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最後一次修改:4 10 月, 2024

Policy No. 6210: Purchasing


The purpose of Provo City School District’s purchasing policy is to acquire goods and services in an efficient, cost-effective manner which:

  • 协助学区实现其使命和目标
  • 保护地区员工的诚信
  • Protects the integrity of the district
  • 保護區域資產


  1. Provo City School District will comply with applicable state and federal purchasing laws and will use a standard procurement process outlined in the policy and procedure.
  2. All contracts and purchases of goods and services of $50,000 or more require prior approval of the Provo City School District Board of Education
    • Exceptions:
      •  普罗沃市学区教育委员会正式通过的预算中具体列出的项目支出。
      • 持续的正常运营支出,如水电费、餐饮服务计划食品/用品采购、与工资相关的支出,这些支出是正式通过的预算的一部分。
  3. 申请者和授权直接主管或授权直接主管不在时的代理主管必须在申请上签字。
  4. 业务主管和总监的申请由董事会主席批准。
  5. All contracts that create a liability for the district must reviewed and signed by the Business Administrator or their designee.
  6. Situations that threaten life, health, safety or property are considered emergency situations. Emergency situations require prompt resolution. If proper authorization is not possible, district employees are authorized to remove the immediate threat to life, health, safety, or property in the most cost-effective manner possible. Proper authorization is to be obtained no later than the next business day.
  7. 严禁为个人用途或个人利益使用学区资金购买商品和服务。这包括使用个人信用卡以获得 "积分 "或 "里程"。
  8. 所有员工报酬必须通过工资系统处理。
  9. All procurement will follow the standard procurement process with the following exceptions:
    • Acquisition or disposition of real property or an interest in real property, including a lease of real property.
    • Employment contracts or collective bargaining agreements
    • Acquisition of a procurement item from other public entity (state or any other government entity within the state that expends public funds)
    • Grants (except as specifically addressed by policy)
    • Hiring a mediator, arbitrator, or arbitration panel member to participate in the district’s dispute resolution efforts
    • Sole Source Procurement
    • Transitional Costs/Best interest
    • Extension of Contract
    • Trial Use Contract
    • Emergency Procurement
  10. 普罗沃市教育局将根据本政策实施包括但不限于以下内容的程序:
    • 妥善记录交易
    • 保护员工和资产
    • 员工政策和程序培训
  11. 普罗沃市教育局还将遵循犹他州采购法 63G-6a 中规定的法律要求的采购程序。

The District’s Procurement Official is the Business Administrator or designee.

The Procurement Official has the authority to

  • Manage and supervise any procurement to ensure, to the extent practicable, that taxpayers receive the best value
  • Prepare and issue standard specifications for procurement items
  • Review contracts, coordinate contract compliance, conduct contract audits and approve change orders

At any state of the procurement process, upon determining that a District procurement is out of compliance with the Utah Procurement Code or governing regulations, the Procurement Official may correct, amend, or cancel the procurement.

If, at any time during the term of a contract awarded by the District, the Procurement Official determines that the contract is out of compliance wit the Utah Procurement Code or governing regulations, the Procurement Official my correct or amend the contract to bring it into compliance of cancel the contract, after consulting with legal counsel, if the Procurement Official determines that correcting, amending, or canceling the contract is in the district’s best


  • 犹他州法典》第 63G-6a 条
  • Utah Admin Code R33


  • 2024 年 9 月 10 日                


  •  July 1, 2011
  •  2016 年 12 月 13 日
  • 2024 年 9 月 10 日

