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Deanna Lee, music teacher at Edgemont Elementary, strives to integrate teamwork and creativity into her music classes.

Lee has been working with the second graders to create an opera that will be performed in May for the “Arts Evening” event. The theme for this year’s opera is cultures. In this production, the students use a time portal that transports them to different countries where they will experience different cultures. The have chosen to travel to Hawaii, India, Sweden, Mexico and finally return to the United States.

As a class, they worked together to come up with a underlying message that will be shared throughout the whole story. They decided on the message of “No matter where you are in the world, they are all good places”.

The children did their part in creating this production as they came up with their own melodies, music, setting and choreography. Lee says it gives the students a chance to create a piece of art on their own and builds their confidence.

Not only this, but students have been able to learn how to collaborate as they have made big decisions about the direction of their opera. Through participating in this project, the students have been able to learn collaborative and creative skills that will ultimately help them now and throughout the rest of their lives.

Melissa Calvillo
  • Melissa Calvillo