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Last modified: September 26, 2023

Policy No. 1050 Foundations and Basic Commitments

The District was established by the state legislature, under the authority contained in the Utah State Constitution, for the sole purpose of providing an education to the students of the District. While the establishment of the District also provides other services, such as caring for students during the school day, providing employment to the school staff, and providing facilities to support the educational programs within the district, all of these services are necessarily subordinate to the District’s prime function of providing an education to students. The Board of Education is elected by the citizens of the community to ensure that this responsibility is accomplished. However, the Board recognizes that it cannot accomplish this objective unless all of the sectors of the school community also accept and perform their responsibilities.

The Board believes the district – and all of its entities – has responsibility toward ensuring the accomplishment of its prioritized work with the following constituents in the following ways:

  1. Students

    • Education is an opportunity provided to the children of the District by their community. The Board expects that all students will learn to recognize the value of this opportunity, and will therefore work diligently to help ensure that their maximum potentials are realized. The Board further expects that all students will recognize that their fellow students have the right to be educated, and will avoid any action that may interfere with their ability to exercise that right.

    • The Board believes that education should develop habits, attitudes, understanding, and skills necessary for a productive, satisfying life in society. Students should be taught to understand the duties and privileges of responsible citizenship as such duties and privileges relate to themselves as individuals and to the whole community. The vast changes brought about by increasing technology, population, and urbanization must also be taught. The input and support of the citizens of the community, and especially the professional staff, are solicited as the school community endeavors to develop the attitudes and abilities demanded in this age of rapid change.

  2. Staff

    • The Board fulfills its responsibility for the education of students by employing first a competent Superintendent, on whose recommendation it also employs a competent staff. As a condition of this employment, the Board expects each staff member’s best efforts to be exerted toward the accomplishment of the educational objectives of the District. Because education is imparted primarily by teachers, the Board specifically places responsibility for maintaining and expanding educational ability on each teacher, to the end that each student may reach maximum potential and develop a sense of dignity and self-worth.
  3. Parents

    • The Board recognizes that the ultimate responsibility for the well-being of all children rest with their parents. All parents are expected to participate in the District’s educational effort by ensuring maximum attendance of their children, by assuring that their children cooperate in the educational endeavor of the District, and by fostering an attitude in their children that recognizes the importance of education and life-long learning.
  4. Community

    • The resources necessary to provide education for students are provided by members of the community through their taxes and other supporting services. The Board’s goal is that all members of the community, both individually and through their governmental, civic, and social organizations, will continue to support the educational activities of the District.

In consideration of the accomplishment of these responsibilities by each sector of the school community listed above, the Board of Education, with the concurrence of each individual board member, pledges its best efforts to ensure that the District is governed effectively and efficiently so that the goal of an appropriate and outstanding educational experience is available for all students of the District.

Approved by Board of Education:

August 13, 2013
