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Our students were on a ProvoREADS reading blitz from October through December! Students could submit their name into a drawing for each book they read or had read to them for book prizes. They also were competing as schools to be the top school with the most entries. Collectively, our district had 23,102 book entries from our students. That’s a mountain of books!

A big congratulations to Provost Elementary. They had the most entries coming in at 8,455! Because these students read so many books, their library was awarded $400.00 worth of new books. 

Sunset View came in second with 3,011 entries and will receive $100.00 in new books.

Edgemont came in third with 1,900 entries and will also receive $100.00 in new books. 

We want to thank all of our students for participating in this reading event! A big thank you goes to all our librarians who have tirelessly promoted lifelong reading. They are truly reading rock stars in our district. 

Read on!

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger