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Last modified: December 17, 2020

Monitoring and Medicaid Support


Some of the indicators that all school districts and charter schools are monitored annually by the Utah State Board of Education Special Education Department include: IEP and Eligibility Timelines, Participation and proficiency rates of students with disabilities on statewide assessments for English Language Arts and Math for grades 3 thru 8 and 10, school to post school transition outcomes, and graduation rates.

PCSD conducts a self-audit of files from each school annually on IEP and eligibility timelines, appropriate completion of all sections of the IEP, and on parent participation. PCSD uses a secure online system (PCG Goalview) to develop IEPs and meet all IDEA paperwork requirements.


School-Based Skills Development services that are medically necessary diagnostic, preventative, and treatment services. These services include therapeutic interventions designed to ameliorate motor impairments, sensory loss, communication deficits, and/or psycho-social impairments. These services are specifically designed to enhance a student’s health and functional abilities and/or prevent further deterioration. They are necessary for the student to benefit from special education. Based on parental consent, PCSD receives allowable reimbursement from Utah Medicaid for all medical services provided to students with an IEP.

We’re here to help. Please reach out to Joy Stoddard for support in Goalview and Medicaid.

Joy Stoddard

  • Title: Compliance/Medicaid Manager
  • Email: 

Angela Barker

  • Title: Medicaid Assistant
  • Email: 

Lena Vaieland

  • Title: Assistant
  • Email: 