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Last modified: January 5, 2024

4125 P1 Enrollment in District Instructional Programs with Limited Student Access

Accelerated Academic Programs (formerly known as Gifted and Talented Students)

Provo City School District provides differentiated instruction for students with high academic ability and potential. These instructional services occur in various settings, including regular classes (through differentiated instruction and groupings), in specialized classes, and in specialized full-time programs. Teachers provide differentiated instruction to meet the varying needs of students in regular classes; teachers receive differentiated curricular materials and training to provide such instruction. Additionally, teachers in regular classes utilize intra-class and inter-class groupings to meet needs of specific groups of students. In some cases, students benefit from full-time courses and programs. Provo City School District provides such instruction at each school level:

Elementary School Level

CAS: The Center for Accelerated Studies

CAS is a full-time magnet program that serves students with very high academic ability and potential in grades 4, 5 and 6 at one of two district sites, one in each high school boundary. After an assessment and review process, the top 30 4th, 5th, and 6th graders at each CAS site will be invited to enroll in the program.

Invitation to CAS

Parents/guardians of third grade students will be notified of the CAS program, invitation process, and CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) testing dates in December of each year. CogAT testing will occur on several dates and at several sites in January. CogAT scores (which are percentiles) will be available to parents and schools on Power School as soon as scores are processed. District personnel will review and rank CogAT assessments and extend invitations in ranked order. Priority will be given to students residing in Provo City. The first round of CAS invitations will be sent to parents by March 25. District personnel will continue to notify parents of acceptance into the program until it has reached the capacity of 30 students per class.

CogAT testing will be offered in May and July for third graders who move in after January and for students whose parents desire retesting (according to CogAT’s protocol, at least twelve months must occur between test administrations). Should CAS openings occur in grade 5 and 6 classrooms, district personnel will review prior CogAT scores and offer acceptance to students using the criteria previously listed.

Secondary Level

Advanced courses and programs

Provo City School District provides specialized courses and programs for students with high academic ability and potential at secondary schools. These include: honors classes, gifted classes, AP (Advanced Placement) courses, and CE (concurrent enrollment at universities) courses, as well as pathways for students to receive university Associates degrees at high school graduation. High school credit-bearing courses are offered in the middle schools.

Application to advanced courses and programs

Parents/guardians and students apply for specialized classes and courses by working with teachers and counselors to plan appropriate academic schedules. In doing so, students can participate in one or more subject areas at an accelerated pace (assuring any prerequisites are successfully met). Parents are invited to participate with students and counselors in annual meetings each year to plan appropriate coursework for students with high academic ability and potential.


January 14, 2014

Revised: March 14, 2017; May 18, 2021

Policy and Procedures

Policy No. 4125 Enrollment in District Instructional Programs with Limited Student Access

4125 P2 Enrollment in District Instructional Programs with Limited Student Access: Elementary School Dual Language Immersion Enrollment and Selection of Students for School Based District Programs

4125 P3 Enrollment in District Camp Big Springs with Limited Student Access: Elementary School Camp Big Springs Enrollment and Selection of Students for the District’s Outdoor Education Program
