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“If you had an endless supply of any food, what would it be?”

This fun icebreaker question (among others) was one of many that the Timpview Outreach Club asked their new peers who are transitioning into their school.

This club was formed so new students could connect with others already attending. It’s always nice to know at least one familiar face.

Timpview staff and students want everyone to feel welcome at their school. This welcoming committee serves the new students by helping them get involved and engaged so they can feel part of the Timpview community. Whether they are interested in clubs or sports, the Timpview Outreach Club is there to welcome, connect and support them!

Depending on the amount of new students, this club almost meets weekly! After a few fun activities, the Outreach Club gives the students a tour of the high school so they can easily navigate their new school.

New to your school? Make sure to reach out to your school office for great welcoming opportunities like this!

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger