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Study Session

Board Handbook Training: 1:15

President Rebecca Nielsen reviewed the “Request for Information” section of the Board Handbook.  She offered a reminder of the workload of the staff in the district that are putting the information together.

Construction Update: 4:00

Business Administrator Derek Anderson presented.

  • Timpview 
    • The plan to begin classes in the new section on December 4 has changed.  The school will still hold their three early out days  this week (11/29, 11/30, 12/1)  to allow staff to start moving into the new building.  Students moving in and attending classes in the new building will now be on December 11.  This allows for things to get wrapped up – specifically the inspection on the elevator and will allow additional time for staff to set up classrooms. Teachers will hold back what they need to teach in the old classrooms for the week of December 4-8.  There is a public open house on December 11.

Audit Report: 7:13

Business Administrator Derek Anderson presented.

The accountants reported on the audit.  These are the findings

  • The independent auditor opinion states that they have audited the financial statements and they state it is a fair representation of the fiscal year. They presented that the district received an Unmodified or Clean opinion
  • They identified one risk factor:
    • Risk Factor- Payroll environment
      • It was noted that there are many checklists as a part of payroll.  One part is the missed punch report.  The policy on handling missed punches is not very clear.  What is currently happening is an employees direct supervisor is made aware of the missed punch and asked t to help close out the punch report.  Payroll department often doesn’t get the response necessary from supervisors and has to close the punch report themselves.  This is not preferable. The auditor recommendation is to pull out the unclosed punch reports and delay payment until supervisor of employee takes care of of the missed punches.
  • Internal controls at large- software controls and who has the authority to do what. 
    • There need to be better controls. A lack of these controls exploits employees for fraud.  The auditors advised that the finance department be involved in all items that could involve finances coming in or out.  This was determined to require just a verbal comment this year. The auditors  will follow up during next year’s audit; if nothing has changed, it could possibly be in the official written findings.
  • Single Audit Report: 
    • No written findings – last years written finding was fully addresses
  • Grants:
    • No deficiencies found.  The two major grants they tested found no written findings.  The District is considered a low risk for grants.
  • State audit compliance criteria were tested in 7 areas. 
    • No issues- no written findings.
  • The Budget amount issue from the previous year was fully satisfied.

Camp Big Springs: 30:25

Business Administrator Derek Anderson presented.  The Superintendent and Business Administrator have met with Chad Duncan and Bill Sprunger who oversee Camp Big Springs for the district each summer. On separate occasions, they have also met with Provo City to discuss moving the location of the camp to a meadow below the regular campsite. The following recommendation was made to the school board:

  • If the Board feels that the experience and learning provided by Camp Big Springs is in alignment with our vision and mission for student learning and for providing a unique experience for students, then we recommend that for 2024, we continue Camp Big Springs at its current location.
    • We would rebuild the platforms to last for the 2024 season.
    • Camp would be run similar to how it has run in the past.
    • Someone would be identified to shadow Chad Duncan so that at some point, another individual could take over as camp coordinator that is not on a 242-day contract.
  • If Camp Big Springs will continue beyond 2024, we will track all current year costs, get estimates, and issue an RFP for the permanent structures at both locations that could give us a comparison of the cost of keeping the camp at its current location versus moving it to the meadow. Then we would present these numbers to the Board of Education for direction.

School Safety Update: 49:25

Jason Garrison, Director of Student Services, presented.  As a precaution, the presentation did not get too detailed in order to preserve the effectiveness of the safety and security being taken. The district has a multidisciplinary safety and security plan utilizing all departments.  Some of the highlighted efforts are as follows:

  • RAPTOR visitor management system
    • All are in place except at the two comprehensive high schools.  They are in various stages of implementation because of the need to train staff at the locations. 
  • Building Access Subcommittee
    • The committee has met twice.  They are:
      • Reviewing policies and streamlining the content. 
      • Discussed the pros and cons of exterior doors leading into buildings. 
      • Discussed alarm access and times of operation at district locations.
  • Early Detection Systems
    • BARK – student online communications
    • SafeUT anonymous tips
    • Contentkeeper Alerts/Report
    • Evidence Based Student Threat Assessment
  • Window Protective Laminate is now on all schools.
  • School Safety & Support Grant 
    • HB61 Safety Requirements
      • Projects
        • Interior Surveillance Cameras increase number
        • Exterior Windows Protective Laminate increase number
  • School Safety Specialist Stipend Grant – there has to be one for every school according to HB61. 

Board Member McCabe asked if exterior lighting at schools was part of the bill.  That topic has come up, but is not part of the bill.  

Student Board Member Will Weidner asked about misinformation about security and used the example about kids not knowing if something was a drill or not.  Director Garrison talked about human error and the need for clear communication.  He also stated that in emergency situations, the district’s Director of Communications is coordinating the communication to ensure that all communications are clear and consistent.

The board expressed appreciation for these efforts.

Policy Review: 1:15:19

Judy Rose, Director of Curriculum, and Karen Brock, Director of Professional Development, presented these policy updates to the board.  

Policy 4020 Curriculum Development and Adoption: 1:15:36

This policy it has a few edits, including updates due to Utah Law, updated job titles and for clarity.  This is the first reading and it will be posted on the website for public feedback.

Policy 4040 – Professional Development: 1:16:50

This policy has beed edited for clarity and for job title changes.  The policy discusses how educators can get credit to advance on the salary schedule.  This comes up yearly in negotiations and is intended to provide clarity on the process to employees. This is the first reading and it will be posted on the website for public feedback.

Large Purchase Request: 1:23:35

Business Administrator  Derek Anderson shared that the tables planned for the science classrooms in the new Shoreline Middle School were not sufficient for the needs of the classes.  The district is requesting to purchase updated tables that will have electrical outlets, as well as a thick chemical guard on the surface for protection.

Addition of Position for Business Department: 1:28:55

Devyn Dayley, Director of Accounting, shared that due to the significant need for the finance department’s time outside of regular working hours to get the required work completed, additional FTE has been requested. The business department is asking for a new position in Business Services. This position will provide a wide array of support to schools and departments and allow for additional purchasing, budget and accounting support in the Finance Office. For several years, additional state and federal requirements throughout Business Services, various budget needs, additional analytics needed to make better decisions, and new programs created or awarded, have resulted in only being able to complete the most important tasks (and with a tremendous amount of time outside of the normal workday) and the inability to analyze trend data and create more meaningful budget information for administration and schools. Additional support will provide the ability to complete more projects that will allow the board to make more data-driven decisions and make sure schools and departments are better supported in their financial decisions.

Business Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance: 1:48:50

Jarod Sites, Assistant Superintendent Elementary Education 

Public Input: 1:49:19

No public input

Consideration to Approve the Audit Report: 1:49:50

Each year, the financial results must be independently audited and approved by the board. The board is approving the results of the FY 22-23 audit.

Motion passes unanimously

Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request: 1:55:22

Science labs need unique tables that are resistant to chemicals and electrical outlets for equipment used. The original tables that were planned did not have the required needs. These updated tables will have electrical outlets. It also has a thick chemical guard on the surface for protection.

Motion passes unanimously

Consideration to Approve the Addition of a Position in the Business Department: 1:57:43

Due to the significant need for the finance department’s time outside of regular working hours to get the required work completed, additional FTE has been requested.

Motion passes unanimously

Caleb Price
  • Director of Communications
  • Caleb Price

Bills and Resolutions for the 2025 General Session  HB0040: School Safety...
