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When asked the question, “What success did your art students experience through service?” Provo High Art Teacher, Mr. Rees, replied, “I think one of the biggest successes was seeing my students learn how to teach art. Teaching art to others can be challenging, especially when you are teaching preschool students! My students had to learn how to teach art on a more practical level.”

It may seem counterintuitive, but simplifying a concept is not an easy task. It requires a host of techniques that go beyond a mere transfer of knowledge. This requires perspective, concise instructions and clear examples. Many may say that these provo students have also mastered the art of communication.

Whether they are hosting a “Dudes and Dads” craft activity, or a mask-making workshop, these students are dedicated to serving their community. To them, it is important to create an environment where children can create or (as Mr. Rees likes to say), “Art is important because it is embracing risk taking in making!”

These students have created a long, chain-like thread of kindness that encompasses their circles of influence. The preschoolers look up to them and many can’t wait to be a “Provo High Art Mentor” one day. For the students of Provo High, they gain the confidence and skills they need to continue pursuing their passions while giving back.

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger