Last modified: November 25, 2024
Policy 4020: Curriculum Development and Adoption of Instructional Materials
The Board of Education of Provo City School District has the responsibility to prescribe a district-wide curriculum that addresses the needs of all students, with input by teachers, parents and community, and is consistent with state laws and State Board of Education regulations. The curriculum will be based on State learning standards. The curriculum will be planned and sequential, articulated from preschool through Grade 12, and will be appropriate for the needs of individual students.
The board recognizes its responsibility for the improvement and growth of the educational program of the schools. To this end, the curriculum will be evaluated, adapted and developed on a continuing basis and in accordance with a plan for curriculum improvement to increase student learning. Instructional materials will be selected to assist students in attaining the basic skills, depth of knowledge, and understanding of content required by the state and our community. All new courses or major modifications to existing courses must be approved by the superintendent prior to implementation. The superintendent, in turn, will inform the board before the new course or major revision to an existing course is implemented.
The superintendent will establish procedures for curriculum development that provide for involvement of community representatives and staff members at appropriate times. Procedures will also provide for the annual review of selected areas on a cyclical basis and for implementing necessary changes that come from the curriculum study. Such cyclical curriculum review will take place at least once during each seven-year period. Mathematics, English/Language Arts, and Science will have particular emphasis for curriculum development supported by Teaching and Learning staff and district curriculum committees.
Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials
The board is legally responsible for the selection of all instructional materials used in the district. Instructional materials will be defined as the printed, electronic, filmed or recorded materials furnished by the district for student use and/or included on students’ reading lists. The primary objective in selecting instructional materials is to implement, enrich and support the educational program of the schools. Procedures direct district staff and the curriculum committees in their analysis and adoption of Core, Supplemental, and Intervention instructional materials to support student mastery of skills, content, and knowledge. All instructional materials will be selected in accordance with:
- Applicable state and federal laws,
- The stated goals and/or standards and/or learning essentials of the district, and
- Procedures developed by district Teaching and Learning staff and the curriculum committees.
The selection and purchase of new curriculum materials is a thorough and costly process. Such new materials are purchased to replace previous materials. The new materials represent the baseline of instructional essentials for all students to know, enhanced by the skill, creativity, and artistry of teachers as they use proven pedagogy to deliver instruction to students. To ensure effective implementation of new curricular programs/materials, teachers will receive training and support. The superintendent will direct the Teaching and Learning Department to design and structure sufficient training for effective implementation. Administrators will also receive training on new materials and how to support the implementation on site. Training for teachers and administrators is mandatory.
Criteria for Selection of Instructional Material
Curriculum materials selected for use in the district will align with state law and, when available, established state standards. Staff will also rely on professional judgment in the selection of high quality materials that comprise a comprehensive collection appropriate for the instructional program. Instructional materials selected will include, but are not limited to, those which:
Are evidence-informed for core instruction and evidence-based for intervention and supplemental instruction for English Language Arts in grades K – 3;
Enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied instructional needs, abilities, interests, and maturity levels of the students served;
Provide sufficient variety so as to present opposing views of controversial issues in order that students may develop the skills of critical analysis and informed decision making;
Contribute to the development of an understanding of the ethnic, cultural, and occupational diversity of American life;
Present objectively the concerns of members of religious, ethnic and cultural groups and build upon the contributions, current and historical, of both sexes.
Provide models which may be used as a vehicle for the development of self-respect and cultural awareness, based on respect for the worth, dignity, and personal values oof
Have been vetted for bias pertaining to race, creed, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, and disability.
For district-wide adoptions, the Director(s) of Elementary and Secondary Teaching and Learning will direct adoption committees to examine materials/programs to ensure they meet the criteria above. Before using programs, activities, or materials from outside agencies, the responsible administrator will review them for accuracy and education value.
The responsibility for recommending student curricular materials/reading lists and for examining and evaluating supplementary materials is delegated to the Teaching and Learning Department and related district curriculum committees. Textbooks will be adopted by the board prior to their use in schools except for trial-use texts of a pilot nature, which may be authorized by the Directors(s) of Elementary and Secondary Teaching and Learning for use for a period determined prior to board adoption. Materials approved for trial use will be restricted to identified classes and require advanced board notification.
The Directors(s) of Elementary and Secondary Teaching and Learning will ensure that a listing of textbooks used in schools is maintained in every district school and is available for public review.
Procedure exists to enable parents to appeal the use of specific curriculum materials.
The superintendent will achieve district-wide implementation of the adopted curriculum to afford all students equitable access to the intended instructional program by communicating curriculum management expectations to all administrators. The superintendent will assign district leadership support roles and responsibilities to execute the curriculum management plan.
Assessment of Student Mastery of Established State Standards
The local Board of Education is responsible to provide students with access to and mastery of core standards established by the State Board of Education. Student mastery of the established state standards shall be evaluated through district participation in the State Board of Education’s annual assessment program. Students who have not achieved mastery of the core standards will be provided remediation assistance as provided by State statute and State Board of Education regulations. The written curriculum will be aligned with required assessments. Where assessments are absent, the District will develop or acquire assessments that align with the state standards and curricula. Classroom instruction will be aligned with the written curriculum to ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn the skills and concepts for which they are held accountable in assessments.
Loan of Textbooks, Supplies, and Instructional Materials, Sale of Books, Disposition of Obsolete Instructional Materials, and Preservation of Such Materials
The school district shall provide textbooks, supplies, and other instructional materials to be loaned to the pupils of the school when, in its judgment, the best interests of both students and the district will be served.
Obsolete Materials
the superintendent as to instructional materials that are obsolete. The Director(s) of Teaching and Learning shall provide for their disposal by sale according to statute and in collaboration with related vendors. In some cases, old curricular materials may be kept by schools to utilize in other ways (for example, books for classroom libraries and summer programs).
Damaged or Lost Materials
Except for normal wear, all textbooks furnished for student use must be returned in good condition when called for by the instructor of the course.
Legal References & Synopses
- Utah Admin Rule R277-700
- The Elementary & Secondary School General Core
- Utah Admin Rule R277-700-7
- Definitions
- Utah Code 53E-4-307 & 53G-10-306
- Board Powers & Duties
- Utah Code Ann. 53E-3-501
- General Core & Core Standards
- Utah Code Ann. 53G-4-402
- Board Standards for Public School Assessment
- Utah Code Ann. 53G-11-303
- Early Learning Professional Standards
Approved by Board of Education
- December 12, 2023
- November 11, 2024