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Last modified: January 7, 2025

Statistical Reports


There is a growing awareness that effective teaching, efficient schools, and quality data are linked. We are committed to the belief that good data are an integral part of teaching, learning and managing our schools. Every school district in Utah is required to report student statistical data to maintain the financial framework that supports equal educational opportunities for all children. We accomplish this by applying best professional practices in collecting, verifying and analyzing data, allocating public funds and determining the fiscal impact of state and federal policies.

The following are four of the vital reports submitted by Provo City School District each year. These are made available to provide the public with demographic and statistical information on the students we serve:

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Summary Report

The AYP Report is the annual district “report card” that shows the yearly CRT (Criterion Referenced Test) results, separated into two groupings – grades 3-8 and grades 10-12. Both English and Spanish versions of the reports are available for download. (Vea abajo para repasar los informes sobre el progreso anual adecuado (AYP) 2009 del distrito de Provo)

Annual Statistical Report (S3)

The S3 Report is the revenue-generating report for the school year. It contains data for both regular and Special Education, and the district totals on this report are used to calculate a school district’s funding according to the weighted pupil unit (WPU) established by the State.

The Demographics part of the report is similar to the data contained in the October 1st Report, so that comparisons can be made. Also, High School Completion Status is provided on the second page of the report for each Middle and High School. Middle schools contain some data because students who drop out of school must be tracked from the age of 14.

Reading the S3 report correctly is essential to understanding the numbers. For example, Provo District had a Cumulative Count of 14,679 students last year. That is the number of students enrolled for at least one day. As many students are enrolled and then transfer after a brief period of time, this number is not a true indicator of the total number of students in a district averaged over the entire school year. To obtain this number, divide the Aggregate Days of Attendance (2,339,643 in this instance) by 180, which is the number of school days in a year. This yields a count of 12,998 students in the district last year. As a rule of thumb, always divide an “Aggregate” number by 180 to get an average number for the school year.

October 1st Report

This report is the first student data report of the current school year. It is a “headcount” of all students enrolled on this date. If Oct. 1st falls on a weekend, it counts students as of the first day of school in October. This report counts students by ethnicity, gender, and grade. It also counts Special Education Self-Contained students and Special Education Preschool students by the same categories.

The October 1st Report is used to project funding for the year, but typically, the Oct 1 count is slightly higher than the yearly final report (S3).

December 1st Report

This report contains a count of Special Education students only; it is a “headcount” of all Special Education students in the district as of December 1st (or the first school day in December if the first falls on a weekend). The report lists the number of students by age and disability code. The data represent district totals only, and is not reported by individual school. The December 1st Report generates federal Special Education funds for the district. That portion of the Special Education budget based on federal monies is determined by the data in this report.

Low Income Report

This is another headcount report that reveals the number of students in the district who are eligible for free or reduced lunch. It is based on the October 1st count (see above); in other words, it is the number of eligible students as of October 1st. You will note that the number for Kindergarten is deleted because not all districts in the state serve lunch to Kindergarten children.

The report breaks down the data and tells how many students are eligible for “free” lunch and how many for “reduced” lunch. Then, it gives you the percentage of free and reduced relative to the total number of students in the school (minus Kindergarten). It also rank orders the schools in the district.

Note that because Independence High School takes in students from the entire district area, it is considered a “Special” school.

ESOL Enrollment Report

This Power School report reveals the number of students district-wide who qualify for services in the English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program. It is used to generate funds for ESOL tutors at each of the district schools. The state also uses the October 1st information to determine district Alternative Language Services funding. It is based upon the individual testing reports that schools enter into an ESOL database. Administrators can access this information through Power School at any time during the school year. It classifies students according to their English proficiency level which is determined by the state’s English Language Proficiency Test. Students are described as: A – Non-English Proficient; B – Low Limited-English Proficient; C – High Limited-English Proficient; D – Fluent English Proficient. It also tracks the total number of students at each school, the total number of ESOL students and their percentage of the school’s population.

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