Last modified: 19 3 月, 2025
Policy 4410 P4 Secondary Course Syllabus Requirements
All secondary teachers in the Provo City School District are required to provide course syllabi to each student at the beginning of each semester or yearlong course. Teachers shall make efforts to ensure that every student that enters the course after the official start date receives a copy of the course syllabus. All syllabi shall be posted to each school’s website.
Each syllabus shall have, at a minimum, the following information. Additional information may be added as appropriate to the course.
Required Information
1. Course Description / Overview / Welcome Statement
- Course Title
- Credit Type and Amount
- Grade Level
- General Description
- Course Highlights
2. Learning Expectations
- Interim Objectives / Learning Targets
- Grading Rubric
- Performance Expectations (Criterion-Based Grading)
- Differentiation (GT Plan, etc.)
3. Assessment of Progress and Achievement
- Formative Assessments
- Summative Assessments
- Success Criteria
- Calendar and Schedule of All Interim and Summative Assessments
- Student Role in Assessment (if students are involved)
This section answers the questions, “How will you, the teacher, determine how I am doing and how will I, the student, know how well I am doing?” Grades are not addressed in this section.
4. Course Materials
- Texts
- Supplemental Materials
- Supplies Needed
5. Classroom Procedures
- Attendance, Absences, Tardiness, Hall Passes, etc.
- Make-Up Work, Late Work
- Classroom Rules and Expectations
- Behavioral Expectations
- Expectations Regarding Common Formats for Homework, Labs, Reports, etc.
- Homework
6. Calendar of Due Dates for Major Assignments
Include all major assignments and projects for each term.
7. Progress Reports and Report Cards
- How to Find Out the Teacher’s Perspective on Student Progress
- Purpose of Formal Progress Reports and What They Communicate
- How Report Card Grades Are Determined
8. Connecting Home to School (Optional)
- Parent/Guardian and Student Signature or Contracts
- Resources for Parents to Assist and Support Students Through the Course
- Guidelines for Parents/Guardians to Contact the Teacher
9. Personal Statement and Other Items (Optional)
This is a place to provide advice on how to achieve success in the course and encourage students to use resources available to them if they struggle, beginning with the teacher.
There may be other activities and opportunities that are not part of the class but are logically linked to it (e.g., school clubs, competitions, lecture series, etc.), and this is a good place to challenge students to consider them.
2017 年 3 月 6 日
Related Policies, Procedures and Forms
- Graduation and Related Requirements
- Procedure 1 Graduation and Related Requirements
- Procedure 2 Early Graduation
- Procedure 3 Current Courses Meeting the Criteria for Graduation Requirements
- Procedure 4 Secondary Course Syllabus Requirements
- Procedure 5 Graduation: Modifications to Diploma Requirements
- 4410 表 1 提前毕业申请表
- 4410 表格 2 高中学生提前毕业申请表
- 4410 表格 3 毕业及相关要求 - 初中的高中课程
- 4410 表格 4 修改文凭要求申请表