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Welcome back to our Safety and Security Campaign. If you’re unfamiliar with the Campaign, or what I Love you Guys means, please check out the I Love U Guys overview article and campaign overview video and come back soon.

To recap, we’re looking at the “I Love U Guys” standard response protocols, offering insights on how school staff is continuously preparing for critical response, and sharing information on how you and your students can better prepare for the unexpected. You can find the “Evacuate” and “Shelter” protocol videos and articles here.

This week we’re covering “Secure.” Before we review the symbol, signs, and actions for this protocol, we’ll listen to a story about a relevant emergency from a friend in the district that demonstrates the value in utilizing I Love U Guys protocols and preparations.

Our district storyteller today is Independence High School Principal Jacob Griffin, sharing his story about a blown transformer that caused undetermined electrical hazards outside of the school. 

Here’s where the Secure Response comes in. The call sign or the word that staff will use to inform other students and staff) for the protocol is “SECURE.” Secure is called when there is a threat or hazard outside of the school building. Whether it’s due to violence or criminal activity in the immediate neighborhood, or a dangerous animal in the playground, Secure uses the security of the physical facility to act as protection.

Where possible, classroom activities will continue uninterrupted. Classes being held outside would return to the building and, if possible, continue inside the building. There might be occasions when students expect to be able to leave the building like end of classes, job commitments, etc. Depending on the condition, this may have to be delayed until the area is safe. 

When ordered, staff will:

  • Bring everyone indoors
  • Lock outside doors
  • Address situation with students and staff
  • Account for students and staff
  • Continue “business as usual”

When ordered, students will:

  • Leave school materials behind if required
  • Await instructions from teacher
  • Continue “business as usual”

And lastly, here is a takeaway from Jacob Griffin’s story:

  • If there’s anything concerning surrounding your school’s premises, you may need to enact a protocol.
    • Contact your administration or local law enforcement if you’re concerned with a possible issue, even if it’s off of school premises.

For families who’d like to learn more, download our Emergency Reference Checklist and Tips, or browse the I Love U Guys website for more information.

Keep in mind that this is a broad overview of the protocol– more comprehensive training and training documents are available for staff members. Still, the goal is to put everyone on the same page to speak the same, simplified language in an emergency.

And that concludes this week’s coverage of the first I Love You Guys. 

Thanks for checking in, stay tuned for more safety and security information, and stay safe.

Spencer Tuinei
  • Communication Specialist
  • Spencer Tuinei