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Each year we celebrate outstanding teachers from each of our schools and honor them at Board Meeting.  This year we took it virtual.  Here are this year’s Teachers of the Year:

Ladale Tobler

Ladale Tobler is a 3rd Grade teacher at Amelia Earhart. She cares deeply about each student, and builds one on one connections. Every student knows that she loves them, and kids who struggle elsewhere are successful with her.

Heather Blinzinger

Heather is a 4th grade teacher at Canyon Crest. Heather is a skilled educator, readily accepts challenges and contributes to the positive nature at the school. Heather is deeply engaged with her students. Her students love her and it is very apparent that she loves her students.

Paula Heyn

Paula Heyn is a Spanish teacher at Centennial Middle School. Paula is widely respected by both her peers and her students. She goes to great lengths to connect with and support students of diversity. Paula strives daily to positively impact faculty, staff, and students as she helps to maintain an environment conducive to learning.

Misty Haacke

Misty Haacke is a science teacher at Dixon Middle School. Misty is an extremely committed, dedicated, caring, and effective educator. She genuinely concerns herself with the well being of her students and has a special ability to connect with some of the most needy students.

Daphne Budge

Daphne Budge is a 3rd grade French DLI teacher. Daphne is dedicated to the education profession and is an amazing teacher who cares deeply about her students and their learning. She loves the French language and this shows in how she teaches her students to love the language too.

Andria Halpert

Andria Halpert is a special education teacher at Franklin. She has the abilities, talents, and determination that continually inspire those around her to rise up and be more effective. Andria uses her abilities, talents, and determination to continually inspire those around her to rise up and be more effective.

Kathryn King

Kathryn King is a math teacher at Independence High School. Her patience and dedication with at-risk students is inspirational. While many may say that teaching math is a more difficult endeavor than other subjects, it doesn’t faze Kathryn as she expertly guides students to master skills.

Elicia Gray

Elicia Gray is an art teacher at Lakeview. Elicia gets her students excited about creating art. She ties her art lessons to the classroom grade level curriculum, which supports learning on many different levels. The students love being in her classroom and get so excited for the yearly Art Show at Lakeview. It is always one of the best-attended events of the year.

Jocelyn Smith

Jocelyn Smith is a dance teacher at Provo High School. Her goal is to help students recognize and develop their own passion for moving and learning. She encourages students to extend past their comfort zone, whether it be in technique class or within a creative or academic setting, to allow growth to occur.

Richard Keeno

Richard Keeno is a 6th grade teacher at Provo Peaks. Richard sincerely cares about each student. Every time he talks with a student, whether the student made good choices or not, you can tell he has a deep desire for the wellbeing of that student. They trust him, and they know he is rooting for them.

Raya Leavitt

Raya Leavitt is a kindergarten teacher at Provost. Raya cares very deeply about the students entrusted to her. She has a way of taking students often behind in their academic and behavioral preparation at the beginning of the year and brings them to measurably higher ground. Raya is a wonderful motivator of students.

Heather Wrigley

Heather Wrigley is a 4th grade teacher at Rock Canyon. Heather entrusts her students with ownership for their education, and gently reminds them of that trust with the thoughtful way she mentors them. All of her students know that she believes in them and expects them to reach excellence.

Allie Stewart

Allie Stewart is a 6th grade teacher at Spring Creek. Her balance of being easy going while having high expectations for her students make her a great fit for the students she teaches. She has a commitment to hard work that shows in her results for the well-being and academic achievements of her students.

Diane Southwick

Diane Southwick is a 5th grade teacher at Sunset View. Each day, Diane creates fun and engaging lessons as she prepares her students for 6th grade. You can feel the love she has for her students when you enter her classroom. The positive relationships she has with each of her students creates an environment where students feel comfortable taking risks.

Melinda Huff

Melinda Huff is a special education teacher at Timpanogos. As a Special Education teacher she is dedicated to learning about how each student learns. Melinda then moves heaven and earth to help each student learn in their unique way. Melinda has great instinct when it comes to education.

Terri Taylor

Terri Taylor is a math teacher at Timpview High School. Terri feels that the most important accomplishment in teaching is the relationship with her students. She strives to make a lasting impression on them and to feel confidence in themselves so that learning can take place.

Dani Beck

Dani Beck is a 5th grade teacher at Wasatch. Dani works hard to make sure every student receives the support and instruction. She creates strong, authentic learning experiences for all her students. She shows great skill in being able to reach even the hardest students.

Kimberly Sessions

Kimberly Sessions is a 4th grade teacher at Westridge. Kimberly is a teacher that will do anything to see her students succeed. She truly wants every child to feel the joy in learning and strives to help each student feel safe, happy and successful.

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger