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Last modified: December 1, 2023

Policy 7120 P1 School Support Organizations

A PTA group may begin to be organized at any school upon completion of the following procedures. If a school chooses a PTO rather than a PTA, most of the following guidelines should also be employed, excepting the formal association with the PTA organization.

  1. Any PTA at a school must first receive the approval and support of the school’s principal.
  2. Upon receiving the support of the Principal, a school would then need to contact the Region Director. Provo is in Region 10 along with Nebo District. The email address for the Region Director for Provo City School District is The Region Director changes every two years but the email address stays the same.

Upon completion of these two steps, a PTA can be organized by:

  1. Council or region representatives of Utah (state) PTA or
  2. An organizing committee comprised of those at the school, elected at the initial meeting and working under the direction of the council or region.

Organizing begins with an initial meeting in which two committees are formed, a bylaws committee and a nominating committee. Each committee must consist of at least three people. The location, date and time of the two meetings should be announced well in advance. The purpose of the committees is as follows:

Bylaws committee

Fill in the bylaws form blanks and post for 30 days at the school office. The bylaws committee will need to set the amount of the dues. $1.75 of each membership supports the Utah PTA and $2.25 of each goes to support National PTA. Councils do not receive operating funds and depend on council dues, which are usually 25 cents per membership. Dues should never be considered the fundraiser for the school. There is a great amount of return for these dollars in the form of training, information, support, materials, leadership, etc. Most schools charge around $6-7 per year for dues per member.

Nominating committee

Find one nominee for each office.

  • President
  • President-elect
  • Vice-president (at least 2 – number determined by bylaws)
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

After posting the bylaws for 30 days, an organizing meeting will be held to:

  1. Vote to approve the bylaws 
  2. Collect membership forms and distribute membership cards. Collect dues. At least 10 members are required to form a new PTA. 
  3. Nominate and vote on officers. 
  4. Sign paperwork and return it to the Utah PTA Region Director or Council. The President will provide the paperwork needed and assist with this step.


It is important to note that any school parent association must follow fundraising procedures. The organization needs to have an EIN number from the IRS and a Charitable Solicitation Permit. Both of these come under the Utah PTA umbrella and local PTAs are not charged for them. Utah PTA provides excellent training for treasurers and will assist with the completion of the IRS Form 990, and will file it with the IRS.


January 13, 2015


Policy No. 7120 School Support Organizations and Home/School Communication
