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Last modified: September 26, 2023

Policy No. 1500 Superintendent Appointment, Term of Office, and Interim Appointment


The Board shall appoint a District Superintendent of Schools who serves as the Board’s chief executive officer.

The District shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the Superintendent from any and all demands, claims, suits, actions and legal proceedings brought against the Superintendent in his individual capacity, or in his official capacity as agent and employee of the District, provided the Superintendent was acting within the scope of his employment and excluding criminal litigation and such liability coverage is within authority of the District to provide under state law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event will individual Board members be considered personally liable for indemnifying the Superintendent against such demands, claims, suits, actions, and legal proceedings.

The appointment of a new superintendent shall occur not later than during the Board’s first meeting in June.

Compensation and Benefits

The Board shall enter into a contractual arrangement of employment that establishes the Superintendent’s compensation for services.

Term of office

The Superintendent’s term of office begins July 1, and is for two years and until a successor is appointed and qualified. For stability and the continuation of operations, the board, at its sole discretion, may renew a two year contract each year.

Automatic Contract Renewal prohibited

The Board may not enter into an employment contract with the superintendent that contains an automatic renewal provision.

Interim appointment

If it becomes necessary to appoint an interim superintendent due to a vacancy in the office of superintendent, then the Board shall make an appointment during a public meeting for an indefinite term not to exceed one year, which term shall end upon the appointment and qualification of a new superintendent.

However, an interim appointment shall be limited if it takes place during the time period between an election day where any new board member is elected and the date when the new board member or members takes office. (If all Board members who stood for election are re-elected, this limitation does not apply.) Under this limitation, the Board may only make an interim appointment, and that appointment shall expire as soon as the new board member takes office and a new superintendent is appointed by the newly constituted board. ‘

Legal References & Synopsis:

Utah Code Ann. 53G-4-301

Superintendent of Schools –Appointment — Qualifications — Term — Compensation

Approved by Board of Education: 

August 13, 2013
