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Last modified: August 28, 2024

Policy No. 3413 Communicable Disease

Communicable Diseases

The following are conditions of special concern to us for which children should be kept home and when necessary, diagnosed and treated by a licensed clinician before returning to school or day care:

  1. Colds/Flu

    • A person with coughing, sneezing, chills, general body discomfort, fatigue, fever, and discharge from the nose and/or eyes, should be kept home until fever is resolved for 48 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) and any yellow or green drainage is resolved.
  2. COVID-19

    1. A person testing positive and/or has symptoms should stay home until:

    2. at least 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

    3. AND have no fever for at least 24 hours

      • In all cases, parents should follow the guidance of their doctor.

      • Don’t hesitate to stay home when sick.AND other symptoms have improved.

  3.   Persistent Cough

    • A cough lasting longer than 3-4 days especially if it induces vomiting, passing out or a cough that is productive of colored sputum.

  4. Diarrheal Diseases

    • An increase in the number of bowel movements compared with the child’s normal pattern with watery or unformed stools which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, headache, and/or fever should be resolved for at least 24 hours before returning to school. If any kind of stool softeners (fleets, enema, laxative, tee.) are administered, please keep student home for at least 24 hours.

  5. Pinkeye or Conjunctivitis

    • Symptoms of conjunctivitis include redness, discharge from eye, matted eyelashes, and burning or itching eyes and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider. The individual must have the symptoms resolved or be treated with a topical antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
  6. Open wounds or sores

    • Wounds that are open or draining should be kept covered with a dressing.
  7. Vomiting

    • Nausea with emesis. Must be free of vomiting for 24 hours prior to returning to school or 72 hours if Norovirus is  suspected.
  8. Strep throat or other bacterial infection

    • Should be treated with an antibiotic for at least 24 hours, and fever-free for at least 24 hours.
  • Temperature over 100.4

    • Must be afebrile for 24 hours without the use of medicine that reduces fevers before returning to school.
  1. Skin Rash

    • The presence of any skin rash that might be due to an infection should be evaluated by a healthcare professional or resolved before returning to school.
  2. Pediculosis (Head Lice)

    1. If a student is suspected of having head lice at school, a designated school employee shall discreetly check for live lice or nits (eggs). Care should be taken to protect the privacy of the student and family. In the case where the student is found to be infected, parent(s)/guardian(s) of the child will be immediately notified and provided information about “Evidence-based Treatment Options” and steps to follow. At the parent’s/guardian’s discretion, the child may be either checked-out or sent home at the end of the day. To the extent possible, head lice should not contribute to student absenteeism; therefore, removal of the child from school is usually unnecessary. If the infected student remains at school, the child should be restricted from activities involving head-to-head contact or sharing of personal items with other children until treated. If additional cases of head lice occur with other students in the same classroom, the principal may choose to send home the “Head Lice Information” letter to the parent/guardians of children in that class. Due to privacy concerns and the potential psychological impact, classroom-wide or grade level student head checks are strongly discouraged unless unusual circumstances warrant it.

Contents will change periodically per health department guidelines.

Individuals in charge of schools shall work with the Utah County Health Department regarding any individual suffering from or suspected of having a disease that is communicable. When deemed appropriate, the school district reserves the right to request a doctor’s release prior to a student returning to school.

For additional guidelines regarding public health and contact information for the Utah County Health Department.

Legal References and Synopses:

UT State Code 26-6-6 

  • Duty to report individuals suspected of having communicable disease.

Utah County Health Department

  • Policy for Dealing with Communicable Disease in the School/Day Care Setting

Procedures and Forms:
