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Study Session

FTE Discussion: 1:27

Superintendent Wendy Dau presented proposed changes to FTE and other sources of funding. The district would like to create a systematic approach for ensuring that FTE is allocated according to the needs of schools. 

Board President Nielsen suggested that we may need to look at adjusting the ML level 3-4 numbers at the middle schools to give the proper weight to the proper areas.  Superintendent Dau said they can look at that.

Board Member Boyce asked what the needs are to run programs like AVID and DLI. (are we being equitable to everyone in terms of supports)  Superintendent Dau also mentioned that we need to take academic proficiency of DLI students into account.

Board President Nielsen asked Superintendent Dau to explain why the 5 factors were chosen.

Board Vice President Partridge asked what the next steps will be.  Finance team will look and draft spreadsheets to determine the financial impact of the proposal.  Drafts will be presented to principals for feedback.

Board Vice President Partridge confirmed that overall, the model will provide more FTE.  Superintendent Dau confirmed but that it doesn’t guarantee that every school will receive more.

Board Member Hall asked about the high school numbers and Superintendent Dau explained.

Board Member Hall asked if we have building space.  That will be part of the conversation with principals.

Board Member Van Wagenen asked how increased enrollment mid year is captured.  Superintendent Dau shared that it isn’t since this is all allocated based on numbers on October 1.

Superintendent Dau will bring her draft back to the board in March.

Large Purchase Requests: 37:50 

Per Policy 6210 Purchasing, non-recurring purchase requests and those not approved with the capital projects list over $50,000 must have pre-approval from the Board of Education.

Director of Accounting Devyn Dayley presented the following large purchase requests before the board to be voted on tonight in the business meeting. 

1. Asbestos Abatement – $123,195 for Timpview Asbestos abatement.  This actually ended up less expensive than the original quote.$file/THS%20Asbestos%20Abatement%201.23.24.pdf 

2. Box Truck for Food Services – $119,438 for box truck for the warehouse that is used to deliver food to the schools.  The current truck is 22 years old and not working as it should.$file/Box%20Truck%20Large%20Purchase%201.23.24.pdf 

3. Technology – $82,119 for 31 Clear Touch monitors to replace outdated projectors and installation to Sunset View, $76,821 for 29 Clear Touch and installation to Timpanogos. Part of the 7 year rotation schedule and in the tech budget.$file/Tech%20Large%20Purchase%201.23.24.pdf

Board members asked about the timeline for asbestos removal to be complete and the teardown to be started and finished.  The asbestos removal is done and teardown will start Friday morning. The teardown process will take at least two weeks.

Preliminary Fee Discussion: 41:18

The board annually reviews the Fee Schedule Policy and Procedure. Director of Accounting Devyn Dayley lead the board through the review and discussed some changes being made to the policy and procedure. Policy 6160 Fee sheet that the board will approve is a maximum of what can be charged, not actual fees.  This is due to how far in advance the fees have to be approved.

Potential Google Purchase: 48:57

The district would like to consider an upgrade to our Google suite of services. This would not go on the board agenda until February for a vote. This was just an initial report to make the board aware of the discussion.$file/Google%20Workspace%20Request.pdf 

Parent Square: 51:45

Superintendent Dau discussed communication platforms that would allow the district to connect with families who may speak other languages more effectively. She discussed a few programs that have some great upgrades and then asked the board about proceeding with an RFP since it will likely be an expensive purchase as the district wants to make sure that we get the best platform possible.  The Board was open to moving forward with the RFP process.

Ideas from USBA Conference: 58:41

Board members, the superintendent, and the business administrator recently attended the Utah School Boards Association (USBA) conference.  Each board member, the superintendent, and the business administrator discussed ideas that were generated at the USBA conference. They also discussed what ideas to pursue or explore further.

Board President Rebecca Nielsen: 59:10

Her favorite course that she attended was about using teacher leadership as a way to retain teachers.

Board Vice President Jennifer Partridge: 1:13:21

She attended a course about enrollment strategies for rigorous courses.  Gave students a survey that she loved.   BYU President Shane Reese shared in his keynote that if a faculty member shows they care, the student’s engagement and well-being doubles.

Board Member Lisa Boyce: 1:04:06

She attend an Employee Engagement class which suggested starting with the things that are going well and focus on those strengths. Park City School District presented a session about using student enrollment strategies to help every student to access the most rigorous learning opportunities.  Park City participates in the Dream Big Program and partners with USU to focus on first generation students. The session talked about making sure that every student has at least one person that they consider a trusted adult.

Board Member Melanie Hall: 1:01:20

BYU President Shane Reese, in his keynote address, stated that “it must begin and end with students in mind.”  Board Member Hall would like to see this statement or idea included in the district’s strategic plan . We are not a monopoly anymore and we are competing for every seat.

Board Member Meg Van Wagenen: 1:10:49

Jordan School District presented a session on AI.  It’s like an electric bike.  The burden is less but the effort is multiplied.  Being ambidextrous with it.  Addressed data and privacy issues. Helps teachers increase time with students and helps student learn AI.

Board Member Teri McCabe: 1:02:22

Board Member McCabe shared her main takeaways from the session that she attended.

  • Strategic plan – How are we going to implement it after the plan is done?
  • How do you measure student motivation?
  • Logan School District – using  Gallup q12 to measure employee engagement
  • After doing data, check the high scores first and preserve what they are doing well

Board Member Gina Hales: 1:08:04

Davis School District AI Class – we need to accept AI as a fixture in students’ lives and accept it. We need to implement it intentionally and slowly.  Look at over-reliance on technology. Suggested having a steering committee for AI rollout.

Student Board Member Will Weidner: 1:06:32

Davis School District AI session talked about the philosophy behind AI,  stakeholders feedback, and forming a steering committee for AI rollout. He liked the idea of working with student members across the state and would like to see it more in the future.  He suggested the the board should make it a requirement for student board members to attend the conference in the future.

Collectively, the most discussed topic was AI.  The board asked Superintendent Dau to focus on AI and policies, including having support and systems in place and a framework through policy.  The also stated their desire to include innovation in our strategic plan and asked the district cabinet to discuss this.

Business Meeting: 1:27:22

Pledge of Allegiance: 1:28:22

Anne-Marie Harrison led the pledge of allegiance

Public Input

No public input

Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request (Asbestos Removal): 1:29:57

Asbestos Abatement – $123,195 for Timpview Asbestos abatement$file/THS%20Asbestos%20Abatement%201.23.24.pdf 

Motion passed unanimously

Consideration for Approval for Large Purchase Request (Box Truck for Nutrition): 1:30:58

Box Truck for Food Services – $119,438 for box truck$file/Box%20Truck%20Large%20Purchase%201.23.24.pdf 

Motion passed unanimously

Consideration to Approve Large Purchase Request (Tech Purchase): 1:32:08

Technology – $82,119 for 31 Clear Touch and installation to Sunset View, $76,821 for 29 Clear Touch and installation to Timpanogos$file/Tech%20Large%20Purchase%201.23.24.pdf

Motion passed unanimously

Click Here to Watch Full Board Meeting

Caleb Price
  • Director of Communications
  • Caleb Price