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Provo High students had the chance to take a trip to the Utah State Capitol and the Matheson Court House. Twenty students were able to attend, and they made the most of this great opportunity!

The students took the day to attend different session happening at the State Capitol. Some of the students got to go out on to the actual floor and sit with Representatives Norm Thurston, Keith Grover and Keven Stratton, the three House members that represent students that go to Provo High School. This was an amazing opportunity for these students to see first hand the goings on of the House. “The main debate we heard in the House chamber was about the changing of election procedures and law.” Said Brian Preece the faculty who attended the excursion.

The group also met Lieutenant Governor Stephen Cox and Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Herbert, Mr. Mike Mower. They also had the chance to meet with a lobbyist from the UEA meet with us briefly to talk about lobbying.

At the Matheson Court House, the students spent some time with 3rd District Judge Barry G. Lawrence while Mr. Geoffrey Fattah, Public Information Director with the Utah State Courts, who took them to the chamber of the Utah Supreme Court and talked about how the court functions.

All of these gentlemen were gracious to spend time with our students and their efforts are much appreciated. It was a fun day with some great learning!

Paige Simpson
  • Paige Simpson