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Ben Busker, a student from Canyon Crest Elementary, recently competed in the 2019 National Spanish Spelling Bee. After doing well in other regional and state spelling bees, Ben was able to travel to Denver, Colorado with his teacher, Paula Ward, and his family to compete in Nationals.

This year was the 9th annual year of the National Spanish Spelling Bee. Through participation in this competition, students are able to learn and apply new vocabulary, increase speaking skills, develop better language pronunciation and improve communication abilities. 

Ben did an extraordinary job at the competition – he made it to the 12th round of the competition (there are 13 rounds). Ben is determined to return to Nationals next year. In fact, he is planning on using his prize money from the State Spelling Bee to buy a Spanish Dictionary, “El Pequeño Larousse” to use to help him study for next year’s competition. 

We are so proud of Ben and all of the hard work that he did to be able to make it so far in this competition. Great job, Ben and we look forward to seeing your progress next year as well! 

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger