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Last modified: March 3, 2025

1005 P1: Board Powers and Duties


One of the primary responsibilities of the Board of Education established by the Utah State Legislature is to “adopt bylaws and policies for the local school board’s own procedures” (Utah Code §53G-4-402.16). Provo City School District’s policy reinforces this responsibility to “adopt policies, rules, regulations, and bylaws as the Board may deem proper for the operation of the Board and for the control and management of the district’s schools” (PCSD Policy 1005).

Policy Committee:

A policy committee will be utilized to support the Board of Education in drafting and adopting policies. This policy committee will consist of no more than three board members, the Superintendent, the Business Administrator, and other members of district leadership, depending on the policies discussed. This committee will meet at least once a month unless no policies are needed for discussion or referral to the full Board.


Board members serving on the policy committee collaborate with district leadership to review and update policies as required by changes in legislation. The Board of Education and/or members of district leadership may request that the policy committee create new policies or review current policies to further clarify the work of the district.

Policies will be introduced to the Policy Committee before being taken to the whole Board of Education for a vote and possible implementation. When a new policy has been introduced to and discussed by the Policy Committee, the members will recommend one of the following:

  1. Further information is needed from legal counsel or district leadership
  2. Further edits and revisions are necessary before taking the policy to the full Board
  3.  The policy should be placed on the agenda for the next board meeting during study session for discussion by the full Board.

The Policy Committee will recommend the policy be brought for a vote or for discussion only. Unless a policy is a clearcut process or requirement from state law, each policy should go through at least two readings before the full Board before a vote is taken for implementation.

If the Policy Committee determines that a policy must go through at least two readings, then the following will take place once the policy has gone before the full Board for an initial discussion:

  1. The policy will be adjusted and revised by district leadership based on the feedback received from the full Board during study session;
  2. The policy will be placed on the district’s website to obtain feedback from the public prior to a second reading;
  3. The revised policy will be brought back to the policy committee for further discussion to ensure that the revisions accurately reflect the discussion of the full Board;
  4. The policy will either be sent back to district leadership for further revision or will be sent back to the Board for further readings and possible adoption.

Once a policy has been through the recommended readings and discussion in study session, the vote to adopt the policy will be taken during the Board’s business meeting. If a policy is adopted by the full Board of Education, the executive assistant to the Superintendent will make any adjustments to the policy voted on during the business meeting and will collaborate with the Communications Department to update the policy on the district website.

Legal References:

Related Policy
