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As a reminder, beginning next Monday, February 1, students at all secondary schools (including Provo High School) will transition to attending school five days per week.  Students will attend in-person on Monday – Friday and continue to follow the current shortened day schedule.  All elementary schools have already transitioned to this five-day schedule and will remain on that schedule.

Provo City School District feels it is important to the development and well-being of students to provide more face to face instruction. Working closely with the local Health Department on maintaining safety and health standards, Provo’s education model has returned to in-person learning each day. The school district has therefore reinstated the Student Attendance Policy and expects students to attend daily. As outlined in the policy, schools will continue to work with families on verifying valid reasons for absence such as illness, family emergencies, approved school activities, etc. In light of the current public health conditions, students who are ill are encouraged to stay home (see policy 3413 P1).

Beginning in February, the school district will activate the automated calling system to help inform parents when students are marked absent. Upon receiving the call, parents are encouraged to notify the school to excuse absences immediately, or at least within two school days of returning to school.  

In the limited number of cases that students are continuing to participate with the school district’s online learning programs (eSchool, Homebound), weekly participation will continue to be monitored and recorded by teachers and administrators to ensure that students are meeting standards for engagement in virtual learning. Please refer to the FAQ included at the end of this email with any questions. Please reach out to your school administration with any further questions about this transition and/or attendance policy.


What if my child is sick? 

As individuals frequently are hearing in CDC Health Guidelines, students should be kept home from school when they feel sick.  Specific conditions and symptoms to watch for (including COVID-19) are outlined in District Policy 3413 P1.

What if my child is sick but has tested negative for COVID? –

If they are experiencing any symptoms of communicable illness, including COVID-19, they should remain home until symptom-free.

Does an illness still require a doctor’s note? 

No – however, the school district reserves the right to request a doctor’s release prior to a student returning to school. 

Will my child be summoned to truancy court if they miss more than 10 days of school? 

School staff and district truancy officers will work with families on identifying causes for poor attendance.  Especially during this time of health emergency due to the pandemic, a set number of absences will not automatically result in severe consequences.  Referrals to outside agencies (DCFS, Juvenile Court) will only take place after a number of school-based interventions are attempted and notice is given of last efforts to resolve the attendance problem.

Will this encourage people to send their child to school sick? 

Again – our first priority is health and safety.  Schools and staff are committed to working with families dealing with an illness that requires children to miss school.

What if I need to take my child to the doctor or dentist? 

As in the past, the need to go to medical appointments continues to be a reasonable excused absence.  For routine check-ups and appointments, we encourage families to work around instructional hours at school.  With the early release schedule, afternoon appointments would be recommended.

What if there is a sick child in my child’s classroom – will the child be sent home? 

Students who report or appear to be experiencing symptoms of an illness are referred to the school’s Health Office to be evaluated along with communication to parents about appropriate measures, including the possibility of going home.

Caleb Price
  • Director of Communications
  • Caleb Price