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This week’s feature is Jocelyn Child, a fifth grade duel immersion teacher at Canyon Crest Elementary.  Jocelyn teaches because she believes in education and the power knowledge has to change lives. She also hopes that teaching children Spanish will help brighten their future. Here is what she wrote about teaching.

Why I Teach…

by Jocelyn Child

I teach because I believe in education and that the power of knowledge can make a difference for the better. I believe that education can change lives and even future generations to come. I love teaching my students my native language Spanish and I am hopeful this new skill can bring them new opportunities to brighten their futures. I teach with the hope that I can touch the hearts and minds of my students. I hope something I say or do inspires them to do better in their own lives and for their country. I enjoy teaching because I am surrounded by wonderful people at Canyon Crest elementary, people that help and inspire me to be a better teacher day after day. I love the fact that every day is a new adventure because I never know what things my students will come up with tomorrow. My seatbelt is buckled and I am enjoying the ride!

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger