Last modified: 19 3 月, 2025
Policy 4410 P1 Graduation and Related Requirements
This procedure has been developed to implement the related policy. The guidelines outlined here serve as a formal framework for graduation requirements and associated details for receiving a high school diploma in Provo City School District.
High School Diplomas
Three types of diplomas are available to students. These diplomas meet the requirements set by the State of Utah and the Provo City School District Board of Education.
- High School Advanced Diploma – Available to students who meet the district requirement of 27 credits.
- High School Diploma – The primary diploma of the district. Students are counseled and placed on a track to complete the requirements for this diploma upon entering 9th grade. Its requirements reflect the knowledge and skills needed for success after high school.
- High School Standard Diploma – Available to students who meet the minimum state and district requirement of 24 credits. This diploma is intended to meet the individual needs of students and should only be considered in collaboration with a student’s parent and school counselor.
- Alternate Diploma – Available to a student with significant cognitive disabilities or who has received modifications to state and district graduation requirements through the IEP process. See Policy 4160 for further details.
The type of diploma a student receives will be reflected on the student’s official transcript. However, no distinction will be made on the diploma certificate presented during the commencement ceremony.
Students who have completed the requirements to receive a diploma, regardless of the diploma type, are eligible to participate in the school’s commencement ceremony.
High School Academic Credits
A credit or fraction thereof will be given upon satisfactory completion of a course or learning experience in compliance with state, district, or school course standards. Credits are granted in increments of .25, although credits at the alternative school may be issued differently. On some occasions, students may also earn credit on a performance basis, with preapproval from the school principal. Credit may be awarded only once for a specific required course with the same content during secondary school. Please also refer to Policy 4425.
Graduation Courses and Credits
To prepare for college and career opportunities after high school, all students entering high school will be placed on a 27-credit diploma track.
Subject Area | Credits Toward Advanced Diploma | Credits Toward Standard Diploma | Course Information |
Language Arts/English | 4.0 | 4.0 |
数学 | 3.0 | 3.0 | Shall be met minimally through successful completion of a combination of the foundation or foundation honors courses:
科学 | 3.0 | 3.0 | Shall be met minimally through successful completion of two courses from the following science foundation areas:
Or one of the following Computer Science courses:
And one additional unit of credit from either foundation courses or applied/advanced science courses as approved by the Board. |
社会学 | 3.0 | 3.0 |
藝術 | 1.5 | 1.5 |
体育 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
职业技术教育 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
Education Technology | 0.5 | 0.5 | Digital Literacy course |
金融知识 | 0.5 | 0.5 | |
Electives | 8.5 | 5.5 | |
Total Credits | 27 Credits | 24 Credits |
Further details on required and available courses are found in each high school’s Curriculum/Planning Guide.
Each student must work with their counselor to select the most appropriate courses of study.
Additional Clarifications from R277-700 & 705
- An LEA shall use Board-approved summative adaptive assessments to assess student mastery of the following subjects:
- Reading
- Language arts through grade 11
- 数学
- 科学
- An LEA board may require a student to earn credits for graduation that exceed the minimum Board [state] requirements.
- An LEA board may establish and offer additional elective course offerings at the discretion of the LEA board.
- An LEA may modify a student’s graduation requirements to meet the unique educational needs of a student if:
- The student has a disability; and
- The modifications to the student’s graduation requirements are made through the student’s individual IEP.
- An LEA shall document the nature and extent of a modification, substitution, or exemption made to a student’s graduation in the student’s IEP.
- The [state] Board and [state] Superintendent may review an LEA board’s list of approved courses for compliance with this rule.
- An LEA may modify graduation requirements for an individual student to achieve an appropriate route to student success if the modification:
- Is consistent with:
- The student’s IEP
- SEOP/Plan for College and Career Readiness
- Is maintained in the student’s file
- Includes the parent’s signature
- Maintains the integrity and rigor expected for high school graduation, as determined by the [state] Board.
- Is consistent with:
- An LEA may award an alternate diploma to a student with a significant cognitive disability if:
- The student accesses grade-level Core standards through the Essential Elements.
- The student’s IEP team makes graduation substitutions in the same content area, from a list of alternative courses approved by the Superintendent.
- The student meets all graduation requirements prior to exiting school at or before age 22.
- An alternate diploma issued in accordance with Subsection (1) may not indicate that the recipient is a student with a disability.
- Notwithstanding the award of an alternate diploma, an LEA may still be obligated to provide FAPE to an eligible student in accordance with the IDEA.
- The Superintendent shall provide a list of alternative courses that may be considered for students with cognitive disabilities working to receive an alternate diploma.
- An LEA may submit courses to the Superintendent to be considered for possible inclusion on the list required by Subsection (4)(a).
- The Superintendent shall annually update the list of alternative courses required under Subsection (4)(a) following review of LEA recommendations made under Subsection (4)(b).
Additional Information on Courses and Graduation Credits
A student will receive a diploma only if they earn the appropriate number of credits required and in the respective areas of study, as outlined in the table above. Students with IEPs may have graduation requirements modified to accommodate specific individual needs. See Policy 4160.
High School Credit Requirements
- High school credit (credit toward graduation) will be awarded for successful completion of a specified unit of study. In Provo City School District, successful completion means:
- Earning a passing grade according to established grading practices.
- Demonstrating proficiency/mastery of content standards as determined by the district.
- Successfully completing an established number of hours of planned instructional activities as determined by the district.
While other forms of courses may count toward graduation students (and their parents) should never assume that their high school will automatically accept credits from other institutions. Students must stay in close contact with their counselor to ensure all course credits will count toward the established graduation requirements.
Special Course Options
- Advanced Placement (AP) Courses: AP courses are rigorous high school courses sponsored and overseen by the College Board. Each AP course has an associated exam that may grant college-level credit upon successful completion.
- Concurrent Enrollment: Courses and instructors are reviewed and approved, with credit offered through State Universities. These courses may generate both high school and college-level credit.
- Correspondence Courses: The district Teaching and Learning department determines which credits will be recognized. Approval is required before taking a correspondence course, and credit is limited to two (2) courses, provided:
- Prior permission is granted by the principal or designee.
- The course fits within the student’s educational plan.
- The program is from an approved institution.
- Requests for exceptions to the restrictions on Correspondence Courses noted above must be made in written form to the high school principal.
- Internships (On-campus and Off-campus): 11th and 12th grade students may participate in internships on-campus with a teacher or office or off-campus with a local business partner. On-campus interns may work with a teacher or office to assist in the responsibilities in that area, provided it is not during a teacher’s preparation time and provided the student is on track for graduation. Students enrolled in Internship must complete course requirements as defined by the Work-based Learning Coordinator. Grades for this course and credit will be issued by the Work-based Learning Coordinator in connection with the internship site. Students may earn up to 2 credits per year and 4 credits total from internships. Students may only assist teachers and/or office on-campus if they are enrolled in the Internship program.
- Work Experience Credit: 11th and 12th grade students currently employed may work with their school counselor to petition for up to 1 elective credit. Students must submit official paycheck stubs to their counselor and complete the Petition for Credit form. Minimum of 45 hours is required to earn each quarter (.25) credit. If credit is approved, students will receive a Pass/Fail grade on their transcript. Students may earn up to 1 credit total per year from work experience.
- High School Extracurricular Athletics: Students participating in high school extracurricular athletics may be eligible to receive a 0.5 credit.
Graduation Credit-Tracking and Progress
Students should strive to maintain a full schedule throughout their high school experience. Some students may wish to have up to one class period per year as a non-credit period (release time), but all students must understand that failing a course at any time in their high school experience can place them at risk of non-graduation. Further, post-secondary institutions closely scrutinize student transcripts for rigor during the application/entry process.
Minimum Credits Required for Graduation Tracking
Diploma Type | Credits Before 10th Grade | Credits Before 11th Grade | Credits Before 12th Grade | Comments |
Advanced Diploma (27 credits) | 7 | 14 | 21 | The minimum number of credits a student should have earned before the start of each respective grade to be considered on-track for graduation. |
Standard Diploma (24 credits) | 6 | 12 | 18 | The minimum number of credits a student should have earned before the start of each respective grade to be considered on-track for graduation. |
Diplomas and Certificates Awarded in Provo City School District
- High School Advanced Diploma will be awarded to eligible students who have completed the 27 credits standard and the following:
- Enrolled in and attended the awarding school for at least the final semester of his/her senior year.
- Completed the academic requirements established by the Utah State Board of Education in Administrative Code.
- Completed the additional academic course requirements as determined by the Provo City School District Board of Education.
- High School Standard Diploma will be awarded to eligible students who have completed the 24 credits standard and the following:
- Been enrolled, at least for one semester prior to graduation, in a district high school program.
- Completed the academic requirements established by the Utah State Board of Education in Administrative Code.
- Alternate Diploma or Certificate of Completion may be awarded to students who are in specialized programs, have an associated Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and/or will be continuing their education in the specialized program post-graduation.
- Certificate of Academic Participation may be awarded to 12th grade foreign exchange students who hold an F1 visa.
Specific requests for diplomas outside of the above guidelines will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Families should consider the second semester requirement for graduation when considering activities or other decisions. The deadline for students to complete credits to earn a diploma for their graduation class whose commencement took place the previous May is September 30.
National Guard High School Career Training Credit
National Guard High School Career Training Credit may be granted for National Guard high school career training in lieu of either required or elective high school credits. Approval by the District shall be obtained prior to a student’s participation in a National Guard training program as follows:
- MIL Form 115 or an equivalent form now or hereafter provided by the National Guard shall be completed and filed with the School District.
- The number of credits toward high school graduation to be granted shall be calculated, agreed upon by the student and an authorized representative of the School District, and such agreement noted on MIL Form 115 or such equivalent form.
Credit toward high school graduation may be granted by the School District upon certification by a National Guard training unit commander on the completion component of MIL Form 115 or such equivalent form that the student has met all program requirements.
- See also Policy 4425.
Commencement Ceremony
Participation in a commencement (graduation) ceremony is an opportunity and not a protected right. Participation may be denied as a disciplinary measure or if a student refuses to comply with graduation ceremony standards established and developed at the individual school. To participate in graduation ceremonies, students must fulfill all graduation requirements by the end of the last term of their senior year. Students participating in a commencement ceremony must have been enrolled in the school during the final semester of his/her senior year. Exceptions: per early graduation rules. A student may only participate in one high school commencement ceremony. A student that is dual enrolled in two or more schools in the district will be required to participate in the commencement ceremony at the school of his or her primary enrollment and will only receive one diploma. Under unique and rare circumstances, building principals may coordinate and permit a dual-enrolled student to participate at a commencement ceremony other than at the school of primary enrollment. The student, however, will only participate in one ceremony and receive one diploma.
Commencement Ceremony Guidelines
Each high school’s commencement ceremonies will be conducted according to the following guidelines:
- Will be held to honor those students meeting the state, district, and school graduation requirements: all participating students will be eligible for a diploma or certificate as noted earlier in this procedure.
- Are intended to be dignified events, and such standards are expected of the participating students and all in the audience.
- Will be planned and conducted with care given to the financial demands placed on graduates and their families. The financial demands should be reasonable and should not exclude any participant.
- Will be scheduled and confirmed by September 30 each year. The date, time, and location for commencement will be regularly advertised within the school community and the district throughout the school year.
- Shall be held at the end of the school year, typically in the month of May. An alternate Fall Commencement Ceremony shall be held in the month of October for students completing graduation requirements by September 30.
- Require students to adhere to dignified dress and grooming standards, and students must wear the prescribed cap and gown during the entire commencement ceremony as directed by school officials. Mantles, cords, insignias, or approved medals may also be worn, according to the established and approved school guidelines.
- On rare occasions, a student may request an exception to the traditional cap and gown. School officials will consider these requests on a case-by-case basis to ensure that it maintains the tradition and decorum of the commencement ceremony. For example, a student that has completed formal military training may request to wear a military uniform.
- In coordination with commencement venues, every effort should be made to schedule commencement ceremonies in the late afternoon or early evening to accommodate parents and families. On the rare occasion when a ceremony must be scheduled prior to 3:00 pm, formal Board approval must be granted.
A student who receives special education or related services may participate in commencement according to guidelines in Policy 4160. During the commencement ceremony, students will receive a diploma cover. Immediately after the ceremony, the student will be issued the earned diploma or certificate.
Early Graduation
“Early Graduation” means any secondary school public school student who has completed all required courses or sufficiently demonstrates mastery of mandated competencies prior to the conclusion of the 12th grade. A student may be granted the opportunity to graduate early from the school with the additional requirements of:
- Having submitted the Early Graduation Plan form 4410 F1 (with parent signature, if applicable) to the respective school counselor by Nov. 15 of the student’s senior year.
- Counselor approval and verification.
- Principal approval.
A student wishing to graduate early may be permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony under the same conditions noted earlier in this procedure.
Approval and Revision Dates:
- Approved: March 25, 2016
- 已修订: 2017 年 3 月 20 日
- May 14, 2018
- April 23, 2019
- October 28, 2019
- Graduation and Related Requirements
- Procedure 1 Graduation and Related Requirements
- Procedure 2 Early Graduation
- Procedure 3 Current Courses Meeting the Criteria for Graduation Requirements
- Procedure 4 Secondary Course Syllabus Requirements
- Procedure 5 Graduation: Modifications to Diploma Requirements
- 4410 表 1 提前毕业申请表
- 4410 表格 2 高中学生提前毕业申请表
- 4410 表格 3 毕业及相关要求 - 初中的高中课程
- 4410 表格 4 修改文凭要求申请表