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Have you ever divided a pizza evenly among friends or calculated a clothing discount?

These are a few examples of how we use math in our everyday lives—a concept that Dixon Middle School teacher, Mrs. Gardner, incorporates in her curriculum.

“Math is a subject that can feel difficult and frustrating for kids,” said Gardner. “I find joy in discovering what makes my students tick so I can best assist their learning.”

Titling her course objectives “I cans”, Gardner uses positive messages to empower and enable her students. “After the governor announced school dismissal, I tried to think of ways that I could create normalcy for my students. So, I decided to incorporate as many familiar tools as possible.”

“I use many of the same sites and apps that we used everyday in class. One of my favorite tools, Class Kick, allows me to easily communicate with my students. As they calculate, I get to see their thought processes in real-time and respond. It’s pretty spiffy.”

When streaming LIVE for the first time, Gardner shared, “Twenty-three out of 25 kids logged in the first day of my stream! I had a pretty good turn out and it was actually pretty fun.”

“Math is fun!” said Gardner. “That’s something I try to show my students through real-life situations.”

“Another great thing about math is that it’s universal. Math is a global language we all share! In unfamiliar times, it’s good to look for things in our lives that are certain and indisputable. With math, there is a solution. With math, there is a clear answer.”

What evidences of certainty in your life can you point out?

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger