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Jennifer De Forest Miller, the music instructor at Timpanogos Elementary, begins her second-grade class with a video of the London Symphony Orchestra, playing The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky.

During the video, the students shout out names of the instruments they recognize. This included instruments such as the double bass, the oboe and the violin. Following this, the class discussed the piece of music and the composer, brushing up on facts they had been taught in prior lessons. Students mentioned that the music sounded scary and different than what they’re used to.

The class then began to prepare their voices by singing the solfege scale. Then, they sang the notes for the song titled “Rocky Mountain” and later recited the song with lyrics. This song is part of the second-grade music curriculum that the children must learn in order to perform for their spring program.

They utilize the Kodály method to develop music skills in the younger students through using hand signs, small instruments and pictures. Miller begins by teaching her students simple songs and slowly progressing through their grade levels.

Miller loves to introduce new songs to her students and watch them learn the lyrics and notes. With the help from the grade teachers, they are able to collaborate and choose songs that the students enjoy for their upcoming spring music program.

Melissa Calvillo
  • Melissa Calvillo