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Each year, the Business Department prepares the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR), which is then audited and published on our website.  For the past 14 years, the Business Department has been recognized for conforming to the highest standards of preparation of state and local government for these reports.  The reports, though thorough, can be time consuming and difficult to sift through. Here we are providing  a quick reference of important financial data extracted from the full report.  The full report can be found on the Business Department’s webpage, in addition to other financial reports published each year.

Expenditures by Function General Fund

This graphic presents the % of the total general fund expenses that is spent on each of the functions/categories. The General Fund is the main operating fund of the school District. As an example, 61% of our total GF (operating) expenditures is spent on instruction, while 2% is spent on District Administration.

  • Instruction 61%
  • Students 6%
  • Instructional Staff 8%
  • District Administration 2%
  • School Administration 6%
  • Business Operations 4%
  • Building Operation & Maintenance 8% 
  • Student Transportation 2%
  • Capital Outlay 3%


GF Revenue Sources

This graphic presents the sources of our revenue in the General Fund. In other words, where our operating income comes from. In the General Fund, most of the revenue comes from State funding via the minimum school program (MSP) and the weighted pupil unit (WPU), and local property taxes.

  • State of Utah    68%
  • Federal Government 7%
  • Property Taxes 21%
  • Other Local Sources 4%

revenue infographic

Legal Debt Margin/Debt Outstandingbond debt

This presents how much debt the district is legally allowed to carry vs. the amount of debt already utilized. As of 6/30/19 PCSD’s legal debt maximum was $377 million. Of that, outstanding/issued debt was $108 million, leaving a debt margin of $268 million. The debt margin is the remaining amount of debt the District could legally undertake as of 6/30/19. The amount of debt allowed under law generally increases each year as it is based on fair market value of the property in the district boundaries. Provo City School District is at 29% of the legal debt margin.

Tax Rate by Entity

In Provo, local property taxes are collected and used by several entities. This pie chart presents how much of a Provo resident’s total property tax rate is attributed to Provo City, Provo City School District, Utah County and the Central Water District.

  • Provo City School District    71%
  • Provo City     18%
  • Utah County      7%
  • Central Ut Water District     4%

tax rate by entity

FY19 Per Student Expenditures

This graphic presents the categories of expenditures on an average per pupil basis.  $5,517.04 was spent on instruction, $432.70 on Student Support Services, $513.80 on Instructional Support Services (staff) ,$216.82 on General Adminastrative Support Services, $433.08 on School Administrative Support Services, $466.48 on Central Support Services, $885.86 on Operation and Maintenance Services, $231.65 on Student Transportation Services, $360.07 on School Food Services, $116.52 on Community Services and $261.49 on Facilities/Maintenance.

per student expenditure

Five Year Enrollment

This simply presents five years of enrollment history for PCSD by school.

Five Year Enrollment







Amelia Earhart Elementary 532 523 504 518 523.18
Canyon Crest Elementary 538 547 524 503 508.03
Edgemont Elementary 623 626 645 665 671.65
Provo Peaks Elementary2 592 571 546 504 509.04
Franklin Elementary 472 450 407 383 386.83
Lakeview Elementary1 787 754 813 823 831.23
Provost Elementary 464 472 445 465 469.65
Rock Canyon Elementary 612 623 591 583 588.83
Spring Creek Elementary 486 476 418 411 415.11
Sunset View Elementary 473 561 568 546 551.46
Timpanogos Elementary 758 668 649 629 635.29
Wasatch Elementary 944 892 883 799 806.99
Westridge Elementary 785 806 769 730 737.3
Centennial Middle 1056 1103 1119 1191 1226.73
Dixon Middle 847 869 835 882 926.1
Provo High 1924 1901 1853 1889 1907.89
Timpview High 2058 2114 2173 2162 2205.24
Independence High 259 285 190 200 202

Class Size Average

This shows a comparison of average class sizes for school districts in the area and a state wide average.

  • Alpine School District 26Classroom size infographic
  • Nebo School District 24.57
  • Provo City School District 22.14

School Building Age

Oldest to newest.

School Name

Build Year

Dixon 1931
Wasatch 1949
Timpview 1974
Westridge 1979
Canyon Crest 1982
Independence 1992
Franklin 1994
Centennial 1996
Amelia Earhart 1999
Spring Creek 2002
Lakeview 2007
Timpanogos 2008*
Provo Peaks 2011*
Rock Canyon 2016*
Sunset View 2016*
Edgemont 2017*
Provo High 2018*
Provost 2018*

*New Rebuilds

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger