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Last modified: December 5, 2023

Policy No. 3401 Wellness


The Provo City School District recognizes the link between healthy bodies and productive minds. To increase the focus on the health and fitness levels of our students the Board establishes this Wellness Policy. The policy contains three parts that support this goal: Nutrition, Vending Machines, and Physical Activity. The recommendations contained in these policies assure that the District is in compliance with State and Federal requirements and direct our efforts in those three areas. The policy is meant to be a dynamic one; the District Wellness Committee intends to meet each year to review recommendations, assess progress of implementation, and to update/modify this policy as approved by the Board of Education.


One or more LEA or school officials shall be designated to ensure that each participating school is in compliance with this Wellness Policy. Documentation of efforts to review and update/modify this Wellness Policy and its measurable goals, including who was involved in the process (e.g., evaluation documents, meeting minutes, agenda, including who attended/participated, etc.) shall be retained for three years, plus the current year. A formal triennial assessment to measure a) the extent to which schools are in compliance with the implementation of this policy; b) the extent to which this Wellness Policy compares to model local school wellness policies/best practice; and c) the progress made in attaining the goals of this Wellness Policy (e.g., a description of what progress has been made, etc.) shall be completed at least once every three years, and the assessment results shall be made available to the public. Appropriate updates/modifications to this Wellness Policy, based on the triennial assessment shall be made.

Provo City School District Nutrition Policy Guidelines

In accordance with the Utah State Core Health curriculum, students in grades 3-12 shall be taught:

  1. Nutrient groups, functions of the various nutrients, foods rich in these nutrients, and deficiency symptoms; 
  2. The dangers of dysfunctional eating and fad diets;
  3. The influence of the media on food choices;
  4. The relationship between food intake and activity (caloric intake and expenditure);
  5. Comparison of personal eating habits with a balanced diet; 
  6. Impact of food preparation on nutritional content of food; and 
  7. Nutritional labeling.

Students shall be taught the health risks associated with carbonated beverages, specifically, the detrimental effects of high dissolved sugar content, carbonation, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine.

All school meals shall meet food nutrition federal laws and regulations.

All foods sold: 

  • outside of the school meal programs (e.g. federal reimbursable meal);
  • on the school campus; and 
  • at any time during the official school day (e.g., vending machines, school stores, a la carte sales, etc.)

shall meet the minimum requirements established by the National School Lunch Program (7 CFR 210), National School Breakfast Program (7 CFR 220), and the Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School Final Rule (7 CFR 210.11), also known as Smart Snacks in School. Please reference USDA FNS Final Rule. Smart Snacks in School standards shall build on the healthy advancements of the school meal programs, and encourage children to make healthier snack choices during the school day that provide them with the nutrition they need to learn and grow.

Elementary schools may not sell a la carte items except milk. Secondary schools may not sell competitive foods (all foods outside of the federal reimbursable meal) as a la carte items if they do not meet the minimum Smart Snacks in School standards. All a la carte items sold in schools are foods strictly prepared by the federal school meal programs and shall meet the required nutritional guidelines and minimum standard.

Common items that do not fit the standard are:

  • carbonated and/or flavored beverages;
  • chewing gum; 
  • water ices and/or popsicles; and
  • certain candies (e.g., candy coated popcorn, fondant, hard candy, jellies and gums, licorice, marshmallow candies, spun candy, etc.)

Please reference Alliance for a Healthier Generation and take the guesswork out of nutrition guidelines with the Alliance Product Calculator for Smart Snacks.

Standards and nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages sold to students during the school day (7 CFR 210.30) on each school campus allow marketing on the school campus during the school day of only those foods and beverages that meet the nutrition standards under (7 CFR 210.11). Marketing should reflect the Smart Snacks in School standards. In accordance with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration (Food Labeling; Calorie Labeling of Articles of Food in Vending Machines) published final rule, as of July 26, 2018, vending machine operators shall provide consumers with clear and consistent nutrition information, allowing them to make informed and healthy dietary choices when purchasing items from vending machines. Vending machine operators shall disclose caloric information for foods and beverages sold from their machines. This FDA regulation requires that caloric declarations be clear, visible, and prominently placed on a sign (e.g., small placard, sticker, or poster) near the food item or selection button. Please reference FDA Final Rule.

Healthy food choices or non-food items (e.g., books, pencils, stickers, trinkets, etc.) are supported as reward options. Carbonated beverages and foods that do not fit the minimum standard may not be used as classroom rewards.

Foods that do not fit the minimum standard may not be sold in school stores. All food snack choices offered must be Smart Snacks in School compliant. The principal or designee shall meet yearly with directors of school stores to monitor compliance with this regulation and to offer suggestions for improving the nutritional content of foods sold in school stores.

Foods that do not fit the minimum standard may not be sold for on-site fundraisers during school hours. Three fundraiser exemption requests per school, per school year, shall be allowed with appropriate approval. CTE programs may request additional exemptions as per state requirement.

Monitoring of the Smart Snacks in School regulations shall occur during the School Nutrition Administrative Review (AR) once every three years. All foods sold to students on the school campus during the school day will be reviewed. If non-compliance is found, technical assistance will be provided, and corrective action shall be required. Those individuals selling products outside of the school meal programs (school) shall be responsible for any possible fiscal action assessed (e.g., journal entry from the school to credit the Child Nutrition Program for the amount deducted from their claim directly associated with Smart Snacks in School, etc.) School officials shall submit corrective action as required per the audit through the Child Nutrition Program.

Parents are encouraged to provide healthy food options or non-food items to students for birthdays, celebrations, or parties.

In accordance with Utah County Food Code (3-201.11 Compliance with Food Law), homemade or home packaged foods may not be served or sold at school. All foods served or sold at school outside of the school meal programs must be commercially prepared and packaged. Principals are responsible for enforcing this regulation. Please reference Food Code 3-201.11. Schools shall inform parent(s)/guardian(s) of this regulation yearly.

Schools are encouraged to educate parent(s)/guardian(s) about the link between health and academic achievement. Please reference USDA Team Nutrition Healthy Meals Resource System for more information on health and academics. Health fairs, held in conjunction with parentteacher conferences, may help achieve this goal.

In order to promote health and minimize waste, schools are encouraged to provide students with a variety of food choices, to educate students about the best choices to make, and to encourage students to eat what they take.

The District shall instruct teachers yearly on the district’s wellness policies, child health issues, and ways to implement health instruction in the curriculum.

Approved by Board of Education

September 10, 2013

Revised: July 2016

Approved by Board of Education

June 10, 2014 August 11, 2015 August 9, 2016


Policy 3401 P1 Wellness: Vending Machine Guidelines

Policy 3401 P2 Wellness: Physical Activity Guidelines

Policy 3401 P3 Wellness: Air Quality and Outdoor Activities

Policy 3401 P4 Wellness: Recess and Inclement Weather

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