. Teachers also need time to plan online lessons for students doing home study

Think about the kids having to change all they do everyday again!!! Changing work schedules, extracurriculars, and all your other life events. Having to go back to a full schedule will be hard on a lot of students, a lot of them may obtain more mental health issues and stress from this movement. If we end up going back to phase 3 we should not need to wear masks as those at risk are being vaccinated. If you feel at risk then yeah, still wear a mask.

This transition its becoming very overwhelming to the students, and adding extra hours will make it worse.

“This has been a confusing and stressful time for most students. It seems as soon as we get used to something, the district changes it. It makes it hard to attend school and deal with extracurricular activities as well as work/home/social life if we are living in a constant state of change and unpredictability. The PTA is a poor representation of the students actually attending and having to live with the changes they make. They are not representative of the actual school population since they are chosen by yet other people who also don’t have to live and work in the changes they make. This leads me to my final point. Remember who these choices will ACTUALLY affect. Some random PTA member or a member of the board will most likely not be affected by these constant changes. “

“This has been a time of change and a lot of it. Change can be good, at times it can be beneficial to well-being. However, too much change really hits hard and is very harmful to everybody part of it. As students, we have had to adapt to the changes that have been thrown at us, each and every day. It has been hard, pushing, pushing, and pushing, trying to do our best, but with what we have to deal with, only we can truly know how it feels. Students are the ones having to deal with this, we should be the ones deciding what happens with our education. School, a huge part of our lives right now, but there has been too much change. Everyone needs something solid to hold onto, and with the school schedule already changing so much hasn’t helped. We, as students, have finally found something consistent, phase 2.5, and we have gotten into a place where we are feeling a nice flow. If we change to phase 3, that would knock everyone’s mental state out of balance, the motivation for learning and going to school would drop even more than it already has. “

This idea is scary to me and I don’t want my teacher to get sick

This is a bad idea for so such a long time. I think if you were to post pone it to a later date then I think kids can focus more on their own things with how stressful school is already. On top of that, it doesn’t matter if we have a vaccine, people are still at risk

this is a foolish idea! Just wait until next year.

This is a scary time for everyone. Keeping people safe should be your VERY first priority. Even before our education. We can’t have an education if we are sick. Please keep us in Phase 2 or even go back to Phase 1 if nessisary. One year of school online will not hurt anyone.

this is going to make mental health problems for many students

This is insanely pointless. Please please stop making changes. How have you not seen how it’s only done bad yet??? It’s so ridiculous to me how the school board can even be considering this while the majority of STUDENTS are against it. Students should be the #1 voice right now. Everyone still has the option of learning from home so we ALL are doing the majority of our work online whether that’s at home or in class. It’s not fixing anything. everyone knows for a fact that there is no social distancing. A risk to even one person should be something you consider. But this is hundreds. And you know it’s not accurate information when not everyone gets tested. It’s not what the parents want or what the board wants. Students are the ones who have lost so much due to covid and the ones dealing with this. And students have had enough of it. It’s mentally draining. It’s time you listen to us. Which should have happened so long ago. Let us just finish our year this is ridiculous.

This is not a good schedule for the kids they have changed back and fourth all year and the last thing they need is full time. Starting a mee year full time would be much easier and healthier for the students then this.

This is not ok there is already to much contact between students and people not wearing their mask rights. Now we are giving them longer periods of time to get exposed and less time to sanitize the school properly.

This is ridiculous. I know that until this PANDEMIC ends we need to stick to phase 2! Until most of the world has this vaccine we NEED to stick to phase 2! We have spent more THAN A YEAR WORKING to get to this point! And now y’all want to waste that year? You people will be RESPONSIBLE for MILLIONS OF CHILDRENS DEATHS! This is a pandemic, treat it like one! Idc if students would be doing “better” in school, at least if we’re in Phase 2 CHILDREN WILL BE ALIVE! If you have ANY HEART FOR MILLIONS OF CHILDREN you will stick to Phase 2! YOU WILL KILL MILLIONS OF CHILDREN! AND IF YOU DONT ACTUALLY KILL THEM, THEY’LL BE DEAD INSIDE, DEPRESSED BECAUSE THEY’RE FAMILY OR FRIEND HAS DIED! UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MILLIONS OF CHILDREN DEAD MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY FIX THIS!

This isn’t going to be good for the mental health of the student body. just finish out the year.

This may just e me, but my mental state has drastically improved with lesser school, and I feel I am able to enjoy school more now than last year. Due to the shorter school day I feel like I am able to pursue my hobbies, I have time to enjoy playing the games I love, and I have started my own out of school projects. And I fear that with a full day of school, I would have to sacrifice many of these things I have come to enjoy for my last bit of high school.

This pandemic has caused so much stress for children already and throwing them into even more of a stress by doing full time school will be so bad for students. As a student I don’t know how much more stress I’ll be able to handle and I’m sure almost all of my fellow students feel the same. For the mental health of the students, please don’t throw us into even more craziness. Mental health is just as important as physical health, so if we are able to stay in phase 2 due to COVID concerns, we should be able to stay in phase 2 for mental concerns as well.

This quarantine has proven that going into school for half time is just as effective as going in full time. It leaves more time for kids to do homework at home instead of spending more time in class. For me personally, after getting home from a long day of school I’m completely worn out and there is no way I can bring myself to do the mountains of homework that are sent home along with a full day. With half-day school, I can still go in and figure out what’s up and coming in school and the teachers and teach their lesson I’m also able to see my friends but when I go home after a half-day I can go home and still be able to do homework without feeling overwhelmed and tired out.

This school year has been hard, and most of the problem is not about the amount of school but actually about getting into and used to a schedule. I feel that my learning and my grades have improved the longer we stay on the same schedule. The thing that was so hard term one and two is that we kept switching, I had just gotten used to phase one when we switched to phase two, and although we had more school switching actually made it harder because I had to change my routine. I don’t want to have to change my routine again, all these rollercoaster changes hurt my development enough. We have a schedule and switching would only make the fourth term harder.

This school year has been hard, and most of the problem is not about the amount of school but actually about getting into and used to a schedule. I feel that my learning and my grades have improved the longer we stay on the same schedule. The thing that was so hard term one and two is that we kept switching, I had just gotten used to phase one when we switched to phase two, and although we had more school switching actually made it harder because I had to change my routine. I don’t want to have to change my routine again, all these rollercoaster changes hurt my development enough. We have a schedule and switching would only make the fourth term harder.

This school year so far has been a difficult time for both students and teachers alike. With each phase transition, class schedules as well as home-life schedules have to be dramatically rearranged. With only a few months left in the school year, it would be best to reduce stress placed on students, teachers, and their families by maintaining the part-day school schedule currently in place. It’s so close to the end of the school year already that a major shift in schedule balance would have a significant negative impact on most people affected. Retaining the part-day schedule will allow students to close the school year and wrap everything up with the schedule they’re used to rather than forcing everyone to rework their lives for a third time to adjust to another schedule change.

This shortened schedule is doing wonders for my mental, physical and emotional health. If we go back there’d be an increase and stress and anxiety that we don’t really need in this trying time. Also covid still exists even though people are getting vaccinations. I had a friend who actually got a different strand of COVID-19 that was actually worse and that she got even though I think she already had it before. I think we are goo where we at. It’s not too stressful for the teachers and it’s not too stressful for the students. I know that the common argument is that, “Well last year you had full days and you were fine with it” but still, COVID isn’t normal whatsoever. We wear masks, we can’t touch our friends, we have to clean more, etc. And even last year when we had like 6-7 hour days I’d come back from school completely burned out not to mention homework and extracurricular activities. I personally liked phase 2 the most but hey beggars can’t be choosers. Thank you for taking the time to read this if you did.

This unprecedented time has been significantly negative to my physical, mental, and emotional health. It is remarkably disrespectful that the district is considering this decision, while they are not actively ATTENDING their decisions. The 2 more hours that we have are very helpful with everything, especially the impact of your poorly thought out decisions.

This will help the student in his mental health and social development.

This would be a horrible idea since covid cases are still rising and the vaccine is still to be widespread. Also I need a mental health break.

this would be bad and unnecessary

this would be bad and unnecessary

This would be freaking stupid.

this would be very bad for mental, physical, and emotional health because I just can’t handle it right now

This would not be good for students mental health. They already are stressed out enough . Both students and teachers have a ton of work on their hands. Adding more would be unwise and unhealthy.

“This year has already had too many changes. Phase 2.5 is working. Please keep it. It might be the only “normalcy” for this crazy school year.

Additionally, there is no way to safely serve lunch if we move to Phase 3. How are thousands of students supposed to socially distance then? And where? “

“This year has already had too many changes. Phase 2.5 is working. Please keep it. It might be the only “normalcy” for this crazy school year.

Additionally, there is no way to safely serve lunch if we move to Phase 3. How are thousands of students supposed to socially distance then? And where? “

This year has been really difficult with constant changes. Our schedule has been changed more than enough times. We are this far into the year, please just let us make it through to the end of the school year without another change.

This year I have adapted my schedule over the half duration school days and making the change to full duration school days at the end of the year not only doesn’t make any sense to me because of how much more exposure time we would have, it also throws a wrench in my entire schedule most likely resulting in my forced early graduation because of time conflicts with my other extracurriculars and work.

Though numbers are changing and the vaccines are being distributed, there is still high spread rates across teens and adults which is why I feel elementary and possibly middle schools but not high schools should move to phase 3.

Though some classes don’t work as well online, I think that less school helps us kids be less depressed. We obviously need some education, but if we were to stay the way we were, (or have less school and/or homework) we would have more people actually wanting to go to school. Thank you for actually asking for my opinion.

“Three weeks ago I got COVID from school. I am positive I got it from school, but do not know from whom. This means that COVID spreads in schools more than people say it does. My reasons for school not going back full time are the following:

1) When people get COVID and have to miss school they miss lots of classes and their grades take a big hit. Even with stuff online, missing two weeks is bad. If we go back full time that will just be more stuff that those who get COVID will miss.

2) We have switched phases so much this year that it gets very confusing. We get more instruction in some classes than others. We shouldn’t go to phase 3 because we need a normal, and right now is a good normal.”

“Through the covid experience, we have learned that going to school 8 hours a day is not necessary for optimized learning. With the stress of extra-long school days along with homework, extracurricular activities, and outside school daily life, students are not able to fully concentrate on their learning while in school. Often times students are forced to do other things during classes that they are not able to do other times. If we stay at Phase 2, students are able to more fully devote their time in school, to learning because they have more time outside class to do the other things. For me personally, I am taking a college class to get my CNA license. If we go to Phase 3 I will have to drop necessary classes to graduate in order to continue taking that class. Something that is really important to my after-high-school plans, and will cause a lot of problems if I try to change it. I am sure I am not the only student in a scenario similar to this. “

“Throughout the last month covid cases have dropped drastically. Many states are lifting mask mandates and all other laws regarding COVID-19. However, many people in the medical field are preparing for a fourth wave of Covid. With only 15% of the population being vaccinated it is quite likely that this wave could be fatal. Even though kids are not going to get extremely sick, they are spreading it. My uncle recently passed away from covid after getting it from A-symptomatic kids.

Going to Phase 3 is a bad idea for the reason that kids are not going to be vaccinated until after school is over. Adding lunch will be a superspreader event, and Phase 3 will not last very long. We already have so much instability in our lives, we need to count on at least one thing to be persistent. Covid will be around for a while. The sooner we act responsibly, the sooner it will go away. “

“Throughout the last month covid cases have dropped drastically. Many states are lifting mask mandates and all other laws regarding COVID-19. However, many people in the medical field are preparing for a fourth wave of Covid. With only 15% of the population being vaccinated it is quite likely that this wave could be fatal. Even though kids are not going to get extremely sick, they are spreading it. My uncle recently passed away from covid after getting it from A-symptomatic kids.

Going to Phase 3 is a bad idea for the reason that kids are not going to be vaccinated until after school is over. Adding lunch will be a superspreader event, and Phase 3 will not last very long. We already have so much instability in our lives, we need to count on at least one thing to be persistent. Covid will be around for a while. The sooner we act responsibly, the sooner it will go away. “

Timpview High School has been incredibly disheartening with the handling of COVID-19. First of all, being a senior, Timpview has done absolutely nothing to celebrate the seniors, or make them feel of any value. Especially with the difficulty of the 2020-2021 school year, students have had the extra stress of the pandemic along with normal high school life. Timpview has not enforced mask-wearing & social distancing, and the constant change of schedule has been confusing and not for the benefit of the students.

to learn more !!

