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Last modified: December 5, 2023

Policy 3416 P1 Administration of Medication: Administration of Medication to Students

The administration of medication to a student while he/she is at school should be a rare occurrence. However, there are circumstances that require that medication be given during school hours. Each request for medication will be evaluated individually by the school nurse and school authorities.


  1. The appropriate Medical/Health Forms ( should be completed and signed before medication can be administered by trained school personnel. This authorization must be updated annually and as needed when there is a change in a doctor’s orders for a student’s medication. Emergency administration of epinephrine (EpiPen) or opiate antagonist medication is allowed without prior completion of these forms if the school staff member has received proper training as outlined by district and health department procedures. 
  2. Parent(s)/guardian(s) shall bring the medication to the school and take home any left over at the end of the school year. The pills/doses should be counted by the parent(s)/ guardian(s) and the school personnel receiving and administering the medication. Then the school personnel records this information on the medication administration form along with the counting people’s names.
  3. The medication shall be accepted only in a container that is labeled by a pharmacist. The label must include the name of the student, medication name, route of administration, the time of administration, and the physician’s name.
  4. The medication and accompanying forms/records shall be kept in a secure location. Access to this location will be authorized and monitored by the school principal or his/her designee. If refrigeration is required, the medication will be stored in a refrigerator. 
  5. The school nurse shall provide needed training to those school personnel who agree to give the medication.
  6. A daily record shall be kept for each student receiving medication. Each dose of medicine given must be charted by indicating the date, time given, and the signature or initials of the person giving the medication. 
  7. Authorization for administration of medication by school personnel may be withdrawn by the school at any time following actual notice to the student’s parent(s)/legal guardian(s).

Legal References

Utah Code 53G-9-5

Administration of Medication

Approval Date

August 2007

Revised: March 12, 2013; November 20, 2017

Policy and Procedures

3416 Administration of Medication

3416 Procedure 2 Administration of Non-Prescription Medication

3416 Procedure 3 Emergency Administration of Seizure Rescue Medication

3416 Procedure 6 Emergency Administration of Opiate Antagonist

3416 Procedure 7 Student Possession and Self-Administration of Asthma Medication  
