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As we move into the winter season, we wanted to remind everyone of the snow procedures for when weather may affect the school day.  As in previous years, there are multiple options for adjusting the school day due to weather: below bench bus pickup, 2 hour late start and school cancellation.

As a reminder, the following are the steps that will be followed each morning to determine any action that may need to be taken:

  • Beginning the night before, district officials will monitor forecasted weather conditions and begin the process of notifying district personnel of their assignment for the following morning.
  • Snow removal crews will be dispatched in the early morning hours to clear parking lots. Please be aware that while crews work overnight on school parking lots throughout the district, if the snow accumulation is non-stop, it is difficult to stay on top of.  Our plow drivers work hard to make it to each of our 18 school sites to prepare the parking lots for school.
  • Beginning in the early morning hours, district officials will begin discussing road conditions with Provo City.  This is valuable information that the district receives from plow drivers across the city.
  • A crew of drivers will circulate throughout the city between 4 and 5 a.m. to get a more thorough picture of driving conditions. While we will never be able to see all of the side streets and cul-de-sacs, we should be able to get a bigger view than just the streets traveled by district transportation vehicles.
  • The decision will be made to be open or to delay school by 5:30 a.m. Then, by 5:45 a.m., this information will be posted on the district website and on district social media sites. Please be advised that if weather conditions change, a different decision may follow. Should cancellation, late start or below bench pickup be needed, parents will receive a phone call around 6 a.m. to notify them of the change in schedule.  We strive to be proactive in our communication: if there seems to be the possibility that people are wondering whether or not school will be in session, we will issue a statement one way or another.

As always, when there is inclement weather, parents are encouraged to do what they feel is in the best interest of their children.  Student absences and tardies due to inclement weather will be excused, but we ask that parents still communicate with the school that their child will be absent.

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger