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#BehindTheMasks of these Superheroes are our dedicated custodial staff!

In celebration of National Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day, we would like to recognize those who make our schools clean and safe. 

Because many of our custodians clean during the evenings, they are our invisible heroes. While we are sleeping and enjoying time with family or friends, they are scrubbing surfaces and sanitizing classrooms. 

Research shows that clean buildings are not only linked to better health but also better business outcomes. Also, absences are lower, test scores are higher and office workers are more productive.

In honor of National Custodian Day, let’s take a moment to say thank you. If you see a custodian in the buildings where you work or visit,  let them know how much you appreciate them! 

Thank you, custodians, for shielding our schools with protection. Your superpowers truly make a difference! 

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger