2025 Education Bills
February 21st, 2025
Bills and Resolutions for the 2025 General Session HB0040: School Safety...
Board Member Melanie Hall lead the board through Page 18 of the board handbook which talks about USBA activities, events and conferences. The board recently attended the 92nd annual USBA Conference. The National School Board Association will hold their conference April 6-8 in New Orleans. The board is planning to attend this year.
The district is a member of UHSAA but generally speaking, the board and senior administration do not have much involvement with UHSAA.
Protective barriers are in place in new areas (commons to cafeteria and Thunderdome). The fire marshal has approved everything for now. Board has received feedback that stairwells still get crowded. Ductwork going in the new commons. Crews are working with the fire marshal to find a way to open the learning stairs.
The concessions building is still progressing. The concessions and bleacher building are on schedule to be completed in July. Roof is starting to go on the bleacher building and bleachers will start to be seen in the next month.
The abatement of hazardous materials in the old section of the school is taking longer than expected due to how much was found. It is expected to be completed on January 27. The demolition crew is following the abatement crew and completing power and gas shutoffs and separating the fire alarm system. Demolition is scheduled to be completed in April. Demolition works from the inside out and we won’t see walls start coming down for a couple of months.
Work continues on concrete, masonry, and steel. Steel work was planned to start on the south end but they received the steel for the north end and switched where they are working. The project is still on schedule and crews are pushing every day to improve the schedule.
Classroom in Area A has been painted and ductwork is going in to get ready for ceiling. 90% of windows in. Another shipment of glass arrives next week. Area B is a little further ahead and the ceiling grid is going in. Area C (Admin area on first floor and second floor media center) is a little further behind. Drywall and mud is going in to get ready for paint. Area D – the common area the last two trusses went in last week., Area E (Kitchen Area) tile and floor work is done and the kitchen equipment is starting to go in. Area F – Gyms have been done for awhile. Auditorium – last concrete pour going in. Area H is the furthest along. They are starting to hang the lights and ceiling tiles. The project is on schedule. Depending on snow this week, landscapers may start next week on some work.
Board had a discussion about their thoughts on the next phase of construction at Timpview.
Board President Rebecca Nielsen mentioned (and suggested) that the plan had been to go ahead with drawing up actual plans to create more solid numbers.
Board Vice President Jennifer Partridge added that they discussed finding out if there is enough interest to do that right now.
Board Member Hall mentioned that the public needs to understand that the art wing, industrial wing, cafeteria and admin area were not included in this first phase.
Board Member Lisa Boyce mentioned that we haven’t technically finished a phase yet and hopes that we aren’t in a holding pattern with where the school currently is.
Board President Nielsen clarified that what Board Member Hall listed is future phases that need to be done but are not as urgent as the areas currently being completed but they are needed. Does the board want a waiting time before phase 2 or does the board want continued work. Phase 2 is not currently funded.
Board Member Hall reminded that State Risk Management said we had to do phase 1 or else we would not be covered and asked, does that mean that they will now come in and force future phases to happen?
Board President Nielsen asked if Risk is still open to working with us on a plan to address the future needs to be able to keep the school covered?
Board President Nielsen listed potential options including asking and architect to develop plans, continuous work, and a break between phases.
Board Vice President Partridge discussed deciding if we are doing all remaining areas or splitting the remaining areas into multiple phases.
Board Member Boyce asked if we decide to get architectural plans, would it be useful to survey Timpview employees about their preferences for future phases?
Board Member Teri McCabe asked about who would measure the buildings to see if they are currently safe? State Risk? How much has changed with all of the construction? It was recommended to do this. A visual study would cost $3,000-$4,000. A more invasive study would be much more expensive.
Board President Nielsen asked if he recommended the more invasive process. The answer was that it depended on the timeline of the next phase. If the next phase starts right away, just move forward. If we wait 3-5 years, the more invasive process is recommended.
Board Member Hall mentioned that the current admin area is not adequate for what they need now and remodeling doesn’t make sense.
It was mentioned that plans would take 9-10 months to get done.
Board Vice President Partridge asked if we can get rough plans and cost estimates quicker.
It was mentioned that they said the can go as far as the board wants. Going to the schematic level would take 2-3 months. Developing full plans would take 9-10 months.
Board President Nielsen asked if the schematic level could give a good idea of costs.
Chad said not on Timpview. There would be a high contingency budget included.
Board Vice President Partridge discussed how depressing the arts wing currently is.
Superintendent Wendy Dau mentioned that a remodel is almost as expensive as a rebuild and would add the needed square footage.
Board Member Hall mentioned that this seems to be a fairly expensive project and asked when our next bond falls off. Director of Accounting Devyn Dayley gave answers.
Board President Nielsen asked when the current project is officially done? Chad is estimating February/March 2025.
Board Member Boyce asked what the timeline for bonds and architectural planning.
The board asked the Business Department to move ahead with the process to get full plans for a phase 2 of Timpview (admin, A wing, I wing, Cafeteria) along with a plan to retest the soil and structural state of the remaining areas.
Board Member McCabe asked if we need to do an RFP. The answer was yes.
Board Member McCabe asked if we need an RFP to do the testing? The answer was no.
Board Member Meg Van Wagenen asked if moving forward with full plans takes into consideration the state of the soil/structural concerns?
It was clarified that these future plans do not include the Thunderdome.
Superintendent Dau met with community members and employees about this draft policy.
There was feedback about the word “inclusion” versus “belonging” and the idea that the definition of inclusion brings in the idea of “belonging”
There was feedback on Definition #3: Discrimination
There was feedback on Definition #5: Personal Viewpoint
Schools as Public Forums Section
Employee Expectations Section
Additional Appeal Section
Policy 3330: Procedure 1
Next Steps
Redefining Overnight Travel
Clarifications in policy
Fee waived students
Procedure 1 Field Trips
Procedure 2: Overnight Trips
Requirements for Overnight Travel
Parent Permission & Approval
Fee Waivers & Fundraising
There was a discussion about fundraising. There are no refunds for fundraised money. Board Member Hall stated that practice is to pay upfront and be refunded for the amount fundraised. Superintendent Dau said this practice will need to change and office staff can not handle that demand.
Maximum Cost
Board Vice President Partridge has reservations about listing every group with a maximum of $2000. Superintendent Dau doesn’t see an issue on the coaches side but does see it on the parent side. Superintendent Dau says we can look at it when we talk about the fee schedules.
Question: Cost or Opportunity?
Student Expectations
Board President Nielsen asked if they need to change for student misbehavior a plane ticket who pays? The parent would need to pay and a chaperone would need to accompany. Superintendent Dau will have policy committee add clarification to the procedure.
Meal Expenses
Form 1 Application for travel
Board Member Boyce wanted feedback for those impacted most, coaches and tea Superintendent Dau will email those people.
The board discussed the policy draft and asked questions.
Board Vice President Partridge worried that it doesn’t say anywhere in the policy that there is no language about riding on district property.
Will stated that he doesn’t see how it can be enforced. Superintendent Dau stated that even though it might not always be enforced, having it in the policy helps when someone is creating unsafe situations, especially is repeated situations.
Board President Nielsen stated that #5 says you can’t ride anything inside the district’s facilities.
Board Member Van Wagenen wants something added about appropriate ways for cars to interact with bikes on the road.
The board expressed concerns about class 3 bikes being excluded with the way the policy draft is currently written.
House Bill 142 – Stops signs are yields for people on bikes.
Board Member Board Member Boyce Boyce provided the opening remarks.
Thanked those who attended in person or watching on YouTube. Public Education is the foundation of our democracy and seeing children learn is inspiring. Keynote at USBA conference, a gallop poll was shared showing that if a faculty member at school cared about them and, inspired them about learning and told them not to give up there was 100% increase in outcomes. Board Member Boyce asked her kids if they had such a person and all of them did. As we’re thinking about the work we are doing we cannot underestimate the importance of what we do for our students. Board Member Boyce expressed how lucky she was to have those people for her children.
Lakeview Girls Scout Troop 1693 and Boy Scout Troop 1591 led the pledge of allegiance and gave the Lakeview pledge.
Board Member Boyce thanked Principal Davis-Leite for her use of data.
Board Vice President Partridge asked if Principal Davis-Leite could wave a magic wand to have what she needs to help with behavior, what would you have?
Board Member Van Wagenen said that she loved the theme of Lakeview.
Board Member Gina Hales also appreciated the use of data and asked about why it seems like 5th grade may be struggling some.
Superintendent Dau told the board about how they sat in on a some of the data dive at Lakeview and she noticed how Principal Davis-Leite created an environment of vulnerability so teachers could be honest.
Board President Nielsen mentioned that Lakeview was one of her schools and she loves that they are analyzing the data and appreciates the data pool rules. She asked Principal Davis-Leite to thank the Lakeview team.
There was no public input.
Board Member Boyce asked about the district curriculum committee
Board Member Boyce asked about the meeting times and that it is in policy that it is shared. Superintendent Dau stated that they meet on the 4th Monday of the month from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. and the meeting is included on the district calendar.
During the adoption year they invite 5 more people and at the end they hold a public input meeting.
Board President Nielsen asked about those subjects that don’t have adopted curriculum and what the district is doing for those teachers and how are we monitoring.
Board Member McCabe asked about pacing and support. Does the current adopted curriculum give pacing guides for teachers?
Board Member Boyce recognized that pacing is hard and that is why working in teams is so important.
Concerns from parents that kids do not have adequate time for lunch.
Board Member Van Wagenen asked how Lakeview solve the 40 min lunch and the instructional time.
Board Vice President Partridge asked what we are currently.
Rebeca asked if recess before lunch is mandated .
Board Member Hall asked if we worry about part time lunch worker and the limited 29/5 hours they are able to work.
Board President Nielsen asked about logistical problems of food freshness if lunch was longer.
Board Member Hall asked where additional funding would come from.
Board Member Hall asked if we were for sure doing this.
Board Member Boyce stated her hope that we empower our principals to decided how it would look at their school.
Board Member McCabe said that last year Title 1 schools were provided snack sand asked where those cam from.
Based on the number of students at East Bay Post High, more space is needed. The district has worked with the landlord of the current location to lease additional space in the current building. District maintenance workers have started getting the additional space ready for students.
Board Member Hall asked how long the lease was for.
Board Vice President Partridge asked about the timeline for being able to move students over.
Spring Creek has made two adjustments to their Trust Lands Plan which has been approved by their community council and now requires board approval. The ammendments are really just updated data information based on Acadience scored from the end of last year and the beginning of this year.
Board President Nielsen thinks they need to go with February. January 17 is too close.
Board Member Hales suggested keeping the January 25 meeting and moving the other.
Move the other to January 31.
Board Member McCabe suggested not calling it a neighborhood meeting so community member do not confuse it with a city meeting.
Board President Nielsen feels that what she mentioned on Superintendent Dau’s slides address the question about what we need to do.
Board Member Boyce asked how will we compile what is heard.
Superintendent Dau asked about survey, recording the meeting and sharing link to survey.
Superintendent Dau suggested that the next step would be creating a committee of board members, district representatives and community member to discuss next steps.
Board President Nielsen committed that the 2 meetings would inform the survey that would go out to the entire community. Superintendent Dau suggested including addresses on survey so we can aggregate the data.
Board Member Hales shared that there is enough confusion about what is happening at the site that we need be prepared to give that information again and we also need a space for an open forum. In order to get good feedback from the community we need to present the needs of the district, let community members share their ideas and then present the ideas.
Board Vice President Partridge liked the idea that we share our needs and let them give ideas of how to meet those needs and then present our ideas.
Board Member Van Wagenen discussed how this aligns with the strategic planning process.
Board Vice President Partridge asked about Timpview and the next phase and said that for her the Dixon site is part of that discussion.
The board discussed the board meeting schedule for 2024 and discussed the plans for joint meetings with the city council.
Provo High Graduation: Board President Rebecca Nielsen
Timpview Graduation: Board Vice President Jennifer Partridge
Independence Graduation: Board Member Teri McCabe
Adult Ed Graduation: Board Member Lisa Boyce
Fall Graduation: Board Member Melanie Hall
They board adjusted their committee assignments.
Board Member McCabe asked questions about how the transfer of Lance Vandermark from Sunset View to Franklin works.
She asked Director of Accounting Devyn Dayley how many more payments we have to Westland for Timpview.
Board Member McCabe asked about who Core Architecture is.
Leader Associates Training in St. George for Superintendent Dau, Deputy Superintendent Cox, Assistant Superintendent Jensen, and Assistant Superintendent Sites.
Next study sessions and business meeting is January 23.
The following study session and business meeting is February 13.
The board moved to approve the amendment to the Spring Creek Land Trust plan as discussed in study session. Motion passed unanimously.
The board moved to approve the board meeting schedule for 2024 with any changes made in business meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
The board moved to approve the items on the Consent Calendar. Motion passed unanimously.
Will reported that they have not had a student meeting yet this month. They will meet on January 10. They plan to discuss upcoming policies at the meeting, especially the inclusion policy as well as the student travel policy.
Board Vice President Partridge asked what one thing he got out of the conference last weekend.
Director of Accounting Devyn Dayley reported that things are great in the business department and they have not filled the position the board approved at a previous meeting.
Board Member Lisa Boyce – Foundation Easter Basket Auction to raise money to benefit after school programs in on Monday, March 18.
Board Member Meg Van Wagenen – PTA Council meeting had a great discussion about the upcoming legislative session. Their VP has communicated how to access different education bills that are being considered.
Board Member Gina Hales – Legislative Committee – Superintendent Dau is going to write a weekly email to legislators during the legislative session to update them on our district and the district’s positions. The committee is asking for board members’ help in contacting legislators and also ask other groups such as PTA and community councils to reach out to legislators as well.
There is a 2 hour late start on Wednesday, January 10.
Brooke Mangum from Dixon Middle School won the “Find Your Swing” pin design contest.
Independence High School has exited CSI status.
Kathy Mesenbrink, a 3rd Grade Teacher at Provo Peaks is one of 8 teachers to receive the Science of Reading Award from the USBE.
Bills and Resolutions for the 2025 General Session HB0040: School Safety...
On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, the Provo City School Board will be holding a vote on a new Lease...
Upcoming Lease Revenue Bond Information Total Existing Long Term Debt Year Ending...