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Secondary Science Teaching Materials for grades 9-12 Solicitation #: 1100-2020-2

Purpose of Request for Proposal (RFP)

Provo City School District (PCSD) is seeking to adopt science teaching materials for students in high school science/SEEd courses, including: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth-Life Sciences. The goal in this adoption cycle is to provide up-to-date, research-based, relevant, and appropriate materials that will effectively support teaching and learning practices in our grades 9-12 classrooms.

Moreover, through the curriculum adoption process, PCSD aims to advance the Board of Education’s mission, vision, and values by improving access to (a) meaningful content, (b) increasing awareness of sound instructional practices, (c) providing technological assets that promote creativity, connections, and innovation, and (d) engaging students in rigorous activities/assessments.

The purpose of the RFP is to solicit complete proposals in accordance to the Proposal Response Format listed in the RFP, from agencies with expertise in providing high-quality, standards-aligned primary curricular resources for medium to large public-school districts. The selection and implementation of a primary curriculum is a complex process as it will serve a broad range of stakeholders. Therefore, experience with successful management of similar projects is important to this project’s success.

This RFP is designed to provide interested parties with sufficient basic information to submit proposals meeting minimum requirements, but is not intended to limit a proposal’s content or exclude any relevant or essential information. Respondents may expand upon the specifications as to provide further evidence of service capability under any proposed agreement. Bids will be evaluated, and each requirement will be scored. Emphasis will be placed on alignment to the Utah School Board of Education Core Standards (USBE) for Secondary Science/SEEd, research/evidence base for instructional strategies and resources, quality of supporting texts, support for content literacy practices, complementary digital resources, data privacy, set-up costs, initial training, and ongoing support.

Provo City School District reserves the right to reject all proposals or waive any non-statutory informality. The PCSD further reserves the right to make the contract award deemed by the Provo City School District Board of Education to be in the best interest of the district regardless of the selection committee’s evaluation and scoring. The Board’s decision to accept or reject the contract will be final. Upon completion of the curriculum adoption process and selection, Provo City School District will assume ownership of all materials provided as part of the proposal.

The Science Curriculum Adoption Committee is composed of highly-qualified teachers, district content specialists, school administrators, and community members. To ensure diverse, representational evaluations, the Committee is made up of members from various schools, grade-levels, and backgrounds. The committee will review evaluations and submit the final recommendation to the Provo City School District Board of Education. This multi-level evaluation process, involving numerous people, guarantees to each publisher equity and fairness in the bidding, evaluation, and selection process.

Respondents are strongly encouraged to carefully read the entire request for proposals. It is anticipated that this RFP may result in a contract award to a single contractor.

This RFP is designed to provide interested offerors with sufficient basic information to submit proposals meeting minimum requirements but is not intended to limit a proposal’s content or exclude any relevant or essential data. Offerors are at liberty and are encouraged to expand upon the specifications to evidence service capability under any agreement.

Provo City School District will not be liable for any costs proposers may incur in the preparation or presentation of this proposal.

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger