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Study Session

Board Handbook Training: 1:08

Board Member Teri McCabe talked about updating the district mission statement, district aim statement and board goals.

Construction Update: 2:03

Timpview is getting close to moving into the academic wing.  Parking lot in the back has been repaved and lighting installed.  West side of the stadium is where the concessions and the tower to oversee multiple atheltic fields.  The team rooms will be underneath the bleachers.  Estimated move in date is Wednesday, November 29 through Friday, December 1.  There will be an early out on the move in dates as well as coordination and help for the teachers to get everything moved.   The current issue is that the motherboard of the elevator was fried when they got it.  A replacement is supposed to be here soon and installed in time.  If that doesn’t happen they will bump the move in date back one week. Principal Tu’ua has a planned open house in December.  The stadium is estimated to be complete in June.  The softball field will be completed last and will be done in August.     

The second story now has flat work.  They have plumbing and electrical.  Walls are starting to come up.   There are 2 parking lots – one for parents and  one for staff.  Wasatch will be a midyear move.

Shoreline is moving along very quickly.  Parking lots will have asphalt soon with an overlay being applied right after completion.  There is a roof on a commons area, with 2 trusses left to be installed.  Hallways and HVAC are going in.  Shoreline will be completed well before move in and the move in should be smooth.  

Fee Schedule Adjustment for THS and PHS AP Art Travel to NYC, second reading: 19:46

This is the second reading.  It will allow both high school bands to travel to NYC.  No public input was received between the readings.  Gina has been asked about fee waivers and if there is a deadline.  There is no deadline.  If you qualify for fee waivers, it also cover summer activities.

LEA Specific Licenses: 21:03

This is a follow up to the discussion about this topic in October.  LEA specific licenses continue throughout the year and there are more to be approved.  Deputy Superinendent Jason Cox requested moving this approval to the consent calendar.  Board Member McCabe asked if that starts next month.  It is added to the consent calendar this month.  Board Member Hales asked if we get additional funding with these teachers.  Deputy Superintendent Cox explained that the district receives money from the state for each teacher.  This license allows the state to provide money to the district for each teacher.  PCSD does give this money it receives to the teachers.  

Personnel Addition to Franklin Elementary: 23:03

Assistant Superintendent Jarod Sites presented.  Franklin Elementary is in CSI status.  There is a prevalence of special education and minority student and 9 of their 20 teachers are new.  There are significant behavioral challenges this year which is making it difficult for Principal Benson to focus on academics. Part of the action steps is to have the principal in the classroom and monitoring instruction.  $75,000 has recently become available through the state.  The proposal is to use these funds hire an assistant principal, which would free up the leadership team, as well as an instructional coach.  The recommendation is to hire the additional staff immediately.

Board Member McCabe asked if we can use an existing coach and assign to Franklin and hire a new coach for the district.  Superintendent Dau agreed that they would look into that. 

Student Board Member Max Joyner asked how successful an assistant principal  was.  Assistant Superintendent Sites talked about putting proper systems in place to make it successful.

Board Member Boyce appreciates the effort and expressesd wanting to make sure teachers have the support they need.

Superintendent Dau mentioned that the coach needs to be well versed in escalation strategies and behavior management.

Board Member McCabe asked about timeline.  If approved, we will post the positions the following day and will be filled by the Winter Break.

Policy Review: 38:00

Student Inclusion and Respect Policy: 38:17

Superintendent Dau presented on the work that has gone into this policy.  Eight K-12 teachers were invited to consult with the district on the policy.  They looked at other districts’ policies (Salt Lake, Logan, etc.)  The policy being presented was modeled after Logan School District’s policy and teacher feedback shared that it was a solid policy.  The Policy Committee reviewed the draft and changed some wording.  The proposed policy shows trust in our educators but will require training to make sure teachers are able to implement and follow correctly.  Expectations of students are also included. The next step will be to put out for public comment and then bring back for  second reading and vote in the December board meeting.

Student Board Member Will Weidner asked if more specifics will be provided.  Superintendent Dau said no.  He also asked about how students should report potential violations.  Superintendent Dau recommended telling parent, informing  administrators and/or using the  SafeUT app.

Board President Nielsen asked if there is, or needs to be, a procedure attached to this and what it would look like.  Board Vice President Partridge asked how we will teach how to create a safe space or how a principal addresses this with a teacher.

Board Member  Boyce mentioned paying attention to intent.  

Board Member Hales trusts that our teachers aren’t doing this but also that principals are there to take care of situations that may arise.  She encouraged everyone to learn and follow the process put in place to address concerns instead of immediately escalating it.

Board Vice President Partridge doesn’t feel totally settled on the title and suggested that the policy committee could look at it.

Board Member Van Wagenen asked how teachers were selected for this.  Superintendent Dau reported that Assistant Superintendents Sites and Jensen asked principals for teachers with varying points of view.

Board Member Boyce suggested adding the policy name after the number for the policies that are cited inside the policy.

Tax Increment Financing Policy: 52:20

Business Administrator Derek Anderson presented this policy. Based off of some RDA agreements that have been brought to the board, it was requested to look at how other districts handle these requests.  The new policy states that an outside assessment will be done for each agreement that is presented to the board to ensure that the public isn’t over-burdened.

Student Board Member Will Weidner asked who pays for it.  Business Administrator Anderson answered that the district will so that the third party represents the district

Board Member Van Wagenen asked how much that would cost.  Business Administrator Anderson expects it so cost less that $5000.

Board member Hall asked if we can make sure that these are updated on the website.  They will be.

Multiple board members asked questions about how the RDA process works.

The district will collect public input on the policy.

Inclement Weather Process Update: 1:05:43

Superintendent Dau reported on updates regarding the new process.  Principals were not comfortable with having strict guidelines for the at home learning.  Each principal will be deciding how it will look for their school.  The district will be doing a test run of the system this Friday (November 17)  at 2:00 p.m.  The district will communicate out the number that the phone call comes from and to update information in powerschool.  Additionally, if a 2 hour late start is called, the Transportation Department has requested that pickups on the benches automatically revert to the Below Bench Pickup Locations.

Board Vice President Partridge commented that she would like the caller ID to read Provo City School District 

Board Member Hall would like all inclement weather messages to reiterate that as alway as a parent it is your choice.

Social Media Lawsuit: 1:12:20

Business Administrator Derek Anderson presented that this is coming to the board for approval.  Attorney Joel Wright presented on it a couple meetings ago.  This will be  vote to join the lawsuit which states that social media companies knew about the harm social media has on students and they continued to target students – which has placed an undue burden on schools and district.

Strategic Planning Session 2: 1:21:38

The school board met with a member of the INSIGHT Education Consulting Group, Aurora Lora, to continue the process of developing the Strategic Plan for the district. For more detailed information, please view the study session on YouTube.

Consent Calendar Review and Questions: 2:39:32

Board Member McCabe asked questions about items in the Consent Calendar.  Business Administrator Anderson answered the questions that he could and will follow up with answers to the others.

Upcoming Google Calendar Items: 2:41:08

The board reviewed upcoming events that they have on their calendar in the near future.

Business Meeting

Opening Remarks: 1:16

Board Member Melanie Hall provided the opening remarks.

Pledge of Allegiance: 2:31

Bronco Anderson, 7th Grade DMS Student 

Employee Recognition: Provo Way Awards: 3:20

  • Stacy James – Amelia Earhart
  • Marni Story – Wasatch
  • Linda Moser – Lakeview
  • Tegan Bracha – Rock Canyon

School Report: Dixon Middle School: 7:44

Presented by Principal John Anderson 

Quick Facts

  • 887 enrollment
  • 53% Free & reduced
  • 18% English Language Learners
  • Testing CSI school

School Goal: Increase student growth and achievement through collective teacher efficacy and development of assessment capable learners.

Points of Pride

  • 1000% pass rate for advanced math
  • Advisor significant reduction in schoolwide behaviors and tardy
  • College prep mindset AVID
  • Promising STEM initiative, coding, and tech
  • Increasing levels of excellence in Performing arts
  • UVU and BYU partnerships mentoring
  • Hop squad
  • LIA


  • Planning for facility move
  • Mobility rate
  • Growing ELD needs
  • Low engagement in parent groups
  • Planning for Dual Immersion trends
  • Staffing challenges related to 29 hours

Strategies to increasing Student Achievement

  • PD for PLC
  • Cont. Safe, Positive and orderly
  • Engage more families in the learning process
  • Extended day program

Next Steps

  • Build on Current strengths
  • Confront the facts

Board Member Hales asked what they can do to support Dixon.  Anxiety and depression are real and affecting students.  Social and emotional component is a big factor.  

Board Member Boyce expressed gratitude.

Superintendent Dau talked about the culture and the feeling at Dixon and how kids feel like the adults care.

Board President Nielsen loves the history trips.  She also said none of her kids disliked middle school at Dixon.

Public Input: 37:19

  • Heather Skabelund: Came to comment on student inclusion and respect policy.  Parent of a 5th grader at Timpanogos that identifies as nonbinary.  It is reassuring to her student to see pride flags in classrooms. 
  • Jared Curtis:  Timpanogos and Dixon neighborhood.  His first comment was encouragement to join the social media lawsuit and to consider confiscating phones at school if the district is serious about the harms of social media.  His second comment was that he listened to the discussion about the student inclusion and respect policy in the study session.  He feels that it is a political issue and shared an experience from his child.  Does not want an open environment to talk about sexuality without their parents. 

