Last modified: March 5, 2025
4020 Procedure 3: Supplementary Novels for Secondary ELA Core Standard Instruction Approval
- Download 4020 Procedure 3: Supplementary Novels for Secondary ELA Core Standard Instruction Approval
- All novels used for instruction in grades 7 – 12 must be included in a teacher’s disclosure document at the start of each school year.
- Novels not included on the “Approved – Full Text” list are considered supplemental and must be approved prior to use.
- To ensure a focused and manageable approval process, each school may submit one supplementary novel per grade level annually for approval consideration.
- Novels submitted by Jan. 31st will be considered for approval for the following school year.
- Submission Process:
- Grade-level recommendation
- As a school-based grade level team, teachers will decide if a book will be submitted for approval consideration. Teachers will evaluate novels based on the criteria in the Supplementary Novel Submission Form. The following criteria are included in the submission form:
- Guidelines for Educational Relevance and Compliance
- Evidence of appropriateness from outside source (ex; GoodReads)
- Aligned to the Utah Core Standards
- In compliance with school and district policies regarding content, appropriateness, and use.
- Enriches and supports the district-approved curriculum through evidence-based practices
- Age appropriate
- Accurate and factual
- Reflect contributions from authors, artists, or appropriate experts in the field that represent diverse viewpoints, ethnic and cultural backgrounds and experiences
- Representative of and contributes to a balanced perspective of diverse cultures
- Has been vetted for biases and stereotypes related to sex, race,
- religion, sexual orientation, disability, or gender identity
- Accessible to all students with scaffolding
- School-based Grade Level Assurances
- The submission of this novel has the support of the full grade-level team from the submitting school.
- This is the only submission from this grade/school for this year.
- The submitting teacher, who has obtained administrator approval, will serve on the Teaching & Learning Evaluation Committee, as outlined below, for the duration of this approval process.
- As a school-based grade level team, teachers will decide if a book will be submitted for approval consideration. Teachers will evaluate novels based on the criteria in the Supplementary Novel Submission Form. The following criteria are included in the submission form:
- Teaching & Learning Evaluation Committee
- A Teaching & Learning committee, comprised of the following members, will consider the novel submission for potential approval:
- T&L director
- Curriculum Specialist(s)
- Teacher from submitting school/grade
- Member(s) of district ELA committee
- Other?
- A submitted novel will be read in its entirety by all committee members
- Novels will be evaluated based on the criteria indicated in the Novel Submission Form.
- A Teaching & Learning committee, comprised of the following members, will consider the novel submission for potential approval:
- MTSS Approval
- The T&L director will present the committee’s findings and recommendation to MTSS for final approval.
- Grade-level recommendation
- Approved supplementary novels will be added to the district “Approved – Full Text List” for the appropriate grade level and may be used across all schools.
- Novels on this list will not be purchased with district-based funds but may be purchased with school-based funds.
- The use of school funds for supplementary novels will be at the discretion of building principals.
- Novels on this list will not be purchased with district-based funds but may be purchased with school-based funds.
- In accordance with Utah Code 53-10-103, the titles indicated below have been determined to contain Objective Sensitive Materials and have met the statewide threshold of removal from 3 districts OR 2 districts and 3 charters and must be removed from all schools.