“To many people have adjusted to phase 2.5 with work between kids and parents and extracurricular activity practices. It has been better on kids physically and mentally to have less time in school and more time to be kids while they can. With all the craziness/stress going on in the world we don’t need to add to that by having kids have more time in school and less time to themselves. Yes normally they should be in school with phase 3 but it is not a normal year. “

To me Phase 2 is the perfect amount of school. We are learning lots and growing. The kids who need extra help can still stay after school to get the help they need.

Too close to testing and end of school year

Too hard to wear masks all day

Too late in the year to go full time. Next year would be better.

Too long in masks. Anxiety would go thru the roof!

Too long to wear masks

Too long to wear masks all day

Too long to wear masks.

Too much switching between phases and there are still a large number of people who could get the virus.

Too soon because vaccines not fully distributed. Some teachers are not vaccinated. No students are.. Teachers and students have had too many adjustments this year already so let’s just finish out the year as is. Getting only 15 extra minutes per class is not worth it.

“Transitioning all PCSD schools to Phase 3 around March 22nd is not a good idea and I do not support it. With such little time left in the school year it does not make sense to create another phase change that impacts high school (and possibly middle school) student schedules. High school students should be allowed to finish the school year in the current phase. Teachers have planned into 4th quarter already and changing phases now will have a negative impact on those plans. It might be easier to move elementary students to phase 3 as their schedules are not built the same way as high school students. Additionally I would not support a phase 3 high school schedule that would create gaps in my students day to accommodate for lunches.

Frankly if the COVID numbers are going down, the District should focus on giving high school students more opportunities to have assemblies in person, attend sporting events without capping attendance at 50 people, and have dances!! If these events can only occur safely for Seniors then do that. Current Seniors were deprived of so many experiences as Juniors last year and have had zero extra events this year. Instead of trying to add more school hours, please focus on giving students and especially Seniors a more “”normal”” high school experience. which should include extracurricular events. “

Transitioning to full time school would have an extremely negative affect on our teachers and consequentially the students. Our teachers are extremely stressed because they have to not only do the normal work to accommodate for their in class students, but this year, because of the worldwide pandemic, they also have to accommodate for the students who are strictly learning from home. This requires the teachers to do more work and the extra time each day is helpful to accomplish this. I believe that most teachers and students agree with this statement and I would urge the committee to consider this.

Transitioning to full time school would have an extremely negative affect on our teachers and consequentially the students. Our teachers are extremely stressed because they have to not only do the normal work to accommodate for their in class students, but this year, because of the worldwide pandemic, they also have to accommodate for the students who are strictly learning from home. This requires the teachers to do more work and the extra time each day is helpful to accomplish this. I believe that most teachers and students agree with this statement and I would urge the committee to consider this.

transitioning to phase 3 for the final term is not a good idea. high schoolers grades matter and transitioning during the craziest term will cause mental strain on our students and teachers.

“Transitioning to yet another schedule would simply break our frail mental states that have become quite weakened over the past atrocity of a year. Going back full time would be an insult to my mental state giving me yet another thing to worry about in my most stressful year I’ve ever had to deal with. Furthermore, so many job schedules have been adjusted to coexist with the current schedule, and changing it would screw up so many peoples schedules. Thanks!”

u dont think we should do it becuase like i just dont feel like we should because like yea

Under pandemic

Unless no masks

Unless no masks

Unless we are going to have assemblies, dances, regular sporting events, etc we should not be going to school full time.

Unnecessary and dangerous.

Until vaccines are available for everyone, we should not be in school full time. At the high school, social distancing is impossible. If lunch is added to the equation, with masks coming off for everyone, it is bound to be a huge spreader and we’re finally almost on the mend. Please do not reverse the progress we have made. My oldest brother is compromised and so is my dad. I am afraid I will spread it to them, if I haven’t already. My little brother and I are sick and I’m worried it’s covid.

Utah had a lower weekly average at the beginning of the school year than we do now. Our lives have become quite settled into the phase 2/2.5 schedules, and lots of people have work/sports/extracurricular after school, and changing the schedule at this point would be very disruptive. We’ve been through a lot of disruption this year, so I don’t think that it would be great to have any additional disruption. (I am in favor of going to phase 3 at the start of next school year though!) (:

Wait till after summer to do any type of change.

Wait till after summer to do any type of change.

Want to go back to school full time.

Wasatch is safe

Wasatch is safe

we agree with the back of school

we agree with the back of school

We all know COVID has yet to present a smaller risk than previously, and although the vaccine is coming out, having lunch without masks would create a much larger risk than before. Phase 3 would prevent me from going to school altogether and I would have to transfer to homeschool. PLEASE DON’T

We all want to be back in school full time!

We already have had so many changes this year. So many of my friends are already having a hard time keeping up. Let’s just start fresh next year and let us finish this year with our mental health intact.

We already struggle with lack of water and bathroom breaks and wearing a mask that long. Please don’t make us suffer longer.

We already struggle with lack of water and bathroom breaks and wearing a mask that long. Please don’t make us suffer longer.

we are already so use to a schedule and we keep getting switched. just keep us on one schedule for the sake of our mental health.

We are finally getting used to this schedule. And I have tutor and training already scheduled after school.

We are finally getting used to this schedule. And I have tutor and training already scheduled after school.

We are getting enough class time during phase two. In some classes, there is still excessive amounts of unproductive time. If we had more school, we would just be wasting more time at school and have less time to do the rest of the learning that life requires during this time in our lives, such as real-life skills learned at home and relationship building with our families.

We are getting everything we need to get done on an early out schedule. Making us go full time seems like we will just be wasting more time in the classroom. The workload isn’t going to change. Early out allows us time to go home, get lunch, do homework and then go to work or engage in extracurricular activities. We can finish all of our activities and work in time to have dinner with our families now because school gets out at 12:05. I think it is a really good schedule. I don’t want to have our schedule changed again. It has changed SO many times in the last year.

we are going through a lot right now. We have had to go through so much change and just now we feel like we have a schedule. We are just now getting the hang of things, and that’s the sad part. We are almost done with this school year and are just now feeling like we have a sense of stability. We know what we are supposed to do. We have a routine. Wake up, go to school, come home, eat lunch, relax, do homework, go to our activities. It would be catastrophic if we had to switch once again. We would be thrown off of everything and need to start over. The same feeling of stress that we had from jumping back and forth at the beginning of the year. In the rush, we would have to get things done. It’s in everyone’s best interests to stay where we are. For the sake of us students, our teachers (who have gone through so much), and even our parents. Please consider these things. This is coming from a student that is living with the decisions you make. We are the ones that are affected. Make the right one.

