最終更新日10月 8, 2024
ポリシーNo.1529 ビジネス・アドミニストレータの解雇、職務の軽減、および停職
- 評価、補足的覚書、その他のコミュニケーションにおいて指摘された不備;
- 義務や責任を怠ったり、学校の授業時間中に私用を行ったりすること;
- 要求された職務または割り当てられた職務の遂行において、無能または非効率であること;
- Insubordination or failure to comply with Board directives, policies, or administrative regulations;
- Drunkenness or excessive use of alcoholic beverages; illegal use of drugs, hallucinogens, or other controlled substances, or the possession, use, or being under the influence of alcohol, alcoholic beverages, drugs or controlled substances while on school property, acting within the scope of the Business Administrator’s duties, or attending any school- or District-sponsored activity;
- 重罪または道徳的汚点を伴う犯罪の前科;
- Failure to meet the district’s standards of professional conduct;
- 必要な職務の遂行に支障をきたす、法律で保護されていない障害;
- Immorality, which is conduct the Board determines is not in conformity with the accepted moral standards of the community encompassed by the district;
- Any activity, school-connected or otherwise, that, because of publicity given it or knowledge of it among students, faculty, or community, impairs or diminishes the Business Administrator’s effectiveness in the district;
- 特別な雇用条件を反映した個々の雇用契約に明記されている理由、または有効な監督者資格を保持していない場合;
- 保護者、地域社会、職員、理事会との効果的な協力関係を維持できなかったり、良好な関係を維持できなかった場合;
- 従業員または学生に対する暴行;
- 当地区の活動に関する記録やその他の文書を改ざんすること;
- 地区の業務遂行において、理事会または他の地区役員に対して虚偽の事実を伝えること;
- 地区の財産の不始末;
- 地区の財源を不当に管理した場合。
- 生徒の安全を十分に確保しなかったこと。
The Board may, by majority vote, for any cause enumerated or for no cause, place the Business Administrator on leave with pay or place him or her in another position with equivalent pay and employment-related benefits and such action shall not constitute termination. However, if these actions are taken for cause, the Business Administrator is entitled to the notice set out in the following section and may request a hearing to contest the action as provided in the hearing section below.
業務管理者が解雇されるか、または理由に基づくその他の雇用処分が行われる前に、 業務管理者には、提案された措置と、存在する可能性のある誤りを公正に示すことができるよう に十分詳細に示された根拠について、妥当な通知が与えられるものとする。業務管理者には、不利な証人の名前と証言の性質が通知されるものとする。
書面による通知後、事業管理者が、理事会の提案された措置について聴聞を受け、異議を 唱えることを希望する場合、事業管理者は、通知を受け取ってから 15 日以内に、理事会に対 する聴聞を書面で要請するものとする。聴聞会は、適切な弁明を準備するための合理的な時間を業務管理者に与える期日に設定されるものとするが、相互の同意により延期されない限り、理事会が書面による要請を受領してから30日を超えないものとする。
The Board may conduct the hearing in open session or in closed session if the meeting is properly closed under Policy 1402 Closed Board Meetings, unless the Business Administrator requests a public hearing, in which case the hearing shall be open to the public.
At the hearing before the Board, the Business Administrator may employ counsel. The Business Administrator also has the right to hear the evidence upon which the charges are based, to cross-examine all adverse witnesses, and to present evidence of innocence or extenuating circumstances. Prior to termination or adverse action for cause, the Board shall determine the existence of good cause for the termination or action. Such determination shall be based solely on the evidence presented in the hearing. Termination may only be by a vote of two-thirds of the Board.
The Superintendent shall notify the Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission (“UPPAC”) whenever the Board or Superintendent becomes aware that the Business Administrator has been determined, in any judicial or administrative proceeding, to have violated any of the Utah Educator Standards. The Superintendent shall also notify UPPAC within 30 days of receiving an allegation from a parent that the Business Administrator has violated any of the Utah Educator Standards. If possible, the notification shall be made using the form provided by the UPPAC Executive Secretary. The Superintendent shall also notify UPPAC of any criminal charges filed by a prosecuting agency. For each matter about which notice is given, the Superintendent shall also notify UPPAC of the related investigation or proceeding, any disciplinary action taken (or that no action was taken), the evidence supporting that decision, and any evidence that may be relevant if UPPAC chooses to investigate the matter. In submitting the notification to UPPAC, the Board may make a recommendation to the UPPAC Executive Secretary regarding whether UPPAC investigation would be appropriate under the circumstances, taking into consideration any employment action taken by the Board.
- ユタ州管理規則 R277-514-5 (B) (2004)規則 R277-514-5 (B) (2004)
- Utah Admin. Rules R277-217-5 (January 10, 2024)
- 2013年8月13日
- 2024年9月27日