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A. Community Connections

Opening Remarks: 2:39 

Board president Rebecca Nielsen thanked everyone who supports public education and gave a special shout out to our custodians for the recent National Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day.  She recognized that PCSD has many employees beyond the amazing teachers who are taking care of our kids and we wanted to give a big heartfelt thank you for all the work on behalf of our students.

Pledge of Allegiance: 4:08

Elizabeth Morris, 5th Grade Student at Amelia Earhart Elementary

Provo Way Awards: 5:20

The school board recognized five recipients of the Provo Way Award for the month of October.  These employees were:

  • Rick and Midge Johnson, Lunch/Recess Supervisors at Spring Creek Elementary
  • Angela Warnock, 1st Grade Teacher at Franklin Elementary
  • Tierra Wakefield, Kindergarten Teacher at Timpanogos Elementary
  • Emily Cummings, Occupational Therapist at Sunrise Preschool

School Report: Amelia Earhart Elementary School 10:42

Ryan McCarty gave a report on Amelia Earhart. He spoke about their demographics, their AVIATOR and RISE mottos, student achievement, programs that make Amelia unique and the goals that the school has for the future.

Public Input : 30:35

David Harding: – Provided input on the board discussing the future use of the Dixon Middle School property.  Thanked the board for working on the issue, planning to reach out to the community for public input and for not letting the issue languish and allowing the property to go vacant.  Stated that it would be good to complete strategic planning before the decision of what to do with the property is finalized.  Stated that he felt that the community would give that space and time to make those decisions.  He would like to see the property used in the best way possible with a long-term vision. Maybe use it in a good way in the short-term while deciding the use long-term.  The health of our district depends on the health of all areas of our district.

B. Business Items

Consideration to Approve Student Travel: 

Provo High School Competitive Cheer trip to Anaheim California in February 2024 for the USA National Competition. 1:20:35 No discussion all approved

Provo High Band and Orchestra trip to San Francisco, California in April 2024. 1:21:12 No discussion all approved

Consideration to Approve the Fee Schedule Adjustment: 1:21:50

This was the first discussion for the board to approve a change to the fee schedule to add a fee to let the AP art classes at both high schools to travel to NYC if desired. A second discussion and vote will take place at the November board meeting on November 14 following a month to allow for public input.

Consideration to Approve Shoreline Bus Routes: 1:23:37

Business Administrator Derek Anderson explained the new bus route needs due to risky nature of the walking routes.  The board can deem them “safe routes” and fund busing. Shoreline bus routes were approved. No additional discussion

Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request 1:25:15

The board looked at quotes for different types of fencing to be placed on the tiers of the retaining walls at the new Wasatch Elementary School. They believe that this will be a value add to the safety of anyone visiting the property. They voted to purchase the galvanized chain link fence for the total of $147,185.88.

Consideration to Approve TSSA Plans: 1:27:12

Legislation provides funding for schools under the Teacher Student Success Act and requires approval of a district and individual school plans. Each school has a TSSA plan that designates how funding will be utilized to meet the school’s improvement plan; this plan must be approved by the Board of Education before funding can be released to the district and schools.  The board voted unanimously to approve the TSSA plans.

School TSI Plans 1:28:45

For schools that are in Targeted School Improvement, the Board of Education must approve the school improvement plans which show that the school is addressing the needs of the student groups identified as needing additional support. State and federal legislation and board rules regarding school accountability require that schools have specific plans in place to address the needs of targeted student groups that are not performing adequately.

Consideration to Approve the LEA-Specific Licenses: 1:30:03

Jason Cox spoke to the LEA Specific Licenses – All approved no further discussion

C. Consent Calendar: 1:31:02

  • Board Minutes 
  • Personnel Report 
  • Home School, School Choice, eSchool Report 
  • Financial Reports 

The Board of Education is required to approve items in the consent agenda as part of their legal responsibility. At every board meeting, items come to the agenda that need little if any discussion or debate either because they are routine procedures or already have unanimous consent. A consent agenda (Roberts Rules of Order calls it a consent calendar) allows the board to approve all these items together without discussion or individual motions. The consent calendar of the Board of Education of Provo School District contains routine items and reports related to approval of minutes, appointment or termination of employees, decisions related to school choice, the monthly financial report including purchases over $50,000, and other reports requiring no formal Board action.

D. Student Board Member Report 1:31:38

Max Joyner and Will Weidner talked about the second Student Council Meeting. Board Member Van Wagenen, Board Member Hales and Superintendent Dau went to this meeting. They discussed issues that were important to students such as AB schedule versus every day, dress code, phone policy, and attendance policy. A survey was sent to Provo High students on the attendance policy. The next student council meeting will be Nov. 8, 2023.   

E. Business Administrator’s Report : 1:38:09

Derek Anderson – reported on a meeting with other business administrators across the state.  Covered around 40 topics from what different districts are struggling with to what districts are doing.  Discussed the impact of the changes to transportation funding this year (the state capped the amount that a district can receive at 85% of the costs) Some districts had been funded at up to %100 due to the efficiency of their transportation.  They also discussed at risk funding and what our district is doing.

Also went to a self-funding insurance conference.  Insightful and helpful to further enhance our benefits for our employees.  

F. Board Roundtable Report: 1:40:37

This is a new item on the agenda. Each board member takes a moment to report on a committee they are on.

Melanie Hall- 1:41:17 

Melanie reported on the Capital Facilities Committee.  The district is currently putting together a list of assets with maintenance schedules for each for the committee to review.  This will take a year or two to finalize.

Gina Hales – 1:42:28 

Gina reported on the Legislative committee.  They recently met with three local legislators to coordinate about the education bills and talk about local concerns.  The committee will continue to meet to build relationships with local politicians. SJR10 is a concern that they are working on.  They continue to pay attention to interim committees and try to keep up on what possible education legislation may be coming.

Megan Van Wagenen – 1:43:43 

Meg is on the PEA and PESP liaison committee but there is not much to report yet. Their first meeting is on October 26.  She also serves on the PTA Committee that meets twice monthly. This meeting is to keep each other informed on what is happening at the schools and board members let the PTA know what is happening with the board

Rebecca Nielsen 1:45:53 

Rebecca reported on the Communication committee.  The committee is focused on increased communication from the superintendent. She recognizes generous amounts of communication from the Superintendent lately with a weekly videocast for both employees and community members, as well as a weekly podcast. She believes it to be really successful so far.  It was also noted that the PTA has noticed an increase in communication.

Jennifer Partridge 1:47:20 

Jennifer reported on the Kindness committee.  The Kindness clubs recently had their annual retreats with about 260 elementary students and about 120 secondary students in attendance.  The theme for this year is Team Kindness.  She enjoyed talking to students about what that means and how to implement it in schools this year. This is the ninth year of Kindness committees in schools and the eighth year of retreats.  Jennifer finds it very rewarding to take a step back this year and see how rooted this is in our district. She received feedback that teachers are seeing the Team Kindness shirts and love them and want to buy them.

Jennifer also mentioned that the Utah School Board Association Board of Directors, which she is a part of, about having a JLC meeting this month to bring up concerns with SJR10. She hopes this will happen but doesn’t know yet if it will.

Teri McCabe – 1:49:46 

Teri reported on the finance committee.  They met and discussed tax increases.  If you would like to understand this further, Derek Anderson, the Business Administrator, can help.  Teri also mentioned that the Foundation golf tournament was a big success and that the Foundation Mini Grants have changed to Foundation Grants.  There is no longer a $500 limit and it is open to all district employees.  For more information on that you can visit

Teri also reported on the Safety Committee.  Some of the highlights of the current work of the Safety Committee are the unsafe roof access at the Hillside Building, front office cameras in the buildings and AED cabinet placements at main offices.  A subcommittee will be created to review safety and security policies.

Teri asked about the Construction Committee and if they would be planning for grand openings of the new buildings.  It was decided that the Communications Department will help plan those events.

Lisa Boyce – 1:54:35 

Lisa reported on the Policy Committee.  As policies are being developed, teacher and student voices can be heard to help create drafts of policy.  The committee recently talked about the Right of Conscience with opt out form and procedure. We also talked about a  Language access policy – required by house bill 302 to specify how we provide language services to parents and the revised student travel policy and our approach for handling and supporting student travel opportunities.  The committee has started talking about curriculum and classroom materials policies and reintegration policies.

Lisa also reported on CAPS and the projects they are involved in this year.  There are 48 students working on 20 projects. Some of her favorite projects are the food truck business plan and Halloween costumes for those with mobility aids.  She loves how the students have project boards and are working closely with clients.

G. Superintendent’s Report: 1:59:09

Superintendent Wendy Dau approved 9 student travel plans.

October is National Principal Appreciation Month.  Superintendent Dau communicated her tremendous respect and appreciation for principals.  We have incredible principals in PCSD.  

Strategic planning invitations went out and RSVPs are coming back.  The first meeting is Tuesday, October 17.

She addressed two emergency situations at Canyon Crest and Wasatch Elementary.  Appreciated Communications team and Operations team for working hard to get logistics figured out and communicated to parents.

She hopes everyone is following social media at all our schools.  The schools and principals are rocking it and doing amazing on social media.

Watch School Board Meeting on YouTube

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger

Bills and Resolutions for the 2025 General Session  HB0040: School Safety...
