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The make-up day for the instructional time lost due to the weather-related cancellation of school on Monday, February 3 will be held on Tuesday, February 18.  This decision was made following consultation with district administration and the Provo Education Association (PEA), conversations with employees and parents, and after taking into account community members’ comments on social media and other platforms. 

All Provo City School District schools will now hold school on February 18 and will follow their usual Tuesday schedules. Buses also will be operating that day and will follow their usual schedules.  For any families and students that had already planned to be away on this day, schools will accept excused absences.  Please contact the school office to coordinate that absence.

Districts are expected to build a recovery day into their calendars to provide families and employees advance notice of the possible need and timing for a make-up day. The make up day had originally been scheduled for Monday, April 6, during Spring Break.  This change allows families to maintain any plans they may have for Spring Break.

February 18 had originally been scheduled as a professional development day for staff.  Plans for the professional development day will be finalized in the next couple of weeks.

Under Utah law, public schools must conduct school for at least 990 instructional hours over a minimum of 180 days each academic year, and recover any days lost due to inclement weather. The district petitioned the state for a waiver in order to not have to make up the day, but the petition was denied. 

Decisions to cancel school are never made lightly. The early morning call for a cancellation of school was made after consultation between District Administration, Transportation Department personnel, Maintenance Department personnel, Provo City personnel and neighboring school districts.  Weather forecasts and UDOT recommendations were also taken into consideration.  Following hours of discussion and coordination the night before, multiple district personnel began driving Provo streets at 3:00 a.m. on Monday morning.  Their reports of icy road conditions, as well as forecasts for continued heavy snow, UDOT recommendations to stay off the road, many employees commuting from throughout Utah and Salt Lake Counties, and neighboring school districts cancelling school contributed to the decision to cancel school. The safety of students and employees is always at the forefront of any decision regarding inclement weather changes.

For any more information regarding the policy and procedure related to inclement weather, please visit the district website at:

Caleb Price
  • Director of Communications
  • Caleb Price