we are going through a lot right now. We have had to go through so much change and just now we feel like we have a schedule. We are just now getting the hang of things, and that’s the sad part. We are almost done with this school year and are just now feeling like we have a sense of stability. We know what we are supposed to do. We have a routine. Wake up, go to school, come home, eat lunch, relax, do homework, go to our activities. It would be catastrophic if we had to switch once again. We would be thrown off of everything and need to start over. The same feeling of stress that we had from jumping back and forth at the beginning of the year. In the rush, we would have to get things done. It’s in everyone’s best interests to stay where we are. For the sake of us students, our teachers (who have gone through so much), and even our parents. Please consider these things. This is coming from a student that is living with the decisions you make. We are the ones that are affected. Make the right one.

we are going through a lot right now. We have had to go through so much change and just now we feel like we have a schedule. We are just now getting the hang of things, and that’s the sad part. We are almost done with this school year and are just now feeling like we have a sense of stability. We know what we are supposed to do. We have a routine. Wake up, go to school, come home, eat lunch, relax, do homework, go to our activities. It would be catastrophic if we had to switch once again. We would be thrown off of everything and need to start over. The same feeling of stress that we had from jumping back and forth at the beginning of the year. In the rush, we would have to get things done. It’s in everyone’s best interests to stay where we are. For the sake of us students, our teachers (who have gone through so much), and even our parents. Please consider these things. This is coming from a student that is living with the decisions you make. We are the ones that are affected. Make the right one.

“We are in a pandemic…did you know that? Cases should be zero Before phase 3!!”

“We are in a pandemic…did you know that? Cases should be zero Before phase 3!!”

We are learning just as much as we would be going full days at school in phase 2.5. I don’t see the need for us to change this yet again—lots of students can’t wear their masks correctly and teachers aren’t enforcing the right way to wear them. Lots of students’ mental health has been really terrible during this time and going to full days of school is going to tank it for them again. There’s a lot of stress for us to go through—a pandemic, loads of schoolwork, and long hours in the day is not going to help us.

We are learning just as much as we would be going full days at school in phase 2.5. I don’t see the need for us to change this yet again—lots of students can’t wear their masks correctly and teachers aren’t enforcing the right way to wear them. Lots of students’ mental health has been really terrible during this time and going to full days of school is going to tank it for them again. There’s a lot of stress for us to go through—a pandemic, loads of schoolwork, and long hours in the day is not going to help us.

We are NOT READY for phase three. Moving to phase three is going to negatively effect our education. It will be hard for us if we have to miss one day if school because we are going to have more to do. The inconsistency is so hard in our me tal health and on out teachers.

We are on a good pace and have finally gotten a good flow going after this really crazy school year. I feel like we are learning everything we need to, but I know that it is very difficult for kids in elementary schools.

We are ready for the new normal!

We are ready for the new normal!

We are ready for the new normal!

We are ready for the new normal!

We are ready to go back full day with no masks

We are ready!!!

We are still in a pandemic. The number of cases have decreased but the virus hasn’t gone yet. We should be still in the current schedule for the rest of the year to make sure we will be fine in the future. Timpview needs to reinforce the procedures.

We are still in the middle of a global pandemic. Any measures towards the safety of the students and teachers should be taken.

We are still not out of the woods. My family has lots multiple loved family members to covid. We are not ready yet. Please think of the families like mine that are Battling cancer and other serious health issues .

We are still not out of the woods. My family has lots multiple loved family members to covid. We are not ready yet. Please think of the families like mine that are Battling cancer and other serious health issues .

We are still not out of the woods. My family has lots multiple loved family members to covid. We are not ready yet. Please think of the families like mine that are Battling cancer and other serious health issues .

We are still not out of the woods. My family has lots multiple loved family members to covid. We are not ready yet. Please think of the families like mine that are Battling cancer and other serious health issues .

we are trying to stop covid. Right now people are still not wearing there masks correctly. Kids arent suddenly gonna start dong there work because right now students arent doing a lot of work. So if we add more hours kids just arent gonna do there work and there gonna be stressed out.

We aren’t ready to go to phase 3 yet because the cases will just go up after we go back to school full time. There is no need to increase exposure to the corona virus while we are doing good right now. We would just be risking the health of students more unnecessarily because students are capable of getting their grades up on their own if they just put in the time outside of school instead of forcing them to do it in school with longer hours and increased exposure. It is just an unnecessary health risk for thousands of people attending schools all across Provo.

We aren’t ready to go to phase 3 yet because the cases will just go up after we go back to school full time. There is no need to increase exposure to the corona virus while we are doing good right now. We would just be risking the health of students more unnecessarily because students are capable of getting their grades up on their own if they just put in the time outside of school instead of forcing them to do it in school with longer hours and increased exposure. It is just an unnecessary health risk for thousands of people attending schools all across Provo.

We aren’t ready for this yet, especially because COVID is still a big problem.

We can get our work done with the current arrangements in a timely fashion and we are not stuck at school for too long. Thanks!

We can get through school and do all the work in our shortened days. Our teachers help us get all our work done and I learn better because I’m not tired at the end of the day.

We can get through school and do all the work in our shortened days. Our teachers help us get all our work done and I learn better because I’m not tired at the end of the day.

We can learn the same things we learn in a normal year in less time and less days, so I think we don´t need to add more hours.

We can’t keep changing the schedule. Teachers and students can’t keep adjusting to whatever the district people want. It is a really bad idea for us to spend more time at school. Kids are not vaccinated and will suffer from more exposer time. They will not wear masks while eating lunch. The phase we are in is fine, and we don’t want to change.

we cant please

WE do not need full-time school to get the same amount of work done we are all doing great at this phase.

We don’t have enough time in school to get work done, so we have to do it at home. For me it’s hard doing work from home, there are too many distractions and I can’t get stuff done unless I’m focused. If we went to phase 3 I could have more time at school to get work done without any distractions. That would be really helpful for me.

We don’t have enough time in school to get work done, so we have to do it at home. For me it’s hard doing work from home, there are too many distractions and I can’t get stuff done unless I’m focused. If we went to phase 3 I could have more time at school to get work done without any distractions. That would be really helpful for me.

We don’t have enough time in school to get work done, so we have to do it at home. For me it’s hard doing work from home, there are too many distractions and I can’t get stuff done unless I’m focused. If we went to phase 3 I could have more time at school to get work done without any distractions. That would be really helpful for me.

We don’t need to deal with anymore changes. Let’s just finish off like it is and start full time school next year.

We don’t need to. I don’t want to wear a mask that long.

We don’t want to go back to school full-time until we don’t have to wear masks.

We don´t want it

We feel like we actually do more because the teachers don’t just give us busy work and they focus on the important things and we learn more. Extra Circular activities have already been scheduled for the early out and it is a hastle to change it all. 7 hours in a mask is a no go

We have a good routine and are used to it. We are able to do more outside of school. However, elementary school is a very important part of our schooling. It gives you the most basic education which is important. They should not have that opportunity wasted. High school students do a lot more than just going to school. It is nice to have time to learn and grow in ifferent ways.

We have all of our work online anyway, so we are just increasing the risk of us getting Covid! Also, think about us 7th graders, we don’t know a regular class period, or bell schedule, this is going to throw SO many things off. The teachers have spent a lot of time figuring this stuff out, so we would be throwing out all the planning and different things. We only have a couple of months left anyway! Most the other schools in the US have not even started school, so why are we in a rush to pretend that everything is normal again. I keep hearing adults say that it is not being transmitted at schools, but how can they possibly know that. As a student I see kids take their masks off all the time, hug, and all sorts of things that are not Covid safe. Kids are whining about having to stay away from friends and not being able to do certain activities, but they have not seen someone who died because of this! People are taking Covid for granted and not staying safe. I just think that we should have stayed in phase 2, and not moved to Fridays. I am not saying that I want to exactly go back into quarantine, because I enjoy some of my classes at school, I just want to stay as safe as possible. The only thing I have really done outside the house in the last year, is school, so if school becomes unsafe, then I won’t be leaving the house for that either. People in my family have risk of death, because of Covid, so I do not want to be the one to give it to them! My family and I have tried to stay so safe, but with people who don’t respect guidelines, or stay safe, it has been rough. I don’t want to risk it. ANY of it. I am expressing the opinions I have had saved up over the last year, and I am sorry if this comes across as anger. I just finally want the district to know how I feel, and how I think that we need to be safer. Thank you, and I hope that I can help make a difference with this survey answer.

We have already gone through so much change. Why can’t we just stay in phase 2? We are still getting the work done, so what’s the big idea?

We have already gone through so much change. Why can’t we just stay in phase 2? We are still getting the work done, so what’s the big idea?

We have already gone through so much change. Why can’t we just stay in phase 2? We are still getting the work done, so what’s the big idea?

We have already transitioned so much that I think we should just stick with where we are at because I think it would be pointless to switch over especially with there being only 3 months of school left. If we transition again we will have to go through another process of trying to get used to everything and there are still many people that could be affected by COVID.

we have been through so much this year and students are just getting used to going back 5 days a week. we have less than 3 months of school left and we should just keep it the way it is.

We have had so many changes this year, can I please just finish the school year the way it is!

We have had so many changes this year, can I please just finish the school year the way it is!

We have had so many changes this year. As soon as we get used to something, you change it. Please stop! Or allow us to be 100% Normal. Stop trying to make it harder

We have lessons that we have had all year at an earlier time because of our current school schedule. We wouldn’t be able to take our piano and dance lessons that start at 2 and 3 if school went until that time.

We have siblings to take care of we have tons of homework Theses are other things I’ve seen every wear around the school people don’t wear there face mask properly and I’ve seen people so close they don’t have distanced in between them and hug and people do not wash there hands before eating people drink out of the same water bottles and we are only 2 months away until school ends I think every one I used to this 8am-1pm schedule I think overall we should not move to phase 3 I also think we are not ready because people are not being safe at all they take there face mask to eat in class I don’t think we are ready yet to move to phase 3

We have siblings to take care of we have tons of homework Theses are other things I’ve seen every wear around the school people don’t wear there face mask properly and I’ve seen people so close they don’t have distanced in between them and hug and people do not wash there hands before eating people drink out of the same water bottles and we are only 2 months away until school ends I think every one I used to this 8am-1pm schedule I think overall we should not move to phase 3 I also think we are not ready because people are not being safe at all they take there face mask to eat in class I don’t think we are ready yet to move to phase 3

We have started with half days, we should finish with them too. Also it gives more studying time.

We have the same amount of homework regardless of what phase and we’ve changed phases too often. It’s disruptive to change so often.

“We keep changing I say let us finish this year and then change it next year”

“We keep changing I say let us finish this year and then change it next year”

We like shorter days. It seems we are getting as much done as before, so we are happy with shorter days.

We like shorter days. It seems we are getting as much done as before, so we are happy with shorter days.

We need to get back on a normal learning schedule

We need to get back on a normal learning schedule

We need to go back. I have learned nothing this year, can we please go back. You have to think about the student’s mental health. going back will make people happier

We need to have our kids in school and learning. It’s been too long and they are behind. So yes, I encourage full day school.

We need to have things stay the same. We can’t keep changing when we go to school and our schedules.

“We need to move forward Our education is struggling “

We need to stay the same for the rest of the year.

We need to stay the same for the rest of the year.

We only have 10 more weeks of school. I think you should leave it is like it is now. If the numbers stay low. Than start in August 5 days & full days

We only have 2 months left for this school year and it’s not worth going to phase three

We only put Provo High since two of us go there, but we wish you would have sent out this survey to all the students at their school email addresses because our middle school and elementary siblings wanted to be heard, too. None of us want to move to phase 3. None of us were happy about moving to phase 2.5. Isn’t there enough to deal with this year without constant schedule changes and extra risk? We’re very careful as a family and have only been exposed to covid at school. One of us, again, this last week. We’re so glad we haven’t spread it to our parents! We feel awful for the kids who have lost parents to covid this year at PHS. Every class we’ve been in this week that has discussed the possible move to phase 3 has been an hour of unbelief and no one has expressed any desire to do so. Not any students or any teachers. Can’t we just finish out this school year without adding more undue stress? Some in person school has been good. A nice social and education balance. Why do we keep pushing it, though? There has been no benefit we’ve seen to every addition of more hours. Please, please, can we just finish this year? Thank you!

