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Last modified: February 7, 2025

Policy 4202 Procedure 3: Electronic Device User Agreement Students


  Electronic Devices (including, but not limited to, Chromebooks, laptop computers, tablets, etc.) that are provided to Provo City School District students for use both on and off district property are provided to enhance, enrich and facilitate teaching and learning. They are to be used for school related use, curriculum enhancement, research, communications and other instructional purposes. The student is responsible at all times for the device issued to him/her.  The following guidelines are provided to help manage the use of this equipment. These guidelines apply to any digital device owned by Provo City School District.  Guidelines

  1. Electronic devices used by school district students remain the legal property of Provo City School District. 
  2. Before an electronic device is issued, the student and parent must read the Provo City School District Electronic Device User Agreement, sign the Electronic Device User Sign Off form, update demographic information in our student information system, as well as read and understand the Provo City School District Procedure 1 Electronic Resources Students (4202 Procedure 1). 
  3. Only district owned and approved, legally licensed software shall be installed onto devices. 
  4. No software outside of the district approved configuration will be installed under any circumstances unless deemed necessary by Technology Support. 
  5. During school hours, students may not use Internet games and chat rooms unrelated to core curriculum unless directed by a teacher. 
  6. Work produced and/or information stored or resident in the memory of electronic devices is property of the school district. There is no expectation of privacy. 
  7. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain a backup of their data and restore their data if needed. 
  8. Students will be held responsible for any software, software licensing, software support or data on the electronic device outside of the default configuration that is provided by the school district. Any malicious activity caused by software outside of the default image will be the user’s sole responsibility. Malicious activity includes, but is not limited to, viruses, malware, data loss, network scanning, email spamming, network-based attacks and disabling or removing any monitoring/security systems installed by Provo City School District. 
  9. Students will be held responsible for their conduct while using the electronic device. This includes any data, text, files, information, usernames, images, graphics, photos, profiles, audio and video clips, sounds, musical works, works of authorship, applications, links and other content or materials that are submitted, posted or displayed. 
  10. In the case of technical issues, an electronic device may be erased and/or re-imaged with or without prior consent or notice. Technical issues include, but are not limited to, software crashes, hard drive crash, erratic error messages, etc. 
  11. In the event of problems with the device, the student/guardian can submit a help desk ticket by following the instructions at A technician will respond with instructions. 
  12. Any time a device is taken off school or district premises, the student must bring the device back each time they return to school charged and ready for use.  The device must be returned to the district at the end of the school year, or if a student transfers out of the district, or upon request. Failure to return the device will result in the student being charged for the replacement of the device. 
  13. It is the student’s responsibility to keep their assigned electronic device secure and protected at all times. Failure to follow these guidelines that lead to theft and/or render the device unusable will be considered negligence on the part of the student.
    1. Use an adequate carrying case/bag that is not overfilled with books or other items. Devices are susceptible to screen fracture when carrying case/bag is overfilled. 
    2. Lock devices in cabinets or desks when possible.  Secure the device anytime you are temporarily leaving it unattended. Avoid creating a trip hazard when plugging in the device to the network, power, projector, monitor, or speakers. 
    3. Use car trunks or other means to keep devices out of plain sight. Always keep car doors locked. 
    4. Be aware of extreme (hot or cold) temperatures in an enclosed vehicle. Extreme temperatures can cause harm to components in the device, and the device may fail to function. 
    5. Keep drinks, food, lotions, liquids of any kind, and other harmful materials away from the device. 
    6. Do not affix stickers to the device or vandalize, mark, or deface the device in any manner. 
    7. Do not remove district asset tags or labels.

Warranty Repairs    All warranty repairs will not be charged to the school.    Warranty repairs are defined as: defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. The electronic device warranty only covers failure due to defect of the components. This does not include any damage due to accident or negligence. It does not cover loss or theft. 

Charges for Damage/Vandalism/Loss/Theft 

If damage, vandalism, loss or thefts occur, a fine will be paid to the district before the electronic device is returned to the student. When there is damage, loss, or theft of the electronic device the student/guardian can submit a help desk ticket by following the instructions at A technician will respond with instructions. 

  1. In the event of damage to the electronic device or power adapter, and the item is turned in, a minimum charge of thirty dollars ($30), up to the cost of the repair will be charged to the student. 
  2. In the event the electronic device is stolen or lost and cannot be turned in, a penalty up to the replacement cost of the device will be charged to the student. The amount charged will be refunded if the electronic device is found and turned in within 30 days after loss.
    1. The fine will NOT be refunded if the electronic device is found and turned in more than 30 days after loss. 
    2. The device remains the property of the Provo City School District and must be returned if found no matter how much time has passed.
  3. Procedures for reporting damage, loss, theft or vandalism of electronic devices are as follows:
    1. If a device is damaged, immediately notify the Technology Department by submitting a help desk ticket by following the instructions at A technician will respond with instructions. 
    2. In cases of suspected theft or loss on district property, the Technology Department will notify building administration, and a police report will be filed by the school. 
    3. In the event of suspected theft or loss not on district property, parents must notify law enforcement authorities, get a police report filed, and share that information with the building administrator. 


  • February 8, 2022

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