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Last modified: September 26, 2023

Policy No. 1546 Administrative Personnel Evaluations

Written Evaluations

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall annually make a written evaluation of administrative personnel. The superintendent will ensure that all principals and district office administrators receive a summative written evaluation at least yearly by the respective supervisor, and not later than June 30th. Principals will be responsible for evaluating assistant principals.

Newly appointed administrators will also receive an interim performance evaluation not later than November 15 each school year. In the Superintendent’s sole discretion, evaluations may be made on a more frequent basis. A copy of the evaluation standards and the instrument to be used in the evaluation process shall be provided to the Administrator.

As may be requested by the Board, the Superintendent will provide evidence of having conducted the required evaluations, along with the assurance that other administrative evaluations have been conducted according to required practice by subordinate administrators.

Approved by Board of Education:

August 13, 2013
