最後一次修改:4 10 月, 2024
6210 Procedure 1 Purchase / Payment
- Quote and Bid Requirements
- 单项采购金额等于或超过 $5,000 美元时,至少需要两个书面报价。
- 如果交易总额等于或超过 $10,000(不考虑单项成本),则在购买前必须进行两次书面报价。如果交易总额等于或超过 $10,000 美元,则必须在购买前输入 Linq。
- 单项采购金额等于或超过 $5,000 美元时,至少需要两份书面报价,并必须输入 Linq 供审批。如有必要,业务服务部门将提供协助。(儿童营养部除外,该部门必须对超过 $10,000 的任何物品进行报价)。
- 超过 $50,000 美元的新单项采购需要三份书面报价和董事会批准。董事会在预算过程中批准的超过 $50,000 美元的项目无需额外批准即可购买。在采购或签订合同之前,必须将报价和批准记录在案。如有必要,业务服务部门将协助获取报价。请购单必须输入 Linq 进行审批。
- 超过 $80,000 美元的采购需要密封投标/征求建议书,必须由商业服务部门处理并经董事会批准。
- 根据州采购守则和规则,不得人为分割采购,以违反采购政策或程序
- 关于需要签订合同的采购,请参见第 IV 部分。
- Vendor Selection/Award
- Utah State Procurement Code requires lowest bid from qualified/preselected vendors unless use of a higher priced vendor is justified. Exceptions to procurement code must be approved by Business Services.
- “Award” means the identification and selection of a vendor who may, upon satisfying the district’s due diligence inquiry, contract with the District as the result of a standard procurement process or permitted exception. Unless otherwise explicitly written in the solicitation documents or exception documentation, an award or notice of an award does not create or constitute a binding contract until the resulting contract has been fully executed by all parties and approving authorities, or the purchase order documentation has been signed and delivered to the awarded vendor.
- 学区可使用州合同选择各级供应商,无需额外投标。无论州合同情况如何,联邦儿童营养标准仍要求额外投标。
- 为普罗沃市教育局采购用品或服务的员工不得要求或接受供应商的任何付款或个人利益。
- 单一来源理由很少获得批准,必须以书面形式申请地区采购批准。必须填写唯一来源理由申请表 6210 F4。
- 普罗沃市教育局儿童营养计划的采购必须符合 "购买美国货 "规定要求。请参见以下内容
- 1998 年《威廉-F-古德林儿童营养重新授权法案》(公法 105-336)第 104(d)节增加了一项条款,即《国家营养补助金法》(NSLA)第 12(n)节(《美国法典》第 42 篇第 1760(n)节),要求学校食品管理机构(SFA)在最大可行范围内购买国内商品或产品。NSLA 第 12(n)节将 "国内商品或产品 "定义为在美国生产的农产品和在美国加工的食品,这些食品大量使用在美国生产的农产品。因此,51% 以上的最终加工产品(按重量或体积计算)必须由国内种植的农产品构成。因此,对于未经加工的食品,农产品必须是国内的,而对于加工食品,必须是使用国内农产品食品成分在国内加工的,按重量或体积计算,必须由超过 51% 的国内种植物品组成。产品的食品成分被视为农产品。"食品成分 "是指构成可报销膳食的食品类别之一。食品成分包括:肉类/肉类替代品、谷物、蔬菜、水果和液态奶。按重量或体积计算,加工产品必须含有 51% 以上的美国原产食品成分。关岛、美属萨摩亚、维尔京群岛、波多黎各和北马里亚纳群岛作为美国的属地,其产品可按此规定购买。"购买美国货 "规定(7 CFR 210.21(d))是学校食堂在采购学校供餐计划中供应的商业食品时必须遵守的采购标准之一。
- For compliance and audition purposes, the SFA will require in writing from the supplier (i.e., manufacturer or distributor) specific information about the percentage of U.S. content in any processed end product in order to document domestic percentage (written certification describing domestic content of the agricultural food component of commodities and products is required), and delivery invoices and receipts identifying the country of origin as being the U.S. or its territories, and in the case of a non-domestic product, a limited exception. Limited exceptions are limited exceptions to the provision which allow for the purchase of products not meeting the “domestic” standard (non-domestic) in circumstances when use of domestic products is truly not practicable. Before utilizing an exception, alternatives to purchasing non-domestic food products will be considered. Limited exceptions will be used as a last resort. Exceptions to the provision are: 1) The product is not produced or manufactured in the U.S. in sufficient and reasonably available quantities of a satisfactory quality; or 2) Competitive bids reveal the costs of a U.S. product are significantly higher than the non-domestic product.
- 购买美国货 "规定支持本地和小型企业。使用来自当地的食品既支持了当地农民,又为学校膳食计划中的儿童提供了健康的选择,同时还支持了当地经济。根据联邦法规(2 CFR 200.321)的要求,要求遵守 "购买美国货 "规定也支持学校食堂和餐馆与当地或小型、少数民族及妇女所有的企业合作。必须采取积极措施,确保尽可能使用小型企业、少数民族企业和妇女拥有的企业。扶持措施包括1) 将合格的小型企业、少数族裔企业和妇女拥有的企业列入招标名单;2) 只要小型企业、少数族裔企业和妇女拥有的企业是潜在的来源,就确保向它们招标;3) 酌情利用小型企业管理局和商务部少数族裔企业发展局等组织的服务和援助。
- 利益冲突
- 在可能存在利益冲突的情况下,所有供应商的选择都必须通过商业服务部门进行,并且必须提交利益冲突表 6210 F5。
- Budget Considerations
- 采购的批准取决于可用预算。超出可用预算的采购将退还申请者。
- Placing Orders
- 以下项目需要投标书和/或批准书:
- 采购申请 -(可在任何 $ 向 Alio 提交)
- 采购卡(p-cards)--参见政策/程序 6215。
- 以下项目需要投标书和/或批准书:
- Debarment
- The Procurement Official may either debar a person for cause from consideration for award of contracts for up to three years or suspend a person from consideration for award of contracts if there is cause to believe that the person has engaged in any activity that might lead to debarment. A suspension may not be for more than three months unless an indictment has been issued for an offense which would cause debarment.
- Causes for debarment include:
- conviction of a criminal offense as an incident to obtaining or attempting to obtain a public or private contract or subcontract or in the performance of a public or private contract or subcontract
- conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or any other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty which currently, seriously, and directly affects responsibility as a contractor for the district
- conviction under state or federal antitrust statutes
- failure without good cause to perform in accordance with the terms of the contract
- a violation of the Procurement Code or the District’s procurement policies
- any other cause that the Procurement Official determines to be so serious and compelling as to affect responsibility as a contractor for the district, including debarment by another governmental entity
- Causes for debarment include:
- The district may consider any cause for debarment as a basis for determining that a person responding to a solicitation is not responsible independent of any effort or proceeding to debar or suspend the person and even if the district does not choose to seek debarment or suspension.
- Bids, offers, or other submissions received from any person that is suspended, debarred, or otherwise ineligible as of the due date for receipt of bids, proposals, or other submissions shall be rejected by the district.
- A person with an outstanding tax lien in the state may not submit a quote, bid, or offer to the district, nor may such a person contract to provide a procurement item to the district. However, if the district Procurement Officer determines that it is in the best interests of the district to do so, the District may grant an exception to this prohibition for a specified and particular quote, bid, offer, or contract. The district may reject a quote, bid, or offer submitted in violation of this prohibition.
- The Procurement Official may either debar a person for cause from consideration for award of contracts for up to three years or suspend a person from consideration for award of contracts if there is cause to believe that the person has engaged in any activity that might lead to debarment. A suspension may not be for more than three months unless an indictment has been issued for an offense which would cause debarment.
- Preferences
- The District shall, for all procurements, give a reciprocal preference to those bidders offering procurement items that are produced, manufactured, mined, grown, or performed in Utah (“Utah items”) over those bidders offering procurement items that are produced, manufactured, mined, grown, or performed in any state that gives or requires a preference to procurement items that are produced, manufactured, mined, grown, or performed in that state (“out of state preferred items”). The amount of reciprocal preference shall be equal to the amount of the preference applied by the other state for that particular procurement item. In order to receive a reciprocal preference under this section, the bidder must certify on the bid that the procurement items offered are Utah items. Without that certification on the bid, the reciprocal preference is waived.
- If the responsible bidder submitting the lowest responsive bid offers out of state preferred items, and if another responsible bidder has submitted a responsive bid offering Utah items, and with the benefit of the reciprocal preference, the bid of the other bidder is equal to or less than the original lowest bid, the district shall (1) notify the Utah items bidder that the bidder qualifies as a preferred bidder; and (2) make the purchase from the preferred bidder if the bidder agrees, in writing, to meet the low bid within 72 hours after the notice. The district shall include the exact price submitted by the lowest bidder in its notice to the preferred bidder. The district may not enter into a contract with any other bidder for the purchase until 72 hours have elapsed after notice to the preferred bidder. If there is more than one preferred bidder, the district shall award the contract to the willing preferred bidder who was the lowest preferred bidder originally. If there were two or more equally low preferred bidders, the district shall comply with the rules of the Procurement Policy Board to determine which bidder should be awarded the contract.
- This section does not apply if application of the section might jeopardize the receipt of federal funds.
- A “resident contractor” is a person, partnership, corporation, or other business entity that either has its principal place of business in Utah or that employs workers who are residents of this state when available; and also was transacting business on the date when bids for the public contract were first solicited.
- When awarding contracts for construction, the district shall grant a resident contractor a reciprocal preference over a nonresident contractor from any state that gives or requires a preference to contractors from that state. The amount of the reciprocal preference shall be equal to the amount of the preference applied by the nonresident contractor’s state. To receive the reciprocal preference under this section, the bidder shall certify on the bid that the bidder qualifies as a resident contractor. Without that certification on the bid, the reciprocal preference is waived.
- If the responsible contractor submitting the lowest responsive bid is a nonresident contractor and has a principal place of business in a state giving or requiring a preference to contractors from that state, and if a responsible resident contractor has also submitted a responsive bid, and, with the benefit of the reciprocal preference, the resident contractor’s bid is equal to or less than the original lowest bid, the District shall notify the resident contractor that the resident contractor qualifies as a preferred resident contractor and issue the contract to the resident contractor if that contractor agrees, in writing, to meet the low bid within 72 hours after notice of preferred resident contractor status. The district notice shall include the exact price submitted by the lowest bidder. The district may not enter into a contract with any other bidder for the construction until 72 hours have elapsed after notice to the preferred resident contractor. If there is more than one preferred resident contractor, the district shall award the contract to the willing preferred resident contractor who was the lowest preferred resident contractor originally. If there were two or more equally low preferred resident contractors, the district shall comply with the rules of the Procurement Policy Board to determine which bidder should be awarded the contract.
- This section does not apply if application of the section might jeopardize the receipt of federal funds.
- Neither the Utah products preference nor the Utah resident contractor preference apply to the extent that they conflict with federal requirements relating to a procurement that involves the expenditure of federal assistance, federal contract funds, or federal financial participation funds.
II. Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Information (RFI), Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFQ)
- Supplemental procurement processes can be used to assist with the standard procurement process. Within the district policy, the RFP, RFI or RFQ is generally used when the purchase amount of an item or project is over $80,000. Personal Services are not subject to these provisions, but can be used to select new providers.
- District personnel will provide Business Services with information and specifications regarding any request submitted. Each specification shall be drafted with the objective of clearly describing the district’s requirements and encouraging competition and shall emphasize the functional or performance criteria necessary to meet the district’s needs.
- A person with a conflict of interest, or who anticipates responding to the proposal, may not participate in writing specifications or be employed by any organization submitting a response to the solicitation.
- The Utah state bid site will be used to post, gather and review information submitted by potential vendors. Postings shall also be included on the district’s main website. Postings shall be available for at least seven (7) days before the day of the deadline for submitting a response.
- The district may provide individual notice to potential vendors after public posting has commenced.
- The district may cancel a solicitation or reject bids and proposals, in whole or in part, if it is in the best interest of the district to do so. The reasons for cancellation or rejection shall be made part of the contract file and shall be available for public inspection. Following cancellation, the district shall either resolicit responses or withdraw the requisition for the procurement item.
- The district may reject a solicitation response if it violates a solicitation requirement, is submitted after the deadline, or it does not meet response criteria. The district may reject solicitation responses if the submitting vendor is not responsible, is in violation of the procurement code or regulations, has engaged in unethical conduct, is subject to an outstanding tax lien, or a change in the vendor’s circumstances would have caused the istrict to reject the response. Vendors failing to sign applicable purchasing documents can also be rejected after 90 days. If vendor is rejected, the district will provide a written statement of reasons to the vendor.
- A solicitation may be canceled after opening the responses but before award when the district makes a written determination that one of the following circumstances exist:
- The scope of work or other requirements contained in the solicitation documents were not met by any person and all solicitation responses have been determined to be either nonresponsive or not responsible
- An infraction of code, rule or policy has occurred
- Inadequate, erroneous, or ambiguous specifications or requirements were cited in the solicitation
- The specifications in the solicitation have been or must be revised
- The procurement item being solicited is no longer required
- The solicitation did not provide for consideration of all factors of cost to the district, such as cost of transportation, warranties, service and maintenance
- Solicitation responses received show that the needs to the district can be satisfied by a less expensive procurement item differing from that in the solicitation
- All otherwise acceptable solicitation responses received are at unreasonable process, or only one solicitation response is received and the procurement official cannot determine the reasonableness of the bid price or cost proposal
- Other reasons specified in state code (Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code) or administrative rule
- Other circumstances deemed to constitute reasonable cause by the Procurement official
- Cancellation cannot be used to steer a contract to a favored vendor or make a vendor who was previously disqualified or rejected in a solicitation eligible for a contract award for the same procurement item
- The district may allow correction of an immaterial error in a responsive solicitation, including missing signatures, acknowledgements of addendums, missing copies of professional licenses, typographical errors, error resulting from an inaccuracy in the solicitation, and other immaterial errors. The district shall require the corrections to be made in writing and shall establish a deadline for making the correction.
- The district may make a written request to a vendor to clarify information in a responsive solicitation or to provide additional information that the district determines is needed to determine viability of response. The district shall establish and enforce a deadline for submitting the information
- Best and final offers are only allowable in the RFP process.
- A request for information may seek a wide range of information, including availability, schedules, standards and practices, specifications, training, new technologies, capabilities of providers, and alternate solutions. An RFI is not a procurement process and may not be used to negotiate fees, enter into a contract or determine the allowability of procurement.
- Information submitted with an RFI is considered “protected” information under the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act. Potential responders must provide a written claim of business confidentiality and a concise statement of reasons supporting the claim.
III. Purchase / Payment Approvals
所有采购/付款均需两名学区员工批准。所有供应商请购单必须输入 Linq。
- Less than $5,000 for a single item and total transaction does not exceed $9,999
- 无需投标。(超过 $3,500 美元的部分必须获得两次报价)。
- Single item purchases equal to or above $5,000 or a total transaction of equal to or above $10,000
- Two written quotes are required. Requisitions must be entered into Linq for approval. Purchases from vendors who do not accept purchase orders must be made by Business Services after quotes are obtained. (With the exception of the Child Nutrition Department which must obtain quotes on anything above $3,500).$50,000+
- 新的单项采购或项目
- 必须提交教育委员会批准,除非在预算过程中已获得批准。
- 相关校长、主任、区委委员或总监或其缺席时的代理签字。
- 业务管理员事先签字。
- 总监事先签字。
- 单项采购或超过 $50,000 美元的项目需要至少三份书面报价,并必须在董事会批准后输入 Linq。必要时,业务服务部门将协助招标。
- 单项采购或超过 $80,000 美元的项目需要密封投标/征求建议书,必须由企业服务 处处理。
- Building Additions, Improvements, and Modifications
- 事先获得基建设施委员会的批准
- 总费用超过 $50,000 美元的所有项目均需事先获得董事会批准。
- 不得人为地划分项目以违反采购政策或程序。
- See Construction Procurement Policy 6212.Approval Thresholds
- 超过 $20,000 美元的请购单需经主管和业务主管批准。
- 超过 $50,000 美元的单项物品请购单需经董事会批准。
IV. Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders
- Select a Vendor (See Section I)
- 如果供应商不在 Linq 中,则必须向学区商业服务部门提交 W-9 表格,以便输入 Linq。
- Placing an order
- 请购单必须输入 Linq。所需的投标书必须与采购文件一起保存,并在创建定购单时扫描存档。
- 学校/部门工作人员将向供应商提交订购单。
- Receiving Purchase Orders
- 接收器将
- 收到包裹和箱子时要打开。
- 检查所装物品的数量是否正确、有无损坏以及装运物品是否正确。
- 将短缺、超额、不正确或损坏的物品通知供应商。
- 在 Linq 中接收采购订单。
- 在发票上加盖 "应付账款印章 "或写上所需信息(采购订单、收货日期、供应商编号)。
- 扫描发票并将其放入 Linq Archive 的未归档文件夹中
- 除非通过学校支票账户付款,否则应付账款部将处理发票付款。
- 接收器将
V. Contracts
- Contacts
- 如果采购目的要求签订合同、租赁协议或其他具有法律约束力的协议,则必须由业务主管签 署合同副本,包括附录。
- 所有软件合同必须附有供应商签署的保密协议,作为合同的一部分,见 6210 F10。
参见政策 6220 个人服务/顾问合同。
VI. Change Order
在更改合同、交付或接受额外货物或开始额外工作之前,任何增加费用的采购订单或合 同变更都必须得到业务服务部门的批准和处理。
VII. District Payment Methods
- 应付账款
- 学校或学区应付账款是任何带发票采购的首选付款方式。
- 应付账款支付所有地区采购订单项目和发票金额。
- 收到的所有与地区采购订单有关的发票;
- 在 Linq 中验证和接收项目。
- 在发票上加盖 "应付账款印章 "或写上所需信息。
- 扫描发票和任何投标文件,并将其附在 Linq Archive 的未归档文件夹中。
- 应付账款部门将处理发票付款。
- 每周三进行检查。周五前收到的发票将在下周处理。
- 员工报销
- 所有员工报销都应有文件证明的预先批准。请购单必须输入 Linq 系统,以获得适当批准,并与常规支票一起支付。付款将存入员工的主要工资账户。
- Purchase Cards (US Bank p-cards) (see 6211 P1)
- Change boxes
- 地区变更箱
- The change box is available in the district cashier’s office and is to be used for book fair start-up funds and other school needs. Elementary schools must obtain start-up funds from Business Services.
- 零钱盒应存放在安全的地方。
- 员工报销必须通过应付账款完成
- 中学零钱箱
- 零用金可由中学总办公室保管,以备不时之需,但必须遵守以下规定:
- 所有零用金资金和金额都必须经业务服务部门批准。
- 零钱箱中的零钱不得超过当前活动所需的金额。
- 不得用于收取所提供服务的款项或进行采购。
- Shall be accounted for on an intrest basis with a monthly reconciliation.
- 应存放在安全/上锁的地方。
- 检查零钱箱的员工应核实期初现金数额,并在归还时提供对账单。超过期初总额的金额必须存入适当的账户,并将原始总额放回保险柜。
- 零用金可由中学总办公室保管,以备不时之需,但必须遵守以下规定:
- 地区变更箱
VIII. School Account Payments
- 从学校筹款活动、学生费用等处收到的所有资金均应存入经授权的学校支票账户。
- 学校只有权设立一个学校支票账户,业务主管必须是该账户的签字人。
- 可发行从学校支票账户提取的学校借记卡。学校借记卡遵循校区采购程序和政策。
- 学校不得设立其他支票账户、收费账户或财务账户。
- 学校支票账户只能用于支付由学校账户预算支付的学校采购费用。必须遵守校区付款和供应商选择程序。
- 购买前必须获得预先批准。
- 请购单可输入 Linq 进行审批和付款。
IX. Employee Payments
- Employee Compensation – All employee compensation of a cash basis must be processed through the payroll system. Gift cards given for additional work or recognition, regardless of amount, will be taxed through the payroll system the month after a gift card is given.
- Employee Reimbursements (not including travel)
- 由于提供了额外的购物卡,员工报销应该是不必要的。如果购物卡无法正常使用或出现其他情况,员工报销的金额应较小且不频繁(约为 $50)。任何例外情况都必须得到业务服务部门的批准。
- 购买物品并申请报销的员工必须在购买前事先获得其主管的书面授权。报销申请必须附有授权证明。
- Reimbursements must be completed within 30 days of purchase. Reimbursements will not be made for items that are not in compliance with the wellness policy (see Policy 3401).
- 在教师用品费全部用完之前,教师不得要求报销。在报销之前,应向秘书提交已用教师用品费的收据。