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Students at Franklin Elementary always have fun in Kim Peterson’s Art Integration class. Here, the students get to apply the power of art to their core curriculum classes. By combining the two, students engage in a hands-on learning experience that helps them give meaning to things they study in other classes.

Recently, the sixth graders studied the stars, moon and other planets in their core science classes. To integrate this with principles taught in their art class, Peterson challenged her students to make models of the constellations they just learned about. Students were allotted maximum creativity on this project, so long as they made a plan and stuck with it.

Part of this plan included creating a supply list and utilizing everything on it. They also had to make sure their constellation would be able to hang from the ceiling. To do so, many students tested different materials to see which worked best. After planning and testing, students were able to create their constellations in the form of Orion, Scorpio, Aquila and many others.

The final products now hang in the art room for the students to observe and reflect on. As the school year progresses, Kim Peterson will continue to provide fun art projects that help integrate core curriculum.

Madison Bliss
  • Madison Bliss