Business Items: 43:43

Consideration to Approve Fee Schedule Adjustment: 43:57

This is the second reading.  It will allow both high school bands to travel to NYC. Approved Unanimously

Consideration to Approve Social Media Lawsuit: 45:07

This will be a vote to join the lawsuit which states that social media companies knew about the harm on students and they continued to target students which has placed an undue burden on schools and district. Approved Unanimously

Consideration to Approve Administrative Staff Additions for Franklin Elementary: 53:20

The proposal is to hire an assistant principal, freeing up the leadership team, as well as an instructional coach. Approved Unanimously

Consent Calendar: 55:14

  • Board Minutes
  • Personnel Report
  • Home School, School Choice, eSchool Report
  • Financial Reports

The Board of Education is required to approve items in the consent agenda as part of their legal responsibility. At every board meeting, items come to the agenda that need little if any discussion or debate either because they are routine procedures or already have unanimous consent. A consent agenda (Roberts Rules of Order calls it a consent calendar) allows the board to approve all these items together without discussion or individual motions. The consent calendar of the Board of Education of Provo School District contains routine items and reports related to approval of minutes, appointment or termination of employees, decisions related to school choice, the monthly financial report including purchases over $50,000, and other reports requiring no formal Board action.

Student Board Members’ Report: 55:47

Student Board Members Will Weidner and Max Joyner presented to the board on some of the work they have been doing. They met as a student council for the board at Timpview.  They discussed the consgruction at Timpview and the Valedictorian selection process  The current valedictorian process it is a complicated formula and Superintendent Dau is working on a different solution.  They have been having discussions around a process to student initiatives to be presented to the board and one student wants to talk to the board about electric bussing at next student/school board meeting.

Business Administrator’s Report: 58:08

Business Administrator Derek Anderson reported on the following:

  • Camp Big Springs – the city is open to some of the changes that were suggested.  Another meeting is taking place this week.
  • Shoreline is almost completely closed up with the roof.
  • Wasatch’s wall are coming up
  • Timpview is to a point now where the move in date is tentatively being announced as November 29 through December 1.  The students’ first day in the new part is December 4 as long as everything goes according to plan with repairing the motherboard on the elevator.

Board Member Roundtable: 1:00:07

Board President Nielsen: 1:08:53

reported on the Communications Committee calendar survey is out -the second one is released.  Test process for winter weather phone calls coming out Friday at 2.

Board Vice President Partridge: 1:04:00

Policy committee:  will look at feedback from policies after first reading.  Lots of policies that need to be updated to meet state code.

Kindness Clubs:  Getting feedback right now about the retreat to make it better next year and to determine how to continue to support schools in being kind.

USBA: Master Board Certification is due November 30.  They are talking about how to better advocate who they are so they are talking about hiring PR help.  Their conference in January 4-6 in Salt Lake.

Board Member Boyce: 1:00:14

Provo CAPS – just finished halloween costume project, business and digital design strands, with health strand they are getting job shadow experience, Invest Nest is coming up entrepreneurs pitch their ideas.  The three round of InvestNest happen in January, February, and March. 

Board Member Hall: 1:12:01

MTECH – Met 2 weeks ago at the Provo Center at the old Utah County Court House and went on a tour.  Construction is currently starting on the Payson campus and starting on the Heber campus in Spring.

Board Member Hales: 1:10:41

The Legislative Committee met with Senator McKell.  It was a good meeting.  The committee is still working on three more meetings. The legislature is doing their interim meetings and the legislative committee is keeping an eye on it and reminding legislators that we like local control.

Board Member Van Wagenen: 1:09:54

PEA and PESPA Liaison Meeting:  Biggest takeaway/concerns brought are things that Superintendent and Cabinet are working on, including more behavior support in schools.

Board Member McCabe: 1:02:25

Foundation meetings took place last week. Teacher grants will be awarded next week.  The Easter Basket Auction is Monday March 18 at Riverside  and the auction is starting to be planned.  SHe also reported on the Safety Committee purchasing cameras.

Superintendent’s Report: 1:12:48

  • Approved travel: 
    • PHS Softball Moab, March
    • PHS Baseball St. George, March
    • Foot Locker Cross Country Championships in California for PHS
  • Wednesday, November 15 is ESP Day. Be sure to thank and appreciate those employees. 
  • Two bills being discussed in the interim committee on sensitive materials and political neutrality.
  • Franklin cultural day is tomorrow – Wednesday, November 15.

Watch Study Session on YouTube

Watch Business Meeting on YouTube

Caleb Price
  • Director of Communications
  • Caleb Price

Bills and Resolutions for the 2025 General Session  HB0040: School Safety...