We should absolutely not go to phase three! Our Covid numbers are low due to our precautions, not the lack of its presence. Many students are scared to move forward since so many of us live with people at high risk. Covid adds so much stress to school already that it’s hard enough to concentrate on our work as it is. We don’t need the paranoia of wondering if you have the virus after eating lunch next to other students and being in classes where mask wearing isn’t really enforced for longer periods of time. Personally, I don’t want to bring the virus home to my high risk family. I would like to invite every board member to spend a day in any of our shoes then dare to mention moving to phase three. Thank you for your time.

We should absolutely not go to phase three! Our Covid numbers are low due to our precautions, not the lack of its presence. Many students are scared to move forward since so many of us live with people at high risk. Covid adds so much stress to school already that it’s hard enough to concentrate on our work as it is. We don’t need the paranoia of wondering if you have the virus after eating lunch next to other students and being in classes where mask wearing isn’t really enforced for longer periods of time. Personally, I don’t want to bring the virus home to my high risk family. I would like to invite every board member to spend a day in any of our shoes then dare to mention moving to phase three. Thank you for your time.

We should absolutely not go to phase three! Our Covid numbers are low due to our precautions, not the lack of its presence. Many students are scared to move forward since so many of us live with people at high risk. Covid adds so much stress to school already that it’s hard enough to concentrate on our work as it is. We don’t need the paranoia of wondering if you have the virus after eating lunch next to other students and being in classes where mask wearing isn’t really enforced for longer periods of time. Personally, I don’t want to bring the virus home to my high risk family. I would like to invite every board member to spend a day in any of our shoes then dare to mention moving to phase three. Thank you for your time.

We should absolutely not go to phase three! Our Covid numbers are low due to our precautions, not the lack of its presence. Many students are scared to move forward since so many of us live with people at high risk. Covid adds so much stress to school already that it’s hard enough to concentrate on our work as it is. We don’t need the paranoia of wondering if you have the virus after eating lunch next to other students and being in classes where mask wearing isn’t really enforced for longer periods of time. Personally, I don’t want to bring the virus home to my high risk family. I would like to invite every board member to spend a day in any of our shoes then dare to mention moving to phase three. Thank you for your time.

We should absolutely not go to phase three! Our Covid numbers are low due to our precautions, not the lack of its presence. Many students are scared to move forward since so many of us live with people at high risk. Covid adds so much stress to school already that it’s hard enough to concentrate on our work as it is. We don’t need the paranoia of wondering if you have the virus after eating lunch next to other students and being in classes where mask wearing isn’t really enforced for longer periods of time. Personally, I don’t want to bring the virus home to my high risk family. I would like to invite every board member to spend a day in any of our shoes then dare to mention moving to phase three. Thank you for your time.

“We should all take it nice and slow. Plus we should stay home to prevent COVID-19 from growing stronger until we are ready to take the virus on. “

“We should already be in phase 3.

Provo city board members should go to hell for denying students their ability to receive and education. “

We should already have the option to go to school full time.

We should already have the option to go to school full time.

We should already have the option to go to school full time.

We should do full time school because currently we don’t have enough time to do our assignments in school and doing them at home is harder then doing them at school

We should get a day off again, preferably Wednesday so that the schools can be properly cleaned of COVID-19.

We should go back to 4 days a week. We could get everything done in four days. Everyone I know would rather do mon-Thur class including teachers. Shorter classes are better for everyone’s attention spans.

We should go back to 4 days a week. We could get everything done in four days. Everyone I know would rather do mon-Thur class including teachers. Shorter classes are better for everyone’s attention spans.

We should keep the way it is right now.

We should not be moving to phase 3 with a mask mandate. Students aren’t wearing masks correctly with school the way it is now, and going to phase 3 will make the problem even worse. As students, we are already dealing with many changes, first starting with phase 1, going to phase 2 for two days, going back to phase 1 again, going to phase 2, and then going to phase 2.5. This has taken a toll on the schedules and health of these students, including myself. We need to stay consistent with being in phase 2.5 until the end of the year.

we should not even be going to school how are you guys doing this to the kids, half of the kids live with older people it’s like you just want to put us at danger 🙄

We should not go into phase 3. If MANY students don’t feel comfortable with the schedule we have now, keep in mind students don’t even like wearing masks for the four hours we are at school, Why would we make it 6+ hours? Ridiculous. District tells us to voice our thoughts and here we are, but yet no one listening?

We should not go into phase 3. If MANY students don’t feel comfortable with the schedule we have now, keep in mind students don’t even like wearing masks for the four hours we are at school, Why would we make it 6+ hours? Ridiculous. District tells us to voice our thoughts and here we are, but yet no one listening?

We should wait until next year to go into phase 3. The corona Virus is still new and not many people have gotten the vaccine. If we go into phase 3 now, it is more probable that we’ll go back to phase 1 in a matter of weeks. Let’s stay in phase 2 for the rest of this school year because it is what has been working

We shouldn’t go to phase 3 because it could create a big spike even with the precautions because the pandemic has been known to be unpredictable and by 3:20 students aren’t giving the teacher their full attention , also the everybody in the schools are used the the schedules we have right now, and now we would have to adjust to the new schedule. Those are just some of the reasons why we shouldn’t go to phase three.

We shouldn’t go to phase three because it wouldn’t improve student’s grades, it wouldn’t improve mental health, and it would be more stressful for students and teachers. When we were in phase 1, there was an obvious lack of in-school time, and it was contributing to students failing grades. That problem was fixed when we went to phase two, and the amount of schooling that we are receiving is completely sufficient. Going to school longer also wouldn’t improve mental health. Current school hours allow students and teachers to exercise and relax a little after school, while increasing the hours would leave less time for exercise and homework. Increasing the hours would also make for longer work days and hours for teachers, who wouldn’t be able to deal with the increased workload.

We started half day, we should finish it. With this schedule we have time to finish our homework.

We want our schools open.

We want to get back to normal

We want to get back to normal

We we don’t open schools we will not wear masks.

We will feel confortable if our son goes back to school full time, because our teachers have been vaccinated and the positive cases has dropped dramatically.

We will feel confortable if our son goes back to school full time, because our teachers have been vaccinated and the positive cases has dropped dramatically.

We would rather have the time at home.

“We would rather not go full time if we have to wear a mask.

From my teen- Changing my schedule, yet again, would just stress me out even more abs give me more anxiety. I would also need to change my work schedule “

We, as students, are not emotionally or physically ready to move on to full-time school. We barely have enough time as it is to get homework done, and we’re also trying our hardest to deal with this weird time, not having much/any social interaction.

