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January 21, 2022, marked the movement of the next Provo CAPS iteration, inviting new students and old to Nu Skin for an inaugural event. 

Students traveled by bus and car, trekking through Nu Skin’s back courtyard, up the slate walkway, and towards the six-story glass atrium. When arriving, new students paused, sizing up their new workspace, a striking corporate office of one of Utah’s outstanding companies. Students from the last term, however, checked in at the front desk, met with old peers, and chatted about coursework the same way one reflexively moves through their morning routine– this was another day in the office.

Students assembled in Nu Skin’s projection room to introduce the Provo CAPS course. Each Provo CAPS course instructor in each of the four strands– Business, Marketing & Entrepreneurship, Digital Design & Software Development, Engineering & Industrial Design, and Medicine & Health Science– introduced themselves and their field. Nu Skin employees  then offered a welcome, reminding students that they are representatives of their school on a professional campus. The welcome framed the experience for what it is– a professional affair. Students are working at a worksite on authentic projects for real companies.

Provo CAPS Director Jan Jardine led a presentation that examined core values of the Provo CAPS program, sharing a video from Spanx CEO Sara Blakely on redefining failure. Blakely noted that her father celebrated her failures at the dinner table, and it’s a practice Blakely brought to her company– running into difficulty means that you’ve tried something new and learned from the experience. The method of experimentation and learning by trouble-shooting obstacles that naturally occur when creating real-world projects define Provo CAPS and its students. 

 The previous Provo CAPS students took to the stage and shared experiences from last term’s projects, offering TEDTalk-level insights. One student recalled how their group was called on to design a decal for a company building. Their group planned, sketched out, and created the design, only to learn that the company was moving facilities, and the composition wasn’t feasible for the new building’s decal. Instead, the group saw an opportunity to implement the design on the company’s webpage. “Every disappointment can lead to a valuable lesson. The pieces of a current project that don’t turn out can transform into something more refined in a future project.”

For some students, this marks the start of their Provo CAPS careers. For others, this is the 13th mile in their marathon. Regardless of the starting point, it’s exciting to see what students will imagine, draft, and create in the near future.

Spencer Tuinei
  • Communication Specialist
  • Spencer Tuinei