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Last modified: September 27, 2023

3142 P1 Exchange Students (J-1 Visa)


Local School Boards are required to create their own policy on the admission of Foreign Exchange Students (J-1 student visa).


Prior to March 2002, Foreign Exchange agencies went through the Utah State Office of Education for placement of students throughout Utah. At that time, the Legislature did not approve the funding for the 320 foreign exchanges students that previously were allowed to attend schools in Utah. The Legislature has now approved the funding to bring this program back; however, each local school board is required to regulate their policy for admittance.


According to Provo’s student enrollment, it is recommended that the district accept 10-12 foreign exchange students on a yearly basis. The number of students accepted will be based on funding from the state legislature. These students should be included on the October 1st enrollment count, on which the State will fund their enrollment. It is required the Agency or Program sign a Sworn Affidavit of Assurances (attached) and be registered with the Council on Standards for International Education Travel (CIET). Provo will accept students beginning March through May 15th. However, the district may reach its quota before May 15th .

  1. Foreign Exchange students seeking admission to the Provo City School District on a J-1 visa must be registered with the Council on Standards For International Education Travel (CSIET)
  2. The district will determine how many Foreign Exchange students may be accepted annually based on availability of space and district resources.
  3.  The agency or program must complete PCSD’s required sworn affidavit of assurances as prescribed in state law and board policy, that the agency or program has complied with the following:
    • A completed household study, including a background check of all adult residents in each household where an exchange student is to reside;
    • A completed background study assures that the exchange student will receive proper care and supervision in a safe environment;
    • Host parents have received training appropriate to their positions, including information about enhanced criminal penalties under Utah Code for persons who are in a position of special trust;
    • A representative of the exchange student agency shall visit each student’s place of residence at least monthly during the student’s stay in Utah; Page | 2 3142 P1 Exchange Students (J-1 Visa)
    • The agency shall cooperate with school and other public authorities to ensure that no exchange student becomes an unreasonable burden upon the district or other public agencies;
    • In their native language, each exchange student will be given the names and telephone numbers of agency representatives and others who could be called at any time if a serious problem occurs; and
    • Alternative placements are readily available so that no student is required to remain in a household if conditions appear to exist which would unreasonably endanger the student’s welfare.
  4. Student applications from approved agencies may be submitted to Student Services after March 15 and not later May 15th. No applications will be accepted after the deadline; however, the district may reach its quota before May 15th.
  5. Agencies will be notified as soon as possible if the student’s application is accepted or denied by the district.
  6. Transcript of credits, complete Utah School Immunization Records (including the TB Test) must be presented to the school at the time of school registration. A list of approved Exchange Students will be given to the school. The agency or program shall provide translations of transcripts or other student documents if requested by the district before a student may be registered.
  7. Foreign Exchange students may not be granted fee waivers or be provided transportation at District expense beyond established school bus routes.
  8. Exchange students are not eligible to receive Special Education Services or ESL services, and must maintain a C average.
  9. No exchange student will be granted a Utah High School Diploma, but at the discretion of the school, may participate in the graduation ceremony/activities.
  10. Exchange students are not allowed to pay the full per capita cost of education, even after the state quota has been met.

Legal References & Synopsis

Utah Code 76-5-406(10)

Utah Criminal Code- Offenses against the person – Sexual offenses- Circumstances

Approval Date

March 12, 2013

Policy and Forms

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