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At the beginning of last month, Mrs. Monique Hadley had the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. to be honored at the National School Counselor of the Year Awards Ceremony, and be awarded the 2017 Utah School Counselor of the Year Award.

Mrs. Hadley has been the counselor at Timpview High School for nine years and is a critical asset to the school’s community. “I have met few people with as much compassion as Monique Hadley. After being on the School Board for only two weeks, she volunteered to talk with me about some of the current issues students were facing. Fast forward seven years, and I can still feel her warmth and genuine concern she has for the students. Parents and students know that they can count on Monique to provide sound advice and direction.” Michelle Kaufusi, current Mayor of Provo, said.

The impact she has made is immeasurable, and the dedication she shows to her students is the reason she has received this honor. To qualify for the award, the applicant has to show that they have made a difference in student outcomes for the school, and it is important that the outcomes are in sync with the schools mission and School Improvement Plan. The programs that Hadley has been involved with is the Timpview Utah College Application Week, which allows for all of our current seniors to come sit with the counselors and complete college applications and create a FAFSA ID. In addition, she organizes the Multicultural Parent College Celebration Night, where Timpview High School hosts admissions representatives and multicultural centers from colleges around the area who assist students, both documented and undocumented, better understand the college-going process. In addition, we also have a Gear Up Representatives and multicultural performances from difference clubs and organizations. Mrs. Hadley works hard to provide countless opportunities to the students of Timpview High.

At the National School Counselor of the Year Awards Ceremony Hadley participated in the national event in Washington D.C. at the beginning of February, lead by Dr. Richard Wong, the Executive Director of the American School Counseling Association. The guest speaker of the event was former First Lady Michelle Obama. This is a great honor for Provo City School District, Timpview High School, and Mrs. Hadley! Congratulations on all of your hard work and thank you for all that you do for our students!

Paige Simpson
  • Paige Simpson