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During the May 28 Study Session Board Meeting, the school board received a comprehensive report on the ongoing construction developments at Timpview High, Shoreline Middle, and Wasatch Elementary. This update highlights the progress and projected completions for these sites and proposed changes to the master plan.

Regarding the master plan, the board decided to continue studying both two- and four-year plans to continue the construction of Timpview High School. These plan recommendations exist to save the district money and maintain functionality. For a detailed breakdown, review the numbered images underneath the “Proposed and Approved Changes for the Master Plan to Prepare for the Next Phase” subsection, or watch the PCSD Board Meeting Study Session from 31:00 to 1:00:00 in the video.

Find images from the board meeting construction update within each school’s corresponding section, or watch the PCSD Study Session Board Meeting for a comprehensive review of the construction in our district.

Timpview High School  

The demolition phase at Timpview High School is now fully complete, with the clearing of the new parking lot area and progress moving westward.

The rear cafeteria wall and corridor utility tunnel are preparing for masonry work ahead of schedule. The south space, north of the tennis courts, has been smoothed and compacted for building and will soon move into the fabrication stage.

The Pavilion is finished, with the temporary chainlink fences remaining intact to protect new sod. Look for a future update on renting the Pavilion for community events.

Lastly, landscaping on the bus loop at the north end of the school started last week.

Interior updates include virtually completed bleachers, with the press box installation as the last remaining item for completion. Concessions are tiled, and equipment installation is imminent, ensuring readiness for football games.

Timpview title Kitchen wall at Timpview Overhead drone shot of Timpview lots Exposed rebar wall sticking out of compacted dirt Terraced compacted dirt at the Timpview lot Compacted dirt at Timpview parking lot Landscape shot of Tennis courts and empty Timpview parking lot Empty room with concrete floor and exposed ceiling Concrete walkway next to a tall black fence-- beyond the fence, a neighborhood Overhead drone image of Pavilion with chainlink fencing and concrete ramp leading through sod and gravel to pavilion Drone overhead image of football field and concrete walkway leading southwards out of the image North parking lot next to Timpview Elementary with buses parked in the drop-off loop.

Proposed and Approved Changes for the Master Plan to Prepare for the Next Phase  

To reiterate, the board decided to continue studying both two- and four-year plans to avoid removing new construction. These plan recommendations exist to save the district money and maintain functionality. The following images highlight items that need to be addressed in the current construction in order to best prepare for any future construction. For a detailed breakdown, review the numbered images below, or watch the PCSD Board Meeting Study Session from 31:00 to 1:00:00 in the video.

Utilities overhead blueprint of Timpview High.

Parking overhead blueprint

Stairs overhead blueprint of Timpview High.Stair A overhead blueprint of Timpview High.

Entries overhead blueprint of Timpview High.Entry A overhead blueprint of Timpview High. Entry B overhead blueprint of Timpview High.

Windows and Louvers overhead blueprint of Timpview High. Louvers and Window overhead blueprint of Timpview High.

Masonry Walls overhead blueprint of Timpview High.Masonry Walls overhead blueprint of Timpview High.

Cafeteria overhead blueprint of Timpview High.

Commons overhead blueprint of Timpview High.

Wasatch Elementary  

The roof installation is continuing on schedule, with structural enclosure (excluding kindergarten) expected in three weeks. The kindergarten roof is complete, and the building is already enclosed at the north and south ends.

Interior progress includes painting the first floor next week and roofing the cafeteria soon. The last concrete floor on site is complete. All site concrete is approximately 90% complete, excluding the playground. The fire marshal will inspect the site soon.

The second-floor tiling will commence in the next two weeks, with mechanical finishing up. The third-floor drywall is installed on the south side of the building, and construction teams are currently framing it on the north side. The interior work, particularly in the kindergarten area, is on schedule.

wasatch-title Direct overhead drone shot of Wasatch Elementary Drone vide of the terraced landscaping of Wasatch Elementary Exterior shot of kitchen masonry at Wasatch Elementary Interior image of framed room with drywall stacked against framing Interior image of hallway with wall mudding Interior image of steel-framed room

Shoreline Middle School  

Landscaping, excluding sod, is complete, with grass installation in mid-June.

Interior painting is almost complete, with the auditorium roof painted. Auditorium seats and audio/visual equipment have been installed. Despite a temporary delay with cabinetry installation, Westlund Construction will still meet the current deadline.

Gymnasium flooring is being installed, and bleacher installation is coming soon. Casework and millwork are wrapping up in the commons, and ceiling tile installation is ongoing. Kitchen equipment installation is progressing. All classrooms are nearly complete, and testing and balancing of audiovisual components are underway.

The target date for completion and move-in is July 1. 2024.

Shoreline title Drone shot of Shoreline Middle School from bird's eye view Angled exterior drone shot view of Shoreline Elementary including skyline A hallway with a concrete wall and glass window Exterior shot of paint and concrete walkways at Shoreline Elementary gymnasium with exposed subflooring at Shoreline Shoreline auditorium seats and theatrical lighting A stairway with a glass-covered railway and cabinetry covered by a sheet A wide shot of the auditorium with an orange crane parked inside of the auditorium. Shoreline Middle kitchen with sinks and cardboard boxes. Shoreline Middle classroom with television covered by tarp

Spencer Tuinei
  • Communication Specialist
  • Spencer Tuinei

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