最終更新日3月 19, 2025
Policy 4410 P5 Graduation: Modifications to Diploma Requirements
State Board Rule R277-700-6 (24) permits school districts to modify graduation requirements for a student if the modification:
- Is consistent with the student’s IEP or SEOP/CCR Plan;
- Is maintained in the student’s cumulative file;
- Includes the parent’s signed approval; and
- Maintains the integrity and rigor expected for high school graduation.
In order to provide consistency and ensure equity in how schools manage requests to modify graduation requirements, the following guidelines shall be implemented at each school:
- The total number of credits required for a diploma may not be reduced below the state’s minimum requirement of 24.**
- The state’s minimum required credits in the core subject areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies may not be reduced or modified. **
- A student requesting a modification to graduation requirements may submit an application to the school’s Graduation Committee, consisting of at least:
- Two (2) school administrators
- One (1) counselor
- One (1) classroom teacher
The application shall include:
- A written rationale of how the requested change may fit within the student’s individual learning plan (SEOP/CCR).
- A copy of the student’s transcript.
- Signed support for the request from the student’s parent and counselor.
- Applications should be submitted by December 1st of the student’s senior year.
- If the student’s request is consistent with the student’s SEOP/CCR plan, the Graduation Committee may modify or substitute courses fulfilling the district’s graduation requirements.
- The application with the graduation decision shall be maintained in the student’s cumulative file.
- A parent may appeal in writing the decision of the school’s Graduation Committee to the Executive Director of Secondary Education within 10 days.
The Executive Director shall form a district Graduation Committee consisting of:
- The Executive Director
- Two (2) school administrators
- One (1) counselor
These administrators and counselor will come from schools other than the school from which the appeal originated. A decision on the appeal shall be made within 5 days of receiving the written appeal. The decision of the district’s Graduation Committee shall be final.
**Students with an IEP may have changes or modifications made in accordance with the IEP process.
December 11, 2017
- Graduation and Related Requirements
- Procedure 1 Graduation and Related Requirements
- Procedure 2 Early Graduation
- Procedure 3 Current Courses Meeting the Criteria for Graduation Requirements
- Procedure 4 Secondary Course Syllabus Requirements
- Procedure 5 Graduation: Modifications to Diploma Requirements
- 4410 様式1 早期卒業申請書
- 4410 様式2 高校生の早期卒業申請書
- 4410 様式3 卒業要件および関連要件-中学校の高等学校課程
- 4410 様式 4 ディプロマ要件変更申請書