We’re doing good right now. I don’t think we need more.

We’re doing great with half days, so I don’t think it’s necessary.

We’re fine having half days. We don’t need the extra time. Most kids wear their masks below their nose and some don’t even wear them.

We’re in the end stretch now. Our cases are going down, but they’ll only go down as long as we’re being cautious. Please, let’s just hang on a little while longer. My main concern with moving to phase three is lunches. As it is now, where most students take home their lunches or eat them outside while waiting for the buses- that’s a good system. But our lunchroom is already very cramped for everyone wanting to eat lunch. If we move to phase three, with so many people cramped around lunch tables, taking off their masks and eating right next to people- that’s a recipe for disaster. Please, I live with someone with cancer and makes them severely high-risk. Please, the system now is actually working quite well. Every person I’ve talked to actually prefers the way we’re doing things now. The shortened school days have been instrumental to mental health and other pursuits, and to be perfectly honest most of both the teachers and the students believe that we don’t miss much with the shortened days.

we’re not ready to move to phase 3

we’re so close, but not close enough.

we’re so much more productive in 60 minute sessions. that class time is short enough to keep our attention but long enough to let us to learn what we need to. the longer periods will make us lose focus. it’s also difficult wearing a mask at school in the first place, if you have shortness of breath or anxiety masks can be SUPER frustrating, and while i’m perfectly willing to wear one, wearing it for that long in a day would be seriously frustrating.

we’re so much more productive in 60 minute sessions. that class time is short enough to keep our attention but long enough to let us to learn what we need to. the longer periods will make us lose focus. it’s also difficult wearing a mask at school in the first place, if you have shortness of breath or anxiety masks can be SUPER frustrating, and while i’m perfectly willing to wear one, wearing it for that long in a day would be seriously frustrating.

we’ve all had so many phase changes. it is physically and mentally exhausting. we start to get in the habit of our schedule but then it changes again.

Wea is already so close to the end of the school year and we have all already figured out how to do half days and still be on schedule. if we had 5 full days a week then we would have too much time in class and students would just mess around.

Wearing a mask all day is hard.

Wearing a mask for a short day is already hard enough, but having to wear one for a full day will be even worse, plus having a job after school, switching now for no reason with the last couple of months of school would make no sense, and my boss wouldnt be happy, it’s hard enough to get job with Covid and everything else going on. Switching to a full day would make life so much worse for myself and so many other people.

Wearing a mask for more time makes it harder to breathe. We need more time to breathe in actual air.

Wearing a mask gives me headaches and makes me light-headed. It’s also hard for me to breath in a mask.

Wearing a mask gives me headaches and makes me light-headed. It’s also hard for me to breath in a mask.

Wearing a mask is hard for me with autism

Wearing masks all day gives me headaches, and when I get back from recess and have to put on my mask it makes me a little bit light-headed.

Wearing masks is miserable. The thought of wearing them longer everyday is awful.

“Well I think the reasons why we shouldn’t have phase 3 are sorta simple but here is what I think.

First, it could put a lot of pressure on the teachers because they would have to plan more lessons then what there doing now. What there doing is not really stressing them out because the lessons are simple and short.

Now this is the second reason on why we shouldn’t go to phase 3. If we do go to phase 3 like our full time 3:20. Wouldn’t people touch more things like more people or things there not suppose to touch.

If we do go full time it could also stress the students out. Now how it could stress the students out is remember this is a big change with the Corona virus and all. If we do go full time it would be a lot more lessons them what the teachers usually plan which would stress them out a lot.

Now here’s the fourth reason why we shouldn’t go full time. Now wouldn’t people pull down there masks because a lot of people have been doing that to the point where almost everybody can get the germs of the person. Which wouldn’t be healthy for them and their class.

Now I hope this helped you a lot of why we shouldn’t go to full time. Because I don’t think it would be healthy but this is just my opinion so you don’t have to choose mine but please read my reasons. On why we shouldn’t go full time because I don’t really don’t wanna get sick. “

what is 9+1×4-9=

What would the time to get out be, will the specialties change or stay the same, and will the lunch recess order change?

whats the point….all we do is testing the last part of school

whats the point….all we do is testing the last part of school

“Where has our education been?

Why have you failed our kids for a year and a half?

Bring back our education!”

While full-time school gives a fraction more in-class time learning, it takes away the time we as students require to get done what we need to and only brings a greater spread of the coronavirus.

While I can understand the desire to return to a full schedule so teachers will have more time to teach their classes, this entails the entire school having lunch together. Considering what I’ve seen of the students at my school, it is highly unlikely that many students will properly distance themselves while eating lunch at school. Because we are still in a global pandemic, the idea of an entire school’s worth of students not following guidelines to eat lunch sounds like a very good reason to keep school shorter in order to preserve the safety of all the students, teachers, and their families.

While I’ve been at Centennial I’ve seen a pretty large amount of kids with no masks or not wearing them correctly, and not everyone sanitizes when coming in and out of the classroom. There are enough kids that we can’t be social distanced very well-in the hallways we have to brush up against each other to get by, and most of the classrooms have us about four feet apart. It’s worked ok so far, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to add more hours yet.

Why am I being asked about the grade I’m not in- dissent make sense that I can vote for them.

Why am I being asked about the grade I’m not in- dissent make sense that I can vote for them.

Why am I being asked about the grade I’m not in- dissent make sense that I can vote for them.

Why can´t they wait until school ends?? we only have 2 months left of school, So we should stay early out, for now, they can do it when school starts again

Why can´t they wait until school ends?? we only have 2 months left of school, So we should stay early out, for now, they can do it when school starts again

Why move to phase 3 when we are only months away from the end of the school year

Why On earth would you do that

Why would we bother with going to phase three when we’re doing fine right now?

Why would we reopen all the way now? It’s unnecessary

Why would we when we’re almost done with school. What are you going to do about people going to lunch then coming back to school. I am not for it.

Wish that I could use the drinking fountain. My class keeps running out of bottled water and I drink the water bottle that I bring to class. I also am very rushed to eat lunch in like 10 minutes. That is not healthy.

With Covid-19 we should not go into phase 3!

With full time I may miss some Zoom meetings that will start at the time I’m still in school if we do phase 3 so it’s either I try to see it I can tell my band teacher about time changing or I just miss them.

With how it is structured currently. My Schedule is based off of phase two, including work and lessons. The way the world is right now, switching to 88 minute classes is too stressful for me and the kids at timpview

With how lengthy the time period we have been immersed within phase two has been, it feels that throwing students back out of what they are already growing adjusted to in favor of a new schedule would create more chaos than is necessary. Mental health has already been stretched thin, and students have other, vital elements in their lives that they need to manage alongside their education. One cannot expect that their learning priorities should be their only priorities, as some have professional, familial, and business-related issues to attend to as well. In my own experience as a student, trying to fix my schedule around the new hours has already proved to be difficult enough that I fear trying to alter how my time is managed so drastically for a fourth time now would not be possible.

With less time in school, I have had the chance to enjoy doing other things with my free time. School still takes up the majority of my day, but I have a couple hours all my own, and that will go away if we go back to full-time. It has helped me work on my stress management and resiliency.

With less time in school, I have had the chance to enjoy doing other things with my free time. School still takes up the majority of my day, but I have a couple hours all my own, and that will go away if we go back to full-time. It has helped me work on my stress management and resiliency.

With more COVID strands here in Utah we should not be opening up EVEN MORE. Some of the strands spread way more then the original and we need to be careful.

With only 3 months left of school it doesn’t seem feasible to make the switch. We are all well adjusted to phase 2.5 and it still works perfectly, accommodating the needs of students and teachers

With only 3 months left of school it doesn’t seem feasible to make the switch. We are all well adjusted to phase 2.5 and it still works perfectly, accommodating the needs of students and teachers

With the rate of infection moving downward, schools should be the first to open full time. Please let our kids resume some sense of normalcy!!! They need it.

Worried about lack of social distance and wearing masks appropriately

would dixon middle school students still have lunch in there class rooms or would they eat in the lunch room???

Would love to get back to normal!!!

“Would my teacher still have enough time to prepare lessons if we go back to full day? Would the school staff have time for sanitizing?”

Would prefer to keep the current schedule.




Yes for sure and absolutely no masks!!!

Yes I think we sould

yes i want to go back to normal cuase i want to have longer days;0

Yes please. I’m excited

Yes, OLDER people are getting vaccines, but youth are not yet eligible for them. With new variants of COVID coming forth and some of those even more able to spread, I think this move is premature. By the date of March 22, only those with certain comorbidities and over age 65 will be able to be vaccinated. I think the age limit will need to be quite a bit lower and MANY more people vaccinated before we should consider the move to Phase 3.

Yes!! And no masks!!!

Yes!! And no masks!!!


Yes. We are in favor of returning to school full time. We are also in favor of the kids not wearing masks. We sincerely feel that they don’t need them anymore. Teachers have been vaccinated and so have grandparents and those with health issues. What are we waiting for. Let’s get back to normal please. Thank you for doing this survey.

Yes. We are in favor of returning to school full time. We are also in favor of the kids not wearing masks. We sincerely feel that they don’t need them anymore. Teachers have been vaccinated and so have grandparents and those with health issues. What are we waiting for. Let’s get back to normal please. Thank you for doing this survey.

Yes. We are in favor of returning to school full time. We are also in favor of the kids not wearing masks. We sincerely feel that they don’t need them anymore. Teachers have been vaccinated and so have grandparents and those with health issues. What are we waiting for. Let’s get back to normal please. Thank you for doing this survey.

Yes. We are in favor of returning to school full time. We are also in favor of the kids not wearing masks. We sincerely feel that they don’t need them anymore. Teachers have been vaccinated and so have grandparents and those with health issues. What are we waiting for. Let’s get back to normal please. Thank you for doing this survey.


Yo estoy de acuerdo que regrese mi hija alas clases completas para que no se atrase y puedan avanzar más esa es mi opinión

You can’t do much when other students do reckless activities outside of school that place other students health in jeopardy.

You guys don’t listen to the opinions of parents and students. You shouldn’t move to phase 3 but you will regardless of what anyone else thinks.

you have already changed enough in this school year so more would just make it even more stressful and confusing for students and teachers.

you have already changed enough in this school year so more would just make it even more stressful and confusing for students and teachers.

You have no idea what’s going on with school. Phase 2 is the best thing that has ever happened to us. We are wasting so much less time in class and have plenty of time to learn what we need to in the current setup with leaving at noon. It is so much better for our mental health and we have way more time for homework. I am VERY AGAINST moving to Phase 3!!!!!!!!!!!

You have no idea what’s going on with school. Phase 2 is the best thing that has ever happened to us. We are wasting so much less time in class and have plenty of time to learn what we need to in the current setup with leaving at noon. It is so much better for our mental health and we have way more time for homework. I am VERY AGAINST moving to Phase 3!!!!!!!!!!!

You have tons of students that are falling behind in classes because of poorly organized online classes. If you decide to do this, you put all of those students behind even further with an even bigger work load. Some students also work with schedules they can’t change at the moment. Please don’t switch phases at least until next year, there is absolutely ZERO need to do it. If we can handle it you “adults” can handle it too.

You might want to ease us back into a full schedule

You need to involve the teachers and students more in the process of making this decison, its affecting us, and I find it unacceptable that abunch of old district people are deciding our mental and physical health by deciding what pahse were going to.

You really need to know all of the stuff you learn in high school. The same is not true for middle and elementary school.

You say you’ve closely studied the impact on students but that’s not true. You’ve studied the numbers of covid and how many students get it. Not how we’re actually doing.

You should up do it you should keep it where it’s going so then if things get worse we won’t have to go all the way back to phase one we should just keep it here so we don’t have to go back if it gets worse

You should up do it you should keep it where it’s going so then if things get worse we won’t have to go all the way back to phase one we should just keep it here so we don’t have to go back if it gets worse

You should up do it you should keep it where it’s going so then if things get worse we won’t have to go all the way back to phase one we should just keep it here so we don’t have to go back if it gets worse

You shouldn’t rush this when it could potentially hurt a lot of kids.

You want to move us to full time? But we can’t even have normal club meetings yet? Or have any fun normal activities? Or assemblies? This is stupid no kid is sad because we’re not in school more.

You’ve already made a bunch of changes to the schedule and we’re already close to the end of the school year. It’s not worth the change and you’re going to piss off a lot of students if you change it again.

You’ve already made a bunch of changes to the schedule and we’re already close to the end of the school year. It’s not worth the change and you’re going to piss off a lot of students if you change it again.

Younger kids not likely to get sick and we do need the extra time and help in school.

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger