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Wasatch Elementary Rebuild and Dixon Middle School Rebuild Request For Proposal #DW2202

October 28, 2021

Addendum 1: November 16, 2021

Page 7 Titled Construction Management Fee reads This lump sum fee shall consist of and include overhead, profit, and home office personnel who will be managing the project during bidding, construction and closeout, including the warranty period. This fee does include General Conditions.

Addendum Correction: The last line should read “This fee does not include General Conditions.”


Provo City School District seeks a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Construction Management/General Contractor (CM/GC) services for the following projects:

  • Wasatch Elementary School Rebuild
  • Dixon Middle School Rebuild

The Request for Proposal (RFP) documents, including the selection requirements and the selection schedule, will be available on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 on the Provo City School District website,

Proposals are due on Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 by 3:00 PM. Proposals to be delivered in a sealed envelope to: Provo City School District Purchasing, Attention to Tina Fluehe, 280 West 940 North, Provo, Utah 84604.

The CM/GC for these projects must be a Utah Licensed General Contractor. The District will enter into an agreement for the project with the successful Contractor.

The Provo City School District Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or to waive any formality or technicality in any proposal in the best interest of the District.

Description of Work

Wasatch Elementary Rebuild

The CM/GC project includes the construction of a new three level, 80,000 square foot elementary school and associated site work, approximately 12 acres. The site is located in the vicinity of 820 North and Locust Lane, Provo, Utah.

The Fixed Limit of Construction Cost for the CM/GC is $28,000,000.

The CM/GC must be capable and willing to work closely with the Owner and Design Consultants. The Project Architect is FFKR Architects. The CM/GC will work through the design phase, providing cost estimates, schedules and feedback on constructability of design details and availability of materials selected.

It is anticipated that plans will be complete by April 2022. Construction is expected to commence May of 2022 with completion by August 2023.

Dixon Middle School

The CM/GC project includes the construction of a new 2 level, 175,000 square foot middle school and associated site work, approximately 21 acres. The site is located in the vicinity of 890 South and 1100 West, Provo, Utah.

The Fixed Limit of Construction Cost for the CM/GC is $52,000,000.

The CM/GC must be capable and willing to work closely with the Owner and Design Consultants. The Project Architect is Curtis Miner Architecture. The CM/GC will work through the design phase, providing cost estimates, schedules and feedback on constructibility of design details and availability of materials selected.

It is anticipated that plans will be complete by May 2022. Construction is expected to commence June of 2022.

The selection criteria will include the following:

  • 75% Qualifications of Proposed Superintendent, Proposed Project Manager, Proposed Project Executive.
  • 24% Evaluation of Proposed Fees

Requests for Information

All requests for information regarding these projects shall be submitted to District Purchasing, Attn: Tina Fluehe,

Last Day to Submit Questions

Questions must be received no later than the time and date listed on the Project Schedule. Questions and answers will be posted on the Provo City School District website.


Responses to questions and requests for clarification will be in writing and issued as addenda to the Request for Proposals. The addenda or notice of the addendum will be posted on the Provo City School District website. Any addenda issued prior to the submittal deadline shall become part of the Request for Proposals and any information required shall be included in your proposal.

Submitted Response Due Dates and Times

Required submittals must be delivered to Provo City School District Purchasing in a sealed envelope prior to the date and time indicated in the Project Schedule. Submittals received after the specified time will not be accepted. Submitted responses are limited to fifteen (15) single sided pages, 8-½ by 11 inch format. If the CM/GC is proposing for both Wasatch and Dixon, two (2) proposals must be submitted in separate sealed envelopes.

Selection Criteria for CM/GC

The following criteria will be used in ranking each of the CM/GC’s. The CM/GC that is ranked the highest will represent the best value for Provo City School District. The criteria are not listed in any priority order. All criteria will be considered in performing a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal.

  • Strength of Proposed Supervision Team: Proposed Superintendent, Project Manager and Project Experience and their combined experience with K12 projects. If the CM/GC is proposing for both Dixon and Wasatch, a Supervision Team shall be provided for each project.
  • Cost: The CM/GC’s proposed fees will be considered with all other criteria to determine the ranking of the firm. The proposed fees shall include the following: (1)
    • Pre-Construction Services Fee
    • CM Project Fee
    • Bond Cost
    • Construction Supervision Cost per month
    • Change Order Mark-Up
    • Self-Performed Work Mark-Up.

CM/GC Work Phases

The CM/GC Work for the project consists of two (2) phases: Pre-Construction and Construction.

  • Pre-Construction Phase: This phase of the Work includes, but is not limited to attending design meetings, estimating and cost control, schedule development, and drawing/constructability reviews. The CM/GC shall provide a full construction estimate prior to bidding the project to subcontractors. The CM/GC shall monitor the bid climate and make recommendations to the design team as to the most advantageous bidding time and then solicit bids from subcontractors and suppliers.
  • Construction Phase: This phase of Work consists of the CM/GC furnishing and installing all Work as required in the Contract Documents. Please note that the Work of the Construction Phase may be bid in several packages, such as excavation, footings and foundations, structural steel, etc.

Please address the following information in Proposal:

  • Project Resume for projects in similar size and scope for the proposed Project Superintendent.
  • Project Resume for projects in similar size and scope for the proposed Project Manager.
  • Project Resume for projects in similar size and scope for the proposed Project Executive.
  • Clearly identify all personnel that will be considered a Construction Supervision Cost under the GMP.
  • Pre-Construction Fee. This lump sum fee consists of all costs for the CM/GC to provide the required services of the Pre-Construction Phase. No other reimbursable costs will be allowed or considered in addition to this fee.
  • Construction Management Fee. This lump sum fee shall consist of and include overhead, profit, and home office personnel who will be managing the project during bidding, construction and closeout, including the warranty period. This fee does include General Conditions.
  • Cost of Bonds. This is the cost of payment and performance bonds based on an amount equal to 100%of the FLCC amount.
  • Construction Supervision Cost. This is a per month cost to the project from notice to proceed to final completion for the CM/GC’s on site management/supervision team. All services and personnel not specifically identified as a Construction Supervision Cost will be considered to be part of the lump sum Construction Management Fee. This includes receptionist, accountants, safety officers, expediters, commissioning agents, etc. This cost does not include General Conditions or people performing the actual construction activities.
  • Contractor Change Order Markup: This is the fixed percentage markup that the CM/GC may apply to a change order for scope increase to the Agreement.
  • Self-Performed Work Mark-Up: This is a fixed percentage markup that will be applied to the cost for the CM/GC’s actual labor plus burden cost, material costs, and equipment costs for self performed work. Actual costs for self performed work will be subject to audit. No billing rates will be allowed. The CM/GC must bid self performed work against other subcontractors. Sealed bids for self performed work shall be submitted to the Provo City School District Purchasing Office three (3) hours prior to the bid close time.

Proposal Schedule

Request for Proposals Available:

  • Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021
    • Available for download on the Provo City School District website.

Last Day to Submit Questions:

  • Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 3:00 PM
    • To Tina Fluehe, Provo City School District Purchasing,

Final Addendum Issued

  • Monday, November 15th, 2021
    • Posted on Provo City School District website

Proposals and Submittals Due

  • Wednesday, November 17th, 2021
    • Sealed Envelopes due to Provo City School District Purchasing Office, Attention to Tina Fluehe, before 3:00 PM.

Selection and Announcement

  • Friday, November 19th, 2021 before 3:00 PM.
Caleb Price
  • Director of Communications
  • Caleb Price